Looking for Redevelopment Feasibility Report?

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Kamlesh Deshbhratar

Pune, Maharashtra 411033

Experts In:(PMC) In Redevelopment ,   Redevelopment Feasibility Report ,   Architect  

Working Hours: 08 AM to 9 PM


What is a Feasibility Report?


Feasibility report in simple words means Redevelopment viability Report. Any building, when it is constructed was as per prevailing rules of that time. But allowable FSI, TDR & built-up area keeps increasing on any plot. A study of the feasibility of allowed maximum construction area, construction cost & other building bylaws that play a major role in the viability of a Redevelopment Project is called a feasibility Report.


There is no slandered format for the feasibility report. But more detail in the report is easier & accurate decision can take.

Depending upon the expertise available with Project management consultancy (PMC) or Architect, the report contains study of a few or all points do detailed study & gives 12-15 page report


When it is required?

  1. When society wants for redevelopment, 1st step is “FEASIBILITY REPORT”
  2. It should be the very first step, even before finding Builder or any other step


Who will give the Feasibility Report?


  1. An Architect can give this report
  2. Project management consultancy with architects in their team generally gives more detailed reports.


Features of Feasibility Report


  1. Though the report is based on technical calculations, its presentation language must be simple & easy for the common person.
  2. By knowing all ifs & buts, of the whole process, society can make appropriate decisions at every stage. Hence control of the entire process remains in society’s hands.
  3. Feasibility report works as mainly risk reduction tool



know Your Land in Detail with a Feasibility Report



Have you ever taken any decision for development of land? 

How to do best development proposal on your land? 

Have you met with people who invest months in planning with architect, their dream plans are changed totally at time of approval. 


Have you seen any project went on hold for years due to some unexpected site condition ?


All these situations could be avoided by proper planning based on feasibility report by consultants.

Content table 

I. Introduction to the feasibility report   

II. Factors studied in feasibility report                     

III. Studies required for types of property development                                

IV. Feasibility study consultant   

V. Conclusion


1. Introduction to the feasibility report

Feasibility Study and Report determine the potential and possibility of a particular plot, construction or land. It is one of the primary steps that owners, developers or builders conduct. Every construction project should get feasibility report from experts like architect, construction companies, marketing agencies etc.

Feasibility report is a report from experts to determine project’s viability through various perspectives like development, Construction , cost, time duration, profit, etc….

If someone asks me, how to know my land details, I simply say, get feasibility report. It lets you to know your land in detail, in a perspective of future profit. This report can be done for vacant land & sometime for ongoing construction projects also.

2. Factors Studied in feasibility report

Feasibility study is done in various manners to find feasibility of any project. Here are common study factors for feasibility of a construction project.  


A. Property Development Feasibility Study

(Also called as Land feasibility study)

Land feasibility study is most important when you buy any land, sell your land or decide to lease or develop any land. It contains a study based on development rules & legal clearances, to give clarity on all necessary pre construction activities for any land development. It also gives idea whether owner can do commercial property development, residential development, Industrial permissions etc. Depend upon feasibility of land cost of land increase. 

Factor of Land feasibility study are as follows.

Land zone & development restrictions

Access road width & its type

Natural reservations like river, mountain, Nala.

Development restriction like airport restriction zone, garden reservation etc…

Land ownership & development rights (Clear title land)

Planning authority & building rules

Calculation of FSI & TDR (floor space Index)

Cost of TDR & development charges for various approvals

Other development requirement like Fire Noc, Aviation NOC, Environment NOC etc….


Contact us (form at bottom) to get free quotation for feasibility report.

B. Construction Project Feasibility Study

Speed of construction activity on any site varies due to various factors. Cost factor, quality of construction all these also varies due to these reasons. Construction cost, quality control & duration of construction is important factors for planning & scheduling the activities. These are the reasons why construction feasibility for following factors is important. This study is highly important in projects like commercial development, industrial development, institutional projects, hospitals, manufacturing plant etc. where time vs cost play important role in construction.

  1. Availability of Labour
  2. Availability of resources like water, electricity, drainage etc…
  3. Connectivity for material transportation
  4. Cost of materials
  5. Site & Soil condition for easement of working
  6. Space for storage & labour camps
  7. Climatic conditions & challenges
  8. Various Local issues etc…


C. Marketing  & Sales Study

This study is not important when there is industrial development or. For other projects where sale is involved like residential development, commercial development projects, shopping mall, Hostels this study make huge difference. Marketing agencies do such research and make feasibility report.

  1. Sale rate in vicinity
  2. User’s requirement like amenities, room spaces, construction quality.
  3. Demand and supply of sizes of units (like 2BHK, 3BHK)
  4. Availability of residential needs like market, hotels, schools etc. . .
  5. Connectivity of job location, railway stations, airports, High ways, other cities…
  6. Competition in vicinity (profit margin)


Contact us (form at bottom) to get free quotation for feasibility report.

3. Studies required for types of property development

A property can be developed for various reasons like commercial development, residential development, industrial development etc. Not all studies are important for all type of development. Depend upon various factor directly involved in decision making we recommend type of study to type of building.

No.Construction TypeLand FeasibilityConstruction Feasibility Sales  & Marketing
1Bunglowshould beNot MustNot applicable
2Small Apartmentshould beNot Mustshould be
3Town Shop developmentshould beshould beshould be
4Commercial buildingsshould beshould beshould be
5Shopping Mall, Multiplexshould beshould beshould be
6Institutional buildingshould beshould beNot applicable
7Hospitalsshould beNot MustNot applicable
8Industrial buildingshould beshould beNot applicable

*Note – Needed =  It is always better to get this report to avoid further inconvenience

Not Must = Results are in control of owner. External factor do not affect much. Hence this type of study is not compulsory for certain type of constructions. Thumb rules from known experts will be enough .

Not applicable = Studies which are not applicable for this type of construction project.

4. Feasibility study consultant & Cost

While selecting feasibility report agency, it is important to understand that the team behind making of report must be experienced. The feasibility report must bring some insights to reader. A feasibility report with data analysis brings more value to decisions.

Charges for feasibility varies form 10000 Rs to few lakh rupees depend upon expertise & quantity of work.

Agencies who give feasibility report are can register with foot2feet.

(Consultants can register themselves here for free)  

Hence whenever any company is looking for feasibility report, they can give their quotation to meet client’s requirement. 

5. Conclusion

Following points must be considered for any kind of construction

  1. Due to zone & approval restrictions, Land feasibility is must in any kind of development.
  2. Feasibility  report saves considerable time & money in any construction project.
  3. Depend upon type of project feasibility should be done
  4. Cost involved in this report is much lesser that its output.
  5. Person making such report must be experienced and expert of his field.

Thank you

Team Foot2feet


Thane Municipal Corporation Area in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 9 is all about the City Specific Regulations as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 10.2 Thane Municipal Corporation Area 


10.2.1 Development along Ram Maruti Road and Gokhale Road


i)  In the case of plots fronting on Ram Maruti Road, only the ground floor of the structure shall be set back by 3.05 m. from the road line and the rest of the floors shall be set back at a distance of 4.5 m. The front terrace so formed shall be allowed to be accessible.


ii)  In case of any plot fronting on Gokhale Road, from the portion between Ashok Talkies and its junction with M.G. Road, the ground floor of the building shall be set back by 2.3 m. from the road line and the upper floors shall be set back at a distance of 4.5 m. subject to the condition that the owner of the plot shall pave the front open space. The front terrace so formed shall be allowed to be accessible.


10.2.2 Setbacks from Eastern Express Highway and Roads more than 52.5 m. in width


No construction of building shall be undertaken within 7.5 m. from the boundary of the Eastern Express Highway and other roads having a prescribed width of more than 52.5 m.


10.2.3 a) Development of a Multi Storey Public Parking Lot (PPL) near Metro Stations


For the development of Multi-storied PPL on any plot abutting a road with a minimum width of 18.0 m., additional FSI ( hereinafter referred to as “Incentive FSI” ) as specified below on built-up parking area, created and handed over to the Thane Municipal Corporation (TMC) free of cost with amenities required for parking area as prescribed by the Commissioner such PPL shall be allowed, on the land belonging to a private owner/Leasehold plots of Govt. and TMC with prior consent, which is not reserved for any public purpose, subject to the conditions contained herein below :


I. The minimum area of the plot shall be 1000 sq.m. in sectors - 1, 2, 3 and 2000 sq.m. in remaining sectors. The minimum number of Motor Vehicle public parking spaces provided shall not be less than 50. The location of parking spaces can be in 2 level basement, ground floor or upper 2 floors maximum, with access through a ramp/lift or combination of both subject to clearance from the CFO with special emphasis on fire hazard.


II. A Committee under the Chairmanship of the Municipal Commissioner, TMC shall earmark/select the plots for public parking, on the basis of their suitability. 


The Committee shall comprise the following or their representatives 

(i) Metropolitan Commissioner, MMRDA

(ii) Dy. Commissioner of Police (Traffic)

(iii) Joint Director of Town Planning, Konkan Division

(iv) Assistant Director of Town Planning, TMC (Member Secretary)


III. The incentive FSI given on this account will be over and above the base FSI permissible under any other provisions of UDCPR. This incentive FSI shall be allowed to be used on the same plot in conformity with UDCPR/D.P, within the overall cap/limit of total maximum permissible FSI as given at (vii) below.


IV. The proposed development shall be subject to any other conditions prescribed by the Municipal Commissioner.


V. Concerned land owners/developers/society/company shall not be allowed to operate the public parking lot.


VI. The area covered under parking shall not be counted towards FSI consumption.


VII. The incentive FSI permissible under this Regulation against BUA of the PPL shall be 50% of the BUA of the PPL, such that the total permissible FSI including the incentive FSI under this Regulation does not exceed the limit as per Regulation 6.3.


VIII. The maximum cap on BUA per parking shall be 50 sq.m. for LMVs, 65 sq.m. for LCVs and 120 sq.m. for HMVs/Buses. Incentive FSI shall be calculated as per the BUA of the PPL, based on these norms or the actual BUA of the PPL, whichever is less.


IX. The developer of the PPL shall pay a ‘premium’, worked out as per the following formula :-


Premium = 60% of [Value of the additional BUA corresponding to the incentive FSI admissible under this Regulation, as per A.S.R. - (Cost of construction of PPL + cost of any extra amenities/facilities provided + cost of construction of BUA corresponding to the incentive F.S.I. admissible under this Regulation)]


For the purpose of calculating the premium as above, the cost of construction of PPL including amenities/facilities and the cost of construction of BUA corresponding to the Incentive FSI admissible under this Regulation shall be 75% and 125% respectively of the rate of RCC construction as per ASR.


X. The Premium shall be paid before the issuance of building permission for the incentive FSI admissible under this Regulation.


Upon Payment of 100% premium as aforesaid, building permission shall be issued in respect of 50% of incentive FSI. In no case, Incentive FSI be released without handing over of the PPL, complete in all respects, to TMC.


The year in which the premium is paid before the issuance of building permission for the PPL shall be taken as the year for determination of construction cost as well as ASR for calculation of the premium. Out of the total premium payable, 50% shall be paid to the GoM and the remaining 50% to TMC.


Provision of this Regulation may also be applicable to leasehold plots of Govt. and TMC with prior approval from the Government/Municipal Corporation.


XI. The land owner/developer /society/company shall hand over PPL with a separate entrance and exit for the dedicated use of TMC by way of a registered conveyance deed. Such PPL will not be part of the proposed society/apartment/owners association.


XII. The PPL shall not be permissible in combination with other regulations.


XIII. Public Parking shall be developed in independent buildings as far as possible, but it may be permissible in composite buildings subject to compliance with these regulations.


XIV. The Commissioner may hand over such PPL to any agency to transparent bidding procedures for its operations and maintenance upon such terms and conditions as deemed fit and proper. However, in any condition, such PPL shall not be allotted to concerned land owners/housing society/association of apartment owners of occupiers in the plot of PPL.


XV. No public parking lots shall generally be more than 500 vehicles. However, in exceptional cases, the Commissioner may permit PPL for 1000 vehicles for the reasons to be recorded in writing.


XVI. PPL connectivity to the nearest station of Local/Mono/Metro/BRTS etc. may also be insisted if the proposed PPL is within 250 m. by skywalk and underground connectivity within 100 m. These areas shall also be counted for giving incentive FSI and shall not be included in calculating the limits of vehicles.


XVII. For every sector Commissioner shall endeavour to evaluate the total need of PPL and shall cause it to be declared in the local newspaper within three months of promulgation of these regulations for every 5 years. Total PPL sanctioned in any sector shall not increase beyond that for the next 5 years. PPL shall be allowed only after studying traffic impact analysis of the area with the periphery of 250 m. of PPL.


10.2.4 Development around Hazardous Industries (Chemical Zone Areas)


a) Green Belt -

i) There shall be a green belt of 100 m. around the boundary of the Hazardous Chemical Industries as shown on the plan attached with the report of authority.

ii) The creation of the green belt, its development and maintenance as per the report of authority will be the responsibility of the Municipal Corporation.

iii) The cost of acquisition of land for the green belt, around the Hazardous Chemical Industries will be borne by the Industry/Industry Association. The private land owner will be given a Transfer of Development Rights based on FSI for the present land usage. The cost of acquisition to be borne by industry will be exclusive of the value of TDR.

iv) The existing authorised structures should be tolerated. However, only repairs to such existing structures should be allowed in future and no reconstruction or new construction should be allowed in the Green Belt.

v) Unauthorised structures should be removed or relocated by the Thane Municipal Corporation as per the existing Public Policy.

b) Creation of Low-Density Zone -

i) Beyond the Green Belt, another belt of 150 m. should be created as a "Low Density Zone" as shown on the plan, attached with the report of the Authority.

ii) The FSI in the Low Density Zone shall be 0.5 and only Ground plus two-storey structures should be allowed.

iii) The existing buildings if already authorised with the higher FSI and plan of the proposed building already approved by the Thane Municipal Corporation and Commencement Certificate have been given to such structure should be allowed to continue, be completed and occupied by the issuing Occupation Certificate. Where the plans have been approved by the Thane Municipal Corporation but commencement certificates have not been issued, they should be reviewed and the permission should be revised in accordance with the Low-Density Zone Regulation, now be prescribed.

iv) The development proposals in Low Density Zone shall be scrutinised and permission shall be granted as per these UDCPR.


c) Development between 250 and 1000 Meters -


The Development proposals beyond the area of 250 m. shall be scrutinised and permissions shall be granted as per these UDCPR.


d) Other Stipulations -


i) The original land under the Chemical Industry, which has been certified by the Director of Industries/Director of Industrial Safety and Health/Competent Authority as permanently closed or having shifted elsewhere shall be allowed to be developed as per the relevant provisions in the prevailing Development Control Regulations.


ii) Upon certification by the Director of Industries/Director of Industrial Safety and Health/Competent Authority that the Chemical Industry has been permanently closed or has shifted elsewhere, the 100 m. Green Belt and the further 150 m. the low-density belt around the plot boundary of such Chemical Industry shall suo-moto cease to exist.


10.2.5  Development around Air Force Stations


i)  As per Government of India, MoD, SRO.No.4, dated 13th January, 2010 which was published in Part - II, Section - 4 of Gazette Notification dated 23rd January, 2010. Air Force Station Thane falls within the 100 m. restriction zone. As per the notification, no construction should be permitted within the restricted zone of 100 m. from the outer parapet of the Air Force boundary. Similarly, live hedges, trees/rows or clumps of trees or orchards shall not be maintained, planted, added to or altered within the 100 m. restricted zone. The restriction is equally applicable for the construction of underground structures, wherein no digging and/or change in the level of ground is permitted within the notified zone.


ii)  Beyond the notified zone of 100 m., no restriction is required to be imposed as per the Works of Defence Act 1903 and no N.O.C. from Air Force Station, Thane is necessary.


10.2.6  Development Around Defence Establishment


Following restrictions are imposed in and around the land in the vicinity of the said unit as per the plan enclosed with Notification No.TPS-1203/1254/C.R.193/05/UD-12, Dt.30/12/2006.

Village : Kolshet / Kavesar / Waghbil (within the limit of Thane Corporation) Circle / Taluka : Thane, District : Thane, State: Maharashtra.

Height Restrictions :-


(a) The height restrictions to any of the future constructions on the North, North-West, West and South-West sides will be as follows :-


Sr. No.Height Limiting zones from unit boundary (Zones indicated by colours)Permissible height in metersRemarks

Unit Area


Buffer Zone (No Dev. Zone)

ENavy Blue32-


(b) The height restrictions to any of the future constructions on the North East, East and South- East -sides will be as follows :-


Sr. No.Height Limiting zones from unit boundary (Zones indicated by colours)Permissible height in metersRemarks

Unit Area


Buffer Zone (No Dev. Zone) 

GSky Blue45-


Other Restrictions :- In addition to the above restrictions, the following general restrictions are also enforced :-

a) No high-tension power line up to 22 KV is to be set within 1500 meters from the unit boundary.

b) Open wires, overhead lines, and telephone cables are to be outside 500 meters from the unit boundary. However, UG cables. (below 5 meters) are permissible.

c) No rail line with electric traction is permitted within two kilometres of the unit.

d) Area within a kilometre radius from the unit boundary is to be clear of all metallic structures including bridges.

e) Ground water level is to remain constant. No efforts are to be made to change the electrical conductivity of the designated zone.

f) No industry/equipment, that generates any kind of RG noise, is permitted to operate within 1 km. Radius from the unit boundary.

10.2.7 Regulations for G-1 Zone (Yeur village Section - VII only)

The following uses shall be permitted in the G - 1 Zone.

The residential Buildings on the lands that are actually under cultivation and the holiday homes for weekend stays and the Rest Houses are subject to the following conditions :-

1) The plot to be permitted for such development shall be not less than 4000 sq.m. with the
maximum FSI of 0.025.

2) Each building is to be not more than ground plus one storey with a height not exceeding 9.75 m, including the height of the stilt portion if any, subject to a maximum built-up area of 100 sq.m. excluding stilt.

3) To permit Club House, open playgrounds and other recreational purposes as normally
permissible under green zones with permissible FSI as per these Regulations.

4) To insist on plantation at the rate of two fast-growing trees per 100 sq.m. of land under development.


10.2.8  Regulations for G - 3 Zone for Forest Area


No development of any sort shall be allowed in this zone except the project of the Forest Department. In case of pockets of private lands in G - 3 zone, development shall be permitted as per the provisions of Green Zone/as per the provisions of G - 1/G - 2 Zone subject to the concurrence of the Forest Department.




For the sake of Regulations No.1.3.74, No.1.3.93 (xiv)(i) and No.6.2.3(b) High Rise Building/Special Building means any multi-storied Residential Building, which is under redevelopment, and which is more than 25.0 m. in height above average surrounding ground level.


10.2.10 Redevelopment of Old Dilapidated/Dangerous Buildings


Reconstruction/Redevelopment in whole or in part of any building which has ceased to exist in consequence of accidental fire/natural collapse or demolition for the reasons of the same having been declared dangerous or dilapidated or unsafe by or under a lawful order of the Authority or building having age of more than 30 years, shall be allowed subject to following conditions.


Redevelopment of multi-dwelling buildings of society/Co-Operative Housing Societies/Apartments -


i)  The FSI allowed for redevelopment of such building shall be FSI permissible under Regulation No.6.1 or 6.3 including FSI on payment of premium and maximum permissible TDR loading as per Table 6-A or 6-G, or the FSI consumed by the existing authorized building including TDR, premium FSI etc., whichever is more. (Such TDR, Premium FSI etc. utilized in existing building shall be treated as a basic FSI for redevelopment.) In addition to this, incentive FSI to the extent of 50% of the existing authorized built-up area or 15 sq.m. per tenement, whichever is more, shall be allowed. Provided that in cases where the carpet area occupied by residential tenement in the existing building is less than the carpet area of 27.87 sq.m. then such tenement shall be entitled to a minimum carpet area of 27.87 sq.m. and the difference of these areas shall be allowed as additional FSI without any premium.

In the case of a non-residential occupier, the area to be given in the reconstructed building shall be equivalent to the area occupied in the old building.


Such incentive FSI shall not be applicable for the redevelopment of the existing bungalow.


ii)  This regulation shall be applicable only when existing members of the societies are

proposed to be re-accommodated.


iii)  If tenanted building/s and building/s of co-operative housing society/non-tenanted

building/s coexist on the plot under development, then proportionate land component as per the existing authorized built-up area of the existing tenanted building on the plot shall be developed as per Regulation No.7.6.2. and the remainder of the notional plot shall be developed as per this regulation.


iv)  Notes below Regulation No.7.6 shall be applicable to this regulation.


10.2.11  Height of Building Permissible for Re-development Proposals/SRA Proposals


For all re-development proposals and slum-rehabilitation schemes in the Municipal Corporation area, the building height is up to 70.0 m. shall be permissible on roads having a width between 9.0 to 12.0 m. subject to the minimum front margin as per these regulations or minimum 6.0 m., whichever is less and subject to the condition that such road shall be widened to 12.0 m. under the provisions of the Municipal Corporation Act, by prescribing line of street before granting occupation certificate to such buildings of re-development or slum-rehabilitation schemes. This shall be subject to Fire prevention, protection and life safety requirements and Fire N.O.C. from the Chief Fire Officer.


10.2.12 Podium

Podium for parking along with ramp may be permitted with a side and rear marginal distance of 1.5 m. from the plot boundary, subject to the following conditions :-


a) The top of the Podium shall be accessible for the Fire Engine by 7.5 m. Ramp with gradient 1 : 10.


b) Structural Stability Certificate regarding such Podium and Ramp shall be submitted with respect to standing Fire Engine over it & sustain the load of Fire Engine.


c) Minimum 6.0 m. marginal distances with the required turning circle over the Podium shall be provided for maneuvering of the Fire Engine.


Provided that, if the podium is not accessible for the Fire Engine then 6.0 m. marginal open space shall be provided all around the building excluding the front margin. The turning circle shall not be less than 9.0 m. The refuge area in such cases shall face facing front road and shall be connected to the Fire Tower as per Clause 2.24 of Part - 4 of NBC 2016.


d) Provisions mentioned in Regulation No.9.13 shall be applicable except (ii).




Front Marginal Distances/Set-back/Roadside margin/s in congested area - minimum front marginal distance for buildings under re-development proposal shall be 1.5 m. for roads having width 6.0 m. or more.




Off-street parking requirement - For Redevelopment Projects in the Thane Municipal Corporation area, the multiplying factor for off-street parking requirement as per Regulation No.8.2.2 shall be 0.8.




For Redevelopment of smaller plots having an area of up to 1500 sq.m. with multistoried buildings up to 24.0 m. height plus height of parking up to 6.0 m., side/rear margin of 6.0 m. shall be relaxed up to 3.0 m. subject to Fire N.O.C., in case of bonafide hardship and such building shall not be considered as special building.


(b) Other provisions mentioned in Regulation No.6.2.3 shall be applicable.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 10


Special Rules for Pune City in UDCPR 2020


Special Rules for Nagpur City and Nagpur Metropolitan Region Development Authority in UDCPR 2020


Nashik Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020


Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020


Kolhapur Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020


Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020


Bhiwandi Surrounding Notified Area in UDCPR 2020


CIDCO Area Excluding Naina Area in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Kolhapur in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR has a Unified rule, which means that instead of having numerous regulations for every city/region in the state, it is better to have a single rule for all cities in Maharashtra.

But due to some geological conditions or some other restrictions the regulations may vary a bit for some regions in Maharastra. 


For Example, the Coastal Region, Hilly Region, Densely Populated Region, and Gaothan can't have the same type of rules, and the rules differ according to them.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 5 is all about Additional Provisions for Regional Plan Areas.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.



Rule No. 5.4 For Kolhapur Regional Plan


Rule No. 5.4.1 Committed Development


Instead of Regulation No.5.1.3(i) and (ii), the following regulations shall be applicable for committed development -


i) Regarding Committed Development outside the previously Sanctioned Regional Plan of Kolhapur - Ichalkaranji Region :- All development permissions/layout approval granted by the District Collector/Concerned Revenue Authority or any development proposal for which tentative or final approval has been recommended by the concerned Town Planning Office and is pending with the concerned Revenue Authority for demarcation or for final N.A. approval on 12/09/2016 i.e. the date of board resolution for publication of draft R.P. shall continue to be valid for that respective purpose along with approved Floor Space Index.



Provided that it shall be permissible for the owner to either continue with the permission in toto as per such earlier approval and for that limited purpose, erstwhile regulation shall apply or apply for grant of revised permission under the new regulations. However, in such revision of cases, the premium, if any, shall not be applicable, for the originally approved land use and FSI only.


ii) Regarding Committed Development within the ambit of the previously sanctioned Regional Plan of Kolhapur - Ichalkaranji Region.

The development permission/layout approval granted by the District Collector/concerned Revenue Authority within the ambit of the sanctioned Regional Plan of Kolhapur - Ichalkaranji prior to the publication of the Draft Regional Plan, Kolhapur and if the said Development permission/layout is as per the provisions of sanctioned Regional Plan of Kolhapur - Ichalkaranji Region then such permission/layouts shall be treated as valid permission for the respective sanctioned use. These permissions/layouts, if submitted for revised approval, then it should be corrected as per the present sanctioned regulations of the Regional Plan of Kolhapur Region.


a) The development permission/layout approval granted by the District Collector/concerned Revenue Authority within the ambit of the sanctioned Regional Plan of Kolhapur - Ichalkaranji and if the said development permission/layout approval is contradictory or adverse to the provisions of sanctioned Regional Plan of Kolhapur - Ichalkaranji Region or Draft Published Regional Plan of Kolhapur Region then such permission/layout shall be treated as illegal and to be canceled with immediate effect.


Note :- The layouts that are approved before publication of the Regional Plan but do not fulfill the requirements of the then DCR, such as road width, open space, etc., but are saved as per the above special regulation; in such cases, the building permission shall be granted with 75% of FSI permissible in such zones.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 5 - 


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 5 through the below-mentioned links:


Additional Rules for Regional Plan Area than Basic UDCPR Rules in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Thane, Raigad, Palghar Regional Plan in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulation for Ratnagiri in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Satara in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Hingoli, Buldhana, Washim, Yavatmal, Nanded Regional Plan in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Raigad in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Solapur in UDCPR in 2020


Additional Regulations for Pune in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations in Aurangabad in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Satara in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR has a Unified rule, which means that instead of having numerous regulations for every city/region in the state, it is better to have a single rule for all cities in Maharashtra.

But due to some geological conditions or some other restrictions the regulations may vary a bit for some regions in Maharastra. 


For Example, the Coastal Region, Hilly Region, Densely Populated Region, and Gaothan can't have the same type of rules, and the rules differ according to it.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 5 is all about Additional Provisions for Regional Plan Areas.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 5.5 For Satara Regional Plan




Regulations for proposed Buffer Zone up to 2.5 km. aerial distance around Mahabaleshwar Panchgani Region.


The following Regulations are applicable to the proposed Buffer Zone :-


Proposed Land-use ZonePermissible UsersPermissible FSI
Lands falling within 50 m. distance from the boundary of Mahabaleshwar - Panchgani Region.No development shall be allowed.
Agriculture/No Development ZoneAll users are permissible in the Agriculture Zone as per Regulation No.4.11.

a)  Maximum permissible FSI shall be 0.75 for the lands falling within permissible peripheral distance from the gaothan.


b)  Maximum permissible FSI shall be as per Regulation No.4.11 from the lands falling beyond such permissible distance.

ForestThe development as may be required by the Ministry of Forest or its Authorities as per the requirements shall only be permissible on the lands owned and possessed by the Ministry of Environment and Forest or its Authorities.
Eco-Sensitive AreaUsers permissible shall be as per MOEF Notification dt.27/02/2017.

a)  Maximum permissible FSI shall be 0.75 for the lands falling within permissible peripheral distance from the gaothan.


b)  Maximum permissible FSI shall be as per Regulation No.4.11 from the lands falling beyond such permissible distance.

Core and Buffer Zone of Sahyadri Tiger Project

Permissible users and FSI shall be as per the

Development Control Regulations are prepared for this Zone by the Local Advisory Committee headed by Divisional Commissioner, Pune. Till such Regulations are framed, for the peripheral area of the gaothans falling in the Buffer Zone, the users permissible in the Agriculture Zone shall be allowed with the approval of the Competent Authority of the Forest Department. In the Core Zone, no development shall be permissible.

For gaothans in Buffer Zone.


a)  Maximum permissible FSI shall be 0.75 for the lands falling within permissible peripheral distance from the gaothan.


b)  Maximum permissible FSI shall be as per Regulation No.4.11 from the lands falling beyond such permissible distance.

Area of Growth Centre/Urban Complex falling within the Buffer Zone.As per the Land use proposed in such Growth Centre/Urban Complex Plan.0.75 FSI shall be permissible for the proposed Residential Land use Zone and for the proposed Agriculture/No Development Zone, the FSI for users permissible shall be as per Regulation No.4.11


5.5.2 Conservation Zone in Satara Region

The Government's Urban Development Department has sanctioned regulations for Conservation Zone vide Notification No.TPS-1919/436/C.R.83/19/Sec.20(4)/UD-13, dt.23/12/2021 as under.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 5 - 


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 5 through the below-mentioned links:


Additional Rules for Regional Plan Area than Basic UDCPR Rules in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Thane, Raigad, Palghar Regional Plan in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulation for Ratnagiri in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Kolhapur in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Hingoli, Buldhana, Washim, Yavatmal, Nanded Regional Plan in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Raigad in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Solapur in UDCPR in 2020


Additional Regulations for Pune in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations in Aurangabad in UDCPR 2020


Various Regulations of Chapter 15 in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 14 is all about the Special Schemes as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 15.2 Erection of Mobile Towers


Erection/setting up Telecommunication Cell Sites/Base Stations and installation of the equipment for the Telecommunication network shall be permissible as per the norms of the Department of Telecommunication/Information Technology or the concerned Department of the Central/State Government.


Rule No. 15.3 Preparation of Local Area Plan


A local area plan is a plan for the comprehensive development of a particular area in a city/town, which may consist of more detailed provisions than that of a development plan addressing the local requirements of the area. The Authority may prepare such a plan consisting of planning requirements at a micro level, local area-specific regulations, urban design, etc. The local area plan shall be prepared by following a procedure similar to that of section 33 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966. After approval of this plan by the State Government, it shall come into force. In the event of provisions of the local area plan not consistent with UDCPR, the provisions of the local area plan shall prevail.


Rule No. 15.4 Guidelines for Street Design in City/Town


The authority shall ensure the complete design of streets i.e. streets shall be designed to cater to the needs of all users and activities like smooth and convenient vehicular movement, safe and unhampered pedestrian movement for all age groups, safe and easy movement of differently-abled persons, street furniture, etc.


The street shall generally be designed to 


i) Attract more users


ii) Have provisions for pedestrian and cyclist


iii) Increase retail activities


iv) To provide relevant street furniture and signage


v) Plant trees


vi) Make provisions for proper illumination


vii) Have provisions for underground utilities.


Related Regulations


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 15 through the below-mentioned links:


Quarrying Operations in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Raigad in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR has a Unified rule, which means that instead of having numerous regulations for every city/region in the state, it is better to have a single rule for all cities in Maharashtra.

But due to some geological conditions or some other restrictions the regulations may vary a bit for some regions in Maharastra. 


For Example, the Coastal Region, Hilly Region, Densely Populated Region, and Gaothan can't have the same type of rules, and the rules differ according to it.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 5 is all about Additional Provisions for Regional Plan Areas.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 5.7 For Raigad Regional Plan




The development in the Nagothane growth centre shall be governed by the following regulations.


The lands that fall within the periphery on the north/south direction of the IPCL project complex have been designated as low-density residential zones in which residential users may be permitted subject to the following conditions -


i) Maximum FSI shall be 0.25.

ii) Only ground floor structure shall be permissible.




The development of wadi lands in the coastal belt, which are marked as such in the Regional Plan, development shall be subject to the following conditions, only along the existing roads.

i) Plot with frontage on the existing road.

ii) Ground + one-floor building within 33 m. from the existing road with permissible setback

from the road.

iii) FSI shall be limited to 0.04 maximum with a maximum built-up area of 150sq.m. 


Note - Coastal belt is the area within 1 km. from the sea for the purpose of this Regulation.




The development in low-density Zones in Rajpuri and Usar growth centers shall be subject to 0.5 basic FSI.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 5 - 


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 5 through the below-mentioned links:


Additional Rules for Regional Plan Area than Basic UDCPR Rules in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Thane, Raigad, Palghar Regional Plan in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulation for Ratnagiri in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Kolhapur in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Satara in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Hingoli, Buldhana, Washim, Yavatmal, Nanded Regional Plan in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Solapur in UDCPR in 2020


Additional Regulations for Pune in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations in Aurangabad in UDCPR 2020