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सरकारी मोजणी बद्दल सर्वसाधारण माहिती

1. मोजणी चे प्रकार कोणते?

१ हद्द कायम मोजणी

हद्द कायम मोजणी म्हणजे सर्वसाधारण मोजणी . यामध्ये प्रत्येक्ष जागेवर मोजणी करून हद्दीच्या खुणा केल्या जातात तसेच कागदावर (मोजणी नकाश्यावर ) जागेचा नकाशा ,सर्व हद्दी ,लगतचे प्लॉट नंबर आणि गट  नंबर किंवा सर्वे नंबर नुसार जागेचे लोकेशन दर्शविले जाते.

साधारणतः सर्व ठिकाणी हद्द कायम मोजणी लागते

उदाहरण : जागा मोजणी ,बांधकाम परवानगी,जमीन खरेदी विक्री इत्यादी

२ बिनशेती मोजणी

प्लॉटींग करताना अंतिम नकाशा मंजुरीसाठी दाखल करताना बांधकाम चे भोगवटा पत्र मिळवणे, रोड आरक्षण,अमिनिटीस्पेस ताब्यात देताना बिनशेती मोजणीचा वापर होते. (एकदा बांधकाम नकाशा मंजूर केल्यानंतर हद्द कायम मोजणी एवजी बिनशेती मोजणी करणे कधीही योग्य.)

३ कोर्ट वाटप मोजणी /कोर्ट कामिशन मोजणी

जमिनीच्या हद्दीमध्ये वाद निर्माण झाल्यास किवा शेजारील जागामालक सही देत नसेल किवा कोणी अतिक्रमण केले असल्यास हद्द कायम करणे कमी कोर्ट वाटप मोजणी /कोर्ट कामिशन मोजणी केली जाते.

2. मोजणीचे फी प्रमाणे प्रकार किती व कोणते ?

फी प्रमाणे मोजणीचे चार प्रकार पडतात .

१ साधी मोजणी (कालावधी साधारणतः६ महिने )

या प्रकारात सर्वात कमी फी लागते. जेव्हा बांधकाम करणे,प्लॉट विकणे,वाटणी करणे, अशा कामांचा विचार चालू असतो अशावेळी लगेच साधी मोजणी साठी अर्ज करावा .

कामाचे निर्णय आणि नियोजन होईपर्यंत ६ महिने लागू शकतात. यामुळे पैश्याची बचत होऊन वेळेचा सद उपयोग होतो.

२ तातडी मोजणी (कालावधी साधारणतः३ ते ४ महिने )

या प्रकारात साधी मोजणीच्या दुप्पट फी लागते परंतु इतर प्रकारापेक्षा कमी फी लागते.

३ अति तातडी  (कालावधी साधारणतः २ ते ३ महिने )

या प्रकारात २ ते ३ महिन्यात मोजणी घेउन प्रकरण लवकर मार्गी लागते. खरेदी /विक्री किवा बांधकाम परवानगी वेळी जलद निर्णया वेळी या प्रकारची मोजणी कमी येते. परंतु साधी मोजणीच्या तिप्पट फी लागते.

४ अति अतितातडी (कालावधी साधारणतः १५ दिवस  ते १ महिने )

अति महत्त्वाचे कामी १५ दिवस ते १ महिन्यात या प्रकाची मोजणी केली जाते परंतु याचे सरकारी चलन खूपच जास्त असते .

समजा साधी मोजणी चे चलन १००० रु असेल तर

तातडी मोजणी = २००० रु

अति तातडी मोजणी = ३००० रु

तर अति अतितातडी मोजणी = १२००० रु असते .

अति अतितातडी मोजणी फी साधी मोजणीच्या चार पट असते .

एकदा केलेली मोजणी ४ वर्ष चालत असल्याने तसेच वरील सर्व बाबींचा विचार करून योग्य वेळी निर्णय घेऊन तातडी किवा अति तातडी किवा अति अतितातडी मोजणी करावी .

3. हद्दकायम मोजणी मान्य नसल्यास काय तरतुद आहे ?

मोजणी मान्य नसलेस निमताना मोजणीकामी उप अधीक्षक भूमी अभिलेख यांचेकडे अर्ज करता येतो (अपिल अर्ज)

4. कोर्टवाटप मोजणी कशी केली जाते ?

उत्तर कोर्टाच्या हुकुम नाम्याप्रमाणे मोजणीची कार्यवाही करण्यात येते.

5. कोर्ट कमिशन मोजणी प्रकरणात कोणत्या कागदपत्रांची आवश्यकता असते ?

मा. दिवाणी न्यायालयाकडील आदेश, तीन महातील अधिकार- अभिलेख (7/12) ,मोजणी फी भरल्याचे चलन, वादी-प्रतिवादींची नावे/ पत्ते चालु परिस्थिती प्रमाणे मोजणी करावयाच्या क्षेत्राच्या चतु:सिमा इत्यादी कागदपत्रे प्रकरणी आवश्यक असतात.

6. कोर्ट कमिशन मोजणी कधी करता येते ?

जमिनीचे हद्दीमध्ये धारकामध्ये वाद निर्माण झाल्यास दिवाणी न्यायालयात दावा दाखल करुन वादी – प्रतिवादी यांच्या बाजू/ म्हणणे ऐकुण निप:क्षपाती निर्णय होणेसाठी या विभागातील अधिकारी / कर्मचारी यांची कोर्ट कमिशनर नेमणुक होऊन मोजणीसाठी पाठविले जाते.

7. बिनशेती मोजणी कधी करता येते ?

एखाद्या जमिनधारकास त्यांच्या जमिनीची अकृषीक प्रयोजनासाठी वापर करावयाचा असलेस महाराष्ट्र जमिन महसुल अधिनियम 1966 कलम 44 अन्वये महसुल विभागाची परवानगी घेऊन कोणत्या प्रयोजनासाठी जमिनीचा वापर करावयाचा आहे. त्यानुसार धारकास मोजणी करणे कामी शर्त घातली जाते व तसे आदेशात नमुद केले जाते.

8. मोजणी नक्कल कशी मिळवावी ?

  नक्कल अर्ज कोऱ्या कागदावर,आवश्यक त्या नकला मिळणे कामी , गावांचे नाव, तालुका, जिल्हा इत्यादी नमुद करुन अभिलेखाचा प्रकार नमुद करावा. नकलेचा अर्ज कोणत्याही व्यक्तीस करता येतो. अर्जास 5 रु. कोर्ट फी तिकीट लावावे.अर्ज केल्यानंतर ३ दिवसात नक्कल मिळतात .

9. “ क ” प्रत

क  प्रत हि मोजणी ची मूळ प्रत असते .क प्रत ही मालकास दिलेली मुल प्रत असते.जी एकदाच मिळते.

अ व ब  प्रत ही भूमी अभिलेख कक्षात रेकोर्ड ला असते .

जेव्हा जागा मालकाला कोर्ट कामासाठी ,जमीन खरेदी विक्रीसाठी,मोजमापे करणे ,बांधकाम परवानगी ,झोने दाखला ,सरकारी परतावा  या जागी मोजणीची प्रत जोडावयाची लागत असेल तर त्याने मोजणीच्या नाकाला जोडणे अपेक्षित आहे .( क प्रत किवा क प्रतची झरोक्स जोडणे योग्य राहणार नाही .)

नकलेसाठी भूमी अधीक्षक कार्यालयाकडे विहित नमुन्यातील अर्ज केल्यानंतर ३ दिवसात मिळतात .आपणास हव्या तेवढ्या नाकाला मिळत असल्याने मोजणी झाली कि लगेच ३ ते ५ नाकाला काढून घेणे योग्य राहील .

Know More about Government Demarcation (Sarkari Mojani)

Demarcation is important part that comes way before planning to build the house or commercial land. Demarcation of land means measurement copy of land / plot. This is done by survey . Some times by government some times by private company. Demarcation is geographical line that is crossed between the two plots. It involves both the owner as well as the neighbors land owner. Demarcation also known as Mojani services.

Surveyor performs the land survey and the authority gives the jamin Mojini certificate as per the type of certificate i.e sadhi mojani, atit atadi mojini, ati-ati-tatadi mojani the cost with respect to all these demarcation services is given blow in details. Maharashtra government’s national informatics center (NIC) has created a system in cooperation with revenue department which is called ‘Bhumi Abhilekh’ .Bhumi Abhlekh has created to provide land owner a smart card and it also promises to provide (7/12) utara on the online platform.

The land record is basically all rights related to land, registration, records of rights, tenancy and crop inspection registers etc. are protected in the land records. In this, the size of the land, nature of soil, land related to crops and its economic information is also included.

All type of land related service available. Government Mojani,Private survey, etc Assured Service, Timely Delivery. Call +91 8282924242

Where can I get Mojani Certificate?

You are eligible for mojini certificate as long you own the land and the concern office for the demarcation certificate Commissioner and Director Land Records Office. In Pune, it is near council hall. Foot2Feet is the best councilor for these services.

When Demarcation Certificate is required?

• Demarcation certificate is required as long as you own a land in your name.
• you also need mojani certificate in case of dispute land. Proof of ownership of any land is proof. On purchasing the land, the background and truth of the seller are also known.
• When the cell-transaction is complete then mojani certificate is required in the Sub-Registrar’s office. It is also needed for form credit / loan from the bank.
• It is required in the court during any civil trial. Apart from this, demarcation certificate is also sometimes required for personal reasons.
With bhumi abhilekh, people will be able to get all the information of a particular land online. This means that the purchase of land, the information related to it, can be obtained by just one click. The mutation entry will also be automatic; they will not have to visit Talathi. People will also be able to know that a person is registered in whose name and which land is government.

Document requirement for demarcation?

To get Land demarcation certificate, We need following-

• 7/12 certificate: For the proof of land ownership
• Mojani Application: Application to apply for mojani certificate
• Name and address of adjacent owner
• ID proof of applier: PAN card, Adhar card, etc.

Various types of Mojani

• Sadhi Mojani

• Tatadi Mojani

• Ati-tatadi mojani

• Ati-Ati-tatadi mojani

Time duration to get Mojani Certificate (MojaniShulak)

1) Sadhi Mojani: It takes 6 to 8 months to get the mojani certificate with sadhi mojani
2) Tatadi Mojani: It takes 3 to 4 months to get the mojani certificate with tatdi mojani
3) Atitatdi Mojani: It takes 1 to 2 months to get mojani certificate with atitatadi mojani
4) Ati-Ati-tatadi mojani: It takes 15 days to 1 month to get mojani certificate

Cost for Mojani certificate

• Sadhi Mojani : It takes Rs 3000 to 5000 to get demarcation certificate with sadhi mojani.
• Tatadi Mojani It takes Rs 6000 to 10000 to get demarcation certificate with tatadi mojani
• Ati-tatadi mojani: it takes Approximately Rs 10,000 to 20,000 to get demarcation certificate with ati-tatadi mojani
• Ati-Ati-tatadi mojani: It takes 4 times of tatadi mojani with ati-ati-tatadi mojani

* The prices may vary with respect to places, types of mojani.

Additional Information About Government Demarcation

Hadda kayam mojani:

Boundary fixation demarcation (Hadda kayam Mojini) is a simple calculation. These include the actual location of the boundary markings, as well as the map of the space on the paper (counting map), the location of all the boundaries, the plot numbers and the group numbers or survey numbers. Usually all places require permanent calculation Examples: space counting, construction permit, land purchase and so on.

Bin Sheti Mojani (Non Agricultural or NA demarcation):

When plotting, the final map is used for obtaining construction occupancy letters, road reservation, and counting of uninspired calculations while filing for approval. (Once the construction map is approved, it is always advisable to do an arbitrary calculation instead of a permanent measurement.)
This measurement is also done by applying online for Jamin Mojani in Maharashtra at foot2feet.

Court commission mojani

court commission mojani is done in case of dispute between land boundaries or if landlord does not sign or encroach on encroachment.
Appeal can be made to the Deputy Superintendent of Land Records, Counting Appeal if the count is not allowed.

The counting proceedings are carried out as per the order of the North Court.

Documents are required in the case of orders from the civil court, rights of three Mahals – records (7/12), invoices for payment of counting fees, names of the defendants and defendants.

Demarcation Certificate in case of land dispute

In case of a dispute between the holders within the boundary of the land, a claim is filed in the civil court and the court / commissioner of the department / officer is sent for the counting of the plaintiffs and the defendants.
If a landowner wants to use their land for non-agricultural purposes, the purpose is to use the land for the purpose, with permission of the Revenue Department under section 44 of the Maharashtra Land Revenue Act, 1966. Accordingly, the holder is conditioned to calculate and is mentioned in the order.

Certified Demarcation Certificate

Duplicate (Certified) application should be provided on the blank paper, mentioning the required copy, mentioning the name of the village, taluka, district etc. The application can be made to any person. The application is available for Rs. You should get a court fee ticket.

 Find government on below link


“K prat”

K prat is the original copy of the count . It is a child copy given to the owner. K and B copies are recorded in the land records cell. When the landowner is required to add a copy of the measurement to the court, for work, sale of land, measuring, construction permit, zoning certificate, government return, he / she is expected to attach a measuring cop

Rule No. 7.0 in UDCPR 2020

A higher Floor Space Index (FSI) means that developers can build bigger buildings on a piece of land. It allows for taller or denser structures, or more buildings on the same area of land.

The Permissible of higher FSI for the buildings can be differ according to the different building categories like educational, school, hospital, banks, etc

UDCPR Chapter 7 is all about the Higher FSI for Certain Uses for different buildings


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 7.0 General


A higher Floor Space Index may be allowed for certain uses in congested and non-congested areas except as otherwise specified and subject to the following conditions :
i)  Permissible higher FSI for the buildings as mentioned in Table No.7-A shall be the maximum permissible building potential according to road width as mentioned in column 6, 9 of Table No.6-A or column 6, 9 of Table No.6-G under Regulation No.6.1 or 6.3 (whichever is applicable) minus Basic FSI. Instead of availing this higher FSI, the owner shall be entitled to avail of premium FSI/TDR or both to that extent.
ii)  Such higherFSI shall only be available for use for which higher FSI is granted along with ancillary uses.
iii)  Premium - Premium for higher F.S.I. shall be as per column 4 of Rule No.7-A below:- The rate of the premium is based on the land rate mentioned in ASR for respective S.No./CTS. No. The premium collected shall be shared 50:50 between the State Government & the Authority respectively. Premium to be paid to the Government shall be deposited in the concerned Account Head of Urban Development Department at the Government Treasury by the Authority. In the case of areas of Regional Plans, such entire premium shall be paid to the Government through the District office of the Town Planning and Valuation Department. The quantum/rates of premium shall be subject to the orders of the Government from time to time.
iv)  In addition to the above, other ancillary area FSI, as mentioned in below in rule No.6-A and 6-G (whichever is applicable) shall also be applicable for these uses.
vi) The higher FSI shall also be permissible to existing authorized uses subject to structural stability.
f) If the owner/developer desires to avail such higher F.S.I. in the future for new buildings, then while seeking building permission at first instance, the building plan shall be submitted considering the marginal distances as required for the height of buildings for such higher F.S.I. No condonation in the required open spaces, parking, or other requirements in these regulations shall be allowed. However, for the proposals in respect of existing buildings, such conditions need not be insisted upon and the proposal shall be cleared only after strictly conforming to structural and fire safety norms.

g) No Amenity Spaces as per Regulation No.3.5 shall be required to be provided for the uses mentioned in Table No.7-A.
h) In the agricultural zone, uses mentioned at sections A & B of 7-A, shall be entitled for 100% additional FSI over and above, permissible in said zone.

Rule No. 7.1 - Higher FSI 


Categories of the other buildings


A) Educational


i) Pre-primary School, nursery Kindergarten, and Special Educational Institute for Physically challenged/Mentally ill.      

Basic FSI     


As per Regulation No.6.1 or 6.3, whichever is relevant. 

Additional FSI


Maximum Building Potential limit as mentioned in Rule No. 6-A or 6-G (whichever is relevant minus basic FSI)


Rate of the Premium




ii) Primary School


Rate of the Premium




iii) Other educational buildings, including boys', girls', and youth hostels, are within 500 m. periphery from the recognized educational institutions.

Rate of the Premium


For Charitable Institutions 10% and for private buildings 15%. 

Conditions if any    

a) Provision of playground shall be complied with as specified in these regulations. Provided that, it shall not be necessary to increase the area of the existing playground, if any, when utilization of higher F.S.I. as otherwise permissible in these regulations, is proposed on an upper floor of the existing building.


Provided further that, in case of the existing building wherein utilization of higher F.S.I. is proposed on the vacant land, the area of the ground shall not be less than 40% or the existing area of the ground whichever is minimum.


Provided further that, in case of the existing building wherein utilization of higher F.S.I. on upper floors is not possible and it is necessary to expand the existing building to accommodate the number of students, then in such exceptional circumstances, the required area of the playground (and not existing) may be permitted to be reduced.


b) The maximum height of the Educational building shall be as per the Maharashtra Fire Protection and Life Safety Measures Act, 2006.

B) Medical institutions - Hospitals, maternity homes, buildings.


Additional FSI


Maximum Building Potential limit as per road width as mentioned in Table No.6-A or 6-G (whichever is relevant) minus basic FSI. However, the maximum building potential shall be 
Considered as 3.00 subject to Road width 18.0 m. and above.


Rate of the Premium


For Charitable Institutions 10% and for private buildings 15%.


Conditions if any


The maximum height of buildings for hospitals, sanatoriums, and nursing homes shall be as per the Maharashtra Fire Protection and Life Safety Measure, Act, 2006.


C) Institutional buildings/Banks

Additional FSI


Maximum Building Potential limit per road width as mentioned in Table 6-A or 6-G (whichever is relevant) minus basic FSI.


Rate of the Premium


For Charitable Institutions 10% and for private buildings 15%.
D) Starred category hotels (two star and above) Mega-Ultra Mega and Large Tourism Project/Unit as per Maharashtra Tourism Policy - 2016 or as amended from time to time.

Rate of the Premium



Conditions if any


i) Certificate from the Tourism Department, GOI shall be necessary for the type of category of hotels.


ii) The maximum building potential limit mentioned in Table No.6-A or 6-G shall be allowed considering the road width one step below. e.g. for the roads mentioned in Sr.No.3 in Rule 6-G, the maximum building potential shall be considered as given in Sr.No.4.


iii) Mega/Ultra Mega/Large Tourism Project/Unit may also include Tourism support activities to the extent of 20% of the additional FSI consumed.


Buildings of Government and Semi-Government Offices, Local Authorities, and Public Sector Undertakings/the Land in possession of Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation/City Transport/Metro Stations and Depot including Govt, Guest Houses.


Additional FSI


Maximum Building Potential limit as per road width as mentioned in Table No.6-A or 6-G (whichever is relevant) minus basic FSI. However, the maximum building potential shall be
considered as 3.00 for Roads having a width of 18.0 m. and more.


Rate of the Premium


Government and Semi-Government Originations, Local Authorities – Nil.

For Public Sector Institutions – 15%.


Conditions if any


i) The Authority may allow exceeding the limit of higher FSI mentioned in column 3.


ii) For the land in possession of MSRTC, a maximum of 2/3 FSI out of maximum building potential shall be permitted to be utilized for commercial use. Provided that a minimum of 50% contiguous land shall be used for the principal purpose of MSRTC.


E) Buildings of Government and Semi-Government Offices, Local Authorities, and Public Sector Undertakings/the Land in possession of Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation/City Transport/Metro Stations and Depot including Govt. Guest Houses.


Additional FSI


Maximum Building Potential limit as per road width as mentioned in Table No.6-A or Table 6-G (whichever is relevant) minus basic FSI. However maximum potential is considered as 3.00 for Roads having a width of 18.0 m. and more.


Rate of the Premium


Government and Semi-Government Originations, Local Authorities – Nil.


For Public Sector Institutions – 15%.


Conditions if any


i) The Authority may allow exceeding the limit of higher FSI mentioned in column 3.


ii) For the land in possession of MSRTC, a maximum of 2/3 FSI out of maximum building potential shall be permitted to be utilized for commercial use. Provided that a minimum of 50% contiguous land shall be used for the principal purpose of MSRTC.


F) Religious Building


Additional FSI


Maximum Building Potential limit as per road width as mentioned in Table No.6-A or 6-G (whichever is relevant) minus basic FSI.    


Rate of the Premium




Conditions if any    


i) It shall be necessary to obtain the No-Objection Certificate from the concerned Police Authority and Collector (District Magistrate), before granting permission.


ii) Other ancillary users like the administration office, Dharmashala, or Accommodation for devotees, eateries, convenience shops, etc. may be permitted. 

G) Yatri Niwas

Rate of the Premium




I) Basic shelter for the urban poor and Housing schemes developed for EWS/LIG


Additional FSI


Maximum Building Potential limit as per road width as mentioned in Table No.6-A or 6-G (whichever is relevant) minus basic FSI. or FSI up to 2.5, whichever is maximum.

Rate of the Premium


No premium


Conditions if any                    
Any housing scheme for EWS/LIG undertaken by the authority, government/semi-government organization, under the basic shelter for urban poor, or similar program/scheme of the Central/State Government, shall be eligible for higher FSI.


J) Students' Hostel/Working Women - Men/Dormitories/Hostel for Labourers. (for whom Labour Laws are applicable.)        
Additional FSI


Maximum Building Potential limit as per road width as mentioned in Table No.6-A or 6-G (whichever is relevant) minus basic FSI.                    
Rate of the Premium                
Conditions if any    


i) Built-up area of the unit shall not exceed 17 Sq. m. with or without a toilet, excluding the common area.


ii) The unit shall not be sold and shall be on a rental basis. The condition to that effect shall be stamped on plans and incorporated in the permission letter.


iii) Ancillary facilities such as kitchen, dining hall, common hall, and common toilets may be permitted.

Note :            

i) The owner shall be at liberty to avail TDR instead of paying the premium mentioned in the above table to the extent specified above.


ii) The above premium shall not be applicable for development undertaken by Government, Semi-Government Departments, Local Authorities, and Public Sector Undertakings.

Related Regulations to Rule No. 7


Entitlement of FSI for Road Widening or Construction of New Roads or Surrender of Reserved Land in UDCPR 2020


Development and Redevelopment Of Staff Quarters Of the State Government or Its Statuary Bodies or Planning Authority in UDCPR 2020


Development and Redevelopment of Housing Schemes of Maharashtra Housing Area Development Authority in UDCPR 2020


Redevelopment of Existing Buildings in UDCPR 2020


Development of Housing for EWS and LIG in UDCPR 2020


Regulations for Development of Information Technology Establishment, Data Centers in UDCPR 2020


Regulation for Development of Biotechnology Parks in UDCPR 2020


Incentive for Green Buildings in UDCPR 2020


Buildings of Smart Fin Tech Centre in UDCPR 2020


Commercial Buildings in CBD, Commercial, Residential Zone in Planning Authorities Areas in UDCPR 2020


Parking Spaces in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 8 is all about the Parking, Loading, and Unloading Spaces as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 8.1 Parking Spaces


Wherever a property is to be developed or redeveloped, parking spaces at the scale laid down in these Regulations shall be provided. A parking plan showing the parking spaces along with manoeuvring spaces/aisles shall be submitted as a part of the building plan. When additions are made to an existing building, the new parking requirements will be reckoned with reference to the additional space only and not to the whole of a building but this concession shall not apply where the use is changed. The provisions for parking of vehicles for different occupancies shall be as given in Table No.8-A.


8.1.1 General Space Requirements 


i) Location of Parking Spaces


The parking spaces include parking spaces in basements or on a floor supported by stilts, podiums or on upper floors, covered or uncovered spaces or in separate buildings in the plot and/or lock-up garages. The height of the stilt shall not be less than 2.4 m. from the bottom of the beam. In the case of stack parking, a height of up to 4.5 m. may be allowed.


ii) Size of Parking Space


The minimum sizes of parking spaces to be provided shall be as shown below in Table No.8-A


Table No.8-A - Parking Space Requirement

Sr.No.Type of VehicleMinimum size/area of parking space
1Motor Vehicle2.5 m. x 5.0 m.
2Scooter, Motor Cycle1.0 m. x 2.0 m.
3Transport Vehicle/ Ambulance/Mini Bus3.75 m. x 7.5 m.


Note :


(a) In the case of parking spaces for motor vehicles, up to 50 per cent of the prescribed space may be of the size of 2.3 m.x4.5 m.


(b) Minimum size of parking space in mechanized / puzzle parking system shall be 2.3 m. x 5.8 m. for big cars and 2.1 m. x 5.0 m. for small cars.


iii) Marking of Parking Spaces


Parking space shall be paved and clearly marked for different types of vehicles.


iv) Manoeuvring and Other Ancillary Spaces


Off-street parking space must have adequate vehicular access to a street and the area shall be exclusive of drives, aisles and such other provisions required for adequate manoeuvring of vehicles. The width of drive for motor vehicles and scooters, and motorcycles shall be a minimum of 3.00 m. and 2.00 m. respectively.


v) Composite parking


The composite parking of vehicles like one car with two scooters may be allowed. Also, six scooters parking may be allowed to be converted into one car parking. In such cases, drives or aisles shall be required, taking into consideration entire composite parking.


vi) Bus bay for schools/multiplex/malls/assembly buildings/group housing


For these occupancies, being a special building, a bus bay of the required size shall be provided within the premise or along the main road on which the plot abuts. This shall be applicable for housing schemes having more than 500 flats.


vii) Ramps for Basement Parking


Ramps for parking in the basement should conform to the requirement of Regulation No.9.12


viii) Other Parking Requirements


a) To meet the parking requirements as per these regulations, a common parking area for a group of buildings, open or multi-storeyed, may be allowed on the same premises.


b) In addition to the parking spaces provided for the building of Mercantile (Commercial) like office, market, departmental store, shopping mall and building of industrial and storage, loading and unloading spaces shall be provided at the rate of one space for each 1000 sq.m. of floor carpet area or fraction thereof exceeding the first 200 sq.m. of floor area, shall be provided. The space shall not be less than 3.75 m. x 7.5 m. subject to a maximum requirement of 4 such parking spaces for office buildings and 6 parking spaces for other buildings. However, in the case of the office building, such parking spaces shall not exceed more than 4.


c) Parking lock-up garages shall be included in the F.S.I. calculations.


d) The space to be left out for parking as given in this regulation shall be in addition to the marginal open spaces left out for lighting and ventilation purposes as given in these regulations. These spaces may be used for parking provided a minimum distance of 3.0 m. (6.0 m. in case of special building mentioned in Regulation No.2.2.8) around the buildings is kept free of any parking or loading and unloading spaces, except the building as mentioned in Clause (c) above. Such a parking area adjoining the plot boundary may be allowed to be covered on top by sheet roofing, so as not to infringe the marginal distance to be kept open as specified above. Further, such sheet roofing shall not include the area adjoining the plot boundary to be used for tree plantation as mentioned in Regulation No.3.4.1(iii), if any.


e) In case of parking spaces provided in basements, at least two separate ramps of adequate width and slope for entry and exit shall be provided preferably at opposite ends. One ramp may be provided as specified in Regulation No.9.12.


f) Mechanical/Hydraulic/Stack parking/Parking tower may be permitted at 1.5 m. in side and rear margin under the following circumstances -


1. Minimum 6.0 m. The driveway shall be kept clear from all kinds of obstructions for easy manoeuvrability of fire and rescue appliances like ambulances. For buildings defined as high-rise buildings and special buildings in these regulations, 9.0 m. turning circle around the building shall be maintained.


2. For Non-Special buildings as defined in these regulations, such distance shall not be less than 3.0 m.


3. Such mechanical/hydraulic/parking towers may be permitted to touch the building on the dead wall side. Provided that the dead wall must be a 2-hour fire-rated wall.


4. The fire protection arrangement as per storage building will be made applicable to such parking towers as per Table - 7 of Part - 4 of NBC - 2016.



Related Regulations to Rule No. 8


Off Street Parking Requirement in UDCPR 2020


Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 14 is all about the Special Schemes as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 14.2 Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)


The following regulations in respect of Transit Oriented Development shall be applicable for the areas mentioned herein under. These provisions shall come into operation where Authorities either have or proposed RTS/Metro-rail/BRTS corridors in their Development Plans and have started implementing them.


14.2.1 For Pune Municipal Corporation Area


14.2.1 Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)


The planning authority shall ensure execution of complete street design for the success of TOD and enable construction of street oriented buildings while achieving optimum densities in residential, commercial and office buildings.


The Planning authority shall also ensure complete pedestrianisation in the TOD zones for easy movement of the pedestrians to & from station within a period of 1 year from sanction of this regulation. Definition


(i) TOD zone :- It is the area 500 m. around the proposed Metrostation boundary, which will be delineated by the Planning Authority with the approval of the State Government. Wherever any reservation/amenity space within such distance is utilized for the purpose of transportation as prescribed in these regulations, and the distance of 500 m. shall stand relaxed up to 30%. The TOD zone shall be delineated on the ground by the Planning Authority in a bound manner i.e. within 2 months from this notification.


(ii) Base permissible FSI :- It is the FSI that is otherwise permissible on any land with respect to zone shown as per the sanctioned development plan and the relevant provision of the Principal DCPR excluding the TDR and the premium FSI, redevelopment incentive FSI that can be received.


(iii) Gross plot area :- Gross Plot Area means the total area of land after deducting area under reservation or deemed reservation like amenity space if any, area under D.P. Road and Road widening.


(iv) Principal DCPR :- Principal DCPR means the UDCPR sanctioned vide notification dt.02.12.2020 and as amended from time to time. Maximum Permissible FSI


The maximum permissible total FSI in the TOD zone shall be 4.00 including the base permissible FSI, subject to the condition that, the additional FSI over and above the base permissible FSI shall be allowed within the overall limit of maximum permissible FSI, as given in the Table below -


Sr. No.Road width in m.Maximum Permissible FSI
19.0 m. and up to 12.0 m2.50
212.0 m. and up to 15.0 m.3.00
315.0 m. and up to 24.0 m3.50
424.0 m. and above4.00


Note : The Regulations as pertaining to Ancillary FSI as listed in the principle DCPR shall be applicable to the above-mentioned FSI. The Built-up Area Calculation shall be in accordance with Regulation 6.6 of UDCPR. Premium to be Paid


Additional FSI Over and above the base permissible FSI of respective land use zones as per principal DCPR may be permitted on the payment of premium.


The rate of premium for the additional F.S.I. as mentioned in Column No.3 above shall be 30% for FSI to be used for tenements of size equal to or less than 60 sq.m. and 35% for the remaining FSI to be used for residential and/or commercial use, of the rate of the said land mentioned in Annual Statement of Rates without considering the guidelines therein.


In the area of the Planning Authority, 50% of the amount of premium collected should be paid to the Planning Authority in the area concerned with the Urban Transport Project and the remaining 50% to the Project Implementing Authority.


In the area of Regional Plans, 50% of the amount of premium collected should be paid to the Government through the District offices of the Town Planning and Valuation Department and the remaining 50% to the Project Implementing Authority. Impact Assessment and Integrated Mobility Plan


Such additional FSI over and above the base permissible FSI, shall be granted by the Authority from where the Metro Rail is passing through, after taking into account the Impact Assessment of the implementation of these regulations, regarding the impact on the city and sector-level infrastructure and amenities as well as traffic and environment. Such Impact Assessment shall also contain measures to be undertaken to mitigate its likely impact and the Action Plan for implementation of such measures in a time-bound manner.

There shall be an Integrated Mobility Plan envisaging inter-linkages between different modes of mass transport, parking management, traffic management and pedestrianisation, non- motorized transport network, last mile connectivity, traffic calming, inter-connected street networking etc.


The impact assessment analysis shall be done by the Planning Authority within 4 months containing the remedial measures required regarding the upgradation of infrastructure, etc. taking into consideration the impact analysis and provisions of the sanctioned Development Plan and the need for such area falling in TOD Zone. Local Area Plans shall be prepared by the Planning Authority with the participation of local residents within a period of four (4) months. Such Local Area Plans shall contain complete street design to achieve optimum densities and also to ensure complete pedestrianisation.


The entire area of the plot may be considered for calculating the potential of the plot with respect to premium FSI + TDR, but not the basic FSI. Basic FSI shall be calculated on the area of the plot remaining with the owner after deducting the area under D.P. road/road widening/reservations and amenity space. This shall be applicable in cases where a reservation area or amenity space is handed over to the authority.


In case of plot/plots falling partly within the TOD zone, the FSI permissible shall be as follows, provided that the total area of the plot (plot falling within TOD zone plus plot falling outside TOD zone) shall be as prescribed in the table in regulation no. :-


(i) Where 50% or more area of such plot/plots falls within TOD zone, these regulations including FSI shall apply to the total area of such plot/plots.


(ii) Whereless than 50% area of such plot/plots falls within the TOD zone, these regulations including FSI shall be applicable to the part of plot/plots falling within the TOD zone, whereas for the part of plot/plots falling outside TOD zone, these regulations except provisions regarding FSI shall be applicable. The FSI permissible for the part falling outside the TOD zone shall be as per Principal DCPR.


Notwithstanding anything contained in any other provisions of these regulations, TDR shall be allowed to be received on the plots within the TOD zone, irrespective of its location in a congested area/non-congested area as per the Development Plan of Pune subject to the condition that it shall be utilised in 1/4th share with premium FSI at every stage of utilization. Such share shall be calculated on the potential remaining after utilizing the in-situ FSI towards the Development Plan road, reservation, and amenity space, if any, on such land.


However in case of non -availability/shortage of TDR, the Authority, after considering the local situation, may allow utilisation of the entire potential with premium FSI. The Planning Authority shall compensate for the same to the Metro Project Implementing Authority as per the sharing formula decided by the Government from time to time.


(iii) In the case of plots that marginally fall in the TOD Zone, i.e., less than 10% or 500 sq.m., whichever is less, the land owner/developer shall decide to follow these TOD Regulations or Principal DCPR. Tenement Size


For any development or redevelopment within the TOD zone, the size of the tenement shall be a minimum of 25 sq.m. and a maximum of 120 sq.m. of carpet area and out of total proposed tenements, the tenements equivalent to at least 50% of total FSI shall be of a size equal to or less than 60 sq.m. carpet area except the projects in which rehabilitation of existing tenements is undertaken. In the case of a redevelopment scheme, the size of the tenement can be relaxed for the Rehab Component subject to other provisions of Principal DCPR. However, for the free sale component, 50% of residual FSI shall be utilised for tenements of size equal to or less than 60 sq.m. carpet area. These tenements shall not be allowed to be clubbed/amalgamated in any case. However, this restriction for the residual FSI shall not be necessary in the case of single-building redevelopment projects on plots below 1000 sq.m.


In the case of a building with mixed-use, 50% of FSI utilized for residential purposes shall be considered for calculating the requirement of tenements of a size equal to or less than 60 sq.m. carpet area.


If the holder/owner of the property needs to build this 50% component at some other location(s) within the same TOD zone/circle, the difference between the rate of sale of tenements as mentioned in the Annual Statement of Rates shall be paid by the developer to the Municipal Corporation as premium. Permissible mixed use in TOD zone


Mixed-use in the form of residential and commercial may be permissible on the residential plot in the TOD zone fronting on the road width of 12 m., and above, and mixed-use on plot/plots in the commercial plot in the TOD zone shall be permissible as per the Principal DCPR and the maximum permissible FSI under this regulation shall be allowed on the payment of premium. Purely Mercantile building office buildings, schools, colleges, hospitals, hotels, and assembly buildings will be permissible on independent plots, & Information Technology buildings will be permissible on independent plots subject to payment of premium. For I.T. Buildings the rate of premium for additional FSI up to 200 % shall be as per regulation No.7.8 of Principal DCPR and for additional FSI over it shall be as required under this regulation. Marginal Distances


Marginal Distances Shall be applicable as per provisions in principle DCPR. Parking


Parking provisions in the TOD Zone shall be at 50% of those as mentioned in UDCPR.


Note : No on-street parking shall be permissible, unless specifically allowed in the integrated mobility plan report. Incentive for providing Public Parking in the area falling within the radius of 200 m. from the Metro/ MRTS Station.


If the owner/developer of the plot falling within the radius of 200 mt. from the Metro Station is willing to provide Public Parking space over and above the parking spaces required as per

regulation No. of this regulation, the same shall be allowed without charging a premium for such additional area and in that case the overall premium shall be discounted on 50 % of such parking area while calculating premium for additional FSI allowed over and above the base FSI, subject to following conditions :-


a) Such parking area shall be in the built-form and shall be handed over to the Planning Authority free of cost before granting the Occupation Certificate to the project. The Planning Authority should enter into an agreement with the owner/developer for such parking space at the time of granting Commencement Certificate to the project. Such a Public Parking area shall be clearly shown on the proposed building plan/layout and a condition to the above effect shall be incorporated in the Commencement Certificate.


b) The parking area shall have independent access from the major road adjacent to the plot and with proper entry and exits.


c) The parking area to be made available at the individual site shall be at a minimum of 100 sq. mt. at one place either on the Ground floor/Stilt floor or the first floor.


d) The maximum parking area that can be provided shall be decided by the Authority, as the case may be, on considering the location of such site and the parking requirement.


e) A board showing the location of such public parking spaces should he displayed at suitable places by the Planning Authority.


f) The area covered under such parking shall not be counted towards FSI consumption.


g) Concerned land owner/developer/society / public company shall not be allowed to operate the public parking.


h) The proposed development shall be further subject to such conditions as may be decided by the Authority.


In case of development or redevelopment, proposed by the Authority/individual applicant/any other Planning Authority, from the edge of the Metro Rail, within 20 mt. distance on its either side, the concerned Planning Authority before granting such permission for development/redevelopment shall seek prior NOC from the concerned Metro Railway Authority as required under the Metro Railways (Construction of Works) Act, 1978 from the point of view of safety of the Metro Railway and such other related matters.


For the matters not provided in this regulation, the relevant provisions of Principal DCPR shall apply. However, in case of any conflict between this Regulation and any other Regulation/s of the Principal DCPR, this Regulation shall prevail for the TOD zone.


No Compound wall/fencing shall be permissible on the plot's boundary facing the road, and 50% of the front marginal distance (subject to a minimum of 3.0 mt.) shall be kept accessible to pedestrians to be used as footpaths. However, it shall be permissible for the applicant to construct / erect fencing on the receded boundary after leaving the space for pedestrians as specified above.


Large wholesale stores having built-up areas of more than 500 sq.mt., car dealer showrooms, warehouses/storages, auto service centres, Garages etc. shall not be permissible in the TOD zone.


The provision of Inclusive housing shall not be applicable in the TOD zone.


For Gunthewari development regularized under the provisions of Maharashtra Gunthewari Development Act, 2001 and falling in the TOD zone, seeking permission for development/redevelopment, these regulations shall apply.


In the case of an independent unit or bungalow for self-use, such Development or redevelopment may be allowed within base FSI subject to the Principal DCPR.


Notwithstanding anything contained in this regulation, if any development on a plot in the TOD zone is proposed within base permissible FSI (without TDR or Premium FSI) as per provisions of Principal DCPR, all other provisions of Principal DCPR shall be applicable.


The layout of building/group housing layout or standalone building on a plot/plots situated in TOD zone/Circle, over which any development permission is granted or any development proposal for which any action is taken and for which occupancy certificate is not granted, may be revised and balanced potential, as per this regulation, if any, may be allowed subject to structural stability criteria and provisions in Regulation 1.5 of Principle DCPRand subject to following -


a) Parking - For the ongoing buildings, the requirement of parking as per this regulation shall be applicable for the balance building potential.


b) Tenement size - For the ongoing buildings, the requirement of tenement size as per this regulation shall be applicable for the balance building potential.


The Amount received as scrutiny fee, hardship premium, and premium for additional FSI etc. in the TOD zone/circle shall be kept in separate head at Authority level and shall be utilizedfor development of metro project as per directives issued by Government from time to time.


These TOD provisions will also be made applicable to other MRTS projects such as BRTS. The scale of FSI availability will be notified later by the Government for such other projects. 


14.2.2 Pune Metropolitan Region Development Authority area


For this area, the regulations specified in Regulation No.14.2.1 are applicable mutatis – mutandis.


14.2.3 For Nagpur Municipal Corporation and Nagpur Metropolitan Region Development Authority


The following Regulations are applicable for the Development/Redevelopment of buildings falling within the Nagpur Metro Rail Corridor (NMRC)


i) Definitions

a) Nagpur Metro Rail Corridor (NMRC) - It is an area falling within 500 m. distance on

either side of the Nagpur Metro Rail measured from its Centre line and also includes the area falling within 500 m. distance from the longitudinal end of the last Metro Railway Station. This regulation is also applicable to all the Planning Authorities from where the Metro Rail is passing through.


b) Base permissible FSI— It is the FSI that is otherwise permissible on any land with respect to the zone shown as per the sanctioned development plan and the relevant provision of the Principal DCR, excluding the TDR and the premium FSI, redevelopment incentive FSI that can be received.


c) Gross plot area - Gross Plot Area means total area of land after deducting area under reservation or deemed reservation like amenity space if any, area under D.P. Road and Road widening.


ii) Maximum Permissible FSI


The maximum permissible total FSI in NMRC shall be 4.00 including the basic permissible FSI, subject to the condition that, the additional FSI over and above the basic permissible FSI shall be allowed within the overall limit of maximum permissible FSI, as given in the Table No.14-O below :-


Table No.14-O

Sr. No.Minimum Road WidthPlot AreaMaximum Permissible FSI
19.00 mBelow 1000 sq.m2.00
29.00 m1000 sq.m. or above3.00
312.00 m.2000 sq.m. or above3.50
415.00 m.2000 sq.m. or above4.00




1) The maximum permissible FSI as per the above Table shall be determined by satisfaction of both the criterias viz. Minimum Road width as well as plot area, simultaneously. However in case, both these criteria are not satisfied simultaneously, the maximum permissible FSI shall be the minimum of that permissible against each of these two criteria, as illustrated below.


2) The land owner/Developer shall not have the option to use TDR in NMRC.




Table No.14-P

Plot AreaRoad width
Less than 9.0 m.9.0 m. & above12.0 m. & above15.0 m. & above
below 1000 sq.m.As mentioned in Chapter
1000 sq.m up to 2000 sq.m. As mentioned in Chapter
Above 2000 sq.m.As mentioned in Chapter


a) Premium to be Paid


Additional FSI over and above basic permissible FSI of respective land use zones as mentioned in Chapter 6 may be permitted on the payment of premium as may be decided by the Govt. from time to time.


i) The additional FSI as prescribed in the Table under provision (ii) above, in case of development/redevelopment proposed in the NMRC with minimum tenement density per hectare of the gross plot area as given below.


Minimum Numbers of Tenements = Gross Plot Area x Maximum Proposed FSI for Residential use x 200 Tenement per Hector.


ii) However, subject to the provisions of regulation 14.2.3(iii) herein below, if the tenement density proposed is less than that stipulated under provision (ii)(a)(i), the premium to be paid in that event shall be the additional premium as may be decided by the Govt. from time to time and such premium shall be chargeable on the total additional FSI to be availed beyond the basic permissible FSI.


iii) For construction of buildings mentioned in Chapter 7, the rates of premium shall be as mentioned in the said Chapter.


b) Impact Assessment and Integrated Mobility Plan


Such additional FSI over and above the base permissible FSI, shall be granted by the Commissioner, Nagpur Municipal Corporation / Chairman, Nagpur Improvement Trust, and any Planning Authorities from where the Metro Rail is passing through after taking into account the Impact Assessment of the implementation of these regulations regarding the impact on the city and sector level infrastructure and amenities as well as traffic and environment on such NMRC.


Such Impact Assessment shall also contain measures to be undertaken to mitigate its likely impact and the Action Plan for implementation of such measures in a time-bound manner. It shall also contain an Integrated Mobility Plan envisaging therein inter-linkages between different modes of mass transport, parking management, traffic management, and pedestrianization.


c) The maximum permissible FSI as given in Table under Regulation No. (ii) above shall be calculated on the gross plot area.


d) In case of plot/plots falling partly within the NMRC, the FSI permissible shall be as follows, provided that the total area of the plot (plot falling within NMRC plus plot falling outside NMRC) shall be as prescribed in the table in Regulation No. (ii) above :-


(i) Where 50% or more area of such plot/plots falls within NMRC, these regulations including FSI shall apply to the total area of such plot/plots.


(ii) Where less than 50% area of such plot/plots falls within NMRC, these regulations including FSI shall be applicable to the part of plot/plots falling within NMRC, whereas for the part of plot / plots falling outside NMRC, these regulations except provisions regarding FSI shall be applicable. The FSI permissible for the part falling outside NMRC shall be as mentioned in Chapter 6.


Moreover, the owner shall have the option of either opting for UDCPR provisions in toto or opting for TOD regulations in toto. In case, the owner opts for development as per UDCPR provisions, then he may be allowed to utilize FSI as per TOD regulations over and above the maximum potential mentioned in Table 6-A or 6-G.


e) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other provisions of these regulations, TDR shall not be allowed to be received on the plots within NMRC, irrespective of its location in congested area/non-congested area as per the Sanction Development Plan of Nagpur.


iii) Permissible mixed use in NMRC :


Mixed use in the form of residential and commercial, fully commercial use may be permissible on the residential plot in NMRC fronting on the road width of 12.0 m. and above. Mix use on plot/plots in commercial zones of sanction Development Plan falling under NMRC shall be permissible as per these Development Control and Promotion Regulations and the FSI permissible as per his Regulation over and above as mentioned in Chapter 6 shall be allowed on the payment of premium, as per subject to Maximum building potential as mentioned in Regulation No.(ii) above.


iv) Other provisions regarding marginal open spaces shall be governed by the proposed height of the structure, as given in the provisions (v) below, and should conform to the Maharashtra Fire Prevention and Life Safety Measures Act, 2006 (Maharashtra Act No.III of 2007), as amended from time to time. No building permission shall be issued without the NOC of the Fire Officer. Other regulations regarding room sizes, apertures for light, and ventilation shall be as per these Development Control and Promotion Regulations in force.


v) Marginal Spaces :


Table No.14-Q

Sr. NoBuilding HeightSide and Rear MarginsRemark
a15.0 m. and belowH/2-4Minimum 3.0 m. for Residential minimum of 4.5 m. for Commercial and Minimum 6.0 m. for Special Buildings.
bAbove 15.0 m. and up to 24.0 m.H/5Minimum 4.5 m. for Residential and Commercial Building and 6.0 m. for Special Building.
cAbove 24.0 m.Minimum 6.0 m.


Note - 1. Maximum Side/Rear/Front Margin shall be 12.0 m however, if the Developer/Owners provide more than 12.0 m. side and rear margins it may be allowed.


Note - 2. The Municipal Commissioner may relax the side and rear marginal distances as per Regulation No.2.4 of UDCPR, subject to the following provisions.


A) If clear minimum marginal distance is proposed from one side as per these Regulation then other side marginal distance may be relaxed up to 50%.


B) Front margin relaxation to allow additional FSI may be granted subject to the condition that the Minimum road width shall be 12.0 m. and above.


Note - 3. In case semi-detached construction as per these regulations, common wall constructed is allowed and marginal distance shall be provided for other side as per these regulations.


(v)(a) No projections shall be allowed in one side marginal spaces as mentioned in Note No.2(A) above so that this marginal spaces remain free from all encumbrances for the movement of fire tenders. However open balconies may be allowed in the marginal spaces where concession as mentioned in Note No.2(A) above is allowed, after leaving minimum 3.0 m. distance from the plot boundaries, subject to Fire NOC.


In case if the ramp is necessary for accessibility, such a ramp may be allowed after living 6.0 m. clear margin. However, such a Ramp may be allowed in the side margin where relaxation is to be granted as per the provision mentioned in Note No.2(A) above subject to NOC of the Fire Department.


(v)b) For calculation of marginal distances, the height of the parking floors (Maximum two floors above the Ground Level) shall not be taken into account, However, the height of such parking floors will be counted towards the total height of the building for deciding the building as high rise building and for civil Aviation purpose.


(v)(c) Car lift/mechanical parking shall be permissible, as per these regulations as amended from time to time.


vi) Parking :


Parking in the NMRC shall be provided as per the table given below :-


Table No. 14 - R

Sr. No.OccupancyOne parking space for everyTransit Oriented
1Residential(a) Tenements having carpet area -   
From 25 and up to 40 sq.m.012
For 2 units above 40 and up to 60 sq.m.112
For every unit above 60 and up to 80 sq.m.112
For every unit above 80 sq.m.121
2Govt. & Semi Govt. Private business buildings100 sq.m. carpet area or fraction thereof122


Note :-

1) Parking spaces for differently-abled persons shall be provided as stipulated in these

regulations in each new construction/development /re-development in the NMRC.


2) On street parking shall not be permissible, unless specifically allowed in the impact assessment and mobility report.


(vi)(a) Incentive for providing Public Parking in the area falling within a radius of 200 m. from the Metro Station.


If the owner/developer of the plot falling within the radius of 200 m. from the Metro Station, is willing to provide Public Parking space over and above the parking spaces required as per the table given in Regulation No. (vi) above of this regulation, the same shall be allowed and in that case, the premium to be paid by such developer/owner as per Regulation No.14.2.3(ii)


(a) shall be reduced by the amount equal to the premium worked out for 25% of the area earmarked for such additional Public Parking space, subject to the following conditions:-


i) Such parking area shall be in the built-up form and shall be handed over to the Planning Authority free of cost before granting the Occupation Certificate to the project. The Planning Authority should enter into an agreement with the owner/developer for such parking space at the time of granting a Commencement Certificate to the project. Such a Public Parking area shall be clearly shown on the proposed building plan/layout and a condition to the above effect shall be incorporated in the Commencement Certificate.


ii) The parking area shall have independent access from the major road adjacent to the plot and with proper entry and exits.


iii) The parking area to be made available at the individual sites shall be at a minimum of 100 sq.m. at one place either on the Ground floor/Stilt floor or first floor.


iv) The maximum parking area that can be provided shall be decided by the Commissioner, Nagpur Municipal Corporation/the Chairman, Nagpur Improvement Trust, as the case may be, on considering the location of such site and the parking requirement.


v) A board showing the location of such public parking space should be displayed at suitable places by the Planning Authority.


vi) Area covered under such parking shall not be counted towards FSI consumption.


vii)  Concerned land owner/developer/society/public company shall not be allowed to operate the public parking.


viii)  The proposed development shall be further subject to such conditions as may be decided by the Municipal Commissioner/Chairman, NIT, as the case may be.


vii) In case of development or redevelopment, proposed by the Authority / individual applicant/any other Planning Authority, from the edge of the Metro Rail, within 10.0 m. distance from the Metro Rail, on its either side, the concerned Planning Authority i.e. Nagpur Improvement Trust / Nagpur Municipal Corporation before granting such permission for development/redevelopment shall seek prior NOC from the Nagpur Metro Railway Corporation Ltd as required under the Metro Railways (Construction of Works) Act, 1978 from the point of view of safety of the Metro Railway and such other related matters.


viii) The provisions of these UDCPR shall be applicable except, express provisions of these TOD regulations. However in case of any conflict between TOD Regulations and any other Regulation/s of UDCPR, TOD Regulations shall prevail for the NMRC.


ix) No Compound wall/fencing shall be permissible on the boundary of plot facing the road and 50% front marginal distance (subject to minimum and maximum of 3.0 m.) shall be kept accessible and to be used as foot paths for pedestrians. However, it shall be permissible for the applicant to construct/erect fencing, on the boundary, after leaving the space for pedestrians as specified above.


However for the plots situated on 9.0 m., 12.0 m. & 15.0 m., wide Roads having 100% residential use therefore, the above rule shall not be made applicable.


a) Large wholesale stores, auto dealer showrooms, warehouses/storages, auto service centres, Garages etc. shall not be permissible in NMRC.


b) Provision of Inclusive housing shall not be applicable in NMRC.


c) For Gunthewari development regularized under the provisions of Maharashtra Gunthewari Development Act, 2001 and falling in NMRC, seeking provisions for Development/redevelopment, these regulations shall apply.


d) The width of the passage shall be a minimum of 1.2 m. for residential use & 2.0 m. for

commercial use.


e) The above regulation shall be applicable to all the buildings (i.e. newly proposed buildings as well as old buildings for utilization of FSI) in TOD.


f) In case of a redevelopment scheme, the size of the tenement can be relaxed for the Rehab Component subject to other provisions of the UDCPR. However, the TOD Regulation shall be made applicable for the free sale component.


g) In case of an independent unit/Bungalow for self-use, such Development/Redevelopment may be allowed within base FSI subject to UDCPR.


h) The layout of the building/group housing layout or standalone building on a plot/plots situated in NMRC over which construction is started and for which occupancy certificate is not granted may be revised and balance potential if any may be allowed as per the above provisions subject to following :-


Marginal Distance – The existing marginal distances including the front margin may be allowed for higher floor/floors and necessary relaxation to that extent may be granted by the Municipal Commissioner subject to compliance with all fire requirements and fire NOCs by charging hardship premium. The hardship premium is to be decided by the Municipal Commissioner. In any case sanctioned existing marginal/front margin distance shall not be reduced.


14.2.4 For other Municipal Corporations and other Metropolitan Region Development Authority (1) and CIDCO area


For these areas, the regulations specified in Regulation No.14.2.1 shall be applicable.


14.2.5 Regulations for BRT Corridor in Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation.


The Regulations for development along the BRT corridor in the Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation area sanctioned vide Government Notification No.TPS-1812/737/12/CR-506/ 13/Reconstruction No.110/UD-13, dated 03/03/2010 and amended from time to time, shall be applicable with the following modifications.


FSI receiving or development potential of the plot shall be as below


Sr. NoRoad width in metersBasic FSIFSI on payment of premiumMaximum permissible TDRMaximum building potential on plot including in-situ FSI
1Below 9 m.1.00----1.00
29 m. and above but below 12 m.1.000.500.752.25
312 m. and above but below 15 m.1.000.501.002.50
415 m. and above but below 24 m.1.000.501.252.75
524 and above but below 30 m1.000.501.503.00
630 and above1.000.501.753.25


Related Regulations


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 14 through the below-mentioned links:


Integrated Logistic Park (ILP) in UDCPR 2020


Industrial Township under Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing Policy in UDCPR 2020


Development of Tourism and Hospitality Services under Community Nature Conservancy around Wild Life Sanctuaries and National Park in UDCPR 2020


Slum Rehabilitation Scheme for Other Municipal Corporations in UDCPR 2020


Slum Rehabilitation for Pune, PCMC, PCNTDA, and Nagpur in UDCPR 2020


Urban Renewal Scheme in UDCPR 2020


Conservation of Heritage Buildings, Precints, Natural Features in UDCPR 2020


Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana in UDCPR 2020


Integrated Information Technology Township (IITP) in UDCPR 2020


Affordable Housing Scheme in UDCPR 2020


Integrated Township Project (ITP) in UDCPR 2020


Various Regulations of Chapter 15 in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 14 is all about the Special Schemes as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 15.2 Erection of Mobile Towers


Erection/setting up Telecommunication Cell Sites/Base Stations and installation of the equipment for the Telecommunication network shall be permissible as per the norms of the Department of Telecommunication/Information Technology or the concerned Department of the Central/State Government.


Rule No. 15.3 Preparation of Local Area Plan


A local area plan is a plan for the comprehensive development of a particular area in a city/town, which may consist of more detailed provisions than that of a development plan addressing the local requirements of the area. The Authority may prepare such a plan consisting of planning requirements at a micro level, local area-specific regulations, urban design, etc. The local area plan shall be prepared by following a procedure similar to that of section 33 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966. After approval of this plan by the State Government, it shall come into force. In the event of provisions of the local area plan not consistent with UDCPR, the provisions of the local area plan shall prevail.


Rule No. 15.4 Guidelines for Street Design in City/Town


The authority shall ensure the complete design of streets i.e. streets shall be designed to cater to the needs of all users and activities like smooth and convenient vehicular movement, safe and unhampered pedestrian movement for all age groups, safe and easy movement of differently-abled persons, street furniture, etc.


The street shall generally be designed to 


i) Attract more users


ii) Have provisions for pedestrian and cyclist


iii) Increase retail activities


iv) To provide relevant street furniture and signage


v) Plant trees


vi) Make provisions for proper illumination


vii) Have provisions for underground utilities.


Related Regulations


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 15 through the below-mentioned links:


Quarrying Operations in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Residential Zones R2 in UDCPR 2020

Any city in India is divided into various land use zones: Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial, etc. So, there is a restriction on the use of land under any zone. For example, You cannot build a Commercial building in an Agricultural Zone, or You cannot build hazardous or high-end Industries in a Residential Zone. So here are the uses permissible in the Residential Zone R-2 as per UDCPR 2020 (UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CONTROL AND PROMOTION REGULATIONS FOR MAHARASHTRA STATE).


This is applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities / Special Planning Authorities / Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive / Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 4.4 Uses Permissible in Residential Zone R-2



(Residential Zone R-2 includes Residential plots abutting on roads having existing or proposed widths of 9.0 m. and above in congested areas and 12.0 m. and above in non-congested areas).

(In the case of C Class M.C.s, Nagar panchayats, and R.P. areas, the above road width of 12.0 m. shall be 9.0 m. in non-congested areas).

4.4.1 In this zone, the following uses, mixed uses may be permitted

i) All uses permissible in R-1 shall be permitted in the R-2 zone, without any restriction of area.

ii) All uses or mix uses may be permitted irrespective of restriction on floor or area, except uses mentioned at Regulation No.4.8(ii), 4.11(viii, xviii, xxi, xxii, xxxi, xxxvii), 4.21 and like.

iii) All Uses permissible in a Public Semi-public Zone.

4.4.2 Uses Permitted in Independent Premises /Buildings

i) Vehicle Fuel filling Stations, including LPG / CNG / Ethanol with or without service stations, subject to provisions of Regulation No.4.11(vi)(c, d, and e) and subject to provisions in Regulation No.6.2.2., Sr.No.6 of Table 6-E. (This station may include Electric Vehicle Charging Stations).

ii) Trade or other similar schools.

iii) LPG godown, bulk storage, and sale of kerosene are subject to NOC of the Chief Controller of Explosives, Government of India.

iv) Service Industries :- The Service Industries may be permitted in independent buildings/Plot as given below :-

a) The Following Industries may be permitted with power requirement not more than 10 H.P., employment not more than 9 persons and floor area not exceeding 100 sq.m.


i) Manufacture of milk and dairy products such as butter, ghee, etc.


ii) (a) Rice huller

(b) Groundnut decorticators

(c) Grain Mill for production of flour

(d) Manufacture of supari and Masala grindings


(e) Baby oil expellers

iii) Manufacture of bakery products with no Floor above


iv) Coffee, curing, roasting, and grinding

v) Manufacture of Ice

vi) Sugarcane crushing & Fruit Juice



i) Manufacture of bidi ( May be permitted in R-1 Zone also)




i)  Handloom/power-loom of yarn for a maximum of 4 looms


ii)  Embroidery & making of crape laces & fringes


iii)  Manufacture of all types of textile garments, including wearing apparel


iv)  Manufacture of made-up textile goods such as curtains, mosquito nets, mattresses, bedding material pillowcases, and textile bags, etc.




Manufacture of wooden furniture and fixtures




i)  Manufacture of cartons and boxes from papers and paper board, paper pulp


ii)  Printing & Publishing newspaper


iii)  Engraving etching, block making, etc.


iv)  Bookbinding (may be permitted in R-1 Zone also)




Repair of footwear and other leather




i) Re-treading and vulcanizing works


ii) Manufacture of rubber balloons, hand gloves, and allied products




i) Manufacture of metal building components such as grills, gates, Doors and window frames, water tanks, wire nets, etc.


ii) Tool sharpening and razor sharpening works




Repairs of household electrical appliances such as radio sets. Television sets, tape recorders, heaters, irons, shavers, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, air-conditioners, washing machines, electric cooking ranges, motor rewinding works, etc.




i) Manufacturing of pushcarts, hand carts, etc.


ii) (a) Servicing and repairing of bicycles, rickshaws, motorcycles and motor Vehicles


(b) Battery charging and repairs




i)  Manufacture of jewellery and related articles


ii)  Repair of watch, clock, and jewellery


iii)  Manufacture of Musical instruments and its repair


iv) (a) Repairs of locks, stoves, umbrellas, sewing machines, gas burners, buckets & other sundry household equipment


     (b) Optical glass grinding and repairs


v)  Petrol / CNG / Ethanol / All fuel filling / Electric Vehicle Charging Stations) subject to provisions in Regulation No.6.2.2., Sr.No.6 of Table 6-E


vi)  Laundries, Laundry service and cleaning, dyeing, bleaching and dry cleaning


vii)  Photo processing laboratories


viii)  Electronic Industry of assembly type (and not of manufacturing type including heating load)


(XII) Manufacture of structural stone goods, stone dressing, stone crushing and polishing, Manufacture of earthen & plaster states and images, toys and art wares, and Manufacture of cement concrete building components, concrete jallies, septic tank, plaster of paris work lime mortar, etc.


b) Following service industries may be permitted without restrictions mentioned in (a) above.




Canning & preservation of Fruits & Vegetables, Meat, and Fish, including production of Jam, Jelly, Sauce, etc.




Printing & Publishing periodicals, books, journals, atlases, maps, envelopes, printing pictures, post-card, embossing



Related Regulations to Rule No. 4- 


You can visit our other blogs on regulations through the below-mentioned links:


Uses Permissible in Various Zones UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Development Plan Reservations in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Green Belt Zone and River Protection Belt in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Agricultural Zone in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Public and Semi Public Zone in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Industrial Zone in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Commercial Zone in UDCPR 2020


What are the Types of Zones in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Residential Zones R1 in UDCPR 2020