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Kamlesh Deshbhratar

Pune, Maharashtra 411033

Experts In:(PMC) In Redevelopment ,   Redevelopment Feasibility Report ,   Architect  

Working Hours: 08 AM to 9 PM


What is a Feasibility Report?


Feasibility report in simple words means Redevelopment viability Report. Any building, when it is constructed was as per prevailing rules of that time. But allowable FSI, TDR & built-up area keeps increasing on any plot. A study of the feasibility of allowed maximum construction area, construction cost & other building bylaws that play a major role in the viability of a Redevelopment Project is called a feasibility Report.


There is no slandered format for the feasibility report. But more detail in the report is easier & accurate decision can take.

Depending upon the expertise available with Project management consultancy (PMC) or Architect, the report contains study of a few or all points do detailed study & gives 12-15 page report


When it is required?

  1. When society wants for redevelopment, 1st step is “FEASIBILITY REPORT”
  2. It should be the very first step, even before finding Builder or any other step


Who will give the Feasibility Report?


  1. An Architect can give this report
  2. Project management consultancy with architects in their team generally gives more detailed reports.


Features of Feasibility Report


  1. Though the report is based on technical calculations, its presentation language must be simple & easy for the common person.
  2. By knowing all ifs & buts, of the whole process, society can make appropriate decisions at every stage. Hence control of the entire process remains in society’s hands.
  3. Feasibility report works as mainly risk reduction tool



know Your Land in Detail with a Feasibility Report



Have you ever taken any decision for development of land? 

How to do best development proposal on your land? 

Have you met with people who invest months in planning with architect, their dream plans are changed totally at time of approval. 


Have you seen any project went on hold for years due to some unexpected site condition ?


All these situations could be avoided by proper planning based on feasibility report by consultants.

Content table 

I. Introduction to the feasibility report   

II. Factors studied in feasibility report                     

III. Studies required for types of property development                                

IV. Feasibility study consultant   

V. Conclusion


1. Introduction to the feasibility report

Feasibility Study and Report determine the potential and possibility of a particular plot, construction or land. It is one of the primary steps that owners, developers or builders conduct. Every construction project should get feasibility report from experts like architect, construction companies, marketing agencies etc.

Feasibility report is a report from experts to determine project’s viability through various perspectives like development, Construction , cost, time duration, profit, etc….

If someone asks me, how to know my land details, I simply say, get feasibility report. It lets you to know your land in detail, in a perspective of future profit. This report can be done for vacant land & sometime for ongoing construction projects also.

2. Factors Studied in feasibility report

Feasibility study is done in various manners to find feasibility of any project. Here are common study factors for feasibility of a construction project.  


A. Property Development Feasibility Study

(Also called as Land feasibility study)

Land feasibility study is most important when you buy any land, sell your land or decide to lease or develop any land. It contains a study based on development rules & legal clearances, to give clarity on all necessary pre construction activities for any land development. It also gives idea whether owner can do commercial property development, residential development, Industrial permissions etc. Depend upon feasibility of land cost of land increase. 

Factor of Land feasibility study are as follows.

Land zone & development restrictions

Access road width & its type

Natural reservations like river, mountain, Nala.

Development restriction like airport restriction zone, garden reservation etc…

Land ownership & development rights (Clear title land)

Planning authority & building rules

Calculation of FSI & TDR (floor space Index)

Cost of TDR & development charges for various approvals

Other development requirement like Fire Noc, Aviation NOC, Environment NOC etc….


Contact us (form at bottom) to get free quotation for feasibility report.

B. Construction Project Feasibility Study

Speed of construction activity on any site varies due to various factors. Cost factor, quality of construction all these also varies due to these reasons. Construction cost, quality control & duration of construction is important factors for planning & scheduling the activities. These are the reasons why construction feasibility for following factors is important. This study is highly important in projects like commercial development, industrial development, institutional projects, hospitals, manufacturing plant etc. where time vs cost play important role in construction.

  1. Availability of Labour
  2. Availability of resources like water, electricity, drainage etc…
  3. Connectivity for material transportation
  4. Cost of materials
  5. Site & Soil condition for easement of working
  6. Space for storage & labour camps
  7. Climatic conditions & challenges
  8. Various Local issues etc…


C. Marketing  & Sales Study

This study is not important when there is industrial development or. For other projects where sale is involved like residential development, commercial development projects, shopping mall, Hostels this study make huge difference. Marketing agencies do such research and make feasibility report.

  1. Sale rate in vicinity
  2. User’s requirement like amenities, room spaces, construction quality.
  3. Demand and supply of sizes of units (like 2BHK, 3BHK)
  4. Availability of residential needs like market, hotels, schools etc. . .
  5. Connectivity of job location, railway stations, airports, High ways, other cities…
  6. Competition in vicinity (profit margin)


Contact us (form at bottom) to get free quotation for feasibility report.

3. Studies required for types of property development

A property can be developed for various reasons like commercial development, residential development, industrial development etc. Not all studies are important for all type of development. Depend upon various factor directly involved in decision making we recommend type of study to type of building.

No.Construction TypeLand FeasibilityConstruction Feasibility Sales  & Marketing
1Bunglowshould beNot MustNot applicable
2Small Apartmentshould beNot Mustshould be
3Town Shop developmentshould beshould beshould be
4Commercial buildingsshould beshould beshould be
5Shopping Mall, Multiplexshould beshould beshould be
6Institutional buildingshould beshould beNot applicable
7Hospitalsshould beNot MustNot applicable
8Industrial buildingshould beshould beNot applicable

*Note – Needed =  It is always better to get this report to avoid further inconvenience

Not Must = Results are in control of owner. External factor do not affect much. Hence this type of study is not compulsory for certain type of constructions. Thumb rules from known experts will be enough .

Not applicable = Studies which are not applicable for this type of construction project.

4. Feasibility study consultant & Cost

While selecting feasibility report agency, it is important to understand that the team behind making of report must be experienced. The feasibility report must bring some insights to reader. A feasibility report with data analysis brings more value to decisions.

Charges for feasibility varies form 10000 Rs to few lakh rupees depend upon expertise & quantity of work.

Agencies who give feasibility report are can register with foot2feet.

(Consultants can register themselves here for free)  

Hence whenever any company is looking for feasibility report, they can give their quotation to meet client’s requirement. 

5. Conclusion

Following points must be considered for any kind of construction

  1. Due to zone & approval restrictions, Land feasibility is must in any kind of development.
  2. Feasibility  report saves considerable time & money in any construction project.
  3. Depend upon type of project feasibility should be done
  4. Cost involved in this report is much lesser that its output.
  5. Person making such report must be experienced and expert of his field.

Thank you

Team Foot2feet


Affordable Housing Scheme in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 14 is all about the Special Schemes as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.

Rule No. 14.3 Affordable Housing Scheme


i) The Authority may permit the implementation of the Affordable Housing Scheme in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. Affordable Housing Scheme (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Scheme’) shall be permissible only on the lands situated within the limits of the Municipal Corporation.


a) Affordable Housing Scheme shall be permissible in Residential Zone only and on plots having access from an existing or proposed Development Plan Road having a width equal to or in excess of 18.0 m. or an existing road in respect of which Regular Line of Street has been declared under the relevant provisions of Maharashtra Municipal Corporation Act, for a width of 18.0 m.or more. However, in the case of a proposed road, the land under the said proposed road shall be acquired before the approval of building plans for the Affordable Housing Scheme.


b) The minimum plot area for the Affordable Housing Scheme shall be 4000 sq. m., excluding areas under D.P. Roads and D.P. Reservations, if any.


c) The plot under the Scheme shall be independent, unencumbered and contiguous.


d) The Scheme shall not be permissible in congested areas, demarcated as such on the Development Plan.


e) Maximum permissible FSI (including the basic FSI of 1.00) under the Scheme shall be 3.00 on the gross plot area, including mandatory layout recreational open space and Amenity Space. The FSI to be utilized shall be in the proportion of 1:3 for the Affordable Housing Component and the Free Sale Housing Component on 1⁄4th and 3⁄4th part of the land respectively. Thus, affordable housing and free sale housing shall be proposed on the same plot of land but in two separate, independently buildable pockets.


f) Under the Affordable Housing Scheme, up to 15%of the total built-up area of the Affordable Housing Component may be used for construction of shops / commercial use as per the direction of Urban Local Body and such commercial built-up area shall be handed over to the concerned ULB free of cost.


g) An Affordable Housing Unit shall be a self-contained dwelling unit of 27.88 sq.m. carpet area. However, the carpet area of a Housing Unit shall be 160 sq.ft./25 sq. mt. where the construction under the Rental Housing Scheme/Affordable Housing Scheme, as the case may be, has already commenced.


h) The amenity space for Affordable Housing shall be as per these regulations and it shall be proportionately provided in the area earmarked for the Affordable Housing Component and the area kept for the Free Sale Housing component.


Provided that where the Scheme is to be implemented on a plot in an Industrial Zone where the Planning Authority has duly permitted Residential users under the relevant provisions of the Development Control Regulations :-


i) No further area shall be required to be kept as amenity space under this Regulation for the Scheme if the area prescribed to be kept as amenity space while permitting residential users in the Industrial Zone is equal to or more than 10% of the gross plot area.


ii) Only the balance area shall be required to be kept as amenity space under this Regulation for the Scheme if the area of amenity space prescribed by the Planning Authority, while permitting residential users in the Industrial zone, falls short of 10%.


ii) a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the relevant provisions of the Development Control Regulations for the respective Municipal Corporation regarding the provision of Amenity Space in general, and also regarding permitting Residential users in Industrial zones, it shall be obligatory on the Developer / Owner to develop the amenity space for users (hereinafter referred to as prescribed amenity users) such as School, Play Ground, Garden, Health Care Facilities, Multipurpose Hall, Auditorium, etc. with the approval of Authority as per the specifications prescribed by the said Authority, subject to the condition that at least 50% of such amenity space shall be kept for open users, before seeking Occupancy Certificate for the Free Sale Housing Component of the Scheme, failing which the land under such amenity space shall be handed over free of cost to the Planning Authority and such land shall be developed by the Authority for the aforesaid prescribed amenity users only.


No compensation in the form of TDR shall be admissible to the Owner/Developer for the development of such prescribed amenities under this Regulation.


b) Irrespective of whether the Owner / Developer develops the prescribed amenity users as per the provisions of Clause (ii) above or fails to do so, the process of handing over the land under such amenity space, along with the developed prescribed amenities, where such prescribed amenities have been developed, shall be completed within one month from the date of application by the Developer / Owner for seeking Occupancy Certificate for the free sale housing component of the Scheme and if such handing over process is not completed within the said period, the occupancy certificate for the free sale housing component of the Scheme shall be withheld by the Authority till such amenity space, along with developed prescribed amenities, where such prescribed amenities have been developed, is handed over to the Authority.


c) Under the Affordable Housing Scheme, there shall be a welfare hall and a Balwadi at the rate of 30.0 sq.m. for every multiple or part of 200 residential units and an office for the Co-operative Housing Society at the rate of 30.0 sq.m. per every multiple or part of 500 residential units which shall be treated as a part of Affordable Housing Component and shall not be counted towards the FSI while computing 3.00 FSI on the site and shall be given along with layout / D.P. roads and shops, free of cost to the concerned ULB. These facilities shall be constructed at locations as suggested by the concerned ULB and shall be transferred free of cost to it.


iii) Under the Affordable Housing Scheme, off-site infrastructure charges at the rate of 5% of the land rate as given in the Annual Statement of Rates (ASR) prepared by the Inspector General of Registration, Maharashtra State, for the year in which Commencement Certificate is issued (without applying guidelines of ASR), subject to a minimum of Rs.2000/- per Sq.m., shall be paid by the Developer for the built-up area, over and above the normal permissible FSI. This amount shall be paid to the concerned ULB.


iv) Release of FSI under the Scheme shall be as follows :-


FSO for Affordable Housing Component and the Free Sale Housing Component under the Scheme shall be released in accordance with the following Table No. 14-S


Table No.14-S

Sr. NoStages of Release of FSIAffordable Housing ComponentFree Sale Component
1On Grant of Building Permission/Commencement Certificate up to plinth by Commissioner to the Affordable Housing Project3.001.00
2On Completion of 50% BUA of Affordable Component--0.75
3On Completion of 100% BUA of Affordable Component--0.75
4On handing over of 25--0.50

Explanation - The FSI of 3.00 is to be calculated separately on one-fourth of the plot area for the Affordable Housing Component as well as three-fourth of the plot area for Free- Sale Housing component.


v) The Affordable Housing Component under the Scheme shall be handed over along with the 1⁄4th part of the total plot of land, free of cost to the concerned ULB.


vi)(a) The affordable housing stock created under the scheme shall be allotted by the concerned ULB as follows :


Table No.14-T

PercentageAllotment to


of stock

Rate of allotment
50Respective ULBs for use as PAP ownership free of cost tenements or staff quarters or transit accommodation.OwnershipFree of cost
25Government of Maharashtra and its statutory bodies/Govt. undertaking for use as PAP tenements or staff quarters or transit accommodation, staff quarters,OwnershipFree of cost
25As affordable housing by MHADA subject to the general or specific direction of the GovernmentOwnershipFree of cost to MHADA which shall dispose of the same as per its policy and drawl of lots 


(b)The affordable housing stock shall be disposed of as per the prevailing policy of MHADA regarding pricing and disposal of its housing stock meant for affordable housing. Each project approved under the Scheme shall be brought to the notice of the government of Maharashtra and its statutory bodies/Government undertakings by means of press advertisement and if the Government of Maharashtra or any of its statutory bodies/Government Undertakings doesn’t place firm requirements for the housing stock earmarked for them in the Scheme before the completion certificate/occupation certificate for the said scheme is issued, the same shall come to the share of MHADA for outright sale as per the prevailing policy of the MHADA.


vii)(a) The other aspects of the development of the affordable housing scheme, not specifically dealt with hereinabove, shall be as per the relevant provisions of UDCPR.


b) It shall also be permissible for the developer/owner to utilize the FSI available for free sale housing component, fully / partly for any other user otherwise permissible as per UDCPR.


c) In case, owing to genuine hardship and site conditions, relaxation in marginal open spaces is sought by the developer/owner, the authority may consider such request, using its discretionary powers under the UDCPR, subject to the condition that in no case shall the clear marginal open space be reduced below 6.0 m. No premium shall be charged for granting such relaxation in marginal open spaces with respect to the affordable housing component of the scheme.


Related Regulations


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 14 through the below-mentioned links:


Integrated Logistic Park (ILP) in UDCPR 2020


Industrial Township under Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing Policy in UDCPR 2020


Development of Tourism and Hospitality Services under Community Nature Conservancy around Wild Life Sanctuaries and National Park in UDCPR 2020


Slum Rehabilitation Scheme for Other Municipal Corporations in UDCPR 2020


Slum Rehabilitation for Pune, PCMC, PCNTDA, and Nagpur in UDCPR 2020


Urban Renewal Scheme in UDCPR 2020


Conservation of Heritage Buildings, Precints, Natural Features in UDCPR 2020


Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana in UDCPR 2020


Integrated Information Technology Township (IITP) in UDCPR 2020


Integrated Township Project (ITP) in UDCPR 2020


Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in UDCPR 2020


Various Regulations in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 2 is all about Development Permission and Commencement Certificate as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limits of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC, and Lonavala Municipal Council in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 2.9 Completion Certificate


The owner through his Architect/licensed engineer/town planner/supervisor, as the case may be, who has supervised the construction, shall furnish a building completion certificate to the Authority in the form in Appendix - G. This certificate shall be accompanied by three sets of plans of the completed development, the certificate about the operation of the lift from consultant and certificate of structural stability, wherever necessary.


In case of special buildings, the Completion Certificate shall also be accompanied with the NOC from the Chief Fire Officer of the respective Authority or Director of Fire services, as the case may be.


Rule No. 2.10 Occupancy Certificate


The Authority after inspection of the work and after satisfying himself that there is no deviation from the sanctioned plans as mentioned in Regulation No.2.8.5, issues an occupancy certificate in the form in Appendix – H or refuses to sanction the occupancy certificate in Appendix - I within 21 days from the date of receipt of the said completion certificate, failing which the work shall be deemed to have been approved for occupation, provided the construction conforms to the sanctioned plans. One set of plans, certified by the Authority, shall be returned to the owner along with the occupancy certificate. Where the occupancy certificate is refused or rejected, the reasons for refusal or rejection shall be given in intimation of the rejection or the refusal The applicant may request for Deemed Occupancy Certificate, if eligible, as above. The Authority shall issue the Deemed Occupancy Certificate within 15 (fifteen) days of the application.


Rule No. 2.11 Part Occupancy Certificate


When requested by the holder of the development permission, the Authority may issue a part occupancy certificate for a building, or part thereof, before completion of the entire work as per development permission, provided sufficient precautionary measures are taken by the holder of the development permission to ensure public safety and health of the occupants and users of the said portion of the building. The part occupancy certificate shall be subject to the owners indemnifying the Authority in the form in Appendix 'J'.


Rule No. 2.12 Inspection


The Authority shall have the power to carry out inspection of the work under the provisions of the Act, at various stages to ascertain whether the work is proceeding as per the provisions of regulations and sanctioned plan.


Rule No. 2.13 Unsafe Buildings


All unsafe buildings shall be considered to constitute a danger to public safety and hygiene and sanitation and shall be restored by repairs or demolished or dealt with as otherwise directed by the Authority. The relevant provisions of the regulations/Act shall apply for the procedure of actions to be taken by the Authority for unsafe buildings.


Rule No. 2.14 Offences and Penalties


i)  Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of these regulations, any requirements

or obligations imposed on him by virtue of the Act or these regulations, shall :-


(a) Be guilty of an offence and upon conviction, shall be punished as stipulated in Section 52 of the Act.


(b) Be subject to further suitable actions including demolition of unauthorized works, as stipulated under Sections 53 and 54 of the Act.


(c) Where such person is a Licensed Engineer/Structural Engineer/Town Planner/Supervisor, be subject to suitable action against him which may include cancellation of license and debarring him from further practice/business for a period as may be decided by the Authority. Thereupon such Licensed Engineer/Structural Engineer/Town Planner/Supervisor shall be considered debarred for the respective district.


(d) Where such person is a registered Architect, be subject to action of the Council of Architecture as per the provisions of the Architects Act, 1972 based on the report of the Authority and debarring him from further practice/ business for a period as may be decided by the Authority.


ii) Any person who neglects any requirements or obligations imposed on him including the maintenance of fire protection services, appliances and lifts in working order or who interferes with or obstructs any person in the discharge of his duties shall be guilty of an offence as specified in Section 36 of the Maharashtra Fire Prevention and Life Safety Measures Act, 2006 and, upon conviction, shall be subject to penalties and other consequences spelt out in said Act.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 2- 


You can visit our other blog on Regulation 2 through the below-mentioned links:


Commencement of Work in UDCPR 2020


Grant or Refusal of Permission in UDCPR 2020


Procedure During Construction in UDCPR 2020


Discretionary Powers and Relaxations In Specific Cases in UDCPR 2020


Discretionary Powers Interpretation in UDCPR 2020


Procedure for Obtaining Development Permission, Building Permission, Commencement Certificate in UDCPR 2020


Permission from the Planning Authority is Mandatory in UDCPR 2020


Provision for Inclusive Housing in UDCPR 2020

There are general regulations about any construction permissible on land and no piece of land shall be used as a site for the construction of a building if the site is not eligible for it.


If the Authority considers that the site is insanitary, incapable of being well-drained, or is dangerous to construct a building on it then it is not permissible to use this land as a site for construction.

For Example, if the site is in Defense land, Railway region Hilly region, or not drained properly in this case there one cannot construct anything on the land without considering the regulations. This information about reservations and their use is very important when someone starts actual planning, whether they are land owners, builders, or construction owners. It is a must-know information before purchasing land or starting construction on the land.


This information about reservations and their use is very important when someone starts actual planning, whether they are land owners, builders, or construction owners. It is a must-know information before purchasing land or starting construction on the land.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 3 is all about General Land Development Requirements.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 3.8 Provision for Inclusive Housing 




This regulation shall be applicable only to Municipal Corporations having a population of 10 lacs or more as per the latest Census, as mentioned in Regulation No.3.8.2.


3.8.2 Inclusive Housing –


Provision for inclusive housing shall be applicable in the following cases :-


(a) For the sub-division or layout of the land :-


For the sub-division or layout of the land admeasuring 4000 Sq.m. or more (after deducting area under D.P./R.P. Roads, D.P. Reservations including deemed reservations under these regulations, if any) for residential purposes, a minimum of 20% of the plot area shall have to be provided either :-


i)  in the form of developed plots of 30.0 to 50.0 sq.m. size for Economically Weaker Sections/Low-Income Groups (EWS/LIG), (hereinafter referred to as “affordable plots”) for allotment to the allottees as per the list provided by MHADA, OR


ii)  in the form of plot/plots equivalent to 20% of the plot area for constructing EWS/LIG tenements to be handed over to MHADA. Within this 20% area, proportionate road and recreational open space area of this 20% space, shall be included, OR


iii) The Landowner/Developer can exercise an option to construct EWS / LIG tenements on the said 20% plot area as per provisions specified in subsequent Regulation No. (b).

Provided that the affordable Housing Plots/tenements as mentioned in (i, ii, and iii) above can also be provided at some other location(s) within 1.0 km. from the original location or within the same ward, OR


iv)  The Landowner/Developer may hand over the affordable plots to MHADA at one place in lieu of FSI/DR as per TDR regulations to be utilized on the remaining plots.

Provided that in case the Landowner/Developer desires not to utilize such additional FSI/DR in the same land, fully or partly, then he shall be awarded TDR instead of such unutilized additional FSI. The utilization of this TDR shall be subject to the provisions of TDR regulations.


b)  For Group Housing Scheme :-


For a plot of land, admeasuring 4000 Sq.m. or more (after deducting area under D.P./R.P. Roads, D.P. Reservations including deemed reservations under these regulations, if any) to be developed for a Housing Scheme consisting of one or more buildings (hereinafter referred to as 'the said Scheme'), EWS/LIG Housing in the form of tenements of size ranging between 30.0 and 50.0 Sq.m. (1) carpet area (hereinafter referred to as 'affordable housing tenements) shall be constructed at least to the extent of 20% of the basic FSI subject to the following conditions :-


i)  The built-up area of the EWS/LIG tenements constructed under the Scheme shall not be counted towards FSI and such built-up area of EWS/LIG tenements (20%) shall be over and above the permissible FSI/TDR as per UDCPR.


ii)  The Landowner/Developer shall construct the stock of the affordable housing tenements in the same plot and the Authority shall ensure that the Occupation Certificate for the rest of the development under the said scheme is not issued till the occupation certificate is issued for the Affordable Housing tenements under the scheme.


Provided further that the Affordable Housing tenements can also be provided at some other location(s) within 1.0 km. from the original location or within the same ward to the extent of 40% of the basic permissible FSI over and above the permissible built-up area of the receiving\alternative plot and such area shall be free of FSI on such alternative plot.


However, Affordable Housing tenements to be constructed on such alternative plots shall be increased in proportion to the land rate of the respective lands for that year.


iii)  The Owner/Developer, after getting the commencement certificate of the Affordable Housing component as mentioned above shall immediately intimate to MHADA regarding the number of tenements to be disposed of by them to the allottees. Upon such intimation, MHADA within a period of six months, from the date of receipt of such intimation, after following procedure, shall send the list of allottees and forward it to the Owner / Developer. The Owner/Developer shall allot such tenements to the allottees at the construction cost mentioned in ASR applicable of the year of disposal (date of occupancy certificate) plus 25% additional cost. Out of this 25% additional cost, 1% shall be paid to MHADA towards administration charges by the Owner/Developer.


If the allottees fail to deposit the amount in the phased manner as specified in the agreement within the specified time limit, then the allotment shall stand canceled and in such case, the owner/developer shall dispose of such tenements in the market at the construction cost in ASR applicable to the land of the year of disposal plus 25% additional cost to the persons belonging to the EWS/LIG category as determined by Government in Housing Department. This shall also be applicable for plots mentioned in (a) above.

If MHADA fails to send the list within the period of six months as specified above, the concerned Planning Authority, after following the procedure as that of MHADA shall send the list of allottees within six months. If such Authority also fails to send the list as specified above, the Owner/Developer shall be at liberty to dispose of the tenements in the manner mentioned in the para above.


Provided that these regulations shall not be applicable :-


a) In the case of individual bungalows irrespective of plot area, redevelopment of existing buildings of Co-operative societies/development of buildings of Government/Semi-Government/Government controlled bodies including BOT/PPP projects or projects undertaken through agency development under Regulation No.7.3, development of MHADA colony under Regulation No.7.4, Development of housing for EWS/LIG under Regulation No.7.7, Development of PMAY under Regulation No.14.4, any development in agriculture (or equivalent) zone.


b)  in case of development of reservation for Public Housing, Housing the Dis-housed, Public Housing/High-Density Housing, and the EWS/LIG tenements constructed under the provisions of any other Act, land exempted and developed for weaker section housing scheme under section 20 of ULC Act and allowing Residential/Commercial user in Industrial zone.


c)  if the company/factory establishment proposes to construct staff quarters for their staff on their own land and such construction which is meant to be used for only staff quarters and not for the sale of tenements/flats.


d)  lands reserved in the Development Plan which are being developed under the Accommodation Reservation policy.


e)  For any Housing Scheme or residential development project wherein, owing to the relevant provisions of the Development Control Regulations/Laws, 20% or more of the basic FSI is required to be utilized towards the construction of residential tenements for the EWS / LIG.


iv)  The Landowner/Developer may also be permitted to utilize 1/4th of the total 20% FSI earmarked for Affordable Housing towards the construction of Affordable Housing Tenements in the form of service quarters in the same or separate building which shall have to be sold as service quarters only to the purchasers of free sale flats under the said scheme.


v)  Affordable Housing tenements are to be constructed to the extent of 20% of basic FSI only and shall not be required on additional FSI/TDR wherever permissible as per UDCPR.

vi)  Amalgamation of affordable plots/affordable tenements shall not be allowed.

vii) The Government may nominate any other Authority instead of MAHADA mentioned in the above Regulation, if required in the future.


(c) Prospective Applicability : These Provisions shall be applicable prospectively and shall not apply to revised permission of any Layout, Housing Scheme, or residential development project wherein a Commencement Certificate has been issued before the date of coming into force of these provisions and is valid on such date. However, this provision shall be applicable to revised permission where revised permission is sought including an additional area of more than 4000. In such case, this provision shall be applicable to additionally included areas.


Provided that, earlier permission wherein provision for affordable housing is made in accordance with the then prevailing regulations, shall also be entitled for revision under this regulation.




If the owner/developer desires to construct inclusive housing, even though it is not mandatory, inclusive housing may be provided with prior NOC from MHADA with respect to the requirement of EWS/LIG housing, then in addition to basic entitlement he shall be entitled for, additional 25% FSI of the land covered under Inclusive Housing on his remaining land.




Provision of Inclusive Housing shall not be applicable, if the plots are auctioned by public authorities without the condition of providing Inclusive Housing before coming into force of these regulations. However, it shall be mandatory on public authorities to stipulate the condition of providing Inclusive Housing as per the provision of this regulation, while auctioning the plots hereinafter, wherever applicable.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 3 - 


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 3 through the below-mentioned links:


Recreational Open Spaces in UDCPR 2020


Provision for Amenity Space in UDCPR 2020


Minimum Plot Area for Various Uses in UDCPR 2020


Relocation of D.P Reservations (Except Road) UDCPR 2020


Rules for Railway Line, River, Electric Line, Airport, Nallah in UDCPR 2020


Plotting, Land Subdivisions, and Access Road Rules in UDCPR 2020

Additional Regulations for Pune in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR has a Unified rule, which means that instead of having numerous regulations for every city/region in the state, it is better to have a single rule for all cities in Maharashtra.

But due to some geological conditions or some other restrictions the regulations may vary a bit for some regions in Maharastra. 


For Example, the Coastal Region, Hilly Region, Densely Populated Region, and Gaothan can't have the same type of rules, and the rules differ according to them.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 5 is all about Additional Provisions for Regional Plan Areas.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule 5.9 For Pune Regional Plan




Regulations for planning areas of growth centers at sector – R - i.e., i) Lonavala – Karla - Malvali And ii) Kune – Pangaloli - Kurwande and surrounding area, which is a part of the Pune Metropolitan Development Authority area, shall be as per the following Regulations.




No plots in these zones shall be less than 500 sq.m. provided that smaller plots in these zones admeasuring not less than 300 sq.m. existing before the date of publication of the regional plan shall be recognized for the purpose of granting development permissions, provided further that plots directly abutting on Mumbai - Pune road shall not admeasure less than 1000 sq.m. Development in such a 1000 sq.m. plot, shall be governed by development control rules in the Lonavala Development Plan, applicable to 10 are zone. Built-up areas, number of storeys, tenements, marginal open spaces, and room sizes, the maximum built-up areas, the maximum number of storeys, the maximum number of tenements, the minimum marginal open spaces, and the minimum room sizes permissible in these zones shall be as indicated in the statement annexed hereto. As regards rule for layout plots and group housing schemes and buildings of various users other than residential, including industrial, other items of building construction, such as balcony, sanitation, height, ventilation and parking, etc., and all other such regulations which are not explicitly covered above shall be governed by development control regulations for these items incorporated in Development Plan of Lonavala as amended from time to time and subject to these regulations.


Sr. No.Plot Size GroupMaxi- mum built up area


no. of storeys

Max. no


tena- ments

Min. marginal open spaceMin. Habi- table room sizesMin. sizes for kitchenMin. sizes for shops & other rooms for commer-


300 sq.m. m

and less than
500 sq.m

25%Ground plus one floor only23.0 m.2.5 m.3.0 m.

9.0 Sq.m. m

with no

side less

than 3.0 m.

7.5 sq.m. m

with no side less

than 2.5 m.

15 sq.m. with no sideless

than 3.0 m.

2500 sq.m. and above25%Ground plus one upper44.5 m.3.0 m.4.5 m


1) A ground floor on stilts or columns without enclosing walls (except retaining walls, where such floor is constructed by cutting the sloping ground) intended to be used as a parking space shall not be counted as a ground floor.


2) In the case of classified roads, the minimum marginal open spaces to be observed from roads, shall be as prescribed above or as prescribed by the Government from time to time under the ribbon development rules, whichever is more.


3) Sr.No.1 is applicable to the plots existing on or before the date of publication of the notification of sectioning of the regional plan in the official gazette.


ii) REGULATIONS FOR KUNE - PANGALOLI - KURWANDE PLANNING AREA OF SECTOR - R OF REGIONAL PLAN OF PUNE REGION - Development in this area shall be governed by the regulations applicable to 10 Are zone in the Lonavala Regional/Development Plan. The maximum built-up areas, the maximum number of storeys, the maximum number of tenements, the minimum marginal open spaces, and the minimum room sizes permissible in these zones shall be as indicated in the statement annexed hereto. As regards rule for layout plots and group housing schemes and buildings of various users other than residential, including industrial, other items of building construction, such as balconies, sanitation, height, ventilation and parking, etc., and all other such regulations which are not explicitly covered above shall be governed by development control regulations for these items incorporated in Development Plan of Lonavala as amended from time to time and subject to these regulations.


Sr. No.Plot Size Group

Maxi- mum




no. of storeys

Max. no of tenamentsMin. marginal open space

Min. habitable room


Min. sizes

for kitchen



500 sq.m. and less

than 1000 Sq.m.

25%Ground plus one floor only24.5 m3.0 m.4.5 m.

9.0 sq.m. with no

side less

than 3.0 m.

7.5 sq.m. with no

side less


21000 sq.m and above25%Ground plus one upper44.5 m3.0 m.4.5 m11 sq.m. with no side less than 3.0 m. 


1) A ground floor on stilts or columns without enclosing walls (except retaining walls, where such a floor is constructed by cutting the sloping ground) intended to be used as a parking space shall not be counted as a ground floor.


2) In the case of classified roads, the minimum marginal open spaces to be observed from roads, shall be as prescribed above or as prescribed by the Government from time to time under the ribbon development rules, whichever is more.


3) Sr.No.1 is applicable to the plots existing on or before the date of publication of the notification of sanctioning of the regional plan in the official gazette.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 5 - 


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 5 through the below-mentioned links:


Additional Rules for Regional Plan Area than Basic UDCPR Rules in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Thane, Raigad, Palghar Regional Plan in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulation for Ratnagiri in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Kolhapur in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Satara in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Hingoli, Buldhana, Washim, Yavatmal, Nanded Regional Plan in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Raigad in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Solapur in UDCPR in 2020


Additional Regulations in Aurangabad in UDCPR 2020


Regulations for Height of Building in UDCPR 2020

For the construction of any building, there is a restriction of floor space to be used. It is called as FSI (Floor space Index). Also, we have to provide distance from the plot boundary which is called as marginal distance or setbacks.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 6 is all about Regulations for FSI & Marginal distance.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 6.10 Height Of Building

This regulation shall be applicable for buildings to be constructed in all land use zones, unless and otherwise specified in the respective regulation.


6.10.1 (i) The height of the building shall be allowed to the extent mentioned below subject to the approval of the Chief Fire Officer of the Authority or Director of Fire services, if required, under these regulations.


Sr. No.Authority / AreaPermissible height (m.) excluding parking floor up to 6.0 m. height
1.For Pune, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Nagpur, Nashik, Municipal Corporations in MMR and Metropolitan Authorities area (2) and Area Development Authorities, Special Planning Authorities (3) CIDCO as Planning Authority by Virtue of NTDA within these areas.Permissible height as per approval from the Fire Department.
2.For the remaining Municipal Corporations area (2) and Area Development Authorities, Special Planning Authorities within these areas.70
3.For All Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats, Nonthe  Municipal Council D.P., and Regional Plan areas.50


Provided that higher height may be allowed in case of Integrated Township Project where a fire station and fire-fighting facilities are to be constructed/provided. Also, if such facilities are available in nearby areas of the project, then buildings of higher heights may be allowed in such projects. However, a necessary certificate to that effect and NOC shall be produced from the Director of Fire Services.


(ii) The building height is up to 24.0 m. shall be allowed on roads less than 12.0 m. For a building having a height of more than 24.0 m., the minimum road width shall be 12.0 m.


(iii)For buildings in the vicinity of aerodromes, the maximum height of buildings shall be subject to parameters framed by the Civil Aviation Authorities, or the development permission shall be considered only after the applicant produces NOC from the Airport Authority.


(iv) (a) In addition to (iii), for Industrial Chimneys in the vicinity of aerodromes, it shall be of such height and character as prescribed by Civil Aviation Authorities, and all Industrial Chimneys shall be of such character as prescribed by the Chief Inspector of Steam Boilers and Smoke Nuisance, and


(b) Buildings intended for hazardous godowns for storage of inflammable materials and storage of explosives shall be single-storied structures only.


(v) The buildings of height more than 70.0 m. shall be allowed subject to fulfilment of the requirements mentioned in Regulation No.6.12.




The appurtenant structures such as roof tanks and their supports, two toilets on the terrace not exceeding 8 sq.m. built-up area and height up to 3.0 m. in case of residential building, ventilating, air-conditioning structures, lift rooms and similar service equipment, stair cover, chimneys and parapet walls and architectural features not exceeding height allowed in these regulations, and Solar panels not exceeding 1.8 m. in height shall not be included in computation of height of building.




It is mandatory for all the high rise buildings to comply with the requirements of Structural Design and Stability, Geo-technical and other aspects, and Fire Safety norms as per provisions of UDCPR, Maharashtra Fire (Prevention and Life Safety Measures) Act, 2006, and National Building Code of India, amended from time to time, for the aspects not covered in UDCPR. The certificates from structural and geo-technical engineers about the fulfillment of necessary requirements shall be attached with the application. The responsibility for the structural and other stability and safety of such high-rise buildings shall lie with the owner/developer and the concerned expert, consultant, and executants appointed by the owner/developer.




The lands that are affected by the restrictions of the High Energy Material Research Laboratory or provisions of other Central or State Government Acts, form the part of the entire land, then FSI of such affected land may be allowed to be utilized on the remaining contiguous land. However, sub-divisions of such land shall not be allowed.




In the case of residential buildings having a height of more than 30.0 m., recreational floors may be allowed subject to the following -


i) The height of such floor shall be up to 4.5 m. and shall be open on all sides.


ii) Such floor shall be used for recreational purposes/activities, including the construction of a swimming pool, and shall be in addition to the recreational open space required as per UDCPR.


iii) One such floor may be allowed every 50.0 m. height; however, the first floor may be allowed after 30.0 m. height.


iv) Such floor shall not be counted in FSI; however, ancillary constructions like changing rooms, washrooms, etc. shall be computed in FSI.



Related Regulations to Rule No. 6 - 


You can visit our other blogs on regulations through the below-mentioned links:


What is the Calculation of FSI Pline and its exemption in UDCPR 2020?


What are the Projections allowed in Front and Side Margin as per UDCPR 2020?


Industrial Building Regulations of FSI, Marginal Distances and Plot Area in UDCPR 2020


Regulations for Permissible FSI in Non Congested Area In Maharashtra in UDCPR 2020


What are the Setback, Marginal, Distance, Height in Non Congested Area in Maharashtra in UDCPR 2020


What are the Setback, Marginal, Distance, Height, and Permissible FSI in Gaothan or Congested Area in Maharashtra in UDCPR 2020