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as on September 08, 2024

Kamlesh Deshbhratar

Pune, Maharashtra 411033

Experts In:(PMC) In Redevelopment ,   Redevelopment Feasibility Report ,   Architect  

Working Hours: 08 AM to 9 PM


What is a Feasibility Report?


Feasibility report in simple words means Redevelopment viability Report. Any building, when it is constructed was as per prevailing rules of that time. But allowable FSI, TDR & built-up area keeps increasing on any plot. A study of the feasibility of allowed maximum construction area, construction cost & other building bylaws that play a major role in the viability of a Redevelopment Project is called a feasibility Report.


There is no slandered format for the feasibility report. But more detail in the report is easier & accurate decision can take.

Depending upon the expertise available with Project management consultancy (PMC) or Architect, the report contains study of a few or all points do detailed study & gives 12-15 page report


When it is required?

  1. When society wants for redevelopment, 1st step is “FEASIBILITY REPORT”
  2. It should be the very first step, even before finding Builder or any other step


Who will give the Feasibility Report?


  1. An Architect can give this report
  2. Project management consultancy with architects in their team generally gives more detailed reports.


Features of Feasibility Report


  1. Though the report is based on technical calculations, its presentation language must be simple & easy for the common person.
  2. By knowing all ifs & buts, of the whole process, society can make appropriate decisions at every stage. Hence control of the entire process remains in society’s hands.
  3. Feasibility report works as mainly risk reduction tool



know Your Land in Detail with a Feasibility Report



Have you ever taken any decision for development of land? 

How to do best development proposal on your land? 

Have you met with people who invest months in planning with architect, their dream plans are changed totally at time of approval. 


Have you seen any project went on hold for years due to some unexpected site condition ?


All these situations could be avoided by proper planning based on feasibility report by consultants.

Content table 

I. Introduction to the feasibility report   

II. Factors studied in feasibility report                     

III. Studies required for types of property development                                

IV. Feasibility study consultant   

V. Conclusion


1. Introduction to the feasibility report

Feasibility Study and Report determine the potential and possibility of a particular plot, construction or land. It is one of the primary steps that owners, developers or builders conduct. Every construction project should get feasibility report from experts like architect, construction companies, marketing agencies etc.

Feasibility report is a report from experts to determine project’s viability through various perspectives like development, Construction , cost, time duration, profit, etc….

If someone asks me, how to know my land details, I simply say, get feasibility report. It lets you to know your land in detail, in a perspective of future profit. This report can be done for vacant land & sometime for ongoing construction projects also.

2. Factors Studied in feasibility report

Feasibility study is done in various manners to find feasibility of any project. Here are common study factors for feasibility of a construction project.  


A. Property Development Feasibility Study

(Also called as Land feasibility study)

Land feasibility study is most important when you buy any land, sell your land or decide to lease or develop any land. It contains a study based on development rules & legal clearances, to give clarity on all necessary pre construction activities for any land development. It also gives idea whether owner can do commercial property development, residential development, Industrial permissions etc. Depend upon feasibility of land cost of land increase. 

Factor of Land feasibility study are as follows.

Land zone & development restrictions

Access road width & its type

Natural reservations like river, mountain, Nala.

Development restriction like airport restriction zone, garden reservation etc…

Land ownership & development rights (Clear title land)

Planning authority & building rules

Calculation of FSI & TDR (floor space Index)

Cost of TDR & development charges for various approvals

Other development requirement like Fire Noc, Aviation NOC, Environment NOC etc….


Contact us (form at bottom) to get free quotation for feasibility report.

B. Construction Project Feasibility Study

Speed of construction activity on any site varies due to various factors. Cost factor, quality of construction all these also varies due to these reasons. Construction cost, quality control & duration of construction is important factors for planning & scheduling the activities. These are the reasons why construction feasibility for following factors is important. This study is highly important in projects like commercial development, industrial development, institutional projects, hospitals, manufacturing plant etc. where time vs cost play important role in construction.

  1. Availability of Labour
  2. Availability of resources like water, electricity, drainage etc…
  3. Connectivity for material transportation
  4. Cost of materials
  5. Site & Soil condition for easement of working
  6. Space for storage & labour camps
  7. Climatic conditions & challenges
  8. Various Local issues etc…


C. Marketing  & Sales Study

This study is not important when there is industrial development or. For other projects where sale is involved like residential development, commercial development projects, shopping mall, Hostels this study make huge difference. Marketing agencies do such research and make feasibility report.

  1. Sale rate in vicinity
  2. User’s requirement like amenities, room spaces, construction quality.
  3. Demand and supply of sizes of units (like 2BHK, 3BHK)
  4. Availability of residential needs like market, hotels, schools etc. . .
  5. Connectivity of job location, railway stations, airports, High ways, other cities…
  6. Competition in vicinity (profit margin)


Contact us (form at bottom) to get free quotation for feasibility report.

3. Studies required for types of property development

A property can be developed for various reasons like commercial development, residential development, industrial development etc. Not all studies are important for all type of development. Depend upon various factor directly involved in decision making we recommend type of study to type of building.

No.Construction TypeLand FeasibilityConstruction Feasibility Sales  & Marketing
1Bunglowshould beNot MustNot applicable
2Small Apartmentshould beNot Mustshould be
3Town Shop developmentshould beshould beshould be
4Commercial buildingsshould beshould beshould be
5Shopping Mall, Multiplexshould beshould beshould be
6Institutional buildingshould beshould beNot applicable
7Hospitalsshould beNot MustNot applicable
8Industrial buildingshould beshould beNot applicable

*Note – Needed =  It is always better to get this report to avoid further inconvenience

Not Must = Results are in control of owner. External factor do not affect much. Hence this type of study is not compulsory for certain type of constructions. Thumb rules from known experts will be enough .

Not applicable = Studies which are not applicable for this type of construction project.

4. Feasibility study consultant & Cost

While selecting feasibility report agency, it is important to understand that the team behind making of report must be experienced. The feasibility report must bring some insights to reader. A feasibility report with data analysis brings more value to decisions.

Charges for feasibility varies form 10000 Rs to few lakh rupees depend upon expertise & quantity of work.

Agencies who give feasibility report are can register with foot2feet.

(Consultants can register themselves here for free)  

Hence whenever any company is looking for feasibility report, they can give their quotation to meet client’s requirement. 

5. Conclusion

Following points must be considered for any kind of construction

  1. Due to zone & approval restrictions, Land feasibility is must in any kind of development.
  2. Feasibility  report saves considerable time & money in any construction project.
  3. Depend upon type of project feasibility should be done
  4. Cost involved in this report is much lesser that its output.
  5. Person making such report must be experienced and expert of his field.

Thank you

Team Foot2feet


Alternatives Materials, Methods of Design and Construction and Tests in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 12 is all about the Structural Safety, Water supply, Drainage, and Sanitary Requirements, Outdoor Display, And Other Services in Development Plans as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 12.3 Alternatives Materials, Methods of Design, Construction and Tests


1) The provision of the regulations is not intended to prevent the use of any material or method of design or construction, not specifically prescribed by the regulations, provided any such alternative has been approved.


2) The provision of these regulations is also not intended to prevent the adoption for architectural planning and layout conceived as an integrated development scheme.


3) The authority may approve any such alternative provided it is found that the proposed alternative is satisfactory and conform to the provisions of relevant parts regarding material, design, and construction and that material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least equivalent to that prescribed in the rules in quality, strength, compatibility, effectiveness, fire rating and resistance, durability and safety.


4) Tests : Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with the provisions of the regulations of evidence that any material or method of design or construction does not conform to the requirements of the rules or in order to substantiate claims for alternative materials, design or methods of construction, the Authority may require tests sufficient in advance as proof of compliance. These tests shall be made by an approved agency at the expense of the owner.


5) The test method shall be as specified by the regulations for the materials or design or construction in question. If there are no appropriate test methods specified in the regulations, the Authority shall determine the test procedure. For methods of testing for building materials, references may be made to relevant Indian standards as given by the National Building Code of India, published by the Bureau of Indian Standards. The latest version of the National Building Code of India shall be taken into account at the time of enforcement of these rules.


6) Copies of the results of all such tests shall be retained by the authority for a period of not less than two years after the acceptance of the alternative material.


Related Regulations


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 12 through the below-mentioned links


Signs and Outdoor Display Structures in UDCPR 2020


Drainage and Sanitation Requirements in UDCPR 2020


Water Supply, Drainage, and Sanitary Requirements in UDCPR 2020


Building Services in UDCPR 2020


Quality of Materials and Workmanship in UDCPR 2020


Structural Safety, Water Supply, Drainage and Sanitary Requirements, Outdoor Display, and Other Services in UDCPR 2020


Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 9 is all about the City Specific Regulations as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 10.6 Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation


The following regulations shall be applicable for the low-intensity development areas in the Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation.

The basic and total permissible FSI with DR/TDR on the plot shall be as under :-


Table No.10-A

Sr. No.Land use ZoneBase FSIAdditional FSI on payment of premiumAdmissible TDR including Road widening FSI if anyMaximum permissible FSI
1Low-Density Residential Zone0.30.2--0.5


Rule No. 10.7 Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation


10.7.1 Uses Permissible in Agriculture Zone


The lands along 45.0 m., 30.0 m. wide roads up to a depth of 30.0 m. may be developed for residential purposes on condition that the owner should provide infrastructural facilities such as a septic tank, drainage, water supply, etc. at his own cost.


10.7.2  Manori - Gorai - Uttan Notified Area


Special Development Control Regulations sanctioned for the Manori -Gorai-Uttan Notified Area as amended from time to time shall be applicable for the development/redevelopment in the said notified area being a special Tourism Development Plan sanctioned for this notified area.


Rule No. 10.8 Ulhasnagar City Municipal Corporation


Regulations of unauthorized development in Ulhasnagar City Municipal Corporation shall be governed by the Regularisation of Unauthorised Developments in the City of Ulhasnagar Act, 2006.


Rule No. 10.11 National Park and Tungareshwar Eco-Sensitive Zone


10.11.1 Development around National Park and Tungareshwar Eco-sensitive Zone


The restrictions imposed by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change for the Eco-sensitive Zone declared around Sanjay Gandhi National Park and Tungareshwar Eco-sensitive Zone shall be applicable as amended from time to time in addition to these Regulations.


Rule No. 10.12 Maharashtra Airport Development Company Notified Area




In the areas notified for Maharashtra Airport Development Company as Planning Authority/Special Planning Authority, the following additional regulation shall be applicable.

The basic FSI permissible for development in Airport and allied activities/services, Special Economic Zone, Mix Use Zone, and Public-Semi-Public Zone shall be 1.50.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 10


Special Rules for Pune City in UDCPR 2020


Thane Municipal Corporation Area in UDCPR 2020


Special Rules for Nagpur City and Nagpur Metropolitan Region Development Authority in UDCPR 2020


Nashik Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020


Kolhapur Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020


Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020


Bhiwandi Surrounding Notified Area in UDCPR 2020


CIDCO Area Excluding Naina Area in UDCPR 2020


Ramp as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 9 is all about the Requirements of Part of the Building as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 9.12 Ramp


9.12.1 Non Vehicular Ramp


All the requirements of stairways in Regulation No.9.28.8 shall apply mutatis mutandis to non-vehicular ramps. In addition, the following requirements shall be complied with.


a)  Ramps with a slope of not steeper than 1 in 10 may be substituted for and shall comply with all the applicable requirements of required stairways as to enclosure, capacity, and dimensions. In certain cases, steeper slopes may be permitted but in no case greater than 1 in 8 shall be permitted. Ramps shall be surfaced with approved non-slipping material. Provided that in the case of public offices, hospitals, assembly halls, etc. the slope of the ramp shall not be more than 1 : 12.


b)  The minimum width of the ramps in hospitals shall be 2.25m.


c)  Handrails shall be provided on both sides of the ramp.


d)  Ramps shall lead directly to outside open space at ground level or courtyards or safe places.


e)  For buildings above 24.0 m. in height, access to ramps from any floor of the building shall be through a smoke stop door.


f)  When there is a difference in level between connected areas for horizontal exits, ramps with no more than 1 : 10 slope shall be provided; steps shall not be used.


g)  In the case of non-special buildings, ramps may be permitted inside marginal distances. In the case of a special building, ramps may be permitted in side marginal distances, after leaving 6.0 m. marginal distance for movement of fire fighting vehicle.


9.12.2  Ramp to basements and upper storeys for vehicles


For parking spaces in the basement and upper floors, at least two ramps of minimum 3.0 m. width with a slope not more than 1 : 8 shall be provided, preferably at the opposite ends. Instead of two ramps, one ramp of 6.0 m. width may be allowed. In addition to these, the owner may provide car lifts if he desires to do so.


If the ramp is proposed to be used only for two-wheelers, then at least two ramps of 2.0 m. width with a slope not more than 1 : 8 shall be provided, preferably at the opposite ends. Instead of two ramps, there is one ramp of 4.0 m. width may be allowed.


In the case of a plot admeasuring 1000 sq.m. or less, only one ramp of 3.0 m. may be provided for car/two-wheeler parking, or one ramp of 2.0 m. may be provided for two-wheeler parking or the owner may provide a minimum 2 Car lifts instead of Ramp.


In the case of a plot measuring up to 2000 sq.m., one ramp of minimum 6.0 m. width may be provided for car/two-wheeler parking or the owner may provide a minimum of 2 Car lifts instead of a Ramp.


Note - Sub Regulation No. 9.12.1(g) shall also be applicable in this regulation.


Rule No. 9.13 Podium


Podium for parking of the vehicles and other uses mentioned herein, may be permitted with the following requirements/conditions:


i) The height of the podium shall be at least 2.4 m. from the floor to the soffit of the beam.


ii) Podium may be allowed at a distance of 6.0 m. from the front, side, and rear of the plot boundary in case of a special building, subject to provisions of Regulation No.6.2.3(c).


iii) The podium shall be designed to take a load of fire-engine if required.


iv)  Recreational open space may be permitted on the Podium subject to regulation No.3.4.1(iii). The structure mentioned in Regulation No.3.4.7 may be permitted over the podium on which recreational open space is provided, subject to 15% of the area of such recreational open space.


v)  Podium shall be permissible joining two or more buildings or wings of buildings, subject to the availability of manoeuvring space for a fire engine. In such case, the distance between two buildings/wings of the building shall be provided as otherwise required under these Regulations.


vi)  Part of the podium may be used for recreation or play areas for schools.


vii) Part of the podium may be used for clubhouses subject to Regulation No.3.4.7(i).



Related Regulations to Rule No. 9


Habitable Rooms as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Basements as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Balcony as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Provision of Lift as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Lighting and Ventilation of Room as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Compound Wall and Other Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Lighting and Ventilation of Room as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 9 is all about the Requirements of Part of the Building as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 9.20 Lighting and Ventilation of Room


9.20.1  Adequacy and manner of provision


i) The minimum aggregate area of opening of habitable rooms and kitchens excluding doors shall be not less than 1/10th of the floor area of the room.


ii) No portion of a room shall be assumed to be lighted, if it is more than 7.5 m. away from the opening assumed for light and ventilation, provided an additional depth of any room beyond 7.5 m. may be permitted subject to provision of proportionate increase in the area of the opening.


iii) A staircase shall be deemed to be adequately lighted and ventilated, if it has one or more openings and an area taken together measures not less than 1.0 sq.m. per landing on the external wall.


iv) An opening with a minimum area of 1.0 Sq.m. in a kitchen, and 0.30 sq.m. with one dimension of 0.30 m. for any bathroom, water closet or store shall be treated as adequate.


9.20.2  Ventilation Shaft


For ventilating the spaces for water closets & bathrooms, if not opening on front, side, rear & interior open spaces, these shall open on the ventilation shaft, the size of which shall not be less than the values given in the table below :-


Table No.9-C - Ventilation Shaft

Sr. NoHeight of Buildings in m.Cross-section of Ventilation shaft in Sq.m.Minimum one dimension of the shaft in m.
1Upto 101.20.9
2Upto 122.41.2
3Upto 184.01.5
4Upto 245.41.8
5Upto 308.02.4
6Above 309.03.0


Note :-


a) For buildings above 30.0 m., a mechanical ventilation system shall be installed beside the provisions of the minimum ventilation shaft.


b) For fully air-conditioned residential/other buildings, the


9.20.3 Artificial Lightning and Mechanical Ventilation


Where lighting and ventilation requirements are not met through daylighting and natural ventilation, they shall be ensured through artificial lighting and ventilation in accordance with the provisions of Part 8, Building


Related Regulations to Rule No. 9


Habitable Rooms as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Basements as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Ramp as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Balcony as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Provision of Lift as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Compound Wall and Other Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Nashik Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 9 is all about the City Specific Regulations as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 10.5 Nashik Municipal Corporation 


10.5.1 Applicability of Regulations for some areas


i) The special Regulations framed by the Arbitrator for some final plots in T.P. Scheme No.1 (First Varied) shall remain in force.


10.5.2  Development of Cycle Track Along River and Nallah


A cycle track shall be developed in green belt areas earmarked in the Development Plan along the rivers. Also, the cycle track proposal is shown on canal land in the Development Plan.


A distance of 6.0 m. from the edge of the minor water course (nallah) is to be left as the marginal distance for the construction of any building. A 3.0 m. a strip of land from the edge of such water course out of this 6.0 m. distance to be left shall be available for use as a cycle track for the general public. The compound wall shall be constructed excluding this distance of 3.0 m. strip for a cycle track. The owner shall be entitled to FSI of this strip of land for the cycle track, in situ. This 3.0 m. wide strip shall be handed over to the Municipal Corporation for which, the owner shall be entitled to TDR or in-situ FSI equivalent to 35% of the area of 3.0 m. wide strip. This regulation shall be applicable for the development of land along Nallahs specified in Plan - A annexed with this UDCPR. Where development has already taken place and it is not possible to make provision for such 3.0 m. wide cycle track, then the Municipal Commissioner shall be empowered to decide not to apply this regulation for a particular stretch of nallah. In such cases, normal marginal distances under these regulations shall apply.


10.5.3  Set back and marginal distances for 36 m. wide D.P. road passing through village Gangapur and Ambad


Notwithstanding anything contained in Regulation No.6.2.1, the following setback and marginal distance shall be applicable for the road mentioned below.


Description of the roadMin. Plot Size in sq.m.Min. width of plot in m.Min. set back from the roadside in metersMin. side margins in m.


rear margins in m.

36 m. wide D.P. road from Gangapur S.No.12 to Ambad S.No.199300123.00 (for commercial use also)2.002.00Margins for buildings G + 2 or stilt + 3 structure. Higher height is permissible subject to marginal distances in Regulation No.6.2.3.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 10


Special Rules for Pune City in UDCPR 2020


Thane Municipal Corporation Area in UDCPR 2020


Special Rules for Nagpur City and Nagpur Metropolitan Region Development Authority in UDCPR 2020


Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020


Kolhapur Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020


Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020


Bhiwandi Surrounding Notified Area in UDCPR 2020


CIDCO Area Excluding Naina Area in UDCPR 2020