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Know More about Aviation NOC
There are certain restrictions when it comes to building an infrastructure around airport. According to Airport Authority of India (AAI) No construction is allowed within 150 meters from runways. Area between 150-500 meters is reserved for airport operation buildings. This rule is applied for any of the infrastructure that is being built near runway. It includes building, chimney, flyover, crane, bill boards, power transmission lines wind turbine, etc.
The requirement of the Aviation NOC certificate is very important as it is the first step towards starting out with construction of your private or commercial architecture. The Aviation NOC or in some cases called as Elevation NOC involves AAI Ministry of Defense (MOD). The job to get this certificate may seem hectic process and that’s why we are here. Foot2Feet is airport NOC consultant that assists organizations and individuals to generate Aviation NOC certificate.
We will understand the information regarding Elevation NOC with the help of following question and answers:
What does aviation NOC mean?
While building architecture around the airport area it is mandatory to issue no objection certificate from Airport Authority of India or from Ministry of Defense. It is because of safety measures. To grant the certificate, the builder or individuals must pass the parameter. The building must be under__ meters if it is being build on the land that is 600 meters away from runway. The parameter changes according to the location of the land. As soon as the builder gets this certificate, he can start the construction without any hustle
Steps to get aviation NOC?
Even though this NOC is required to get started with the construction, getting it ready is a hectic job. Many of the builders spend their valuable time to issue the certificate. Considering this hustle, at Foot2Feet, we will assist you with everything that is required to get the NOC. Following are the step by step explanation to get NOC.
1. To see whether you need to get the NOC or not, you need to check that on what Color Code Zoning Map (CCZM) code does your land comes in. AAI has decided some color coding for the land with respect to how far is it from airport. CCZM has different color codes. The color code is usually red, yellow, blue, green, etc. CCZM tells you whether to build or not. If your land comes under red zone then it will have some restrictions to build- even you are building a small hut. If you are building on land that comes under yellow and green zone then until some limitations you will not required certificate. The CCZM is calculated with respect to altitude and latitude.
2. When you know on what color zone your land is, you can move forward with next step that is getting AMSL height certificate from local authority. AMSL is the abbreviation for above mean sea level to issue this document; it takes 1.5 to 2 months. As you get this certificate from local authority then in next step you will have to send this to AAI or MOD depending on the area and airport authority.
3. After you submit the AMSL height certificate along with required document to Airport Authority, they will verify the entire document and will give you final NOC. This whole process will take up to 3 months.
Document required for aviation NOC
The document required to issue aviation NOC are mentioned below
1) Elevation certificate –
2) Appendix-
3) Garbage NOC-
4) Drawing of building section including water tank
5) Drawing of building elevation including water tank
In what scenario the elevation certificate is required?
Building anything near the air port is the serious issue. There are certain restrictions to build on the land. This certificate is required if your land comes under red zone. You have to get the permission from AAI to build on the land that comes under red zone. The red zone is less than 6 km from the air port. The restriction changes according to color coding map. It is required to get NOC for any of the infrastructure that is being built near runway. It includes building, chimney, flyover, crane, bill boards, power transmission lines wind turbine, etc.
Time duration required for aviation NOC?
The time duration to generate elevation certificate from local authority such as___ is one and half month. As soon as you submit this certificate to AAI it takes 3 months to get the final NOC.
Cost Involved in generating Aviation NOC
The cost involved in getting aviation noc normally cost depends upon authority who issue elevation certificate. Elevation certificate cost varies from 16000 rs to 40000 rs. For aviation clearance, no government charges required.
Is there any validity for this NOC ?
Yes, Aviation NOC certificate is valid for 5 Years from date of it’s issuance.

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 14 is all about the Special Schemes as per mentioned in the UDCPR
This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.
Rule No. 14.5 Conservation of Heritage Buildings, Precints, Natural Features
14.5.1 Applicability
This regulation will apply to heritage sites which means, artefacts, structures, areas and precincts of historic and/or architectural and/or cultural significance (hereinafter as ‘Listed Buildings/Heritage Buildings and Listed Precincts / Heritage Precincts’’) and those natural features of environmental significance including scared graves, hills, hillocks, water bodies (and the areas adjoining the same) etc. within the areas of Planning Authorities and Regional Plan.
14.5.2 Preparation of List of Heritage Buildings, Heritage Precincts and Natural Features
The Authority on the advice of the Heritage Committee shall prepare a heritage list and shall issue a public notice in the local newspapers declaring its intention to include the buildings or modify such list of buildings, structures artefacts, areas and precincts of historic and /or cultural significance and the list of natural features of environmental significance, including sacred groves, hills, hillocks, water bodies etc. and invite objections and suggestions from any person in respect of the proposed inclusion within a period of 30 days from the date of such notice.
While preparing the list, the authority shall strictly ensure that such structure/precinct has heritage value and is liable for inclusion in the list in view of its national, regional, or local importance as specified in Regulation No.14.5.8. The structure/precinct which does not comply the requirements specified in the said regulation shall not be included in the list. Generally, the following aspects shall be ascertained while preparing the list.
a) Its value for architectural, historical or cultural reasons.
b) The date and/or period and/or design and/or unique use of the building or artefact.
c) Relevance to social or economic history.
d) Association with well-known persons or events.
e) A building or groups of buildings and/or areas of a distinct architectural design and/or style, historic period or way of life having sociological interest and/or community value.
f) The unique value of a building or architectural features or artefact and/or being part of a chain of architectural development that would be broken if it were lost.
g) Its value as a part of a group of buildings.
h) Representing forms of technological development.
i) Vistas of natural/scenic beauty or interest, including waterfront areas, distinctive and/or planned lines of sight, street lines, skyline or topographical features.
j) Open spaces are sometimes integrally planned with their associated areas having a distinctive way of life and for which they have the potential to be areas of recreation.
k) Industrial sites of historical interest.
l) Archaeological sites.
m) Natural heritage sites.
n) Sites of scenic beauty.
All such heritage structures shall be documented in the Heritage List Card as given in Appendix-L and the Heritage List Card shall be duly authenticated by the authorised heritage conservationist upon his site visit, stating the significance of the heritage site for its appropriate grading.
The Authority shall issue notice to the owner of the buildings, artifacts, areas and precincts of historic and/or cultural significance etc. and invite objections and suggestions from such person in respect of proposed inclusion within 30 days from the date of such notice.
The Authority, in respect of any objections or suggestions, shall decide the same after giving a hearing to such persons and send the list as finalised by him to the State Government for approval. The State Government may sanction the said heritage list with modification, if required. This list will be called the Final Heritage List. For this, modification under section 37 or 20 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966, need not be necessary.
Thereafter, the Authority may amend the Final Heritage List from time to time as and when required, on the advice of the Heritage Committee. In such case, it shall not be necessary to follow the procedure under Section 37 or Section 20 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act of 1966, but the procedure as laid down above in this regulation shall be followed.
The heritage lists which have been approved by the Government before coming into force these regulations, shall remain valid and shall be the part of these regulations.
14.5.3 Restriction on development, Redevelopment/repairs etc.
No development or redevelopment or engineering operations or addition, repairs, renovation including the painting of buildings, replacement of special features or plastering or demolition of any part thereof of the said listed buildings, or listed precincts or listed natural features shall be allowed except with the prior written permission of the Authority. Before granting any such permission, the Authority shall consult the Heritage Conservation Committee to be appointed by the State Government (hereinafter referred to as ‘the said Heritage Conservation Committee’) and shall act on the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee.
Provided that before granting any permission for demolition or major alterations/additions to listed buildings (or buildings within listed precincts) objections and suggestions from the public shall be invited and duly considered by the Heritage Conservation Committee.
Provided that, in exceptional cases for reasons to be recorded in writing the Authority may overrule the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee.
Provided further that the power to overrule the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee shall not be delegated by the Authority to any other officer.
If the application for development, alteration, modification of the Heritage precincts or listed building is rejected under this regulation or while granting such permission any conditions are imposed on the owner which deprives him to use the FSI, the said owner shall be compensated by grant of Development Right Certificate.
14.5.4 Incentive Uses for Heritage Buildings
After the commencement of this Regulation, the Heritage Precincts or the Listed Buildings shall not be permitted to be used for any commercial or office purpose except with the concurrence of the Heritage Conservation Committee. However, in cases of buildings included in the Heritage Conservation List, if the owner/owners agree to maintain the listed Heritage Building in an ideal state of preservation with due repairs/restorations and if the owner/owners give a written undertaking to that effect, may be allowed by the Authority in consultation with Heritage Conservation Committee to convert part or the whole of the building to commercial/office use/any other different use that is beneficial to the preservation of the same Provided that, if the heritage building is not maintained suitably or if the heritage value of the building is allowed to be spoiled in any manner, the Authority shall withdraw the permission forthwith.
14.5.5 Grant of Transferable Development Rights to Owners / Lessees of Heritage Buildings / Heritage Precincts
If the owner is deprived of using permissible FSI on the said plot or development permission is granted to him with conditions which deprive him of use of permissible FSI, then he shall be entitled for TDR as decided by the Authority in consultation with Heritage Conservation Committee. The utilization of this TDR shall be as per TDR Regulation.
14.5.6 Maintaining Skyline
The building included in the heritage precinct shall maintain the skyline, roof profile, built form edges, and respect the architectural style (without any high-rise development) as may be existing in the surrounding area, so as not to diminish or destroy the value and beauty of the said heritage building/heritage precinct. The development within the precinct shall be in accordance with the guidelines framed by the Authority on the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee.
14.5.7 Restrictive Covenants
Covenants, terms and conditions, imposed under Regulations existing as of the date of this Regulation, on the leasehold plots either by the State Government or by the Planning Authority, shall continue to be imposed, in addition to the UDCPR. However, in case of any conflict with the heritage preservation interest/environmental conservation and the said Development Control and Promotion Regulations, this heritage regulation shall prevail.
14.5.8 Grading of the Listed Buildings/Listed Precincts
Grade - I | Grade - II | Grade - III |
(A) Definitions | ||
Heritage Grade - I comprises Buildings and precincts of National or Historic importance, excellence in architectural style, design technology and material usage and / or aesthetics; associated with a great historic event, personality, movement or institution. They have been and are the prime landmarks of the city and of National importance. | Heritage Grade - II (A and B) comprises buildings and precincts of Regional importance, possessing special architectural or aesthetic merit, or cultural or historical significance though of a lower scale than Heritage Grade - I. They are local landmarks, which contribute to the image and identity of the region. They may be the work of master craftsmen or may be models of proportion and ornamentation or designed to suit a particular climate. | Heritage Grade - III comprises buildings and precincts of local importance for townscape, they evoke architectural, aesthetic, or sociological interest though not as in Heritage Grade - II. These contribute to determining the character of the locality and can be representative of the lifestyle of a particular community or region and, may also be distinguished by setting on a street line or special character of the façade and uniformity of height width and scale. |
(B) Objective | ||
Heritage Grade - I richly deserve careful preservation. | Heritage Grade - II deserves intelligent conservation. | Heritage Grade - III deserves intelligent conservation (though on a lesser scale than Grade - II and special protection to unique features and attributes.) |
(C) Scope for Change | ||
No interventions be permitted either on exterior or interior unless it is necessary in the interest of strengthening and prolonging the life of the buildings or precincts or any part of features thereof. For this purpose absolutely essential and minimum changes would be allowed and they must be in accordance with the original. Repairs shall be with the use of like to like material. | Grade - II (A)
Grade - II (B)
| External, and internal changes and adaptive reuse would by and large be allowed. Changes can include extensions, and additional buildings in the same plot or compound. However any changes should be such that they do not detract from the existing heritage building/precinct. |
(D) Procedure | ||
Development permission for the changes would be given by the Authority on the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee. | Development permission for the changes/additional construction would be given by the Authority on the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee. | Development permission for the changes/additional construction would be given by the Authority on the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee. |
(E) Vistas/Surrounding Development | ||
All developments in areas surrounding Heritage Grade - I shall be regulated and controlled by ensuring that it does not mark the grandeur of or view from Heritage Grade - I |
14.5.9 Signs and Outdoor Display Structures
No display or advertising signs and outdoor display structures on the listed buildings and/or the Heritage Precincts shall be permitted except in accordance with part X (sign and outdoor display structure) National Building Code of India.
Prohibition of advertising signs and outdoor display structures in certain cases :
Notwithstanding the provisions mentioned above no advertising sign or outdoor display structures shall be permitted on buildings of architectural, aesthetic, historic or heritage importance as may be decided by the Authority, Committee or also on Government buildings, save that in the case of Government buildings only such advertising signs or outdoor display structures may be permitted that relate to the activities of the said buildings and related programs.
Provided that, if the Heritage Conservation Committee so advises, the Authority shall refuse permission for any sign or outdoor display structure.
14.5.10 Composition of Heritage Conservation Committee
There shall be a Heritage Conservation Committee for the areas within the jurisdiction of the Planning Authority and Regional Plan area. This Committee shall be constituted by the Government in consultation with the Authority. The committee shall comprise of the following members:-
i) | Chairman Appointed by the Government | Chairman |
ii) | Joint Director of Town Planning of the Concerned Division (Assistant Director of Town Planning of the District for Municipal Councils) | Member |
iii) | Divisional/District Officer of Archaeological Survey of India | Member |
iv) | Divisional/District Officer of Archaeological Survey of Maharashtra | Member |
v) | Convenor, INTACH Local Chapter | Member |
vi) | Heritage Conservation Architect having more than 10 years of experience and membership of the Council of Architecture | Member |
vii) | Historians having experience of more than 10 years in the field of History. | Member |
viii) | Structural Engineer having experience of more than 10 years and a member of the Institute of Engineers. | Member |
ix) | City Engineer (Planning Authority)/Chief Planner (Metropolitan Authority or SPA or NTDA)/Chief Officer (Municipal Council)/Assistant Director of Town Planning of the District (Regional Plan area) | Member Secretary |
The tenure of the Chairman and Members of categories (vi) to (viii) above shall change after every three years provided however that, the same person shall be eligible for re-appointment as Member.
The Heritage Conservation Committee shall come into existence with effect from the date of its publication in the official Gazette. However, Heritage Committees constituted by the Government before coming into force of these regulation, shall remain in operation till further period as may be specified.
No act of the Committee done in good faith, shall be deemed to be invalid by reason only of some defect subsequently discovered in the organization of the Committee or in the Constitution of the Committee or in the appointment of the Member or on the ground that such member was disqualified for being appointed.
The Chairman and in his absence, the chosen Member of the Committee shall preside over the meeting of the Committee.
14.5.11 The Terms of reference of the Committee :-
i) To advise whether development permission should be granted under this Regulation and the conditions of such permission.
ii) To prepare a list or supplementary list of buildings, artefacts, structures, areas/ precincts of historic, aesthetic, architectural, and cultural significance and a supplementary list of natural features of environmental significance including sacred groves, hills, hillocks etc., water bodies (and the areas adjoining the same) to which this regulation would apply.
iii) To advise whether any relaxation, modification, alteration, or variance of any of the Development Control and Promotion Regulations is called for.
iv) To suggest amendments, changes or special regulations or modifications to regulations for listed buildings and the heritage precincts regulated under these regulations
v) To advise on the extent of Development Rights to be granted to the owners of listed Buildings or Heritage Precincts.
vi) To advise whether development Rights Certificates may be allowed to be consumed in a heritage precinct.
vii) To advise whether to allow commercial/office users of any listed building of Heritage Precincts and when to terminate the same.
viii) To advise on the erection of outside advertisements/billboards.
ix) To recommend guidelines to be adopted by those private parties or any other agency, that sponsors beautification schemes at public intersections and elsewhere.
x) To advise on the cost of repairs to be given to the owners to bring the existing building back to its original condition. For this purpose, the Committee may suggest ways to raise funds through private sources.
xi) To advise on special designs and elements and guidelines for listed buildings and control of height and essential façade characteristics such as maintenance of the buildings and to suggest suitable design adopting new materials for replacements, keeping the old form intact to the extent possible.
xii) To advise on preparation of guideline relating to design elements and conservation principles to be adhered to and to advise on other guideline for the purpose of this regulation.
xiii) To consider any other issue as may be required from time to time during course of scrutiny of development permissions and in overall interest of heritage / environmental conservation.
In the absence of a Heritage Conservation Committee, the Authority shall consult the Government before giving such permission.
14.5.12 Heritage Conservation Fund
i) Heritage buildings included in the said list shall be maintained by the owners of the said buildings themselves, with a view to giving monetary help for such maintenance/repairs a separate fund may be created which would be kept at the disposal of the Authority, who will utilise these funds on the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee. The Authority may, in such cases disburse an appropriate amount to the owner or may get maintenance/ repair work done through the Planning Authority/Collector.
ii) 2% of total development charges collected shall be transferred to the Heritage Conservation Fund.
iii) The fund may also be used to support the cost of listing of heritage sites and cost towards expert guidance and fees for architects, engineers and other experts.
iv) The Authority shall have the right to remove any unauthorized construction in the property enlisted as a heritage property and recover the expenses of such removal/ demolition work from the owner as per provisions of the Act.
v) The Authority shall have the right to enter into any such heritage property to repair such property to avoid any damage or injury, and the amount shall be spent from the Heritage Conservation Fund and shall be recovered from the owner as arrears of taxes due to the Authority.
vi) If a Heritage structure listed in Grade - I needs conservation, preservation and immediate repairs and if the structure is affected due to vandalism by the occupier/owner, then the Authority shall have the right to acquire such heritage property and conserve its heritage value.
Related Regulations
You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 14 through the below-mentioned links:
Integrated Logistic Park (ILP) in UDCPR 2020
Industrial Township under Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing Policy in UDCPR 2020
Slum Rehabilitation Scheme for Other Municipal Corporations in UDCPR 2020
Slum Rehabilitation for Pune, PCMC, PCNTDA, and Nagpur in UDCPR 2020
Urban Renewal Scheme in UDCPR 2020
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana in UDCPR 2020
Integrated Information Technology Township (IITP) in UDCPR 2020
Affordable Housing Scheme in UDCPR 2020
Integrated Township Project (ITP) in UDCPR 2020
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in UDCPR 2020

Any city in India is divided into various land use zones: Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial, etc. So, there is a restriction on the use of land under any zone. For example, You cannot build a Commercial building in an Agricultural Zone, or You cannot build hazardous or high-end Industries in a Residential Zone.
So here are the uses permissible in the Agricultural Zone as per UDCPR 2020 (UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CONTROL AND PROMOTION REGULATIONS FOR MAHARASHTRA STATE).
This is applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities / Special Planning Authorities / Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive / Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.
Rule No. 4.11 Agricultural Zone
i) All agricultural uses, including stables of domestic animals, piggeries, poultry farms accessory buildings, tents, etc.;
ii) Golf Course and Links, Race tracks, and shooting ranges with necessary safety measures, Trekking Routes/nature trails/nature walks, etc.;
iii) Garden, forestry, nursery, public parks, private parks; play fields, summer camps for recreation of all types
iv) Public / semi-public sector utility establishments such as electric sub-stations, receiving stations, switch yards, over-head line corridors, radio and television stations, receiving stations, main stations for public gas distribution, sewage treatment, and disposal works, water works along with residential quarters for essential staff required for such works;
v) L.P.G. Godown, subject to the following conditions :-
a) Minimum plot size and area of the plot shall be as decided by the concerned Licensing Authority.
b) The maximum permissible FSI shall be 20% on this plot.
c) Only ground floor structure shall be permissible.
d) It is necessary to obtain a No Objection Certificate from the Controller of Explosives and competent fire authority.
vi) Vehicle Fuel filling Stations, including LPG / CNG / Ethanol / Public Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles, is subject to the following conditions :-
a) The plot shall be located on any road with a minimum width of 12.0 m. or more.
b) FSI for such facilities in this zone shall be up to 20% of gross area, underground structures along with kiosks shall not be counted towards FSI.
c) NOC from the Chief Controller of Explosives shall be necessary.
d) In case the plot is located on any Classified road, the distance from the junction of roads as may be specified by the Indian Road Congress / Ministry of Road, Transport and Highway, shall be followed. (IRC guideline 2009 and MORTH Letter No.RW/NH- 33023/19/99-DO III, Dated 25.09.2003 as amended from time to time)
e) In a plot of Fuel Station, other building or composite building for the sales office, snack bars, restaurant, public conveniences or like activities , may be permitted
vii) Pottery manufacture.
viii) Storage and drying of fertilizer.
ix) Farmhouses shall be permitted subject to the following conditions :-
a) Minimum plot area for the above use shall be 0.4 Ha. However, one farmhouse per land holding shall be permitted, irrespective of the size of the land holding.
b) The FSI shall not exceed 0.04 subject to a maximum built-up area of 400 sq.m. in any case. Only ground + 1 floor structure with height not exceeding 9.0 m. shall be permissible.
x) Swimming pools/sports and games, canteen, tennis courts, etc.
xi) Amusement park.
a) Amusement park with minimum plot area of 1.0 ha. with recreational and amusement devices like a giant wheel, roller coaster, merry-go-round or similar rides both indoor and outdoor, oceanic-park, swimming pool, magic mountain and lake, ethnic village, shops for souvenirs/citations, toys, goods, as principal uses and ancillary activities such as administrative offices, exhibition hall or auditorium, open-air theatre, essential staff quarters, store buildings, fast food shops, museum, small shops, ancillary structures to swimming pool, ancillary constructions along with staff quarters and residential hotels. Maximum permissible FSI shall be 0.70 on the gross plot area, out of which 0.20 shall be without payment of premium and remaining with payment of premium at the rate of 20% of the rate mentioned in the annul statement of rates of very said land without considering the guidelines therein.
b) The required infrastructure, like proper and adequate access to the park, water supply, sanitation, conservancy services, sewage disposal and adequate off-street parking, will have to be provided and maintained by the promoters of the project at their cost.
c) The promoters of the project shall provide adequate facilities for the collection and disposal of garbage at their cost. They will keep, at all times, the entire environment clean, neat and hygienic.
d) Area of Rides, whether covered or uncovered, shall not be computed towards FSI.
e) At least 250 trees (of indigenous species) per Hector shall be planted and grown within the area of the park.
f) Sufficient parking facilities and ancillary facilities for cars, buses, transport vehicles, etc., shall be provided on-site.
xii) IT / ITES parks/units with 0.20 FSI, subject to Regulation No.7.8.
xiii) Any building/use by the Government / Semi-Government or Government Controlled
bodies with basic FSI and village resettlement or resettlement of project-affected persons with full permissible FSI as that of a residential zone.
xiv) Biotechnology unit / B.T. Park subject to Regulation No.7.9.
xv) Development of buildings of educational, research, and medical institutions, community development, human resources development, rural upliftment, yoga ashram, mediation centers, vipassana centers, spiritual Centres, goshalas, panjarpol, Old Age homes, and Rehabilitation Centres along with allied activities, Planetarium / Astronomical / Astrophysical facilities/projects with FSI of 1.00 on the gross plot area, out of which 0.20 shall be without payment of premium and remaining with payment of premium at the rate of 20% of the rate mentioned in the annul statement of rates of very said land without considering the guidelines therein subject to following conditions :-
Conditions :-
a) The trees at the rate of 250 trees per hectare shall be planted on the plot.
b) The provisions of higher FSI mentioned in Chapter - 7 of these Regulations shall apply to the above buildings listed in the said chapter. However, higher FSI in such cases shall not exceed 100% of the above.
c) In case of educational use, 15% of the area may be used for commercial purposes subject to Regulation No.4.10(vi) provisions.
xvi) Integrated highway/Wayside amenities such as motels, way-side restaurants, fuel pumps, service stations, restrooms and canteen for employees working on-site and truck drivers, service godowns, factory outlets, highway malls, hypermarkets along with public conveniences like toilets, trauma center, medicine shop, bank ATMs and like activities with FSI of 0.2 on the gross area without payment of premium and further FSI upto 0.3 with premium at the rate of 20% land rate in Annual Statement of Rates of the said land without considering the guidelines therein, shall be allowed subject to following conditions :-
Integrated Highway / Wayside Amenities may be permitted to be developed on plots of land having a minimum area of 10,000 Sq.m. abutting to National Highways/State Highways or on any road not less than 18.0 m. width.
Provided that, No subdivision of land shall be allowed and the location of the fuel pump, if
provided, shall be separately earmarked.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this regulation, an individual use as mentioned in this
regulation may be permissible, on a road having a minimum width of 12.0 m. The minimum plot size for this regulation shall be the entire holding mentioned in the single 7/12 extract or a minimum of 4000 Sq.m. In any case, Sub-division / layout shall not be permitted.
xvii) Ancillary Service Industries
Ancillary service industries for agro-related products like flowers, fruits, vegetables, poultry products, marine products, related collection centres, auction halls, godowns, grading services and packing units, knowledge parks, cold storages, utility services (like banking, insurance, post office services) etc. on the land owned by individuals/organizations with FSI of 0.20 without payment of premium. Further, FSI up to 1.00 may be granted with payment of premium at the rate of 20% of the land rate in the Annual Statement of Rates of the said land without considering the guidelines therein.
xviii) Any industry/industries with FSI of 0.20 without payment of premium and further FSI up to 1.00 with payment of premium at the rate of 20% of the land rate in the Annual Statement of Rates of the said land without considering the guidelines therein. Minimum buffer open space/setback (which may include marginal distance and road width, if any) from the boundary of industrial Building/use to residential or habitable zone/use, shall not be less than 23.0 m. Such buffer open space shall be kept on the same land.
Provided that, the area under such buffer open space/setback shall not be deducted for computation of FSI.
Provided further that, if the land under the industrial zone is utilized entirely for non-polluting industries, IT / ITES or like purposes, then such buffer zone / open space shall not be necessary.
Provided further that, Industrial layout / sub-division of land shall also be permissible subject to regulations of Industrial Zone. In such case, the plot shall be entitled to 0.20 FSI and further FSI, as mentioned above, shall be subject to payment of premium. The condition to this effect shall be stamped on the layout / sub-division plan and also mentioned in the approval letter.
Provided further that, industrial godowns/godowns shall also be permissible under this regulation.
xix) Solid waste management, landfill sites, biogas plants, and power generation from waste.
xx) Power generation from non-conventional sources of energy. Area covered under solar panels shall not be counted in FSI.
xxi) Brick, tile manufacture.
xxii) Fish Farming.
xxiii) Religious buildings are subject to conditions as may be prescribed by the Authority.
xxiv) Slaughterhouse or facilities for processing and disposal of dead animals with the special permission of the Authority.
xxv) Cemeteries and crematoria and structures incidental thereto.
xxvi) Scrap Market with FSI of 0.20 without payment premium and further FSI up to 1.00 with the payment of premium at the rate of 20% of the land rate in the Annual Statement of Rates of the said land without considering the guidelines therein.
xxvii) Mangal karyalayas / lawns.
a) Minimum area for mangal karyalaya shall be 0.4 ha. with FSI of 0.20. It may be
permitted along with essential guest rooms not exceeding 30% of the area of Mangal Karyalaya. The area for parking shall be 40% of the gross area, which shall be properly earmarked and bounded by a bifurcating wall. Further FSI up to 1.00 with payment of premium at the rate of 20% of the land rate in Annual Statement of Rates of the said land without considering the guidelines therein.
b) Lawns for the ceremony shall be 0.8 ha. with an FSI of 0.10. Area for parking shall be 40% of the gross area.
c) The plot for mangal karyalaya or lawn shall abut on road width of a minimum of 9.0 m. in the case of Nagar Panchayat, Municipal Council and Regional Plan area and 12.0 m. in case of other areas.
xxviii) Bus Terminus.
xxix) Construction of any communication route, road, railway, airstrips, ropeways, ports, electric lines, etc.
xxx) Town planning schemes under the provisions contained in the chapter - V of the Maharashtra Regional & Town Planning Act, 1966 shall be allowed for a minimum 20 hectare area, with a proper road network subject to the condition that the entire cost of the scheme shall be borne by the owners. After sanction of the preliminary scheme under section 86 of the Act, all uses as that of a residential zone, shall be permitted. FSI and other regulations shall be applicable as per the residential zone. Or
If the owners come together for development on the aforesaid concept of a town planning scheme instead of undertaking a town planning scheme under the Act, the Authority may allow and approve such development subject to the availability of an existing approach road of a minimum 12.0 m. width and earmarking 40% of the land for roads, parks, playgrounds, gardens, social infrastructure, and sale by the Authority, which shall be handed over to the Authority subject to the following -
a) A minimum of 10% of land shall be earmarked for playgrounds and parks, for which no FSI / compensation shall be allowed.
b Minimum 15% of land shall be earmarked for social infrastructure and that for sale by the authority and shall be handed over to the authority for which compensation in the form of FSI shall be allowed in-situ.
c Road area only to the extent of 15% shall be calculated in this component, for which compensation in the form of FSI shall be allowed in situ. The road area over and above 15% shall be calculated in the owner's / developer's share.
d) The regulation No.3.4 and 3.5 shall not be applicable in this case.
Development permission for uses permissible in a residential zone shall be granted phase-wise after completion of physical infrastructure works, including off-site infrastructure and handing over of land to the Authority. The land under such proposals shall be entitled for basic FSI / Premium FSI / TDR / In-situ FSI as that in the Residential Zone.
xxxi) Manufacturing of Fireworks / Explosives and Storage of magazines/Explosives beyond 2.0 km. of Gaothan Settlement / Gaothan Boundary subject to No Objection Certificate from the Chief Controller of Explosives.
xxxii) Development of Cinema and TV film production, shooting, editing, and recording studios with its ancillary and supporting users, including construction of staff quarters, restrooms, canteens, etc., subject to the following conditions :-
a) The minimum plot area (necessarily under one ownership) shall not be less than 2.0 ha.
b) The permissible FSI shall be 0.2 on gross plot area without payment of premium and up to 1.00 with payment of premium at the rate of 20% of the land rate in the Annual Statement of Rates of the said land without considering the guidelines therein.
xxxiii) Tourist homes, Resorts, Hotels, Motels, Health and Wellness spas, Golf courses, Art and Craft villages, Exhibition cum Convention Centres, Camping-Caravanning and tent facilities, Adventure Tourism Projects, Eco-Tourism Projects, Agricultural Tourism Projects, Medical Tourism Projects, Boutique wineries, Guest houses and Bed and Breakfast scheme approved by MTDC / DoT etc., with Rooms / Suites, support areas for reception, kitchen, utility services etc., along with ancillary structures like covered parking, watchman's quarter, guard cabin, landscape elements, and if required, one observation tower per tourist resort upto the height of 15.0 m. with platform area up to 10 sq.m. in permanent / semi-permanent structural components. The permissible FSI shall be 0.2 on gross plot area without payment of premium and up to 1.00 with payment of premium at the rate of 20% of the land rate in the Annual Statement of Rates of the said land without considering the guidelines therein.
xxxiv) Tourist Resort Complexes may be permitted with the following conditions :-
A) General conditions - The minimum area of such site shall not be less than 1.00 Ha. and 0.4 Ha. in the case of local residents.
B) Condition for Development -
a) Maximum permissible FSI in this zone shall be 0.25 of gross plot area without payment of premium and remaining up to 1.00 with payment of premium at the rate of 20% of land rate in Annual Statement of Rates of the said land without considering the guidelines therein.
b) The uses, like resorts, Holiday camps, recreational activities, and amusement parks, may be permitted in this zone.
c) If the site is located adjacent to forts, and archaeological and historical monuments, the development shall be governed by the rules prescribed by the archaeological department.
d) If the site is located near natural lakes, then, development shall be governed by the following :-
Distance from High Flood Line (HFL) / Full Storage Level (FSL) | Development to be allowed |
Up to 100 m. | Not permissible. |
Above 100 m. to 300 m. | Ground floor structure with a maximum height of 5.0 m. |
Above 300 m. to 500 m. | G + 1 storey structure with a a maximum height of 9.0 m. |
Above 500 m. | G + 1 storey structure with maximum height of 9.0 m. Within permissible FSI and subject to other regulations. |
f) No subdivision of land shall be allowed.
g) The land should have an approach of a minimum of 9.0 m—wide road.
h) The land having a slope steeper than 1:5, shall not be eligible for development.
C) Infrastructural Facilities - All the infrastructural facilities required on site as specified by the Authority, shall be provided by the owner/developer at his own cost on the site. Proper arrangements for the treatment and disposal of sewage and solid waste shall be made. No untreated effluent shall be allowed to pass into any watercourse.
xxxv) In the areas of Local Bodies and the area of SPA where a Development Plan or planning proposal is sanctioned, "Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana" shall be permitted subject to the provisions of Regulation No.14.4.1.
xxxvi) Individual house of size up to 150 sq.m. for entire holding mentioned in the single 7/12 extract, as of the date of coming into force of these regulations.
xxxvii) Mining and quarrying subject to provisions of Regulation No. 15.1
xxxviii) In the area of Regional Plans (excluding the area of Local Bodies and SPA where a Development Plan or planning proposal is sanctioned), "Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana" shall be permitted subject to the provisions of Regulation No.14.4.2.
xxxix) Development of Tourism and Hospitality Services under Community Nature Conservancy around wildlife sanctuaries and national parks shall be permitted as per Regulation No.14.9.
xxxx) Integrated Township Projects as per Regulation No.14.1.1.
xxxxi) Buildings for Three star and above category hotels along National / State Highways, MDR and on other roads not less than 18.0 m. in width, may be permitted with FSI 0.2 on gross area without payment of premium and remaining up to 1.00 with payment of premium at the rate of 20% of land rate in Annual Statement of Rates of the said land without considering the guidelines therein.
xxxxii) Bulk storage and sale of Kerosene subject to NOC of Chief Controller of Explosive, Government of India.
(1) xxxxiii) Development of housing for EWS / LIG as per Regulation No.7.7.
(1) xxxxiv) Development is permissible adjacent to Gaothan as specified in Regulation No.5.1.1.
Notes :-
1) The permissible FSI for uses mentioned above shall be 0.20, if not specified.
2) The height of the building shall be permissible as per regulation No.6.10, subject to FSI permissibility under this regulation.
3) For the uses permissible in the Agricultural Zone, the minimum road width shall be 6.0 m. for non-special buildings, unless otherwise specified, and for special buildings shall be as per Regulation No.3.3.9.
4) The premium for FSI (allowed with payment of the premium) shall be levied for FSI actually proposed in the permission.
5) The payment to be recovered in the above cases shall be apportioned 50% - 50% between the Authority and the State Government, unless otherwise exempted by the Government by separate order.
6) The payment to be recovered in the above cases may be exempted by the Government by separate order in case of deserving charitable institutions.
7) No such premium shall be leviable in case of Government/Semi-Government or government-controlled bodies.
8) Trees at the rate of 100/hectare shall be planted on the land, unless otherwise specified.
Related Regulations to Rule No. 4-
You can visit our other blogs on regulations through the below-mentioned links:
Uses Permissible in Various Zones UDCPR 2020
Uses Permissible in Development Plan Reservations in UDCPR 2020
Uses Permissible in Green Belt Zone and River Protection Belt in UDCPR 2020
Uses Permissible in Public and Semi Public Zone in UDCPR 2020
Uses Permissible in Industrial Zone in UDCPR 2020
Uses Permissible in Commercial Zone in UDCPR 2020
What are the Types of Zones in UDCPR 2020
Uses Permissible in Residential Zones R2 in UDCPR 2020
Uses Permissible in Residential Zones R1 in UDCPR 2020

Any city in India is divided into various land use zones: Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial, etc. So, there is a restriction on the use of land under any zone. For example, You cannot build a Commercial building in an Agricultural Zone, or You cannot build hazardous or high-end Industries in a Residential Zone. So here are the uses permissible in the Residential Zone as per UDCPR 2020 (UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CONTROL AND PROMOTION REGULATIONS FOR MAHARASHTRA STATE).
This is applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities / Special Planning Authorities / Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive / Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.
Rule No. 4.3 Uses Permissible in Residential Zone R-1
(Residential Zone R1 includes Residential plots abutting on roads below 9.0 m. in width in the congested area shown on the Development Plan and on roads below 12.0 m. in width in outside congested areas (i.e., in the non-congested area)).
(In the case of C Class M.C.s, Nagar panchayats, and R.P. areas, the above road width is 12.0 m. shall be 9.0 m. in non-congested areas).
The following uses and accessory uses to the principal use shall be permitted in buildings or premises in purely Residential zones, subject to other regulations:-
i) Any residences, Slum Improvement / Rehabilitation.
ii) Hostels for students / working men/ women, lodging with or without boarding facilities.
Old age home, sanatorium, orphanage, night shelter dormitories.
iv) Customary Home occupation, i.e., occupations customarily carried out by the members of the household without employing a hired laborer and shall include stitching, embroidery, beauty parlor, button making, etc., with or without motive power. If motive power is used, the total electricity load should not exceed 1 H.P. (0.75 kw).
v) Medical and dental practitioners' dispensaries, including pathological laboratories, diagnostic clinics, polyclinics, counseling centers, and clinics, are to be permitted on any floor. Maternity homes, clinics, and nursing homes with indoor patients with beds not exceeding 20 on any floor with separate means of access of staircase from within the building or outside may be permitted but not in any case within the prescribed marginal open spaces. Where the doctor's residence is located on the upper floor, then such separate means of access to the staircase may not be necessary.
vi) Professional Offices in residential tenement for own purpose not exceeding carpet area of 50 sq.m. each.
vii) Community halls, welfare center, gymnasia (each not exceeding 100 sq.m.).
viii) Primary and nursery schools, including students' hostels, except for trade schools.
ix) Crèche, Day-care center up to 100 sq.m. in an independent building or part of the building.
x) Private coaching classes, student’s mess in an independent building or part of building
up 100 sq.m. subject to separate parking facility in the same premises.
xi) Religious buildings.
xii) Public / City Libraries and Museums in independent buildings or on the ground or first floor of the composite building.
xiii) Club Houses or gymkhanas in residential complexes.
xiv) Public or Private Park (except an amusement park), garden, and playfield in an independent plot not used for business purposes.
xv) Bus shelters, taxi - Rickshaw stands, trolley bus shelters, railway stations, metro stations, BRT stands, cycle stands, and similar uses.
xvi) Convenience shops only on the ground floor.
xvii) Police Station, Police Chowky, Government and Municipal sub-offices, Post and Telegraph Offices, Branch offices of Banks with safe Deposit Vaults, Electric sub-stations, Fire Aid posts, Home Guards, and Civil Defence Centres, essential Public utilities, Pumping stations, water installations and ancillary structures thereof required to cater to the local area.
xviii) Electronic Industry of the Assembly type (not of the manufacturing type) with the following restrictions :-
a) Motive Power shall not exceed 1 H.P.
xix) Information technology establishment (ITE) (pertaining to software only) on the plots/premises fronting on roads having width 9.0 m. and above
xx) Flour mill and wet/dry masala grinding/subject to the following conditions: -
a) Power requirement shall not exceed 10 H.P.
xxi) Burial grounds, cremation grounds, and essential public utilities, on the road having a width of 9.0 m. and above.
xxii) Agricultural, horticultural, and allied uses (except agro-based industries).
xxiii) Raisin production, bookbinding.
xxiv) Publicconveniences.
xxv) Research, experimental, and testing laboratories not involving any danger of fire or explosion or of any obnoxious nature
Related Regulations to Rule No. 4-
You can visit our other blogs on regulations through the below-mentioned links:
Uses Permissible in Various Zones UDCPR 2020
Uses Permissible in Development Plan Reservations in UDCPR 2020
Uses Permissible in Green Belt Zone and River Protection Belt in UDCPR 2020
Uses Permissible in Agricultural Zone in UDCPR 2020
Uses Permissible in Public and Semi Public Zone in UDCPR 2020
Uses Permissible in Industrial Zone in UDCPR 2020
Uses Permissible in Commercial Zone in UDCPR 2020
What are the Types of Zones in UDCPR 2020
Uses Permissible in Residential Zones R2 in UDCPR 2020

Parking standards, parking dimensions, parking size –
Parking spaces
Wherever a property is to be developed or redeveloped, parking spaces at the scale laid down in these shall be provided. When additions are made to an existing building, the new parking requirements shall be reckoned with reference to the additional space only and not to the whole of building, but this concession shall not apply where the use is changed. The provisions for parking of vehicles shall be as given in Table No. 1
General parking space requirements
(a) Types of parking: The parking spaces mentioned below include parking spaces in basements or on a floor supported by stilts, podium or on upper floors, covered or uncovered spaces in the plot and / or lock up garages. The height of the stilt shall generally be allowed up to 3 m. and shall not be less than 2.5 m. from bottom of beam. More height may be allowed in case of shopping mall, hotels etc. as per requirements.
(b) Size of parking space – The minimum sizes of parking spaces to be provided shall be as shown below in Table. No 2.
Bus Parking Dimensions, Bike Parking Dimensions, Standard Car Parking Dimensions
Parking Size – Table No 2
Type of Vehicle | Area of parking space |
Motor vehicle | 2.5 m X 5 m |
Scooter, Motor Cycle. | 1.0 m. x 2.0 m. |
Bicycle | 0.50 m x 1.4 m. |
Transport vehicle | 3.75 m. X 7.5 m. |
Note – In the case of parking spaces for motor vehicle, up to 50 % of the prescribed space may be of the size of 2.3 m. X 4.5 m.
(c) Marking of parking spaces: Parking space shall be paved and clearly marked for different types of vehicles.
(d) Maneuvering and other ancillary spaces: Off street parking space must have adequate vehicular access to a street and the area shall be exclusive, aisles and such other provisions required for adequate maneuvering of vehicle.
(e) Ramps for Basement parking: Ramps for parking in basement should conform to the requirement of Regulation no. 18
Occupancy | Car | Scooter | Cycle | |
1. Residential | 150 sq.m.& above | 3 | 2 | 2 |
i) Multi-family residential | 80 – 150 sq.m. | 2 | 2 | 2 |
two units | 2 | 4 | 2 | |
40 – 80 sq.m. | ||||
two units | 1 | 4 | 4 | |
0 sq.m – 40 sq.m. | ||||
ii) Lodging tourist homes, hotels with lodging accommodation. | 5 guest rooms | 3 | 4 | 4 |
iii) Restaurants grade 1,2,3 | For 50 sqm | 2 | 8 | 4 |
carpet area | ||||
iv) 4 star / 5 star hotels | 5 guest rooms | 3 | 6 | 4 |
2. Institutional (Hospital, Medical Institutions) | For 10 beds. | 3 | 12 | 10 |
b) Multiplex | For 40 seats | 6 | 16 | 4 |
d) Community hall and club house in layout open space | For 100 sq.m. area | 1 | 4 | 2 |
3. Educational | 100 sq.m admin area | 2 | 4 | 4 |
a) Schools and the administrative as well as public service areas therein | For 3 class rooms | 2 bus | 10 | 60 |
b) College and administrative as well as public service area therein. | 100 sq.m admin area | 2 | 20 | 10 |
For 3 class rooms | 2 | 90 | 30 | |
c) Coaching Classes / Tution Classes/ Hobby Classes | For 20 students | 1 | 5 | 10 |
4. Government or semi public or private business buildings. | For 100sq. m. | 3 | 15 | 4 |
a) Mercantile (markets, department al stores, shops and other Commercials users) including wholesale markets | For 100sq. m | 3 | 9 | 3 |
b) Whole sale shop | For 100sq. m | 2 | 4 | 2 |
c) Hazardous building | For 100sq.m. | 1 | 4 | 4 |
d) Office and I.T. Building | For 200sq. m. | 5 | 12 | 4 |
5. Industrial | For 300sq. m. | 4 | 12 | 4 |
6. Storage (any type) | For 300sq. m. | 1 | 4 | 8 |
Two-wheeler Parking Rules in Society
Notes below table:-
1) For plots up to 100 sq. m. as in the case of shops, row houses parking space need not be insisted.
2) Fraction of parking unit need not be provided. However, in case where proportional number of vehicles is less than 1 (i.e. fraction) it will be rounded to the next full number.
3) In case of independent single family residential bungalows having plot area upto 300 sq. m., parking space need not be insisted separately.
4) In case parking as per above norms is not feasible due to site conditions, Mechanical /Hydraulic Parking shall be permissible at different level subject to satisfaction of all technical norms as per site conditions.
5) Independent building proposed only for parking may be permitted within the same premises but only after leaving the required marginal distance.
Parking Standards –
i) Off street parking space shall be provided with adequate vehicular access to a street, and the area of drives, aisles and such other provisions required for adequate manoeuvring of vehicle shall be exclusive of the parking space stipulated in these regulations.
ii) To meet the parking requirements as per these regulations, common parking area for group of buildings, open or multi-storeyed, may be allowed in the same premises.
iii) In addition to the parking spaces provided for building of Mercantile (Commercial) like office, market, departmental store, shopping mall and building of industrial and storage, loading and unloading spaces shall be provided at the rate of one space for each 1000 sq.m. of floor area or fraction thereof exceeding the first 200 sq. m. of floor area, shall be provided. The space shall not be less than 3.75 m. x 7.5 m.
iv) The space to be left out for parking as given in this Regulation shall be in addition to the marginal distances left out for lighting and ventilation purposes. However, those spaces may be used for parking provided minimum distance of 3 m. (6.0 m. in case of special building) around the buildings is kept free of any parking or loading and unloading spaces. Such parking area may be allowed to cover on top by sheet roofing so as not to infringe the marginal distances to be kept open.
v) In case of parking spaces provided in basements, at least two separate ramps of adequate width and slope for entry and exit at opposite ends or one ramp with 6.0m. meter width shall be provided (as per Regulation No. 18.11) where parking of motor vehicles is envisaged.
vi) Mechanical/Hydraulic parking may be allowed over and above required parking

Know more about NOC (No Objection Certificate) for Building Construction
Every person who intends to carry out new development and erect, re-erect or make any alterations in any place in a building or demolish any building essential to obtain building permission from local planning authority. Similarly, Building permission is the No Objection Certificate for Building Construction. You can make the application for Construction Noc through registered architect or licensed engineer/ structural engineer, to the authority planning authority.
Click here to get free quotations on Construction NOC
What are the documents required for Building Permission?
To obtain construction noc, it is mandatory to submit complete information in the form with all necessary documents. Subsequently, Payment receipt of scrutiny fee and any other fee /charges needs to be attached along with the application for Construction Noc. Below is the Checklist of documents required for building permission-
a) Application for Building permission
b) Mojani map showing plot boundaries
c) 7/12 or property card
d) Property Fer-Faar (Mutation Entries)
e) PREDCR drawing & report
f) Zoning Demarcation
g) Building drawing as per DC rules 2017
h) Structural stability certificate
i) Site supervisor Letter
j) Owner Registration to PMC
k) Tax NOC
l) Title & Search Report
m) Aviation NOC (or elevation certificate)
n) Society Allotment letter & NOC
o) Site Photos
p) Layout Plan (If available)
Procedure for Building Approval
The process involves to obtain building permission is subject to stringent scrutiny. Following are the step by step process involves in online permission-
Step 1. Procuring all required documents.
Step 2. Online application with Pre-dcr drawing to get Pre Approval.
Step 3. Offline file submission.
Step 4. Site visit report and order by Building Inspector
Step 5. Payment of Challan.
Step 6. Final stamp on blueprint and get Commencement Certificate.
List of Other NOC required for construction
When you make a dream of new home and opt to execute it, you enter into the pre-approvals’ stage. Many of us know how to take decisions but very few know that there is list of documentation needed for it to come in existence. Every builder and owner of the land has to give applications and documents which are required for building constructions and its clearance. Following are the list of various NOC’s requires for the construction as depends on the project-
a) Fire Noc
b) Aviation Noc
c) Garden Noc
d) Forest Noc
e) Heritage Noc
f) Road Noc
g) PWD Noc
h) Irrigation Noc
i) M.O.U / Development Agreement Noc.
FAQ about Building Permission-
1. What are the various factors occurs to get noc for building?
Specifically, Various factors are involved in building permission. However it starts from the identification and authentication of land, to check that building conforms to all the standards of safety and regulations, distance from road, distance of surrounding buildings, height of proposed construction, and any other criteria set by the local planning authorities arises time to time.
2. What are the Building Rules in PCMC?
Click here https://pmc.gov.in/sites/default/files/DC%20Rul%202017.PDF
for PMC Building Rules DCPR 2017.
Click here https://www.pcmcindia.gov.in/PDF_forms/Dc_rule.pdf for PCMC Building Rules.
3.How much time it takes to get Construction NOC?
Generally, from the date of final application along with necessary documents to local planning authority, it takes upto 25 days or more to obtain Construction Noc or Building PermissionOne should seek this process while constructing a new building. Also it is required at time of extension, Addition of floor, Lift addition in existing building. Remember, for any interior changes approvals are not required