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Rules for Railway Line, River, Electric Line, Airport, Nallah in UDCPR 2020

There are general regulations about any construction permissible on land, and no piece of land shall be used as a site for the construction of a building if the site is not eligible for it.


If the Authority considers that the site is insanitary, incapable of being well-drained, or is dangerous to construct a building on it then it is not permissible to use this land as a site for construction.

For Example, if the site is in Defense land, Railway region Hilly region, or not drained properly, in this case there, one cannot construct anything on the land without considering the regulations. This information about reservations and their use is very important when someone starts actual planning, whether they are land owners, builders, or construction owners. It is a must-know information before purchasing land or starting construction on the land.


This information about reservations and their use is very important when someone starts actual planning, whether they are land owners, builders, or construction owners. It is a must-know information before purchasing land or starting construction on the land.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 3 is all about General Land Development Requirements.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 3.1 Requirements of Site


Rule No. 3.1.1 Site Not Eligible for Construction of Building


No piece of land shall be used as a site for the construction of the building,


i)  If the Authority considers that the site is insanitary, incapable of being well-drained, or is dangerous to construct a building on it;


ii)  If the entire site is within a distance of 6.0 m. from the edge of the watermark of a minor watercourse (like nallah, canal) and 15.0 m. from the edge of the watermark of a major watercourse (like the river) shown on Development Plan/Regional Plan or village/city survey map or otherwise;


Provided that where a minor watercourse passes through a low-lying land without any well-defined banks, the owner of the property may be permitted by the Authority to canalize the watercourse within the same land without changing the overall alignment and the position of the inlet and outlet of the watercourse according to cross-section as determined by the Authority. In such case, marginal open space shall be stipulated under these regulations and shall be measured from the edge of the trained nallah;


iii)  If the site is hilly and has a gradient of more than 1:5;


iv)  If the site is not drained properly or is incapable of being well drained;


v)  If the owner of the building has not proposed appropriate measures required to safeguard the construction from constantly getting damp to the satisfaction of the Authority;


vi)  In case the building is proposed on any area filled up with carcasses, excreta, filth, and offensive matter, then a certificate from the Authority to the effect that it is safe from the health and sanitary point of view, to be built upon, is required;


vii)  If the use of the site is for the purpose, which in the opinion of the Authority will be a source of annoyance to the health and comfort of the inhabitants of the neighborhood;


viii)  If the proposed occupancy of the building on the site does not conform to the land use proposals in the development plans/Regional Plan or Zoning Regulations;


ix)  If the level of the site is less than the prescribed datum level depending on topography and drainage aspects;


x)  If it doesn’t derive access from an authorized street/means of access of adequate width as described in these Regulations;


xi)  If it is within the river and blue flood line of the river (prohibitive zone), unless otherwise specified in these regulations;


xii)  If the site is within the boundary of the Coastal Regulation Zone where CRZ Regulation does not allow development;


xiii)  If the site is not developable by virtue of restrictions imposed under any law or guidelines of any Government Department;


xiv)  If the entire site is within a distance of 50.0 m. from the mean high flood level of a wetland. The mean shall be calculated as per the provisions of Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2017.


Rule No. 3.1.2  Distance of Site from Electric Lines


No structure, including verandah or balcony, shall be allowed to be erected or re-erected, or any additions or alterations made to a building on a site within the distance quoted in Table No.3 below in accordance with the prevailing Indian Electricity Rules and its amendments from time to time between the building and any overhead electric supply line.


Table No. 3 - Distance of site from Electric Lines

Electric LinesVertical (Meters)Horizontal (Meters)
Low and Medium-voltage Lines2.501.20
High voltage lines up to and including 33000 V.3.702.00
Extra High voltage lines beyond 33,000 V3.702.00
Note - The minimum clearance specified above shall be measured from maximum sag for vertical clearance and from maximum deflection due to wind pressure for horizontal clearance.


Rule No. 3.1.3  Construction within Blue and Red Flood Line


i) Where Blue and Red flood lines are marked on the Development Plan/Regional Plan or received from the Irrigation Department.


a) The Red Flood Line and Blue Flood Line shall be considered as per the plan prepared by the Irrigation Department. The area between the river bank and the blue flood line (Flood line near the river bank) shall be a prohibited zone for any construction except parking, open vegetable market, garden, lawns, open space, cremation and the burial ground, sewage treatment plant, water/gas /drainage pipelines, public toilet or like uses, provided the land is feasible for such utilization.


Provided that, redevelopment of the existing authorized properties, within the river bank and blue flood line, may be permitted at a plinth height of 0.45 m, above the red flood line level.


b) The area between the blue flood line and the red flood line shall be a restrictive zone for the purposes of construction. The construction within this area may be permitted at a height of 0.45 m, above the red flood line level.


c) If the area between the river bank and the blue flood line forms part of the entire plot in the Development Zone, then, FSI of such part of the land may be allowed to be utilized on the remaining land.

d) The red and blue flood line, if shown on the Development/Regional Plan/Planning Proposal, shall stand modified as and when it is modified by the Irrigation Department.


ii) Where the Blue and Red flood line is not marked on the Development Plan/Regional Plan or not received from the Irrigation Department.


Where the Blue and Red flood line is not marked on the Development Plan/Regional Plan or not received from the Irrigation Department, the tentative Blue line shall be earmarked taking into consideration the maximum observed flood level records available locally and also interacting with the residents in the area. The plan showing such a tentative Blue line shall be got approved by the Chief Engineer, Irrigation Department. The distance of 50.0 m. on the landward side from this tentative Blue line shall be treated as a No Construction Zone.


In such cases, provisions of Regulation No.3.1.3(i)(a,b,c,d) shall be applicable to that extent.

Till such a tentative Blue line is prepared and marked on the plan, the development permission shall be governed by the provisions of Regulation No.3.1.1(ii) (mentioned above).


Rule No. 3.1.4  Development within 30.0 m. Distance from Railway Boundary


For any construction within 30.0 m. from the railway boundary, a No Objection Certificate from the Railway Authority shall be necessary.


Rule No. 3.1.5  Environmental Clearance


An environmental clearance certificate shall be submitted for the project as may be prescribed by the Ministry of Environment from time to time.


Rule No. 3.1.6 Development along Highways/Classified Roads


The development along the highways shall be subject to the provisions of the State Highways Act, 1965 and National Highway Act, 1956, and orders issued by the Public Works Department, directives issued by the Urban Development Department vide Resolution No.TPS-1819/UOR-36/19/UD-13, dated 5.8.2019, in this regard, from time to time. (1) All the classified roads passing through the (1) ULBs, i.e., Municipal Corporations / Municipal Councils/Nagar Panchayats, shall be treated as city roads.


A service road specified in Regulation 3.3.8 shall be provided along State and National Highways on both sides. Where service road of 12.0 m. width is already provided in adjoining land, such service road of the same width may be continued in the development permission. Such service roads may not be insisted on if there is no continuity from junction to junction due to existing authorized development/construction.


Rule No. 3.1.7  Development within a certain distance from the Prison Premises


The development within 150 m., 100 m., 50 m. from the perimeter wall of Central Prison, District Prison, and any Sub Prison, respectively, shall be regulated and may be permitted with the prior consent of the committee constituted in this regard by the Home Department. This provision shall be subject to the orders issued by the Government from time to time.


Rule No. 3.1.8  Distances from Landfill Sites


For any residential development, segregating distance from the landfill site shall be observed as specified under Solid Waste Management Rules in force from time to time or as specified by competent authority.


Rule No. 3.1.9  Restrictions in the vicinity of Airport


For structures, installations, or buildings, including installations in the vicinity of airports,

i)  The height shall be restricted to permissible top elevation as mentioned on Colour Coded Zoning Maps (CCZM) prepared by the Airport Authority of India (AAI) and published on its website.


ii)  For any additional height beyond that mentioned in i) above, prior NOC from AAI shall be submitted.


iii) A prior NOC from AAI shall be submitted for the areas depicted in red on CCZM.


Note -


a)  The height permitted by CCZM is indicated Above the Mean Sea Level, i.e., AMSL.


b)  Building height permitted, i.e., Above Ground level (AGL), shall be calculated as CCZM height minus the site elevation of the plot.


Height of building (AGL) = CCZM height - site elevation.


c)  In the absence of aforesaid map, a no objection certificate of the Airport Authority of India shall be required.




i)  Irrespective of their distance from the airport, even beyond the 20 km. Limit from the aerodrome reference point, no building, radio masts, or similar installation exceeding 150 m. in height shall be erected without prior permission of the Civil Aviation Authorities.


ii)  The location of a slaughterhouse/abattoir/butcher house or other areas for activities like depositing of garbage, which may encourage the collection of high-flying birds, like eagles and hawks, shall not be permitted within 10 km. from the aerodrome reference point.


Rule No. 3.1.10  Restrictions in the Vicinity of Ancient Monuments


1)  The Restrictions for Development in the vicinity of the protected monuments of national importance as prescribed under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958, shall be observed.


2)  The Restrictions for Development in the vicinity of the protected monuments of state importance as prescribed under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1960, shall be observed.


Rule No. 3.1.11  Restriction under the Works of Defence Act, 1903


The restrictions imposed under the Work of Defense Act, 1903 shall be applicable, and no development in contravention with the notification shall be permissible.


Whether the area affected by the notification under the Works of Defense Act - 1903, is earmarked in the Development Plan/Regional Plan or not, it shall be permissible to treat the area under such restrictive zone as marginal distance at the time of construction of any building proposed on contiguous unaffected area.


Provided that, it shall be permissible to utilize the FSI and also the receiving potential of the land under this zone, as otherwise permissible, on the remaining contiguous unaffected land of the same land owner.


Rule No. 3.1.12  Distance from Natural Lake and Dam.


In the Regional Plan area, no construction shall be allowed within 100 m. of the high flood line of the natural lake.


In the Development Plan area, development around the natural lake shall be governed by the provisions made in such plan. In the absence of the provisions in such a plan, the distance specified by the Irrigation Department shall be followed.


The regulation regarding clear distances from the High flood line while carrying out any development of any land around the dam and foothill areas as notified and the norms regarding distance as prescribed in Government of Maharashtra, Water Resources Department Marathi Circular No. dt.08/03/2018 and amendments therein, from

time to time, will be applicable henceforth, subject to the following condition.


Condition : The concerned land owners/users are prohibited from discharging any garbage/water sewage/waste generated from its premises in the reservoir. It will be compulsory and binding on the land owner/user to make necessary arrangements within the premises for water and sewage disposal management and maintain the zero discharge condition at his own cost.


Rule No. 3.1.13 Authorities to Supply Complete Information about Restrictions to the Authority


The concerned authority putting restrictions as per their respective legislations/regulations/rules as mentioned above shall make available to the Authority full details of restrictions (including graded restrictions, if any) along with the relevant map detailing restrictions. In the interest of increasing ease of doing business, no individual applicant should be required to approach the concerned departments for NOC. However it is the duty of the applicant to ensure that restrictions informed by the above said authorities are followed scrupulously. The Authority shall make a reference to this effect to the concerned authorities and ensure compliance with the restriction informed by them while sanctioning the development permission.


Such information shall be published by the Authority on its notice board/ website and also update it as and when it is updated by the concerned department.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 3 - 


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 3 through the below-mentioned links:


Recreational Open Spaces in UDCPR 2020


Provision for Amenity Space in UDCPR 2020


Minimum Plot Area for Various Uses in UDCPR 2020


Provision for Inclusive Housing in UDCPR 2020


Relocation of D.P Reservations (Except Road) UDCPR 2020


Plotting, Land Subdivisions, and Access Road Rules in UDCPR 2020


Redevelopment of Existing Buildings in UDCPR 2020


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 7 is all about Higher FSI for Certain Uses as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra


Rule No. 7.5 Protection of FSI in Redevelopment of Existing Buildings


For redevelopment or reconstruction of existing buildings, the FSI to be allowed shall be FSI permissible under Regulation No.6.1 or 6.3, or the FSI consumed by the existing authorized building including TDR, premium FSI, etc., whichever is more. (Such TDR, Premium FSI, etc. utilized in an existing building shall be treated as authorized consumed FSI entitled for redevelopment.)


Rule No 7.6 Redevelopment of Old Dilapidated/Dangerous Buildings


Reconstruction/Redevelopment in whole or in part of any building which has ceased to exist in consequence of accidental fire/natural collapse or demolition for the reasons of the same having been declared dangerous or dilapidated or unsafe by or under a lawful order of the Authority or building having age of more than 30 years, shall be allowed subject to following conditions.


Rule No. 7.6.1  Redevelopment of Multi-Dwelling Building of Co-Operative Housing Societies/Apartments


i) FSI allowed for redevelopment shall be FSI of existing authorized building and incentive FSI to the extent of 30% of existing built-up area or 15 Sq.m. per tenement, whichever is more. Provided further that if the existing authorized built-up area and incentive thereon as stated above is less than the maximum building potential mentioned in Regulation No.6.1 or 6.3, as the case may be, then society may avail premium FSI/TDR up to the maximum building potential. Such incentive FSI shall not be applicable for the redevelopment of the existing bungalow.


ii) In cases where the carpet area occupied by residential tenement in the existing building is less than the carpet area of 27.87 sq.m. then such tenement shall be entitled for a minimum carpet area of 27.87 sq.m. and the difference of these areas shall be allowed as additional FSI without any premium.


In the case of a non-residential occupier the area to be given in the reconstructed building shall be equivalent to the area occupied in the old building.


iii) This regulation shall be applicable only when existing members of the societies are proposed to be re-accommodated.


iv) If tenanted building/s and building/s of co-operative housing society/non-tenanted building/s coexist on the plot under development, then proportionate land component as per existing authorized built-up area of the existing tenanted building on the plot shall be developed as per Regulation No.7.6.2 below and remainder notional plot shall be developed as per this regulation.


7.6.2 Redevelopment of tenanted buildings


i) The FSI allowed for redevelopment of the building having protected tenants under the relevant provisions of law, shall be FSI permissible under Regulation No.6.1 or 6.3, or the FSI consumed by the existing authorized building including TDR, premium FSI, etc., whichever is more. (Such TDR, Premium FSI, etc. utilized in the existing building shall be treated as a basic FSI for redevelopment.) In addition to this, 50% incentive FSI of the rehab. area required for the rehabilitation of tenants shall be allowed. Provided that rehab. area shall be the authorized utilized area or 27.87 sq.m. carpet area per tenement, whichever is more. In the case of a non-residential occupier, the area to be given in the reconstructed building shall be equivalent to the area occupied in the old building.


Provided that, where such building is partly self-occupied by the owners, then entitlement of such partly area shall be governed by the provisions mentioned in Regulation No.7.6.1 above.


Provided further that, if the existing authorized built-up area and incentive thereon as stated above is less than the maximum building potential mentioned in Regulation No.6.1 or 6.3, as the case may be, then society may avail premium FSI/TDR up to the maximum building potential.

ii) All the eligible tenants of the old building shall be re-accommodated in the redeveloped building.


iii) In case of fire-gutted buildings, conditions of more than 30 years of age of buildings shall not be applicable.


Note :- (applicable for Regulation No.7.6.1 & 7.6.2)


1) For the purpose of deciding the authenticity of the structure if the approved plans of the existing structure are not available, the Authority shall consider other evidence such as Assessment Record City Survey Record, or Sanad.


2) The new building may be permitted to be reconstructed in pursuance of an agreement to be executed on stamp paper by at least 51% of the landlord/occupants in the original building, within the meaning of the Bombay Rents, Hotel and Lodging House Rents Control Act, 1947 or Apartment Act and its related provision and in such agreement provision for accommodation for all occupants in the new building on agreed terms shall be made and a copy of such agreement shall be deposited with the Planning Authority before commencement or undertaking reconstruction of the new buildings.


3) An amount as may be decided by the Government shall be paid by the Owner/Developer/Society as additional Development Cess for the built-up area over and above the Base FSI. A corpus fund as decided by the Authority is to be created by the Developer which will take care of the maintenance of the building for a period of 10 years.



Related Regulations to Rule No. 7


Rule No. 7.0 in UDCPR 2020


Entitlement of FSI for Road Widening or Construction of New Roads or Surrender of Reserved Land in UDCPR 2020


Development and Redevelopment Of Staff Quarters Of the State Government or Its Statuary Bodies or Planning Authority in UDCPR 2020


Development and Redevelopment of Housing Schemes of Maharashtra Housing Area Development Authority in UDCPR 2020


Development of Housing for EWS and LIG in UDCPR 2020


Regulations for Development of Information Technology Establishment, Data Centers in UDCPR 2020


Regulation for Development of Biotechnology Parks in UDCPR 2020


Incentive for Green Buildings in UDCPR 2020


Buildings of Smart Fin Tech Centre in UDCPR 2020


Commercial Buildings in CBD, Commercial, Residential Zone in Planning Authorities Areas in UDCPR 2020


Ramp as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 9 is all about the Requirements of Part of the Building as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 9.12 Ramp


9.12.1 Non Vehicular Ramp


All the requirements of stairways in Regulation No.9.28.8 shall apply mutatis mutandis to non-vehicular ramps. In addition, the following requirements shall be complied with.


a)  Ramps with a slope of not steeper than 1 in 10 may be substituted for and shall comply with all the applicable requirements of required stairways as to enclosure, capacity, and dimensions. In certain cases, steeper slopes may be permitted but in no case greater than 1 in 8 shall be permitted. Ramps shall be surfaced with approved non-slipping material. Provided that in the case of public offices, hospitals, assembly halls, etc. the slope of the ramp shall not be more than 1 : 12.


b)  The minimum width of the ramps in hospitals shall be 2.25m.


c)  Handrails shall be provided on both sides of the ramp.


d)  Ramps shall lead directly to outside open space at ground level or courtyards or safe places.


e)  For buildings above 24.0 m. in height, access to ramps from any floor of the building shall be through a smoke stop door.


f)  When there is a difference in level between connected areas for horizontal exits, ramps with no more than 1 : 10 slope shall be provided; steps shall not be used.


g)  In the case of non-special buildings, ramps may be permitted inside marginal distances. In the case of a special building, ramps may be permitted in side marginal distances, after leaving 6.0 m. marginal distance for movement of fire fighting vehicle.


9.12.2  Ramp to basements and upper storeys for vehicles


For parking spaces in the basement and upper floors, at least two ramps of minimum 3.0 m. width with a slope not more than 1 : 8 shall be provided, preferably at the opposite ends. Instead of two ramps, one ramp of 6.0 m. width may be allowed. In addition to these, the owner may provide car lifts if he desires to do so.


If the ramp is proposed to be used only for two-wheelers, then at least two ramps of 2.0 m. width with a slope not more than 1 : 8 shall be provided, preferably at the opposite ends. Instead of two ramps, there is one ramp of 4.0 m. width may be allowed.


In the case of a plot admeasuring 1000 sq.m. or less, only one ramp of 3.0 m. may be provided for car/two-wheeler parking, or one ramp of 2.0 m. may be provided for two-wheeler parking or the owner may provide a minimum 2 Car lifts instead of Ramp.


In the case of a plot measuring up to 2000 sq.m., one ramp of minimum 6.0 m. width may be provided for car/two-wheeler parking or the owner may provide a minimum of 2 Car lifts instead of a Ramp.


Note - Sub Regulation No. 9.12.1(g) shall also be applicable in this regulation.


Rule No. 9.13 Podium


Podium for parking of the vehicles and other uses mentioned herein, may be permitted with the following requirements/conditions:


i) The height of the podium shall be at least 2.4 m. from the floor to the soffit of the beam.


ii) Podium may be allowed at a distance of 6.0 m. from the front, side, and rear of the plot boundary in case of a special building, subject to provisions of Regulation No.6.2.3(c).


iii) The podium shall be designed to take a load of fire-engine if required.


iv)  Recreational open space may be permitted on the Podium subject to regulation No.3.4.1(iii). The structure mentioned in Regulation No.3.4.7 may be permitted over the podium on which recreational open space is provided, subject to 15% of the area of such recreational open space.


v)  Podium shall be permissible joining two or more buildings or wings of buildings, subject to the availability of manoeuvring space for a fire engine. In such case, the distance between two buildings/wings of the building shall be provided as otherwise required under these Regulations.


vi)  Part of the podium may be used for recreation or play areas for schools.


vii) Part of the podium may be used for clubhouses subject to Regulation No.3.4.7(i).



Related Regulations to Rule No. 9


Habitable Rooms as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Basements as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Balcony as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Provision of Lift as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Lighting and Ventilation of Room as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Compound Wall and Other Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Drainage and Sanitation Requirements in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 12 is all about the Structural Safety, Water supply, Drainage, and Sanitary Requirements, Outdoor Display, And Other Services in Development Plans as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 12.6 Drainage and Sanitation Requirements


12.6.1 General


1)  There should be at least one water tap and arrangement for drainage in the vicinity of each water-closet or group of water closets in all the buildings.


2)  Each family dwelling unit on the premises (abutting on a sewer or with a private sewage disposal system) shall have, at least, one water closet and one kitchen-type sink. A bath or shower shall also be installed to meet the basic requirements of sanitation and personal hygiene.


3)  All other structures for human occupancy or use on-premises, abutting on a sewer or with a private sewage disposal system, shall have adequate sanitary facilities, but in no case less than one water closet and one other fixture for cleaning purposes.


12.6.2  For Residences


1) Dwelling with individual convenience shall have at least the following fitments: 


a) One bathroom provided with a tap and a floor trap

b) One water closet with a flushing apparatus with an ablution tap; and

c) One tap with a floor trap or a sink in the kitchen or wash place.


2) Dwelling without individual conveniences shall have the following fitments:


a) One water tap with a floor trap in each tenement.


b) One water closet with flushing apparatus and one ablution tap, bath for every two tenements, and


c) One bath with water tap and floor trap for every two tenements.


12.6.3 For Buildings Other than Residences


The requirements for fitments for drainage and sanitation in the case of buildings other than residences shall be in accordance with Table No.12-C to 12-P. The following shall be, in addition, taken into consideration:


a)  The figures shown are based upon one (1) fixture being the minimum required for the number of persons indicated or part thereof.


b) Building categories not included in the tables shall be considered separately by the Authority.


c) Drinking fountains shall not be installed in the toilets.


d) Where there is the danger of exposure to skin contamination with poisonous, infectious or irritating material, washbasin with eye wash jet and an emergency shower located in an area accessible at all times with the passage / right of way suitable for access to a wheel chair, shall be provided.


e) When applying the provision of these tables to provide the number of fixtures, consideration shall be given to the accessibility of the fixtures. Using a purely numerical basis may not result in an installation suited to the needs of a specific building. For example, schools should be provided with toilet facilities on each floor. Similarly, toilet facilities shall be provided for temporary workmen employed in any establishment according to the needs, and in any case, one WC and one washbasin shall be provided.


f) All buildings used for human habitation for dwelling work, occupation, medical care or any purpose detailed in the various tables, abutting a public sewer or a private sewage disposal system, shall be provided with minimum sanitary facilities as per the schedule in the tables. In case the disposal facilities are not available, they shall be provided as a part of the building design for ensuring high standards of sanitary conditions in accordance with this section.


g)  Workplaces where crèches are provided, they shall be provided with one WC for 10 persons or part thereof, one washbasin for 15 persons or part thereof, and one kitchen sink with floor tap for preparing food/milk preparations. The sink provided shall be with a drinking water tap.


h)  In all types of buildings, individual toilets and pantries should be provided for executives and for meeting/seminar/conference rooms, etc., as per user requirements.


i)  Where food is consumed indoors, water stations may be provided in place of drinking water fountains.


Related Regulations


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 12 through the below-mentioned links


Signs and Outdoor Display Structures in UDCPR 2020


Water Supply, Drainage, and Sanitary Requirements in UDCPR 2020


Alternatives Materials, Methods of Design & Construction, and Tests in UDCPR 2020


Building Services in UDCPR 2020


Quality of Materials and Workmanship in UDCPR 2020


Structural Safety, Water Supply, Drainage and Sanitary Requirements, Outdoor Display, and Other Services in UDCPR 2020


Regulations for Permissible FSI in Non Congested Area In Maharashtra in UDCPR 2020

For the construction of any building, there is a restriction of floor space to be used. It is called as FSI (Floor space Index). Also, we have to provide distance from the plot boundary which is called as marginal distance or setbacks.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 6 is all about Regulations for FSI & Marginal distance.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities / Special Planning Authorities / Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive / Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 6.3 Permissible FSI


Permissible basic FSI, additional FSI on payment of premium, Permissible TDR Loading on a plot in a non-congested area for Residential and Residential with mixed uses and other buildings in developable zones like residential, commercial, public-semi-public, etc. shall be as given in Table 6-G below :-


Table 6-G 

Sr. No.Road width in metersBasic FSIFor all Municipal Corporations (2) CIDCO as Planning Authority by Virtue of NTDAFor remaining Authorities/Areas
   FSI on payment of premiumMaximum permissible TDR loadingMaximum building potential on plot, including in-situ FSIFSI on payment of premiumMaximum permissible TDR loadingMaximum building potential on plot, including in-situ FSI
1Below 9.0 m.1.10----1.10----1.10
29.0 m. and above but below 12.0 m.1.100.500.402.000.300.301.70
312.0 m. and above but below 15.0 m.1.100.500.652.250.300.602.00
415.0 m. and above but below 24.0 m.1.100.500.902.500.300.702.10
524.0 m. and above but below 30.0 m.1.100.501.152.750.300.902.30
630.0 m. and above1.100.501.403.000.301.102.50


Note –


i)  In addition to the above, ancillary area FSI up to the extent of 60% of the proposed FSI in the development permission (including Basic FSI, Premium FSI, and TDR but excluding the area covered in Regulation No.6.8) shall be allowed with the payment of premium as specified in Regulation No.6.1.1.This shall be applicable to all buildings in all zones.

Provided that in case of non-residential use, the extent of ancillary area FSI shall be up to 80%. No separate calculation shall be required to be done for this ancillary area FSI. The entire FSI in the development permission shall be calculated and shall be measured with reference to permissible FSI, premium FSI, TDR, and additional FSI including ancillary area FSI added therein.

Provided further that, this ancillary area FSI shall be applicable to all other schemes like TOD, PMAY, ITP, IT, MHADA, etc., except 


Rehabilitation component in SRA. In the result, free of FSI items in the said schemes, if any, other than those mentioned in UDCPR, shall stand deleted.


ii)  The column of TDR shall not be applicable for the area, where there is no Planning Authority, and accordingly, values in subsequent columns shall stand modified.


iii)  The maximum permissible limits of FSI specified in the Table above, may be allowed to be exceeded in cases mentioned in Chapter 7, where higher FSI is permissible over and above the limit specified in the above table.


iv)  Maximum permissible building potential on plot mentioned under column No.6 or 9 shall be exclusive of FSI allowed for Inclusive Housing as per Regulation No.3.8. There is no priority fixed to utilize premium FSI or TDR as mentioned in Column No.4, 5 and 7, 8. (1) However the Authority, considering the local situation, may allow utilization of premium FSI and TDR, in equal proportion of permissible premium FSI and TDR mentioned in column No.4, 5 and 7, 8. (e.g. if out of premium FSI mentioned in column No.4 & 7, 40% is proposed to be utilized then out of TDR mentioned in column No.5 & 8, 40% TDR shall also be utilized.) In such cases the Authority shall issue written, well-reasoned speaking orders to that effect. Other conditions of TDR utilization shall be applicable as per the TDR Regulations No.11.2. In respect of service roads, shown on the development plan or in the approved layout, or plots facing on a major road, however deriving access from other roads, the width of highway or major road shall be considered for entitlement of building potential as per column 6 or 9 of the above table, as the case may be.


v)  Out of the quantum of TDR mentioned in Column No.5 or 8 minimum 30% and subject to a maximum 50% of TDR shall be utilized out of the TDR generated from Slum Rehabilitation Scheme (Slum TDR) / Urban Renewal TDR / (2) TDR generated from the area of notified URP as per Regulation No.14.8.8(iv)(c)(i) / Amenity construction TDR (till generation of URT). If such TDR is not available, then other TDR may be used.


vi)  The restrictions of road width mentioned above shall not be applicable in cases where, the permissible FSI is more than the basic FSI in various schemes such as slum rehabilitation schemes, redevelopment of dangerous buildings, cluster development for the congested (core) area, redevelopment of MHADA buildings, TOD, etc. in such scheme, regulations of the respective scheme shall be applicable. (3) However, for special buildings, as mentioned in Regulation No.1.3(93)(xiv), provisions mentioned in Regulation No.3.3.9 shall be applicable.

vii)  The maximum limits of FSI prescribed above shall be applicable to (a) fresh permission (viz. Green-field development (i.e., building on a vacant plot of land) and brown-field development (i.e., cases of addition to an existing building where a permissible FSI has not been exhausted.) and also to (b) an existing building that has not been granted full occupation certificate. The cases of existing buildings shall be subject to the production of a stability certificate from the structural engineer.


viii) Premium - The rate of premium for the premium F.S.I., as mentioned in Columns No.4 and 7 above shall be 35% of the rate of the said land mentioned in the Annual Statement of Rates without considering the guidelines therein. Apportionment of such amount between Authority and Government shall be as decided by Government from time to time. The government premium, if to be paid, shall be deposited by the Authority in the specified head of government account. In the area of Regional Plans, the entire premium shall be paid to the Government through the District offices of the Town Planning and Valuation Department.


ix)  Basic FSI and premium FSI for unauthorisedly subdivided plots having an area of up to 0.4 ha. Shall be (2) 75% of the quantum mentioned in columns No.3, 4 & 7, and the TDR shall be to the extent of 50% of the quantum mentioned in columns No.5 & 8. This provision shall be subject to provisions in Regulation No.3.4.1(i)(a) and (c), wherein the plot shall be entitled for full potential.


x)  The utilization of TDR mentioned in the above table would be available to an existing road width of 9.0 m. and above so marked under the relevant Act.


xi) For plots regularised under the Maharashtra Gunthewari Development (Regularisation, Upgradation, and Control) Act 2001, these regulations shall apply, and allowance of TDR in columns No.5 and 8 shall be to the extent of 50%. This shall also be applicable for cases mentioned in Regulation No.3.4.1(i)(b).


xii) In case plots have an approach by a dead-end road, (point access), the potential of the plot mentioned in the above table shall be permissible if the length of such access road does not exceed 100 m.


xiii) If the strip of land/plot adjacent to the road is surrendered by the owner to the authority for road widening, then the benefit of a widened road in terms of building potential, and permissible height shall be granted subject to the condition that such road widening shall result in widening of road from junction of roads (or origin of road) to junction of roads (or T junction).


xiv) The entire area of a plot may be considered for calculating the potential of the plot in respect of premium FSI + TDR, but not the basic FSI. Basic FSI shall be calculated on the area of the plot remaining with the owner after deducting area under D.P. road/road widening/reservations and amenity space. This shall be applicable in cases where a reservation area or amenity space is handed over to the authority.


xv) If any road of width less than 9.0 m. is proposed to be widened to 9.0 m. by the Authority under the provisions of the Municipal Corporation or Municipal Council Act, by prescribing the line of street considering 4.5 m. from the center line of the existing road and owner of the plot hands over such affected strip along such road to the authority, then he may be entitled to FSI and potentially applicable to 9.0 m. road. (2) This shall be applicable to roads in congested areas also.


Rule No. 6.5 FSI Of Green Belt


Basic FSI, along with the full potential of premium FSI and TDR of the green belt zone shown on the Development Plan/Regional Plan, may be allowed on the remaining land of the owner by counting the area of the green belt in the gross area of the plot subject to the condition that the area shall always be under tree cover. The owner shall plant trees in this area with proper planning at the rate of a minimum of 100 trees per hectare that should have survived for at least one year prior to issuance of the occupation certificate.


Rule No. 6.6 Calculation Of Built-Up Area For The Purposes Of FSI


An outer periphery of the construction floor-wise (P-line), including everything but excluding ducts, voids, and items in Regulation No. 6.8, shall be calculated for the purpose of computation of FSI. The open balcony, double-height terraces, and cupboard shall also be included in the P-line of a respective floor, irrespective of its use/function. If part of the stilt, podium, or basement is proposed for habitation purposes or for the construction that is counted in FSI, then such construction shall also be measured in the P-line in that respective floor.



Related Regulations to Rule No.6 - 


You can visit our other blogs on regulations through the below-mentioned links:


What are the Regulations for Height of Building in UDCPR 2020?


What is the Calculation of FSI Pline and its exemption in UDCPR 2020?


What are the Projections allowed in Front and Side Margin as per UDCPR 2020?


Industrial Building Regulations of FSI, Marginal Distances and Plot Area in UDCPR 2020


What are the Setback, Marginal, Distance, Height in Non Congested Area in Maharashtra in UDCPR 2020


What are the Setback, Marginal, Distance, Height, and Permissible FSI in Gaothan or Congested Area in Maharashtra in UDCPR 2020