Looking for Zone certificate ?

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What is the Location of Project? *

Zone Certificate


Zone certificate or zoning certificate is a document which tells zone of whole Survey number or gut number. Remember, zone certificate is not for a particular plot, it gives idea of whole Survey Number.

Example – If a Survey Number is affected by a 24 M road, one side of road is agriculture zone & other side is residential zone, then zone certificate will mention that the survey number includes Part residential zone, part agriculture zone & a 24.0 M wide road.


But it will not tell exact zone of your plot alone. To know exact zone of plot you have to take zoning demarcation in which authority will mark zone colour codes on your mojani certificate copy.


What is Zone Certificate ?


It’s a particular survey number of document by which any one can know about reservations mentioned in the DP. Zone certificate indicates the zones of land such as residential, Industrial Commercial, Agriculture and other details of the land like water bodies, and flood line.


Why Zone certificate is required?


This is required in order to facilitate the proper use of land for different purposes. Each zone is assigned for a specific purpose like residential, industrial, commercial, Agriculture etc. So to know the status of land to do further construction Zone Certificate is required.


Zone Certificate ensures that lands are properly marked for a specific purpose so that a particular zone intended for a specific purpose is not used for a different one.


How to get zone certificate online?


7/12 Extract is the essential document to get the zone certificate which indicates the ownership of land and all details of particular plot for which zoning certificate is required. For PMRDA we have to do online application. An application to Pune Corporation or respective authority is a way to get zone certificate.

Foot2Feet can help you in getting zone certificate in Pune, in PMRDA, in PCMC, in Maharashtra, in Thane, in Mumbai, in Pimpri Chinchwad or any municipal council, corporation & town planning or special planning authority like MMRDA.


How to download zone certificate?


Zone certificate cannot be downloaded. Basically, there is a process of Zone certificate in any city or for any location. Respective planning authority can give zone certificate.

In PMRDA there is an online process for Zone Certificate. We get the certificate within 7/8 working days from date of application. While in PMC, there is an offline process and we get the certificate within 4/5 working days from the date of application.


Zone Certificate Charges


To get zone certificate legal fees of 500 Rs has to be paid to government. Other charges like consultant’s fees & cost of getting 7/12 are separate.


Zone Conversion


Know More about Zone Conversion


Zone change is the process of changing the current zone to the different zone, for instance for agricultural use to non- agricultural use, residential use to commercial use etc. However, a plot owner can do request to change the zone of the property he owes, for its different uses.


Role of Scrutiny Committee in zone Change


A proposal scrutiny committee is being constituted as per the accompanying schedule to scrutinize the proposals for change of use department in the approved regional plan and make recommendations to the government. In the same vein, The approved regional plan, the committee should handle the proposal to change the use of non-development area to residential, commercial sector, public / semi-public sector to residential sector, residential sector to industrial sector, and forest department to include lands with less than 1: 5 slopes in agriculture department.


What is the process for zone Change?


Eventually, to do the application for zone change, the owner with the help of licensed engineer or licensed architect needs to be submit the application along with the all the necessary documents to the district collector office. Likewise, the Government will execute the necessary modification proposal as per the requirement received by the Government itself or in response to the request received from the public as required for the change of the zonef Use in the approved Regional Plan. After that the application get verified by the tahasildar. Further, it checked the revenue clearance and technical clearance.  Finally, It issues the conversion order of applied application.


Documents required for zone change


To change the zone of any plot, following documents are required to be submitted along with application of Zone change to the Regional Planning Authority

  1. Land ownership records
  2. Certified survey map showing the width of existing road available on site or other evidence of existing road available
  3. A copy of the standard part map showing the use area as per the approved regional plan of the place
  4. Color copy of up-to-date satellite imagery showing space boundaries and surroundings (Google Image)
  5. In case of change of land use department under the proposal, water requirement in accordance with the proposed use department, water supply source and minimum water availability from it.
  6. Certified copy of the relevant village plan
  7. Affidavit / Bond letter made by the landholder in the form prescribed in Schedule C if the land under the proposal is to be included in the Residential Use Department at the request of the landholder.Index II
  8. Other ownership documents as required
  9. Other useful and supplementary documents / maps as required as required.


 Time required for zone change


Well, changing the zone of open plot is quiet lengthy and time consuming process. However, the members of the committee should provide their views on the proposal within 30 days from the date of appointment of the secretary of the committee. The member should clearly give a copy of such proposal in the letter sent to other committee members. So, zone change of a plot may be take upto 1 to 3 months from the date of its application.


Criteria’s for zone conversion in Maharashtra


So if u are thinking to change the zone of your agricultural land, then the Agriculture Land must be minimum 25 Acres and must have 9 M road is the main criteria to change the zone. Subsequently, to convert the industrial zone to residential zone the zone change process needs to be done. Another key thing to remember that no separate process is required to change the commercial zone into residential zone. Likewise, followings points also kept in mind while applying for the zone change as follows –


1.     Plot Requirement for zone change

2.     Road Width

3.     Water Supply Availability

4.     Pollution Control

5.     Ensuring amenities in the proposals regarding the residential use

6.     Consistency with industrial policy

7.     Regarding naturally sensitive soils



Fees required for the zone conversion


Another, significant factor in zone change, how much it will cost to change the zone. Well, Challan amount, processing fees and notification fees for zne change as given below –


1.     Processing fees and notice publication fees for zone change


To change the zone, the processing fees will be charge at 0.50% amount of land rate or Rs 20,000/- whichever highest which will be nonrefundable.


2.     Zone Change Premium


The Following chart will shows us the premium charges for zone change. Whereas, premium for zone change proposal on sr no. 1 to 4 in below table will charge the  Annual statements rates of developed land, and  Agricultural land rates will be charged as premium for zone change proposal on sr no 5.


Sr NoZone Change DescriptionPremium Rate
1Agricultural and no development zone to residential Zone50%
2Agricultural and no development zone to commercial  Zone75%
3Public Semipublic zone to Residential zone20%
4Residential zone to Industrial Zone20%
5Afforestation zone to agricultural Zone40%



Rain Water Harvesting in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 13 is all about the Special Provisions for Certain Buildings as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 13.3 Rain Water Harvesting


The provision for Rain Water Harvesting shall be made as under :-


a)  All the layout open spaces/amenity spaces of housing societies and new constructions/reconstruction/additions on plots having an area not less than 500 sq.m. shall have one or more Rain rainwater harvesting structures having a minimum total capacity as detailed in Schedule.


Provided that the Authority may approve the Rain Water Harvesting structures of specifications different from those in Schedule, subject to the minimum capacity of Rain Water Harvesting being ensured in each case.


b) The owner/society of every building mentioned in the (a) above shall ensure that the Rain Water Harvesting System is maintained in good condition for storage of water for non-potable purposes or recharge of groundwater at all times.


c) The Authority may impose a levy of not exceeding Rs.1000/- per annum for every 100 sq.m. of built-up area for the failure of the owner of any building mentioned in the (a) above to provide or to maintain Rain Water Harvesting structures as required under these regulations. Failure to provide a Rain Water Harvesting System shall deemed to be a breach of the conditions on which the development permission has been granted.




Rainwater harvesting in a building site includes storage or recharging the groundwater by rainwater falling on the terrace or any paved or unpaved surface within the building site. The following systems may be adopted for harvesting the rainwater drawn from a terrace and the paved surface.


i) Open well of a minimum of 1.0 m. diameter and 6.0 m. in depth into which rain water may be channeled and allowed to filter for removing silt and floating material. The well shall be provided with ventilating covers. The water from the open well may be used for non-potable domestic purposes such as washing, flushing and for watering the garden etc.


ii) Rain Water Harvesting for recharge of ground water may be done through a bore-well around which a pit of 1.0 m. width may be excavated up to a depth of at least 3.0 m. and refilled with stone aggregate and sand. The filtered rainwater may be channeled to the refilled pit for recharging the bore well.


iii)  An impressive surface/underground storage tank of required capacity may be constructed in the setback or other open spaces and the rainwater may be channeled to the storage tank. The storage tank shall always be provided with ventilating covers. It shall have draw-off taps suitably placed so that rainwater may be drawn off for domestic, washing, gardening and such other purposes. The storage tank shall be provided with an overflow.


iv) The surplus rainwater, after storage, may be recharged into the ground through percolation pit trenches or a combination of pits and trenches. Depending on the geomorphological and topographical conditions, the pits may be of a size of 1.20 m. width X 1.20 m. length X 2.0 m. to 2.50 m. depth. The trenches can be of 0.60 m. width X 2.0 to 6.0 m. length X 1.50 to 2.0 m. depth. Terrace water shall be channeled to pits or trenches. Such pits or trenches shall be backfilled with filter media comprising the following materials :-


a) 40 mm stone aggregate as the bottom layer up to 50% of the depth.


b) 20 mm stone aggregate as the lower middle layer up to 20% of the depth.


c) Coarse sand as upper middle layer upto 20% of the depth.


d) A thin layer of fine sand as a top layer.


e) Top 10% of the pits/trenches will be empty and a splash is to be provided in this portion in such a way that rooftop water falls on the splash pad.


f) Brick masonry wall is to be constructed on the exposed surface of pits/trenches and the cement mortar plastered. The depth of the wall below ground shall be such that the wall prevents lose soil from entering into pits/trenches. The projection of the wall above ground shall at least be 15 cm.


g) Perforated concrete slabs shall be provided on the pits/trenches.


h) If the open space surrounding the building is not paved, the top layer up to a sufficient depth shall be removed and refilled with coarse sand to allow percolation of rainwater into the ground.


v) The terrace shall be connected to the open well/bore-well/storage tank/recharge pit/trench by means of HDPE / PVC pipes through filter media. A valve system shall be provided to enable the first washing from the roof or terrace catchment, as they would contain undesirable dirt. The mouth of all pipes and openings shall be covered with mosquito (insect) proof wire net. For the efficient discharge of rainwater, there shall be at least two rainwater pipes of 100 mm. dia. for a roof area of 100 sq.m.


vi) Rain Water Harvesting structures shall be sited so as not to endanger the stability of the building or earthwork. The structure shall be designed such that no dampness is caused in any part of the walls or foundation of the building or those of an adjacent building.


vii) The water so collected/recharged shall as far as possible be used for non-drinking and non-cooking purposes. Provided that when the rainwater in exceptional circumstances is utilized for drinking and/or cooking purposes, it shall be ensured that proper filter arrangement and a separate outlet for bypassing the first rainwater has been provided.


Provided further that, will be ensured that for such use, proper disinfectants and the water purification arrangements have been made.


The structures constructed under this provision shall not be counted toward FSI computation.


Related Regulations


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 13 through the below-mentioned links:


Solid Waste Management in UDCPR 2020


Grey Water Recycling And Reuse in UDCPR 2020


Provisions for Barrier-Free Access in UDCPR 2020


Installation of Solar Assisted Water Heating (SWH) System, Roof Top Photovoltaic (RTPV) System in UDCPR 2020


7 Types of Construction Calculators by Foot2Feet

Making life simpler with technology and devices, humans will always search for something new to live it easier. Foot2Feet App is one such invention, made as a one-stop solution to help and solve all queries related to real estate.

Right from the very beginning to the end, this app helps you to take your business ahead in the right ways. You can manage everything as you will be appointed service professionals. 

One of the great features that this app presents the user is the ‘Calculators’. Every construction site needs various complex calculations related to land and building, which differs according to various factors such as location, area, zoning and much more. So we provide automatic calculators which include FSI Calculator, Side margin calculator, water tank capacity calculator, etc and various factors that are important to concentrate on while you are onto a project.

The foot2feet app has all the important real estate calculators that a real estate owner, builder, engineer, architect or any one in construction industry needs.

These construction calculators are :

1. FSI Calculator:

FSI Calculators for both Pune Corporation and PMRDA projects can help you calculate the Floor Space Index of your project.

It has simplified tabs rather than the traditional formula of FSI = Built-up Area/ Plot Area. The traditional formula can help you with rough figures of measurements while FSI calculator calculates as per the plot’s area, building type, area of DP road widening, area under non-DP roads, under DP reservations, open space around and the area they wish to leave open.

With instant results, get an instant idea about construction.

Pune FSI Calculator

2. Side Margin Calculator:

The Side Margin calculator for projects in Pune Corporation works according to DCPR 2017 and in PMRDA as per DCPR 2018. It has 6 question tabs that will help you note the side margin of your building. The tabs are ‘My Preferred Unit’, ‘Width of Access Road’, ‘Height of Building’, ‘Parking Floor Height’, ‘Building Type’, and ‘Metro Zone’

Side Margin Calculator

3. TDR Calculator:

The TDR calculator by F2F helps you to determine the TDR you need to buy in order to extend the area for your project. It has a number of important tabs like ‘required TDR’, ‘Utilization Plot Rate’, ‘Generation Plot Rate’, etc. that will quickly ensure the TDR rate and buying needs.

All Calculators

4. Water Tank Calculator:

Often residential projects face problems of water scarcity in their societies due to insufficient water storage tanks. These water tanks not only store the water that people can domesticatebut also a surplus amountof it for the Fire System.

To understand the water tank need an exact amount of water a building needs, you should try the F2F water tankcalculator. With this calculator, our app can provide an exact figure to help you understand the right water tank(s) needed for domestication, fire system storage and the total tank storage.

All Calculators

5. Parking Calculator:

Parking space is one of the biggest issues in cities where people can own more than one vehicle. You may not want to add up more to this restriction which is why it is wise to calculate and understand the parking area requirement.

Parking Calculator

6. Height Calculator:

The height calculator can help you calculate permissible height according to DCPR 2017 for projects under Pune Corporation. It has an input field and road width as the main tabs. One can easily calculate the total height upto which you can construct of a building.

F2F parking calculator can calculate parking requirement for residential building, commercial complexes, hospitals, industrial buildings, etc.

All Calculators

7. Development charges calculator:

This calculator calculates the tentative challan amount required to pay to PMC for any project to get sanctioned. Depending upon the plot area, FSI and ready reckoner rate this amount varies. You can find tentative amount by input of these fields. Also if you require exact challan amount more details is to be filled.

Development Charges Calculator


The F2F app for real estate businessmen has more than just calculators. To explore the calculators and know more about the application, you should download it, right away.



Nashik Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 9 is all about the City Specific Regulations as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 10.5 Nashik Municipal Corporation 


10.5.1 Applicability of Regulations for some areas


i) The special Regulations framed by the Arbitrator for some final plots in T.P. Scheme No.1 (First Varied) shall remain in force.


10.5.2  Development of Cycle Track Along River and Nallah


A cycle track shall be developed in green belt areas earmarked in the Development Plan along the rivers. Also, the cycle track proposal is shown on canal land in the Development Plan.


A distance of 6.0 m. from the edge of the minor water course (nallah) is to be left as the marginal distance for the construction of any building. A 3.0 m. a strip of land from the edge of such water course out of this 6.0 m. distance to be left shall be available for use as a cycle track for the general public. The compound wall shall be constructed excluding this distance of 3.0 m. strip for a cycle track. The owner shall be entitled to FSI of this strip of land for the cycle track, in situ. This 3.0 m. wide strip shall be handed over to the Municipal Corporation for which, the owner shall be entitled to TDR or in-situ FSI equivalent to 35% of the area of 3.0 m. wide strip. This regulation shall be applicable for the development of land along Nallahs specified in Plan - A annexed with this UDCPR. Where development has already taken place and it is not possible to make provision for such 3.0 m. wide cycle track, then the Municipal Commissioner shall be empowered to decide not to apply this regulation for a particular stretch of nallah. In such cases, normal marginal distances under these regulations shall apply.


10.5.3  Set back and marginal distances for 36 m. wide D.P. road passing through village Gangapur and Ambad


Notwithstanding anything contained in Regulation No.6.2.1, the following setback and marginal distance shall be applicable for the road mentioned below.


Description of the roadMin. Plot Size in sq.m.Min. width of plot in m.Min. set back from the roadside in metersMin. side margins in m.


rear margins in m.

36 m. wide D.P. road from Gangapur S.No.12 to Ambad S.No.199300123.00 (for commercial use also)2.002.00Margins for buildings G + 2 or stilt + 3 structure. Higher height is permissible subject to marginal distances in Regulation No.6.2.3.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 10


Special Rules for Pune City in UDCPR 2020


Thane Municipal Corporation Area in UDCPR 2020


Special Rules for Nagpur City and Nagpur Metropolitan Region Development Authority in UDCPR 2020


Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020


Kolhapur Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020


Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation in UDCPR 2020


Bhiwandi Surrounding Notified Area in UDCPR 2020


CIDCO Area Excluding Naina Area in UDCPR 2020


Pune Corporation Parking Rules For Car, Scooter, Cycle, etc


Parking standards, parking dimensions, parking size –


Parking spaces


 Wherever a property is to be developed or redeveloped, parking spaces at the scale laid down in these shall be provided. When additions are made to an existing building, the new parking requirements shall be reckoned with reference to the additional space only and not to the whole of building, but this concession shall not apply where the use is changed. The provisions for parking of vehicles shall be as given in Table No. 1



General parking space requirements


(a) Types of parking: The parking spaces mentioned below include parking spaces in basements or on a floor supported by stilts, podium or on upper floors, covered or uncovered spaces in the plot and / or lock up garages. The height of the stilt shall generally be allowed up to 3 m. and shall not be less than 2.5 m. from bottom of beam. More height may be allowed in case of shopping mall, hotels etc. as per requirements.


(b) Size of parking space – The minimum sizes of parking spaces to be provided shall be as shown below in Table. No 2.



Bus Parking Dimensions, Bike Parking Dimensions, Standard Car Parking Dimensions



Parking Size – Table No 2


Type of VehicleArea of parking space
Motor vehicle2.5 m X 5 m
Scooter, Motor Cycle.1.0 m. x 2.0 m.
Bicycle0.50 m x 1.4 m.
Transport vehicle3.75 m. X 7.5 m.

Note – In the case of parking spaces for motor vehicle, up to 50 % of the prescribed space may be of the size of 2.3 m. X 4.5 m.

(c) Marking of parking spaces: Parking space shall be paved and clearly marked for different types of vehicles.


(d)  Maneuvering and  other ancillary spaces: Off street parking space must have adequate vehicular access to a street and the area shall be exclusive, aisles and such other provisions required for adequate maneuvering of vehicle.


(e) Ramps for Basement parking: Ramps for parking in basement should conform to the requirement of Regulation no. 18

Occupancy CarScooterCycle
1. Residential150 sq.m.& above322
i) Multi-family residential80 – 150 sq.m.222
  two units242
  40 – 80 sq.m.   
 two units144
  0 sq.m – 40 sq.m.   
ii) Lodging tourist homes, hotels with lodging accommodation.5 guest rooms344
iii) Restaurants grade 1,2,3For 50 sqm284
 carpet area   
iv) 4 star / 5 star hotels5 guest rooms364
2. Institutional (Hospital, Medical Institutions)For 10 beds.31210
b) MultiplexFor 40 seats6164
d) Community hall and club house in layout open spaceFor 100 sq.m. area142
3. Educational100 sq.m admin area244
a) Schools and the administrative as well as public service areas thereinFor 3 class rooms2 bus1060
b) College and administrative as well as public service area therein.100 sq.m admin area22010
  For 3 class rooms29030
c) Coaching Classes / Tution Classes/ Hobby ClassesFor 20 students1510
4. Government or semi public or private business buildings.For 100sq. m.3154
a) Mercantile (markets, department al stores, shops and other Commercials users)
including wholesale markets
For 100sq. m393
b) Whole sale shopFor 100sq. m242
c) Hazardous buildingFor 100sq.m.144
d) Office and I.T. BuildingFor 200sq. m.5124
5. IndustrialFor 300sq. m.4124
6. Storage (any type)For 300sq. m.148


 Two-wheeler Parking Rules in Society


Notes below table:-


1) For plots up to 100 sq. m. as in the case of shops, row houses parking space need not be insisted.


2) Fraction of parking unit need not be provided. However, in case where proportional number of vehicles is less than 1 (i.e. fraction) it will be rounded to the next full number.


3) In case of independent single family residential bungalows having plot area upto 300 sq. m., parking space need not be insisted separately.


4) In case parking as per above norms is not feasible due to site conditions, Mechanical /Hydraulic Parking shall be permissible at different level subject to satisfaction of all technical norms as per site conditions.


5) Independent building proposed only for parking may be permitted within the same premises but only after leaving the required marginal distance.


Parking Standards –


i) Off street parking space shall be provided with adequate vehicular access to a street, and the area of drives, aisles and such other provisions required for adequate manoeuvring of vehicle shall be exclusive of the parking space stipulated in these regulations.


ii)  To meet  the  parking requirements  as  per  these  regulations,  common  parking area  for  group  of buildings,  open  or multi-storeyed,  may be allowed in the same premises.


iii) In addition to the parking spaces provided for building of Mercantile (Commercial) like office, market, departmental store, shopping mall and building of industrial and storage, loading and unloading spaces shall be provided at the rate of one space for each 1000 sq.m. of floor area or fraction thereof exceeding the first 200 sq. m. of floor area, shall be provided. The space shall not be less than 3.75 m. x 7.5 m.


iv) The space to be left out for parking as given in this Regulation shall be in addition to the marginal distances left out for lighting and ventilation purposes. However, those spaces may be used for parking provided minimum distance of 3 m. (6.0 m. in case of special building) around the buildings is kept free of any parking or loading and unloading spaces. Such parking area may be allowed to cover on top by sheet roofing so as not to infringe the marginal distances to be kept open.


v) In case of parking spaces provided in basements, at least two separate ramps of adequate width and slope for entry and exit at opposite ends or one ramp with 6.0m. meter width shall be provided (as per Regulation No. 18.11) where parking of motor vehicles is envisaged.


vi) Mechanical/Hydraulic parking may be allowed over and above required parking

Types of Zones in UDCPR 2020

Any city in India is divided into various types of zones: Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial, etc. So, there is a restriction on the use of land under any zone. For example, You cannot build a Commercial building in an Agricultural Zone, or You cannot build hazardous or high-end Industries in a Residential Zone. To understand these land uses, it is necessary to first understand the types of zones in UPCPR 2020 (UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CONTROL AND PROMOTION REGULATIONS FOR MAHARASHTRA STATE).


This is applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities / Special Planning Authorities / Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive / Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 4  is all about Land Use Classification and Permissible Uses.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra




The different land use classifications in the Development/Regional Plan/Planning Proposal & different uses permissible in that land use zone and equivalency of zone in various Authorities' areas shall be as given below :-


I) Residential Zone - The following other zones shall be treated as equivalent to Residential zones. 


i) Residential Zone - (R1)

ii) Residential Zone with Shop line - (R-2)

iii) General Residential Zone.


v) Residential Zone - R-2 

v) Residential Zone - R-3 and R-4, with payment of infrastructure cost as decided by the Authority.

vi) Urbanisable Zone.

vii) Special Residential Zone.

viii) Pre-dominantly Residential Zone. 


ix) Slum Improvement Zone.


x) Low-Density Residential Zone in the Development Plan of Jalgaon.


 xi) Mix use Zone.


II) Low-Density Residential Zone.


III)  Future Urbanisable Zone.


IV)  Commercial Zone - Following other zones shall be treated as equivalent to Commercial Zone.


i)  Local Commercial - (C-1)


ii)  Commercial Zone - (C-1) / Special Commercial Zone / Business Hub Area / Central Business District Zone


iii)  Commercial Zone - (C-2)


iv)  Predominantly Commercial


V)  Industrial Zone - Following other zones shall be treated as equivalent to Industrial Zone.


i)  Service Industries - (I-1)


ii)  General Industries - (I-2)


iii)  Special Industries (I-3)


iv)  Wholesale Market and Warehousing.


v)  Transport Hub and Logistic Park.


VI)  Loom Industry cum Residential Zone.


VII)  Public Semi-public Zone - Following zone shall be treated (2) as equivalent to a Public Semi-public Zone.


i) Institutional.


VIII)  Agricultural Zone – Following other zones shall be treated as equivalent to Agricultural Zone.


i)  Horticultural Zone.


ii)  Plantation Zone.


iii)  No Development Zone.


iv)  Green Zone - 1 / Green Zone.


v)  Cattle Shed Zone.


vi) Command Area Zone with the following conditions.

Condition – The Development in the command Area Shall be permissible subject to prior NOC and payment of restoration charges, if any, to the Irrigation Department.


IX) Green Belt/Green Belt Zone (Other than Reservation of Green Belt.) /River Protection Belt (other than reservation) - Following zone shall be treated as equivalent to Green Belt/Green Belt Zone.


i) Recreational land use.


X) Traffic and Transportation Zone - Following zone shall be treated as equivalent to the Traffic and Transportation Zone


i) Marshalling yard. 


XI) Regional Park Zone.


i) Recreation Centres


ii) Recreational Zone


XII) Tourism Development Zone - Following zone shall be treated as equivalent to the Tourism Development Zone.


i)  Tourist Centre


ii)  Hill Station Zone.


XIII) Afforestation Zone – Following zone shall be treated as equivalent to the Afforestation Zone.


i) Coastal Garden


XIV) Hill Top-Hill Slope Zone (HTHS) (Slope having gradient more than 1:5 irrespective of whether shown on the plan or not.) / Hilly area.


XV) Green Zone -2


XVI) Forest Zone.


XVII) Defence Zone.


XVIII) Mines and Quarry Zone - Following zone shall be treated as equivalent to the Mining and Quarry Zone.


i) Quarry to Park Zone


XIX) Public Utility Zone


XX) Woodland Corridor.


XXI) Special Economic Zone.


XXII) Airport and Allied Activities / Service Zone.


Note: In case, any land use zone is not listed above, the equivalency of such zone shall be decided by the Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra State, Pune.



Related Regulations to Rule No. 4- 


You can visit our other blogs on regulations through the below-mentioned links:


Uses Permissible in Various Zones UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Development Plan Reservations in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Green Belt Zone and River Protection Belt in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Agricultural Zone in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Public and Semi Public Zone in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Industrial Zone in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Commercial Zone in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Residential Zones R2 in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Residential Zones R1 in UDCPR 2020