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as on February 07, 2025

Suraj Giram

Pune, Maharashtra 411033

Experts In:(PMC) In Redevelopment ,   Architect ,   Building Permissions  

Working Hours: 08 AM to 9 PM

Amol madhukar Ghuge

Pune, Maharashtra 411033

Experts In:Architect ,   (PMC) In Redevelopment ,   Advocate  

Working Hours: 08 AM to 9 PM

Rucha birajdar

Pune, Maharashtra 411033

Experts In:Architect ,   Interior Designer ,   Architectural Drawing Service  

Working Hours: 08 AM to 9 PM

Kamlesh Deshbhratar

Pune, Maharashtra 411033

Experts In:(PMC) In Redevelopment ,   Redevelopment Feasibility Report ,   Architect  

Working Hours: 08 AM to 9 PM

snehal shinde

Pune, Maharashtra 411033

Experts In:Architect ,   Interior Designer ,   Building Permissions  

Working Hours: 08 AM to 9 PM

Sawan chandak 0220

Pune, Maharashtra 411033

Experts In:Architect ,   Advocate ,   Environment Consultant  

Working Hours: 08 AM to 9 PM

Jameel Ansari

Pune, Maharashtra 411033

Experts In:Architect  

Working Hours: 08 AM to 9 PM

jk krish

Pune, Maharashtra 411033

3 times Hired

Experts In:Advocate ,   Architect ,   TDR Buy Sell Road Handover  

Working Hours: 08 AM to 9 PM


Pune, Maharashtra 411033

Experts In:Advocate ,   Architect ,   Environment Consultant  

Working Hours: 08 AM to 9 PM


Pune, Maharashtra 411033

2 times Hired

Experts In:Architect ,   Environment Consultant ,   Estimator  

Working Hours: 08 AM to 9 PM


1. Know more about Architect in Pune

The human being, however, is not just a living creature that needs space. However, the emotional response is no less important. The way a room is dimensioned, divided, painted, lit, entered and furnished by Architect has great significance which makes impression. Hence An architect understand the relationships of the size of limbs of a healthy being and how much space a person occupies in various postures and in movement. Architects are  professionals who are trained in the art and science of building design. In short architect plays a key role in the construction activity by not only creating overall look of building but also other structures.


2. Roles and responsibilities of Architect in Pune


Usually people needs places like where to live, play, worship, meet, eat, work, and shop. For instance architects are responsible for designing these places. From the very initial discussion with the client through the final delivery of the completed structure they are involved in every phases of a construction project. Whereas an prime role of an architect is to create design for any kind of construction projects. For which it requires his specialist construction knowledge and extra ordinary high level drawing skills to design building that are functional, safe, sustainable and aesthetically pleasing.


3. Types of Architect in Pune

A first person to whom we choose to build our dream project is an Architect who gives an astonishing impression. There are many types of architect to choose from as per our requirement, here is major of them listed –


i. Residential Architect

ii. Commercial Architect

iii. Bungalow Specialist Architect

iv. Liaisoning Architect

v. Industrial Architect

vi. Landscape Architect

vii. Interior Architect

4. Design Parameters involved in Architecture


Architect are familiar with the dimensions of the appliances, clothing etc. which  people encounter every day, in order to be able to determine the appropriate sizes for containers and furniture. For instance must know how much space a person needs between furniture in the kitchen, dining room, libraries etc. in order to undertake the necessary reaching and working among these fittings in comfort without squandering space. Certainly architect must know how furniture should be placed so that people can fulfil their tasks  or relax in the home, office or workshop. And, finally, the architect need to know the minimum practical dimensions of spaces in which people move around on a daily basis, like trains, trams, vehicles etc. Above all typically very restricted minimum spaces give the architect fixed impressions, which are then used, even if unintentionally, to deliver dimensions of other spaces. Find pdf of architectural data here. https://www.pdfdrive.com/architects-data-e18947586.html


5. Cost required for Architectural design

The cost involve in the Architectural design are depend wise. As Comprehensive Architectural Services in the conditions of Engagement including Site Development but Excluding Landscape Architecture, Interior Architecture, Graphic and Signage are approx 3% or more of total cost of construction project. In the same vein, some architect charge on lump sum basis. You can only buy as house plan for small scale construction. 


6. How Do I choose an Architect in Pune

Selecting an architect is for your dream home is one of the important and prime task in process of constriction. Because if you mistakenly choose wrong Architect; the whole project will lead to nowhere. So, first ever thing you can do is Google “Top Architect in pune” and check whether they are providing what you are looking for. This process may seem difficult to some of you. You can get consultation and free quotation from foot2feet.com as well. Hiring an architect from local city is a toughest challenge in competition world. As Architect in pune would also know the building codes and zoning requirement. For any query. Get more information to know the step by step guide for any construction. https://foot2feet.com/blog/a-9-step-guide-for-construction-of-any-building/


7. FAQ about Architect in Pune


i. How much do architectural firms in Pune charge per square feet?


Architectural cost for normal unfurnished home can be constructed at a cost of 950 – to 1000 rs Per square feet. And a finished home around takes 1250 to 1350 Rs Per Square feet.


ii. Do I need an architect or a structural engineer?


If you are doing structural work, then you will need a structural engineer, whereas the role of architect depends on the complexity of project. Structural engineer and architects both design building projects.


iii. How long does it take an architect to draw house plans?


The time require to draw house plan is completely depends on the size of project. Whereas total set of plan for typical 3 bedroom house takes upto 7 to 8 hours to complete.


 iv. What is difference between an architect and designer?

The basic difference between Architect and interior designers are professionals who develops design plans. Architects design and deliver the complete building, In the same vein Designer always tries to create the desired feel, look and mood within the building.



Hotel Architect


1.   Know more about Hotel Design Architect  


The hotel, formerly a business offering accommodation and catering, often with exclusive flair, has today become a complex and efficient service provider business with a wide spectrum of possibilities like conferences, wellness, and holidays. Different types hotel offer varying standards of quality and facilities. Whereas the hotel area is an uninterrupted narrative of a story, which gives client the astonishing feelings that express their wisdom during their accommodation. Subsequently an hotel design architect need to know from the general aesthetics’ to guest’s experience.


2.  Types of Hotels


Hotels may be part of chain or independent. Special design requirements may imposed to hotels which do form of chain. Moreover Hotel types include town hotels, Holiday hotels, clubs, and hotels with apartments and motels. There are hotels in various price and comfort classes, which are classified according to five categories In addition, they are essentially determined by room’s size and features, as follows –


i.  1 Star (Tourist) – Reception as a separate area, Single room is of 8m2, and double room 12m2 in which minimum area for 75% of the hotel rooms, without bathroom, bed, wardrobe, seat, washbasin in the room.


ii.  2 Stars (Standard) – As 1 star, but single room 12 m2, double room 16 m2 in which minimum area for 75% of the hotel rooms, including bathroom and corridor, bathroom in room seat per bed, colour television in 70% of the hotel rooms.


iii.  3 Stars (Comfort)– as before, but single room 14 m2, double room 18 m2 (minimum area, see above), bathroom in room (for all rooms in the hotel), telephone, reception area with seating for group, independent reception.


iv.  4 Stars (First Class)– as before, but single room 16 m2 , double room 22 m2 (minimum area, see above), minibar, armchair/couch with coffee table, lobby with seating and drinks service.


v.  5 Stars (Luxury)– as before, but single room 18m2 , double room 26m2, (minimum size, see above), 2% of the hotel rooms as suites (at least two), each with an armchair/sofa per bed, additional washbasin in double rooms and suites, additional colour television in suites, reception lobby.


3.  Design Rules for Hotel


If a hotel is not operating efficiently, then guest don’t care how good it looks. Firstly the hotel design should be equitable, like fair and non –discriminating to diverse users, secondly, it should be operable by all the users, thirdly the design should be respects affordability and cost considerations and last but not the least, the hotel design employs aesthetics.


4.   Cost required for Hotel design


The cost involve in the Hotel design are extraordinary high. Cost required for the hotel design is totally depends on the architect you select. As some of Hotel design architect may charge the cost for Hotel design on lump sum basis on other hand some hotel design architect may charge at the 5% of total cost for comprehensive architectural services.


5. Design Parameters involved in Hotel Design


Design parameters involved in hotel design varies on the basis of type of hotel you choose to build. In addition, there are some common areas in every hotel has to build. The essential areas are as the administration, a staff area, which is separately accessed and partly in direct connection with other areas of the hotel, guest room area with differentiated rooms and individual access areas arranged under the aspects of category, orientation and noise screening, service area with kitchens, store and associated rooms. Nowadays, modern hotels often provides extra facilities such as swimming pools, fitness rooms, saunas etc. See details information of this areas as follows –


i.  Hotel Rooms – Hotel Rooms may include a sitting area with chairs, a desk, TV, Self – service drinks, refrigerator and suitcase stand. In the same vein, the size and number of beds largely dictates dimensions and layout of room, e.g. Twin 100/200 cm, double 150/200 cm, queen-size 165/200cm, or king-size 200/200cm.


ii.  Corridor Space – Corridor space should be about 6m2   per room, and normally at least 1.5 – 1.80m wide. Likewise, separate routes also be provided for guest, staff and goods.


iii.  Hotel lobby and hotel reception – This is at the central in hotel, which is well-arranged and prestigious nerve center between the various parts of the operation. Customers move from parking areas, through the entrance and reception, and then to lifts, staircases or corridors leading to bedrooms or public rooms.


iv. Catering area–Catering area should be in connection with the hotel lobby extent of the services depend on the hotel category, whereas to be able to eat in comfort, one person requires a table area around 60 cm wide and 30-40 cm deep. This provides sufficient distance between adjacent diners. Although an additional20 cm space in the centre for dishes and large bowls is sometimes desirable, an overall width of 80-85 cm is suitable for a dining table. If the food is served on plates, then 70 cm is sufficient, and for fast food 60 cm table depth. Distance between table and wall >75 cm -7 0, because the chair alone requires a space of 50cm. If the space between table and wall is also used for access, the distance should be> or equal to 100 cm. Round tables need a little more space, a difference of up to 50 cm.


v.  Hotel Kitchen –Kitchen size is determined by the number of workstations, the space required for equipment, the range of meals and the extent of food preparation. Therefore number of covers or number of seats are not adequate guides.  Whereas kitchen planning requires four stages of development, as follows –


·         Determine a process plan covering all major areas,

·         Check maximum and minimum personal needs per area,

·         Determine the equipment needed for each area,

·         Space allocation.


vi.  Laundry Services–Laundry services for a hotel may provided by 


·         Linen rental or contracts with outside laundries.

·         Centralized services operated by the hotel group

·         Hotel – operated laundry on the premises.


6.  Layout and area requirements in Hotel Design


Layout and area requirement in hotel is varies as the size of project is going to be done. The proper structure gives astonishing impression to hotel. Special areas for seminars, health centers and outdoor facilities for which space required can vary tremendously, which will be also needed, so Here we can see the approx space requirement in hotel on tentative percentage basis as follows –


i.         Accommodation facilities                                                                                             – 50-60% of total floor area

(Like rooms, toilets, bathroom, shower room, hallways and floor service)

ii.          Public guest room, reception area, hall and lounges                                         – 4-7% of total floor area

iii.         Hospitality areas, Restaurant and bars for guest and  visitors       – 4-8% of total floor area

iv.        Banqueting area with meeting and conference rooms                    – 4-12% of total floor area

v.          Domestic area, kitchen, personnel rooms and stores                      – 9-14% of total floor area

vi.        Administration, management and secretarial                                      – 1-2% of total floor area

vii.       Maintenance and repair                                                                                               – 4-7% of total floor area

viii.     Leisure, sport, shops and hairdressing salon                                        – 2-10% of total floor area            


7.    FAQ about Hotel Design


i.  What are the criteria and principals involved in the selection of furniture style and type in a modern hotel?


Where the furniture is going to be placed, Style and durability like furniture must last only stylistically but it also stand up to tremendous amount of wear and tear during the lifespan of hotel. These three are the main criteria for selection of furniture style and type in modern furniture.


ii.  What is the standard size of hotel room?


100 square feet and above is the standard size of hotel room.


iii.  Why is hotel design important?


Hotel interior design and its appearance is an very important factor to grab the attention of guest which also increase the customers satisfaction.


iv.  How many rooms are in a hotel floor?


On an average there are 10 to 12 rooms in a hotel per floor.


v. What is difference between hotel room and suite?


A hotel room includes one or more beds like king queen, full or twin beds, a work desk, bathroom, closet, TV and a dresser. In the same vein a suite is a wide larger accommodation which usually has an attached bathroom, living area and many times it includes dining area as well.



Farmhouse Architect


1.  Know more about Farmhouse Design Architect    


Traditionally farmhouses are simply homes which are built on agricultural lands. It serves a residential purpose on agricultural land. Certainly farmhouses are surrounded by a farm or well landscape garden. Farmhouse design architects has an endless challenges to taking old things and making them new again.


2.  Different Style of Farmhouse design


The farmhouse style is a toughest one to finalize. There is lot of  elements in the farmhouse styles like old jars, vintage pieces, cream painted wood, wire crates etc. The farmhouses are designed in various manners from traditional to modern, moreover all have the rural or agricultural flavor. See few styles of farmhouse design –


        i.            French Farmhouse –

       ii.            Cottage Farmhouse

      iii.            Western Farmhouse

      iv.            Modern Farmhouse

       v.            Classic Farmhouse

      vi.            Rustic Farmhouse

     vii.            Bohemian Farmhouse


3.     Cost required for Farmhouse design


The cost involved in the Farmhouse design are extraordinarily high. Cost required for the farmhouse design totally depends on the architect you select. Some of farmhouse designers may charge the cost for modern farmhouse design on lump sum basis.  On other hand some farmhouse design architect may charge at the 5% of total cost of construction. In addition you can also get the customized farmhouse floor plan here https://construction.foot2feet.com/house-plan/


4.     Design Parameters involved in Farmhouse Design


While designing a farmhouse, ample space must be allowed for each of the daily activity. Further, it’s not so much related to total space as such things like door width and height, corridor width, plenty of space for furniture like bed or a table  and chairs. Space required for farmhouse kitchen, farmhouse bedroom and farmhouse living room etc. In 1890, farmhouses were covered with a layer of soil for fire protection purposes, certainly its causing plants to grow. After that in the 20th century, during the classic modernist period and with the introduction of flat roofs, the almost forgotten green roof which is rediscovered. Whereas the farmhouse should be fitted into its surroundings. Farmhouse design should always considered the Sunlight, direction of prevailing summer and winter winds, views which  already exist and those that can be developed and location of public  road and driveway etc. In short, farmhouse uses common elements from traditional rural building like timber cladding, A frame roofs, and lofted spaces which is connected to natural surroundings.


5.     Various Permissions required for Farmhouse construction?


For constructing a Farmhouse various noc’s and building permissions required. Local Bodies like, Pune Municipal Corporation, PMRDA, PCMC grant the permission for Farmhouse construction. As you can build farmhouses on agricultural land, so the area requirement to build a farmhouse is of 1 Acre or more. In the same vein you get FSI (floor Space Index) of 4 to build the farmhouse in Pune.


6.     FAQ about Farmhouse Design


i.  What are the different types of farmhouse style?


French Farmhouse, Cottage Farmhouse, Western Farmhouse, Modern Farmhouse, Classic Farmhouse, Rustic Farmhouse and Bohemian Farmhouse these are the different types of farmhouse style. You can check other various types of farmhouse design  at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farmhouse


ii.  How big is a farmhouse?


Farmhouse area depends generally upon the requirement. The built up are mostly in between 1000 – 1500 sq.ft. Also you can find many large farmhouses also. Farmhouse design plan is ordinarily of two stories, with plenty of space upstairs for bedrooms, sleek line large windows and open layouts.


iii.  What is farmhouse siding called?


Farmhouse siding called as clapboard or horizontal siding, lap siding, vinyl or fiber cement siding.


 iv.  What makes a modern farmhouse exterior?


Crisp paint colors is the key to make a modern farmhouse exterior.


 v.  How much does it cost to build a farmhouse in India?


At the rate of Rs. 3000/- per square foot or more is charged to build a farmhouse in India. As this is the basic rate, which may vary on the specification of a construction.


vi.  What is difference between farmhouse and modern farmhouse?


There is something enduring and warm hearted about farmhouse style, whereas modern farmhouse design takes the comfortable, relaxed farmhouse style which adds modern touches.


vii. What kind of wood should I use for a farmhouse table?


Most farmhouse table are made out of pine. Likewise pine is inexpensive and absorbs stain well.



Apartment Architect


1.  Know more about Apartment Design Architect                 


The need for new housing, considered against a background of continuing urbanization, clearly indicates an increasing proportion of expanding housing market. The inevitability of this trend contains a challenge to the architect to do more than merely meet a statistical demand. Apartment Design Architects must rather address, identify, and solve the problems of multifamily building types as an attractive alternative to freestanding single-family buildings.


2.  Type of Apartment Building


In the world of modern architecture, there are many different types of apartments and multifamily building. The buildings are designed in various manners from traditional to modern, moreover many apartment buildings are a mix or hybrid of types, here are the most often basic building types are as follows –


i.  Studio– A studio apartment is also known as studio flat, a self-contained apartment in which normal functions of a number of rooms like the bedroom, living room and kitchen are combined into a single room. This is mostly prefer for bachelors or people looking for a budget house because they save space and cost. 


ii. Multistorey – Multistorey apartment building is a building that has a multiple storey. Whereas, it typically contains vertical circulation in the form of ramps, stairs and lifts. As this is the many floors building, so lift facility is mandatory to pass easily to other floors.


iii. Villa –A villa is a large, detached structure with spacious land surrounding it. It’s very luxurious and may include amenities like swimming pool, stables and gardens. Villa is generally designed for single family.


iv.  Builder floors– A builder floor apartment is a residential unit in a low rise independent building that has a few other flats. The number of floors generally 2-4 including the ground floor. As builders floors apartments have less number of floors compared to multistorey building. Such apartments usually developed by builder on its own or in collaboration with land owner.


v. Integrated Township –In an Integrated township, cluster of housing and commercial businesses with many amenities like, Schools, roads, hospitals, convenience shopping, water treatment plants, drainage and sewage facilities etc. however, these complexes constructed either by the government or by private realtors


vi.  Gated Community –By keeping safety in mind, gated community consist of Gated community  of Villas, Row houses and multistorey apartment contains strictly controlled entrance for pedestrians, bicycles, automobiles and often characterized by closed perimeter of walls and fences.


 vii.  Row House –a group of series of houses connected by common sidewalls and foaming continuous group fundamentally. Its follow the same architectural layout and design. Row houses are very different from villa.


3.  Time require to build an Apartment Building


The average time to build housing project varies with the number of units in the building. Whereas, average time to complete construction of an apartment building is approximately 2 years. In addition, building with 20 or more units takes upto 3 years to complete, moreover, building with 10 to 19 units takes upto 18 -24 months to complete the construction.


4.     Cost required for Apartment design


The cost involved in the Apartment design are not so high. Cost required for the Apartment design  totally depends on the architect you select. As some of apartment designers may charge the cost for modern Apartment design on lump sum basis on other hand some Apartment design architect may charge at the 3% of total cost for comprehensive architectural services. In addition you can also get the customized Apartment floor plan here Apartment Floor plan fascinating apartment design within the budget.


5.     Design Parameters involved in Apartment Design

As design development, the evolution of an apartment building design is not a sequential process. Rather its  a process of continuing interaction, feedback, and reevaluation. And that the number and complexity of events will vary according to the program, scope, and funding sources involved in apartment construction. The sequences known as program development, site analysis, building planning, and building design . Site analysis involves evaluation of physical data which must be recognized, identified, and weighed by the architect in making basic design decisions dealing with site use, allocation and development. Following are the factors –


 i.  Apartment Floor Shape and Size – 


The shape and size of an apartment building can have significant influence on the cost and consequently the feasibility of a project. The shape of the repetitive typical floors influences the cost of constructing and enclosing the floors. For purposes of economy and efficiency, building shape should be simple and repetitive. 


 ii.  Building Height – 


The cost of a building may be affected by building height. A building may be of such height that it exceeds prevailing capacities in terms of available construction equipment and contractor experience. Of the various mechanical systems which serve an apartment building, each has various increments and “step-up” points. For example, there is a situation such that the addition of a single extra floor could require a substantial increase in elevator service either through an additional elevator or an expensive increase in elevator speed Similar situations exist for fire, plumbing, and electrical, and opinions of the various consultants.


iii.  Length and Width – 


Building length or width are generally proportionate to increase in area, however, as with other such items, there are step-up points at which there are disproportionately large increases in cost for slight dimensional increases.


iv. Wind Bracing -


Wind bracing becomes a structural design consideration in buildings beyond the 10-to 12-story range, and one must then consider measures which may be introduced to resist the overturning tendency due to wind loads. Wind bracing may be achieved by introduction of various structural measures. The extent and, therefore, the expense of these measures may be reduced if the building shape itself contributes to wind bracing.


v. Structural systems


Concrete – The most common structural system presently employed for medium- to high-rise apartment construction is flat-plate cast-in-place reinforced concrete with randomly placed columns. This structural approach has certain advantages which make it particularly adaptable to apartment construction.


Steel – Although much less common than cast-in place concrete, steel frame structures are also employed in the construction of apartment buildings Limitations As a rule of thumb, spacing between concrete columns may economically be in the range of 12- to 18-ft centers and spacing for steel Columns may range from 16 to 24 ft.


 Systems Approach – Any discussion of structural considerations in conjunction with housing must recognize that the housing industry appears to be at the beginning of an era of greatly increased pre fabrication, which is leading towards full systems building and industrialization of the building process


vi. Elevators – 


There are four variables involved in elevators Selection, as necessary for an efficient solution –


1. Travel distance

2. Elevator speed

3. Elevator capacity

4. Building population


vii.  Safety – In general, the architect may choose only among accepted and approved procedures as set down in codes. In most codes, two means of egress must be provided within specified distances from each dwelling unit except in the case of duplexes, which frequently require an additional means of egress off the corridors, usually by means of an escape balcony. However,effectively preclude the use of scissor stairs, in many cases by limiting the allowable length of dead-end corridors. Fire escapes are usually required for construction that is not fireproof; and sprinklers, smoke doors, fire detectors, and alarms are additionally required for various classifications of construction in some codes.


viii.  Plumbing – Vertical plumbing risers and waste lines or” plumbing stacks” are expensive due to both material and labor costs. Reduction in the number of stacks saves money and is, therefore, to a greater or lesser extent advantageous and advisable.


ix. Ventilation – Interior spaces such as bathrooms, interior kitchens, and public halls require mechanical exhausting. In making preliminary layouts, to determine the floor area to be allocated to exhaust ducts.


x.   Heating and Cooling- In most cases, planning and spatial lay out are not significantly influenced by heating and/or cooling units and their lines of supply. The most common exception is the case in which ducts deliver conditioned air from either a central source or a unit in the apartment. In such a case, ducts may be of such size as to become a planning factor. Otherwise, heating or cooling units are served either by hot and/or chilled water pipes or electric conduct.


6.  Various Permission required for Apartment construction


For constructing an Apartment building various noc’s and building permissions are required. Local Bodies like, Pune Municipal Corporation, PMRDA, PCMC grant the permission for Apartment Building construction. Permission consist in various form of noc’s,  For example, NA Order, Plinth Checking, Garden Noc,  Water Noc and Drainage Noc etc.


7.     FAQ about Apartment Design


i.  What is difference between flat and apartment?


Flat and apartments usually refers as a self-contained residential unit with its own front door, bathroom, toilet and kitchen. In the same vein, the word apartment known as purpose-built unit in a building, where as flat refers as a converted unit in an older building. You can check in details here also, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apartment


ii.  Do I decorate single room apartment?


Interior designers do apartment designing work. Single room apartment decoration costs around 1-2 lakhs.


 iii.  Which is better apartment or house?


Apartment and house both are the best, but in most cases living in a house offers more space than you would get with an apartment.


 iv.  What is a multistorey apartment?


A multistorey apartment is a housing unit in a multistoried building which has multiple storeys, it also contains vertical circulation in the form of ramps, stairs and lifts.


v.  What are amenities in apartments?


There are many apartment amenities like, fitness center, business center, balconies, laundry room, swimming pool, childcare centre, playground, community room, garden and senior citizen space etc.


 vi.  What are the different types of apartment?


The apartments is usually classified by size and number of rooms. Whereas, Large apartments known as 3+ bedroom apartments, penthouse, duplex or triplex and parlor floor etc., medium apartment known as 2 bedroom apartment, 1 bedroom apartment, flex, junior 1 bedroom apartment, Garden apartment, shotgun apartment, basement apartment and flat etc. moreover, tiny apartment known as studio apartment, alcove apartment, convertible apartment, micro apartment, Single room occupancy unit etc.



Landscape Architect


Know more about Landscape Design Architect             


Landscape design architect creates beautiful outdoor spaces. The term landscape design covers two apparently contradictory elements. Landscape is traditionally thought to refer to undisturbed natural landscapes, and design is evidently artificial. But we must recognize that untouched landscapes are almost absent from large parts of the world, or exist only as a temporarily abandoned terrain subject solely to sporadic attacks. Built and unbuilt land are today strongly related in a dialectic relationship. This has also generated a spatial way of thinking in landscape design, comparable with architectural or town planning design processes .Landscape design architect plan design public outdoor spaces, such as gardens, campuses, parks, commercial centers, waterfront development, resorts, Institutional and industrial.


1.  Design Rules


A very basic rule landscape architect need to be in follow is that the building should be linked with the site.  There are regulations about the distance of walls and fences from boundaries are laid down in the Law on the Rights of Neighbours and the individual state building regulations. The normal situation is that every house owner has to fence the right-hand side of their boundary as seen from the road. The joint back is to be fenced communally, i.e. the costs of minimal fencing (wire mesh fence, height = 1.25 m are to be shared. If a house owner has a sole duty of enclosure, then they must bear the cost of fencing alone and the fencing must stand on their own property. If the enclosure duty is shared, then the barrier must be centred on the boundary. There is a general duty of enclosure when it is usual in the location. Walls and retaining walls including enclosures do not require.


2. Cost required for Landscape Design


The cost involve in the Landscape design are extraordinary high. Landscape design architect may charge the cost for Landscape design on lump sum basis or at the 5% of total cost for comprehensive architectural services.


 Design Parameters involved in Landscape


Aesthetic landscape compositions are congenial solutions for a space, which form an inseparable unit with buildings or town planning. So it is evident that landscape design architects are integrated into the project team right from the start, like structural or services engineers. The Foundation aspect in landscape design architect as follows –


  i.  Horizontal aspects –


The general structuring of outdoor areas in context with the surroundings is regarded as a horizontal aspect. This is a fundamental organization following considerations like idea, function, design and form. It can produce horizontal results like paving, lawns etc. and also vertical like buildings, trees, pergolas etc.

According to concept, items can be related to each other, repeated or contrasted; or a number of items can be superimposed. Open areas can, for example, continue themes or materials from

Buildings or provide a contrast. The ideal is to produce a central theme without functional limitations and then develop a design to make it readable.


ii.  Vertical aspects–


It is the concepts for outdoor areas derive from the fundamental horizontal aspects and substantiate them. Not only is the selection of materials important but also the spatial contexts of the immediate surroundings. If there is a dip or a rise in the field of view, this lends the space to different interpretations. On the peak of a rise or in an open area, a roof, object or shelter can offer an impression of spatial definition. In street environments, trees can reduce the proportions of high buildings to a human scale and create small spaces within large. Vertical aspects, whether built or planted, should be to a sensible scale and integrate seamlessly into the overall concept of landscape architecture.


 iii.       Form of illustration

The decision how to illustrate with plans or drawings depends greatly on the stage of the project work. In the preliminary design and actual design phases, hand sketches and drawings can even today still contribute to a project’s presentation. At these stages, forms of illustration have a great significance.


iv.  Design of earthworks –


Modelled areas of ground are generally perceived as pleasant and interesting which can have a strong effect on the perception of as pace. The human eye looks for viewpoints and fixed objects in an open area. An example of this is the common hilly landscape with meadows, farmland and isolated trees in open man-made countryside. This impression can be achieved with intentionally designed terrain modelling as an addition to vertical structures or plants. Homogeneously occupied areas (lawns, ground-cover planting of uniform height, paving), with sunken centres in particular,make spaces seem larger. Wavy or hilly ground modelling can also enlarge the impression of space. According to the situation,this can enable economic synergies to be gained through the management of earth quantities. While designing landscape, there are many factors compacted like Preservation of topsoil, Slope Protection, Soil formation, Soil Loosening, soil improvement,  etc.


 v.  Design aspects of walls and fences –


During the planning stage of landscape design it should generally be noted that walls and fences form vertical optical barriers. This should be used intentionally to create spaces or particular views. Individual spaces can be created out of large areas either geometrically or also organically. The selection of materials should consider the overall design concept. For Instance, paving can be of materials natural stone, brick etc. that ‘grow out of their original location, and can be continued into walls to create a tranquil and homogeneous effect. Walls and fencing offer a multitude of design forms and types. Like, Wooden Fences, Metal Fences, Metal mesh or grilles etc.


vi.  Freestanding walls and Retaining Walls –

Freestanding walls are only subject to damp from the soil through the foundations and there less problematic in the choice of materials. Whereas Retaining walls can be self-supporting of concrete with facing brick or of dry stone.


vii. Copings -


The tops of walls must be protected against rain and snow by covering them with large slabs or stones. The coping element should have a cross-fall of at least 0.5%. Longitudinal joints in the coping are not allowed and butt joints must be at right angles to the wall centre-line.


viii.  Pergolas and trellises – 


In addition to the selection of a material for the planned pergola, its position within the outdoor area needs to be considered carefully. Large pergolas form spaces almost like buildings, and should be justified by their function or particular aesthetic value. Pergolas can lead to special places or viewpoints and can be used to divide spaces and/or as a sitting area Pergolas with climbing plants should be detailed in accordance with the particular characteristics of the intended plant (spacing of supports for climbing or winding plants.




For the design of paths and paved areas, questions of proportion are important and the selection of materials is decisive. Firstly ,the correct dimensions for path width, free paved areas and enclosed spaces need to be determined according to the use and surroundings. Where as Steps overcome height differences: they are therefore always Significant as a vertical design aspect and require detailed matching to the overall theme. Flat and wide steps with low risers appear softer, more spacious and stronger in design. The steeper and narrower the steps, the more functional the impression.


x.   Rainwater Management and drainage–

Rainwater management is urgently suggested for ecological and economic reasons in order to preserve the natural rainwater cycle as far as possible. The basic principle of rainwater management is to avoid, reduce or at least greatly delay surface water running off into the drains where it arrives or in the immediate vicinity. Certainly, Drainage is generally differentiated into linear or point drainage. Depending on the surfacing, surface falls should be provided to drain surface water appropriately at all times of year.




5. FAQ about home, Terrace or any Landscape Design



i.   What are the 6main types of landscapes?


There are different types of landscapes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landscape, like, desert, taiga, wetland, mountain range, cliff, littoral zone, coast, tundra, shrub land, forest, rain forest, woodland, moors etc.


 ii.  What is the difference between architect and landscape architect?


Architect Design structures, such as residential buildings or commercial buildings, whereas Landscape architects Provides plan for the outdoor areas around structures, as design work is the fundamental difference between architect and Landscape Architect. 


iii.  How do I find landscape architect in pune?


Speak with number of landscape architect and discuss with them about your budget and project. You can take reference from your contact also. The best way to post enquiry on https://foot2feet.com/construction-services/architect-in-pune/ about architectural services, here you will get quotation from several architect. 


iv. What is difference between natural and man made landscape?


Natural Landscape is an environment which exist even in man’s absence, certainly its not affected by human activities. In the same vein Manmade landscape is the art of designing the drives, lawns, walks, gardens and shrubs  with the help of natural elements like stones, bricks, water, landforms and many more. 


v.  What is cheapest rock for landscaping?


Crushed gravel and pea gravel are the cheapest landscapes rocks. 


vi. How do you landscape the front of your house?


Enormous foundation planting along the front of your house will make good landscape look. 



House Design Architect


Know more about House Design Architect   


Architect is an expert professional who mixed up art and science of design, plan and look into the construction of a erecting building or house. They always make sure that design of a house make sense. Architecture field includes a wide variety of designing and planning, likewise they plan design develop present and oversees of all sort of project. House design architect also known as residential architect.


2. Roles of House design architect


House design Architect plays a very important role in construction of a home. In the same vein they are responsible for visual appearance of a house before final structural design.Whereas they are also responsible for decorating home interior as well as exterior. Architects are involved in all kind of construction activities from simple 1 bedroom house to multi story commercial complex. They usually hire for many things like, kitchen designer, furniture ideas for bedroom, design a modern home, living room interior etc.


 How to select best house design architect


To live in a mesmerizing home is the dream of an every individual. But its very rare to choose an architect who will fulfill our all the requirement! Now Foot2Feet made easy with its intermediary-free, transparent, reliable online platform where you get instant access to many house design architect in Pune.


Cost to hire house design architect      


Costs to hire house design architect is depends on what kind of house you want, what services you want your architect to provide, and what kind of architect you want. Some architect charge on percentage of total construction cost where as some architect cost on lump sum basis                               


FAQ about House Design Architect   


i.  What is the difference between an architect and a home designer?


Architects and interior designers are expert professionals who design the plans. The very basic difference is architect design buildings where as home designers use fixtures, furniture and other accessories to create a finished look and functional spaces inside a house


ii. How long does it take for an architect to design a house?


Generally, new home design or remodel a house takes upto 5/6 months to design, draft, and coordinate through the consultant, whereas to draw a house plan it takes less than 1 day or it’s done it within some hours also.


iii. How much does it cost to hire an architect for a home addition?


Cost to hire architect for home addition is same as its cost for the new construction. Generally architects charge at 3%  of the total construction cost.


iv. What is a 1.5 story house called?     


1.5 story house or one-and-a-half storey house is a detatched home which has a second floor that is about half the size of the main floor, but is off to one side. So this style of home called as half storey house.


v. What are the four types of houses?


There are various types of houses for example Attached, Detached House, Semi Detached, twin house, Duplex or Triplex.



Integrated Township Project (ITP) in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 14 is all about the Special Schemes as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 14.1 Integrated Township Project (ITP)


14.1.1 For Regional Plan Area  Applicability :-


These regulations shall be applicable to the areas under the Regional Plan sanctioned under the provisions of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 (hereinafter referred to as “the said Act”).


Provided that, if the Development Control Regulations regarding the development of an Integrated Township Project for an area over which a Planning Authority/Special Planning Authority/Area Development Authority has been appointed or constituted or deemed to have been appointed are yet to be sanctioned, then in considering the application for permission, these regulations, shall be applicable, mutatis mutandis, till such Authority adopts the Regulations in this regard.


If the ITP falls within the jurisdiction of more than one authority then in such cases Government can issue directives at the time of Locational Clearance or at any time regarding as to which authority shall give permission and supervise the project subject to terms and conditions as may be specified. Requirements of Site :-


The area proposed for Integrated Township shall fulfil the following requirements :-


i) Any suitable area with an area of 40 hectares. (100 Acres) or more in one place.


ii) The area shall be one, contiguous, unbroken, and uninterrupted. Provided that, such area if divided by one or more water courses (such as nallah, canals, etc.), existing or proposed roads of any width or by railways, pipeline, etc., shall be treated as one, contiguous, unbroken, and uninterrupted, subject to the condition that the Project Proponent/s shall construct necessary connecting roads or bridges as per site requirements at his own cost with due permission from concerned authorities. Integrated Township area may also include;


a) Lands in afforestation zone provided that such land is not a forest land and subject to no construction being allowed on land having slope more than 1:5.


b) Lands within the buffer zone of the National Park are subject to restrictions on development permissible in such buffer zones and are subject to the NOC of the Forest Department.


c) Tribal land is subject to permission granted under the M.L.R. code, and government lands are allotted to project proponents subject to Regulation No.


d) Private forest land that has been restored back after completion of section 22(a) Enquiry of Maharashtra Private Forest Act, 1975 shall be allowed to be part of the ITP with the condition that development permission shall be granted on such land only after necessary permission under the provision of Forest Conservation Act,1980.


e) The buffer zone of the eco-sensitive zone was notified, subject to all restrictions on development, and FSI was permissible in such buffer zone.


f) Areas under flood line/flood zone subject to clearance from the Water Resource Department.


g) Areas under Hill Top/Hill Slope Zone, and (b), (e), (f) mentioned above as shown on the Regional Plan/Development Plan subject to the condition as mentioned in Regulation No. However, the total of these areas shall be restricted to a maximum of 40% of the total area under ITP.


iii)  If the Integrated Township area is more than 200 ha., it can be segregated as long as each parcel is more than 40 ha. and is located within a radius of 5 km. Provided that the land use mix is maintained in each parcel.


iv) The area shall have an access by means of an existing, or proposed road having a minimum width of 18.0 m. In the case of the proposed road, such area shall have access by an existing road having a width of 12.0 m. for the purpose of declaration locational clearance and LoI of such project but it is necessary for the project proponent to have an existing access of 18.0 m. before sanctioning the Commencement Certificate to the FSI beyond 25% of the project. Provided that Government land or land belonging to tribal can be considered for the purpose of road if there is a registered Agreement. However development permission shall be granted only after due permission of appropriate authority is given.


v) The ITP Area shall not include the area under:-


a) Notified forest, (excluding the private forest land subject to NOCs of the Forest Department)


b) Water bodies like rivers, creeks, canals, reservoirs, etc. Mangroves, Tidal Zone, Mud Flats


c) The area under Notified National Parks


d)  Defence Estates


e) Cantonment Boards


f) Any restricted area


g) Quarry Zone, Notified SEZ, designated port/harbor areas, wildlife corridor and biosphere reserves, Gaothan/Congested Area.


h) The historical and archaeological places notified under the relevant act.


i)  Any other area that may be declared by the Govt. of Maharashtra from time to time. Ownership of Lands :-


The project proponent/s shall have the ownership of all the land parcels under the project.


(Explanation - for this clause, ownership includes rights accrued vide one or more registered Development Agreement/s or Power of Attorney (PoA) for such development and disposal, on behalf of land owner/owners).


Permission and Declaration of Project by State Government :-


i) The Project Proponent/s shall apply to the State Government to obtain permission and declaration of such project to be an “Integrated Township Project”. Such application shall be accompanied by the following attested documents in two sets :-


a)  Details of ownership of land viz. extracts of V.F.No.7/12 or Property Register Cards, in original having date not more than six months prior to the date of submission. In case of rights accrued through a registered Development Agreement or PoA, attested copies of such documents.


b) Self-attested list of S.No./ G.No./CTS showing the name of the owner as per record of rights, total area of such land parcel, area owned by the applicant in such land parcel, the name of person/company owning the Development Rights, area proposed to be included in project from such land parcel.


c) Part plan of sanctioned Regional Plan, showing all the lands falling in the project.

d) No Objection Certificate from the officer at Divisional level, Water Resources Department in respect of lands falling in “Command Area” of any Irrigation Project unless these powers are exercisable by the higher authority.

e) Village maps showing the lands falling in the project.

f) Certificate from concerned Forest Officer not below the rank of Dy. Conservator of Forests at Divisional level (unless these powers are exercisable by higher authority), showing that the lands under project do not form part of and not included in reserved forest or protected forest or non-classified forest or not acquired under the provisions of the Maharashtra Private Forest (Acquisition) Act, 1975 and also, confirming that such lands do not form part of the Notified National Parks, prohibited area of Notified Wildlife Sanctuaries and Notified Bird Sanctuaries.

g) Certificate from the concerned revenue officer not below the rank of Tahasildar, showing the lands under the project do not include lands belonging to tribal or that tribal land included in ITP has necessary permission under M.L.R. code.

h) Certificate from the Director of Archaeological Department, Maharashtra State, showing that the lands under project do not include monuments notified by the Archaeological Department, Heritage buildings and Precincts. Such certificate should also mention the distance to be kept around such places, if any.

i) Receipt of processing fee (non-refundable) paid, at the concerned branch office of the Town Planning Department, at the rate of Rs.5000/- per ha. for the current year with the yearly rise of Rs.500/- per ha. starting from the month of January every year.


ii) On receipt of an application under Clause (i) above, the Government may, after consulting the Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra State, by notification in the Official Gazette, grant the Locational Clearance and declare such project to be an “Integrated Township Project”, subject to such general and/or special conditions or, reject the application, under the provisions of Section 18(3) of the said Act, within a period of 90 days from the date of receipt of application or reply from the Project Proponent/s in respect of any requisition made by the Government, whichever is later. If the project proponent fails to comply with the conditions specified while granting location clearance within the specified time limit, then in such cases location clearance given earlier stands automatically cancelled and no refund or adjustment of premium/fees/expenses, etc. shall be eligible.


(Explanation - In circumstances described in Clause (ii) above, such grant of permission and declaration of the project shall be made under the provisions of Section 18(3) of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 )


iii) Every such permission and declaration shall remain in force for a period of two years, if not applied for Letter of Intent under Regulation No., from the date of issue of Locational Clearance Notification, and thereafter it shall lapse.


Provided that, the Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra State, Pune may, on an application made by Project Proponent/s before expiry of the above period extend such period by two years in aggregate. Provided also that, it is not mandatory for Project Proponent/s to submit all the papers afresh as prescribed under Clause (i) above, however, the affidavit regarding the ownership of land about any dispute shall be mandatory.


iv) Such lapse shall not bar any subsequent application for a fresh proposal.


v) The Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra State, on the request of Project Proponent/s, by notification in the Official Gazette, may grant to add or delete any area, not exceeding 50% of the total area under Locational Clearance, subject to the condition that the remaining area shall not be less than 40 ha. The permissible FSI and other parameters shall increase or decrease accordingly. Letter of Intent (LOI) by the Collector :-


i) The Project Proponent/s shall apply to the Collector to obtain the Letter of Intent for such project. Such application shall be accompanied by the ownership documents as prescribed in Regulation No. & (i)(b) and with locational clearance notification issued by the Government.


ii) The Collector shall verify and satisfy himself that Ownership and Development Rights of all the lands under the project are with the Project Proponent/s before issuing the Letter of Intent.


iii) On receipt of an application under Clause (i) above, the Collector shall grant the Letter of Intent for the whole area or separately for any part thereof, which shall not be less than 40 ha. at the first instance, subject to conditions as may be deemed fit, or reject the application, within a period of 45 days from the date of receipt of the application or reply from the Project Proponent/s in respect of any requisition made by the Collector, whichever is later.


Provided that, in case of rejection, the Collector shall mention the grounds for such refusal.


iv) Every such Letter of Intent shall remain in force for a period of two years, if not applied for Development Permission under Regulation No., from the date of issue of Letter of Intent, unless renewed. Provided that, the Collector may, on an application made by Project Proponent/s before the expiry of the above period extend such period by two years in aggregate. Provided also that the letter of intent granted by the collector under earlier regulations may also be extended subject to other conditions of these regulations. Master Layout Plan Approval by the Collector :-


i) The project proponent/s shall apply to the concerned Collector to obtain the approval for the Master Layout Plan of the entire area as per the Letter of Intent. Such application shall be accompanied by the documents in two sets as prescribed below :-


a) Attested copy of Gazette Notification issued by the Government under Regulation No.


b) Attested copy of Letter of Intent issued by Collector under Regulation No.


c) Part plan of sanctioned Regional Plan showing the lands under the Master Layout Plan.


d) The village map shows the lands under the Master Layout Plan.


e) In case, the project has no access from the existing road having a right of way of 18.0 m. then documents showing the ownership of Project Proponent/s in lands proposed for 18.0 m. wide access road.


f) Bank Guarantee of requisite amount as prescribed in Regulation No.


g) Undertaking and Affidavit as may be prescribed by the Collector.


h) Copies of Master Layout Plan with or without Building Plans in three sets prepared and signed by expert in respective field and team headed by an Architect or Town Planner registered with Institute of Town Planners India (ITPI) with sign of owner/developer.


i) Contour map showing contour levels of lands under Master Layout Plan. Trueness of the contour shall be certified and attested by the surveying agency and the Project Proponent/s under their signature and seal.


j) Colored Google earth image/Bhuvan image/Drone survey image etc., showing lands under Master Layout Plan.



k) Phased Program for the development of physical infrastructure with amenities under the project, along with the project cost details.


ii) If the application is not accompanied by the documents mentioned in Regulation No. above, the Collector convey the same to the Project Proponent/s immediately within 10 working days giving specific time period for fulfilment of such documents and if the same are not submitted by the said project proponent in given time then return the proposal at his level only.


iii) On receipt of the application, complete in all respects, as prescribed under Regulation No. above, the Collector shall forward the same to the concerned Divisional Joint Director of Town Planning for technical consultation within 10 working days.


iv) The office of the Divisional Joint Director of Town Planning shall send its remarks to the Collector within two months from the receipt of the proposal from the Collector or receipt of a reply from the Project Proponent/s in respect of any requisition made by him, whichever is later. Such master layout approval will be given with the condition that the project proponent will not commence work without environmental clearance. Such environmental clearance shall be submitted at the time of sanction to the building permission. A sanctioned master Plan layout along with a complete set of drawings shall be endorsed to the concerned branch office of the Town Planning Department, for the further permission.


v) Approval to the Master Plan :- The Collector shall grant approval to the master layout or reject the application, under Section 18 of the said Act, within one month from the receipt of a reply from the Divisional Joint Director of Town Planning as mentioned in Regulation No. (iv) above.


vi) Approval to the building plan :- Detailed building permission under the master layout plan sanctioned as per Regulation No. shall be granted by the Assistant Director of Town Planning/Town Planner of concerned Branch within 30 days from the receipt of the proposal from the project proponent as mentioned in (a) below.


a) The Project Proponent/s shall apply to the concerned head of the Branch office of the Town Planning Department, for the grant of building permission, along with all relevant documents and attested copy of Environment Clearance for the project from MoEF or the Authority empowered by the MoEF.


b) The Project Proponent/s shall submit the certificate of Architect regarding the completion of the plinth stating that the construction of the plinth is as per the approved building Plans to the concerned branch office of the Town Planning along with the approved Plan. The Branch Office of the Town Planning verifies the same within the stipulated time period. If it is found that the construction of the plinth is not as per the building permission sanctioned, the said office shall reject such plinth checking certificate. In such circumstances, the Project Proponent/s shall either demolish the said plinth or get the revised plan sanction according to changes. If it is found that the construction of the plinth is as per the building permission sanctioned, then granting the plinth checking certificate is not necessary. Planning Considerations :-

i) Permissibility in respect of Zoning :-


a) Notwithstanding anything contained in any regulation for the time being in force, the project to be notified under this regulation may be permissible in any land-use zone/s of sanctioned Regional Plan/Development Plan, excepting areas mentioned in Regulation No.


b) For the areas falling in zones, other than residential, commercial, and U - 1 & U - 2 zones as per the sanctioned Regional Plan the Project Proponent/s shall have to pay a premium for permitting projects in such zones at the rates prescribed below in Table No.14-A :-


Table No.14-A

Sr.No. Type of ZonePremium Charges
1Afforestation Zone, Hill Top & Hill Slope Zone as shown on Regional Plan/Development Plan.15 %
2Public/Semi-public Zone, Industrial Zone, T.H. & L.P8%
3Agriculture/No Development Zone/G - 1 zone/Low-Density Residential Zone/Buffer Zone of ESZ and other zones excepting at Sr.No.a & b above.10 %


Explanation : Premium charges shall be calculated by considering the agriculture land rate of the said land as prescribed in the Annual Statement of Rates (ASR) without applying the guidelines. If the agricultural land rate is not mentioned in ASR, in such cases the Agricultural land rate for such land will be decided by referring the matter to the Inspector General of Registration. Thereafter, the premium will be calculated by considering the land rate given by IGR in such cases. Out of the total premium10% shall be paid at the time of Locational Clearance, 10% paid at the time of the letter of Intent, 20% at the time of sanctioning of Master Layout Plan, and the remaining 60% shall be in four equal instalments per year and subject to interest as per Prime Lending Rate. (PLR)


c) Restriction on development construction shall be permitted on the lands within the HFL (Blue line), land in Hill Top & Hill Slope Zone, and on lands having a slope equal to or more than 1 : 5 in the said Project, whether specifically marked as such on the Regional Plan/Development Plan or not. No development of any sort and activity involving cutting/levelling/filling shall be permissible on such sloping lands. Provided that, it shall be permissible to use such lands for Plantation, Park, Garden purposes, the access road to township development with minimum cutting and other users as otherwise permissible in respective Regional Plan/Development Plans and the FSI of such lands shall be permissible to the extent as prescribed in Regulation No.


d) In the Buffer zone of notified ESZ and in ESZ’s, only those development activities and FSI as permissible under MoEF notification of the ESZ (as amended from time to time) under Environment Protection Act, 1986 shall be permitted. All the development in this buffer zones shall be in accordance with MoEF notifications.



Permissible Floor Space Index (FSI) :-


a) Notwithstanding anything contained in any regulation for the time being in force, if the premium as mentioned in (b) is paid by the project proponent then the basic permissible FSI for such project shall be 1.0 to be calculated on Gross Plot Area under Master Layout Plan without deducting any areas under the slopes within HFL, etc.


b) Further, additional FSI on payment of premium as mentioned below Table No.14-B shall be permissible on payment of premium at the rate of 10% of the weighted average land rate of the said land as prescribed in Annual Statement of Rates for the relevant year, without applying the guidelines therein. Such premium shall be paid at the time of Building permission.


Table No.14-B

Area under TownshipAdditional built-up area
40 ha. and up to 200 haUp to 70 % of basic permissible FSI
More than 200 ha. and up to 500 ha.Up to 80 % of basic permissible FSI
More than 500 ha. hectorUp to 100 % of basic permissible FSI


c) Over and above the FSI as prescribed above, an additional FSI in lieu of construction of tenements for social housing shall be permissible as prescribed in Regulation No., without charging a premium.


d) It shall be permissible to utilize the maximum permissible built-up area as prescribed above, anywhere in the area under the sanctioned Master Layout Plan.


Mandatory Town-Level Amenities - Area and FSI Allocations :-


Master Layout Plan shall provide for the town-level area and FSI allocation, to be kept at one or more places, as follows:-


a) Spaces for Recreation


Table No.14-C

Sr. NoParticularsMinimum Area RequiredConditions
iGarden/s and Park/s5% of Master Layout Area. (out of this 50% of the area may be allowed on Hill Top Hill Slope Zone, Buffer Zone of ESZ and within HFL)Out of this at least 1000 sq.m. area shall be kept open for Town Plaza/Town Square, at one place and the remaining area shall be kept open and may be allowed to be proposed at suitable places. Major public amenities/activities shall be clustered around this area.
iiPlay Ground/s7.5% of Master Layout Area (may be allowed in Buffer Zone of ESZ having a slope less than 1:5)the Maximum 10% of area under Play Ground which may accommodate indoor games, stadiums and allied users only.


Note - These spaces shall be exclusive of open spaces to be required at sector-level layouts. Notwithstanding anything contained in UDCPR, 10% open space shall be provided in sector-level layout. Such open space shall be calculated by considering the area of the sector excluding roads in the Master Layout Plan and Town Level Amenity spaces excepting Economic Activities.)


b) Spaces for combined School/s (Primary School/s + High School/s) -


Table No.14-D

Sr. No.ParticularsMinimum Area RequiredMinimum Built-up Area required
iFor Master Layout area of 40 Ha.5,000 sq.m5,000 sq.m.
iiFor Master Layout area of more than 40 ha.To be increased proportionately with the increase in the Master Layout area and be pr




1) The requirements prescribed above are by considering the School to be run in double shift.


2) The requirement of the plot area and built-up area shall be exclusive of playground spaces. Hence, it is mandatory to show a separate playground adjoining the school building at the rate of 7 sq.m./student.


c) Community Health Care Facilities :- Primary and Secondary Health Care Facilities like Dispensary, Maternity Home, Hospital etc.


Table No.14-E

Sr. No.ParticularsMinimum Area RequiredMinimum Built-up Area required
iFor Master Layout area of 40 ha.1,000 sq. m.1500 sq. m.
iiFor Master Layout area of more than 40 ha.To be increased proportionately with the increase in Master Layout area and be proposed at one


d) Community Market :-


Table No.14-F

Sr. No.ParticularsMinimum Area RequiredMinimum Built-up
iGeneral Market including Mutton and Fish Market
For Master Layout area up to & inclusive of 200 ha.1000 sq.m.As per requirement
For Master Layout area of a more than 200 ha.To be increased proportionately with an increase in the Master Layout area and be proposed at one or more locations, as per requirements.
iiVegetable Market
For Master Layout area up to & inclusive of 200 ha.1000 sq.m.As per requirement
For Master Layout area of more than 200 ha.To be increased proportionately with an increase in the Master Layout area and be proposed at one or more locations, as per requirements.


Note - Users mentioned in (i) & (ii) above may be clubbed together for convenience purposes, without altering the requirements in plot area and built-up area.


e) Public Assembly Facilities :- Town Hall and/or Auditorium including Library


Table No.14-G

Sr. No.ParticularsMinimum Area RequiredMinimum Built-up Area required
iFor Master Layout area up to & inclusive of 100 Ha5000 Sq.m.5000 Sq.m.
iiFor Master Layout area more than 100 Ha. and up to 200 Ha.10000 Sq.m.10000 Sq.m.
iiiFor Master Layout area of more than 200 Ha.To be increased proportionately with an increase in the Master Layout area and be proposed at one or more locations, as per requirements.


f) Economic Activities :- Economic activities including users such as Market, Multiplex, Mall, Information Technology & Information Technology enabled Services (IT & ITES) including SEZs, Essential Shopping, Recreational Centres, Trade & Commerce, Education, Hospitals, Non-polluting Industries, Service Industries, Entertainment, Tourism, Star Category Hotels, Convention Centres, Gymnasiums, Socio-economic activities, such as workshop, hostel for Autistic persons, challenged persons and Senior Citizens except independent residential tenements as per requirements.


Table No.14-H

Sr. NoParticularsMinimum Area RequiredMinimum Built-up Area required
iFor the Master Layout area of 40 ha40000 sq.m.80000 sq.m.
iiFor Master Layout area of more than 40 ha.To be increased proportionately with an increase in the Master Layout area and be proposed at one or more locations, as per requirements.


Note :-


1) Users as mentioned in b, c, d, e & f may be clubbed together, in the Economic Activities Component, subject to the condition that, the total built-up area should not be less than the summation of minimum required for all such users, irrespective of their individual plot area requirements.


2) The required parking spaces for all such amenities as per norms shall be provided in the same plot.


g) Public Utilities :- For Master Layout area up to & inclusive of 200 ha.


Table No.14-I

Sr. No.ParticularsMinimum Area RequiredPermissible Built-up Area
iFire Brigade Station3000 sq.m. or as prescribed by the Director of Fire Services, Maharashtra State/Chief Fire Officer of the concerned Authority.As per recommendations of the Director of Fire Services, Maharashtra State / Chief fire Officer of the concern Authority.
iiSewage Waste Management Project (SWMP)4000 sq.m.As per requirement
iiiCremation Ground2000 sq.m.As per requirement
ivBurial Ground2000 sq.m.As per requirement
vBus Station/Transport Hub3000 sq.m. 
viPolice Station1000 sq.m.
viiElectric Sub-stationAs per requirement
viiiOther Public UtilitiesAs per requirement
ixPublic Parking FacilitiesAs per prevailing DCR
xSolid waste managementAs per requirement


Note : 


1) If the facility of Cremation Ground / Burial Ground is available in the village where the Township is located in such case these requirements need not be insisted subject to NOCs of respective Gram Panchayat.


2) If a Police Station is available within 1 km. the area from the proposed Township, then such a facility need not to be provided.


h) Transport & Communication :-


i) The entire area of the project shall have a proper road pattern, taking into consideration the linkages with existing roads within the project and outside the area as well. All such roads shall be developed by the Project Proponent/s as per the standard prescribed by the Indian Road Congress.


ii)  The width of the -

a) Classified Road should not be less than as may be prescribed by concerned public authority.


b) Main/Arterial/Ring Road should be of the minimum right of way of 18.0 m.


c) Other Sub-Arterial roads, Collector streets, local streets, etc. shall be proposed as per the requirements to cater to the need of occupancies on such roads including for pedestrians.


d) A network of cycle tracks in the entire Township area of a minimum width of 3.0 meters shall be provided without clashing with the vehicular traffic, to the extent possible.


iii) It may be permissible for Project Proponent/s, to realign the Regional Plan/Development Plan Roads, and earlier existing roads passing through the project area, without changing the entry and exit points of such roads.


iv) All the Regional Plan/Development Plan Roads and all the Main/Arterial/Ring Roads, shall always be open for the general public, irrespective of the fact that, they reside in the project or not.


General Note for Amenities (a) to (h) :


1) The requirements prescribed above for items (a) to (f) are by considering the FSI proposed for the project is only 1.0. If the FSI proposed is increased or decreased then the only built-up area requirement shall be increased or decreased proportionately.


2) The requirements prescribed above for items (g) are for the Master Layout area up to & inclusive of 200 ha. It shall be increased or decreased proportionately and may be proposed at one or more locations, as per requirements.


iv) Residential Activities :-


Table No.14-J

Sr. No.ParticularsAreaBuilt-up Area
iResidential Activities (including lands required for social housing, infrastructure such as water storage, drainage and garbage disposal, etc.)The land excluding the land required for purposes as shown (iii) (a) to (h).The remaining built-up area is subject to a minimum of 60% of the total proposed Basic Residential FSI. Development Control Regulations :-


For those aspects which are not covered under this regulation, the prevailing provisions as prescribed in the (1) Unified Development Control and Promotion Regulations for Regional Plan in Maharashtra shall apply mutatis-mutandis. The provisions of MoEF CRZ notifications amended from time to time shall also be applicable.


However where in the prevailing DCR of the respective authority the maximum height of the building is not mentioned in such cases the maximum height shall be allowed subject to provisions of the Maharashtra Fire Prevention and Life Safety Measures Act, 2006 and any restriction imposed by the Chief Fire Officer. Social Housing :-


i) The Master Layout Plan shall provide sufficient space for the construction of small tenements for persons from EWS and LIG categories (hereinafter referred to as the “Social Housing Component”), as a social responsibility with FSI as mentioned in Regulation No. (iii). Out of this Social Housing Component 25% FSI shall be utilised exclusively for the construction of EWS tenements and the remaining 75% FSI may be used for LIG tenements. Out of the total tenements constructed as Social Housing components, one-third (1/3rd) of tenements shall be kept for Rental Housing tenements which will be disposed on Rent only by the project Proponents.


ii) Social Housing tenements shall be constructed within the area as specified by the MHADA for EWS and LIG categories respectively.


iii) The minimum Social Housing component shall be constructed at 15% of the Residential basic FSI of the area available for Residential Development as prescribed in Regulation No. (hereinafter referred to as the “Social Housing component”).


iv) Social Housing tenements shall be constructed as per the general and special specifications prescribed by the concerned unit of MHADA for their projects.


v) The Project Proponent/s, after getting the commencement certificate of the Social Housing component as mentioned above shall immediately inform MHADA regarding the numbers of Social Housing Component to be disposed of by them to the allottees. Upon such intimation, MHADA within a period of six months, from the date of receipt of such intimation after following the procedure of the lottery system shall prepare the list of the allottees from the district as far as possible and forward it to the Project Proponent/s. The project proponent shall dispose of such housing tenements to the allottees at the construction cost mentioned in ASR applicable of the year of disposal (date of occupancy certificate) plus 25% additional cost. Out of this 25% additional cost, 1% shall be paid to MHADA towards administration charges.


If the allottees fail to deposit the amount within the specified time limit, then the allotment shall stand cancelled and MHADA can give fresh names of allottees from the waiting list within one month.


Provided that if the MHADA is unable to provide the list of the allottees as mentioned above then the project proponent shall dispose of such social housing tenements in the market at the construction cost in ASR applicable to the land of the year of disposal plus 20% additional cost.


vi) Every Occupation Certificate for the regular tenements shall be granted only along with the Occupation Certificate in proportionate with the Social Housing component.


vii) Amalgamation of such Social Housing tenements shall not be permitted in any case.


viii) The purchaser of the tenement under social housing shall deposit an amount equivalent to 10% of the construction cost of the tenement, as prescribed in the Annual Statement of Rates prevailing at the time of occupation, with the Project Proponent/s as a one-time maintenance deposit for onsite infrastructure maintenance.


ix) The Project Proponent/s shall maintain the premises and common spaces outside the building/s of social housing including concerned all basic infrastructure and amenities, in good condition in the same manner as the maintenance of the remaining area of the project.


x) The purchaser of tenement under social housing shall have to pay all the government taxes, duties like stamp duty, GST etc. and also the fees charged for use of common amenities at actual, to the Project Proponent/s, as per the requirement, from time to time. Liability of Project Proponent/s :-


i) The entire project shall be an integrated one with all facilities within the boundaries of such project. All the on-site infrastructure i.e. internal roads, approach roads, street lights, water supply and drainage systems shall be mandatory and constructed/maintained in future by the Project Proponent/s. Proposed internal roads and Open Spaces in the layouts shall be used only for ITP.


ii) The Regional Plan Roads & Reservations which are included in ITP shall be Developed by the project proponent and after development made available to the general public. Such reservations may be allowed to shift within 500 m. (within Township Area Only) in consultation with the concerned Divisional Joint Director of Town Planning.


iii) It shall be the responsibility of the Project Proponent/s to develop and maintain all the infrastructure in good condition till handed over to the appropriate authority.


The project proponent may collect periodical contributions or raise corpus funds for the maintenance of infrastructure from the purchasers of tenements or statutory bodies of the purchasers of tenements formed by the developer for this purpose.


Provided that, the Project Proponent/s shall hand the infrastructure, for maintenance purposes, only after the completion of the project, to the Urban Local Body or appropriate authority, when constituted in the area comprised by the project along with the unutilized corpus fund collected for maintenance of common infrastructure.


iv) Project Proponent/s shall mandatorily provide facilities for making the Township SMART -


a) For the people residing in the project area, an efficient and timely public transportation system up to the nearest public transportation station/hub/depot/stand. He shall develop it himself or tie with the Government/Semi-Government or private transport agency for such efficient public transportation. The number of buses and trips will be

decided by MSRTC/Local Transport Authority.


b) Continuous unobstructed footpath of minimum 2.0 m. the width on either side of all streets/roads of width ROW 12.0 m. or more and of a lesser width for roads/Streets of ROW less than 12.0 m.


c) A dedicated and physically segregated bicycle track with a width of 3.0 m. or more, should be provided for the entire Township Area.


d) Pedestrian-friendly pathways, encouragement to non-motorized transport, intelligent traffic management, non-vehicle street/zones, smart parking, energy efficient street lighting visible improvement in the area i.e. replacing existing overhead electric wiring with underground wiring, encroachment-free public areas.


e) Arranging generation of power through non-conventional energy sources like solar, wind and others shall be mandatorily provided with at least 10% of the total requirement of the common physical infrastructure of the project.


f) To provide energy management by adopting advanced technology like installing Solar Water Heating Systems, Solar Lamps/Lights in common areas, and LED Lamps, auto-operated street lights, solar pumps, etc. All external lighting shall be of LED, Solar Water Heating Systems, Solar Lamp shall be compulsorily provided.


g) To provide effective water management by adopting water harvesting techniques like rainwater harvesting, recycling of used water, metered water supply to the users under the project, and double plumbing pipeline. The recycled water shall be used for flush systems, gardening, carwash and industrial use.


h) To provide effective safety & security measures like CCTV surveillance at strategic locations, centralized control rooms, etc.


i)  Arranging smart and fast internet/broadband connectivity to all residences, e-governance online system for grievance redressal.


j)  Encouraging and providing a platform for citizens' participation in decision-making about public community issues.


k) Arranging real-time environmental monitoring i.e. air pollution, noise pollution etc. shall be observed.


l) Encouraging and providing a platform for e-DCR for building plans with BIM, 3-D maps on GIS of the utility services network and properties in the city, central command, control and emergency response centre for all infrastructure facilities. Project Proponent/s shall also provide urban design concept plans along with the Master Plan.


m) It shall be obligatory on the part of Project Proponent/s to provide the infrastructure and green building norms that are necessary as per the guidelines as may be laid down by the Government, under the policy of development of ‘Smart City’ from time to time.


n) Ensure that the buildings have at least 3-star ratings from GRIHA/Silver from IGBC/Silver from LEED/equivalent ratings from the ASSOCHAM GEM.


v) Project Proponent/s shall also mandatorily provide for :-

a) Water Supply - Safe and potable drinking water at the rate of 90 litres per capita per day, exclusive of the requirement of water for fire fighting and gardening purposes. The storage capacity of the same shall be at least 1.5 times of the actual required quantity as determined by the expected population (Resident and Floating) and other uses. The Project Proponent/s would be required to develop proper internal distribution with double pipe plumbing for reuse of treated water at appropriate places and maintenance system along with smart metering and shall especially undertake rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharging and wastewater recycling within the project.

Provided that, the Project Proponent/s should not use groundwater as a source of water, to meet the above requirement.


b) Drainage and Garbage Disposal - The Project Proponent/s shall make suitable and environment friendly arrangements for the disposal and treatment of sewage and solid waste generated in the project at source, as per the norms of the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board. The Project Proponent shall provide zero discharge in ITP for solid as well as liquid waste.


The Project Proponent/s should provide facilities for water conservation by different means such as Rain Water Harvesting, Recycling of Waste Water, etc. and also set-up, in the project area itself, the Solid Waste Management Project (SWMP) with a sufficient capacity for processing of 100% garbage and solid waste.


c) Power - The Project Proponent/s shall ensure continuous and quality power supply for the project area. The Project Proponent/s may draw the power from any existing supply system or may go in for arrangement of captive power generation with the approval from the concerned authority. If power is drawn from any existing supply system, the Project Proponent/s shall, before the commencement of development, procure a firm commitment of power for the entire Township from the power supply company. Occupancy Certificate :-


i) Application for obtaining the Occupancy Certificate for buildings in the project, in full or part shall be submitted by Project Proponent/s to the concerned branch Officer of Town Planning. Such application shall be accompanied by -


a) All the relevant documents along with coloured Google Earth/Bhuvan/Drone survey images showing the area under the Master Layout Plan.


b)Documents showing compliance of the conditions prescribed while according to sanctions from time to time.


c) Appropriate declaration/s and undertaking/s made by the Project Proponent/s and his technical personnel’s;


d) Any other requirement as may be prescribed by the Collector.


ii) The concerned Branch Officer of Town Planning shall grant an Occupancy Certificate or reject the application giving a specific reason within one month from the receipt of the application.


iii) The Collector, before issuing the Occupancy Certificate for the project as a whole, shall verify and satisfy himself about the completion of erection/development/construction of all the basic required infrastructure in the Master Layout plan. In case, of an application for part occupancy, such completion shall be as prescribed in the phase programme. General Stipulations :-


i) Development of basic infrastructure and amenities shall be completed by the Project Proponent/s to the satisfaction of the Collector either for the whole or as per phases, of the project.


ii) It shall not be mandatory for the Project Proponent/s to provide Amenity Space as otherwise required as per regulation of the Regional Plan/Development Plan, if any.


iii) The Project Proponent/s shall plant indigenous trees at the rate of at least 150 trees per ha. and maintain it properly. The certificate to that effect issued by the Deputy Conservator of Forest or an Officer nominated by him for this purpose shall be produced by the Project Proponent/s at the time of application for Final Occupation Certificate under Regulation No.


iv) All the powers and functions that are supposed to be exercised by the Collector under this regulation shall be exercised by the Chief Officer/Chief Executive Officer of the concerned Planning Authority wherever applicable, excepting the powers to grant Letter of Intent under Regulation No. of this regulation.


Provided that, before grant or refusal to the Master Layout Plan, the Chief Officer / Chief Executive Officer of the Authority shall, consult the concerned Divisional Joint Director of Town Planning as prescribed in Regulation No. (iii) and (iv), if the Planning Officer posted in such Authority is below the rank of Joint Director of Town Planning, and to the concerned branch office of Town Planning as prescribed in Regulation No. (1) and Regulation No., if the Planning Officer posted in such Authority is below the rank of Assistant Director of Town Planning.


v) All the amounts of scrutiny fees, charges, premiums etc. payable to the Government shall be deposited with the concerned Branch office of the Town Planning. In circumstances described in the proviso of Regulation No. above, 50% of such amount shall be deposited with the concerned Branch office of the Town Planning, and 50% to the concerned Planning Authority.


vi) The Project Proponent/s shall submit a bank guarantee of an amount equal to the 15% of the estimated development cost required for the development of the basic Physical infrastructure such as roads, water supply, drainage & garbage disposal, Trunk installations for power supply, fire brigade station & fire engines. Such development costs be worked out as per respective phases taking into consideration the phased programme for the development of infrastructure with amenities under the project as submitted and as required under Regulation No. A certificate regarding the estimated development cost shall be produced by the respective Architect of the project. If a Bank Guarantee as mentioned above is submitted then a separate security deposit shall not be insisted on by the authority.


vii) The Project Proponent/s shall construct and maintain the Fire Station building & Infrastructure at their cost. The project proponent shall post well-trained staff at the fire station as per the recommendations of the Director of Fire Services, Maharashtra State / Chief Fire Officer of the concerned Authority or the cost of staff appointed by the Chief Fire Officer for this purpose shall be borne by the Project Proponent. The amount of all expenditure on such staff shall be the responsibility of the Project Proponent/s. After completion of the fire station and as per requirement such fire brigade/station shall be handed over to the nearest respective authority on the terms and conditions decided by the respective authority and project proponent.


viii) The developer shall complete the Special Township Project within 10 years or such period as allowed by the Government from the approval to the master plan. The developer shall develop and maintain the all infrastructure (internal street lights, roads etc.) up to the completion of the ITP project. Within such period or till the authority is formed as per Regulation No., the concession in property tax levied by the respective Grampanchayat or the respective Planning Authority shall be 66% of the normal rate as prescribed under the Grampanchayat Act or under Maharashtra Municipal Council, Nagar Panchayat and Industrial Township Act, 1965 or Maharashtra Municipal Corporation ACT. Such property tax shall be levied from the date of the Occupancy Certificate. Respective Grampanchayat/Planning Authority shall provide mandatory provisions like Birth and Death Registration Certificates etc. for the same period in such ITP. Provided that the utilities like fire brigade, police station/Chowky etc. shall be handed over to the nearest respective Authority at the terms and conditions decided by the respective authority.


ix) A local Authority shall be formed under section 3 read with section 341 of the Maharashtra Municipal Council, Nagar Panchayat and Industrial Township Act, 1965 according to the population of such township. The newly formed respective authority shall take over the operation maintenance of infrastructure in the Integrated Township Project area with the previous approval of the Government. However, if the area under ITPs merged in any Local Authority then operation and maintenance of infrastructure in such Integrated Township Project area shall be made by the respective Local Authority.


x) Licensing to the Project Proponent/s - The respective Authority shall provide licenses to the Project Proponent/s for telephone Connection, Power and other utilities in the Township area as per existing rules & regulations. After granting the license from the respective Authority, the project proponent/s shall provide utilities in the Township area as per the conditions laid down by the respective authority.


xi) It shall be mandatory for the Project Proponent/s to provide an appropriate width of road to the land not owned by the project proponent which is surrounded by the Township Area. Special Concessions :-


i) Deemed conversion for Non-Agricultural (N.A.) Use :- The lands under the approved Master Layout Plan shall be considered as deemed N.A. No separate permission shall be required under the provisions of Maharashtra Land Revenue Code, 1966. The amount of non-agricultural assessment shall be exempted to the extent of 50% of the normal rate for the land under the Integrated Township Project.


ii) Grant of Government land: If surrounded or adjacent to the lands owned by the Project Proponent, the Government land may preferably be granted to the Project Proponent, as per the rules and regulations to that effect, by the Revenue and Forest Department of the State Government. A maximum of 10% of the total area under the township shall be allowed to be included in such township.


iii) Concession in Stamp Duty :- For the purchase of land by the project proponent for the township area or for the first transaction from the Project Proponent/s to the Purchaser of any unit under any user from approved Master Layout Plan or subsequent building plan under this Regulation, concession of 50% of stamp duty as otherwise required under the Mumbai Stamp Act, shall be granted. This concession will be available only at one stage i.e. either at the time of land purchase or at the time of sale of units. Also, if the project proponent assigns the rights to his own subsidiary companies for the running of the Amenities in such Township project as per the approved plan in such cases concession of 50 % of stamp duty as otherwise required under the Mumbai Stamp Act, shall be granted.


iv) Exemption in payment of Development Charges :- 50% of the amount of Development Charges under sub-section (3) of Section 124-F of the said Act shall be exempted for institutional use or, change of use of any land or building or, development of any land or building, proposed for a project undertaken by a Project Proponent/s under this Regulation.


v) Relaxation from Mumbai Tenancy and Agriculture Land Act :- The condition that, only the agriculturist will be eligible to buy the agriculture land shall not be applicable to the Project Proponent/s for purchasing agriculture land for Integrated Township under this Regulation.


vi) Exemption from Ceiling for holding agriculture land :- The limit for holding agriculture land, stipulated in the Maharashtra Agricultural Lands (Ceiling and Holdings) Act, 1961 shall not be applicable to the Project Proponent/s for the development of Integrated Township Project under this Regulation.


vii) Exemption from scrutiny fee :- The amount of the scrutiny fee shall be exempted to the extent of 50% of the normal rate for building permission under the Integrated Township Project.


viii) Exemption from royalty on minor minerals :- The amount of royalty on minor minerals as per the Maharashtra Minor Mineral Extraction (Development and Regulation) Rules shall be exempted to the extent of 50% for the earth which is extracted while developing the land within Township area and fully exempted if the said excavated material is used in the same project. Transition Policy :-


i) It shall be permissible for the Project Proponent/s, to whom Special Township Project has already been granted location clearance and/or LOI or the project is ongoing wherein part Occupancy Certificate is granted before 26/12/2016 to -


a) Continue such Special / Integrated Township Project under the erstwhile regulations under which LC is granted without considering these regulations.


b) If the project proponents wish to develop a township according to these regulations then they may apply for a grant of Letter of Intent or Master Layout Plan as the case may be wherever required, under this regulation.


ii) If in the case as described in Regulation No., the construction of the project is ongoing and the Occupation Certificate, either in full or partly has granted or not been granted, it shall be permissible for the Project Proponent/s to choose an option to prefer this regulation subject to payment of premium as prescribed in Regulation No. and (ii). In such cases, the premium shall be calculated on the balance area which shall be the difference of the FSI permitted as per earlier regulation and that being availed as per this regulation. Appeal :-


Anyone aggrieved by an order passed under prevailing byelaws may within forty days of the date of communication of the order prefer an appeal to the Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra State, Pune. The appeal shall be decided within 60 days. Control by the State Government :-


Director of Town Planning, M.S., Pune is authorised on behalf of the Government to monitor the Township Project and submit his report once in six months to the Government.


The government may relax any provisions from these regulations considering the site condition of the particular project.


Read the concerned Planning Authority/Special Planning Authority constituted under relevant Acts instead of Collector, wherever applicable.


The rate of premium mentioned in the Regulation No. and can be revised by the Government from time to time.


14.1.2 For Development Plan area -


Regulations for Integrated Township Projects for Regional Plan mentioned in Regulation No.14.1.1 shall be applicable to the Development Plan area with modified Regulations as mentioned below. (ii)


(Explanation - In circumstances described in Regulation No. above, such grant of permission and declaration of the project shall be made under the provisions of Section 18(3) read with Section 44 (2) of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966) (i)


e) In case, the project has no access from the existing road having right of way of 18.0 m. then documents showing the ownership or registered agreement for permanent right of way, as the case may be, of Project Proponent/s in lands proposed for 18.0 m. wide access road.


j) Colored Google Earth image/Bhuvan image/Drone survey image etc. showing lands under Master Layout Plan, signed by project proponent


iv) The office of the Divisional Joint Director of Town Planning shall send its remarks to the Authority within two months from the receipt of the proposal from the Authority or receipt of a reply from the Project Proponent/s in respect of any requisition made by him, whichever is later. Such master layout approval will be given with the condition that the project proponent will not commence work without environmental clearance. Such environmental clearance shall be submitted at the time of sanction to the building permission. (vi) - Approval of the building plan :- Detailed building permission under the master layout plan sanctioned as per Regulation No. shall be granted by the concerned Authority with prior consultation as prescribed in the proviso to Regulation No. within 30 days from the receipt of the proposal from the project proponent as mentioned in (vi) (b) - The Project Proponent/s shall submit the certificate of Architect regarding the completion of the plinth stating that the construction of the plinth is as per the approved building Plans to the concerned branch office of the Town Planning along with approved Plan. The Branch Office of the Town Planning verify the same within the stipulated time period. If it is found that the construction of the plinth is not as per the building permission sanctioned, the said office shall reject such plinth checking certificate. In such circumstances, the Project Proponent/s shall either demolish the said plinth or get the revised plan sanction according to changes. If it is found that the construction of the plinth is as per the building permission sanctioned, then granting the plinth checking certificate is not necessary.


However, notwithstanding anything mentioned above, before granting or refusal to the Master Layout Plan, the Authority shall, consult the, concerned Divisional Joint Director of Town Planning as prescribed in Regulation No. and (iv) if the planning officer posted in such Authority is below the rank of Joint Director of Town Planning, and to the concerned branch office of Town Planning as prescribed in Regulation No. and Regulation No., if the Planning Officer posted in such Authority is below the rank of Assistant Director of Town Planning. (iii) 


 h) Transport & Communication :-


i) The entire area of the project shall have a proper road pattern, taking into consideration the linkages with proposed roads of D.P. and R.P. existing roads within the project and outside area as well. All such roads shall be developed by the Project Proponent/s as per the standard prescribed by the Indian Road Congress. (ii) - On receipt of the application as prescribed under Regulation No. the Planning Authority shall forward the same to the concerned officer as stipulated in the proviso to Regulation No. for technical consultation within 10 working days.


Following new Regulations shall be added. (v) - Share of Local / Planning Authority.


The integration of Integrated Township Projects included in the Local/Planning Authority, an area @ 2% of the gross area shall be earmarked and shall be handed over free of cost to the respective Authority for the development of the City Level Facilities.


For determining eligibility of ITP, the above 2% area shall be considered in area calculation. This area shall not contain area under hill slopes, and shall be accessible by major road. Base FSI of such 2% land shall be made available to the applicant on remaining land.


Related Regulations


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 14 through the below-mentioned links:


Integrated Logistic Park (ILP) in UDCPR 2020


Industrial Township under Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing Policy in UDCPR 2020


Development of Tourism and Hospitality Services under Community Nature Conservancy around Wild Life Sanctuaries and National Park in UDCPR 2020


Slum Rehabilitation Scheme for Other Municipal Corporations in UDCPR 2020


Slum Rehabilitation for Pune, PCMC, PCNTDA, and Nagpur in UDCPR 2020


Urban Renewal Scheme in UDCPR 2020


Conservation of Heritage Buildings, Precints, Natural Features in UDCPR 2020


Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana in UDCPR 2020


Integrated Information Technology Township (IITP) in UDCPR 2020


Affordable Housing Scheme in UDCPR 2020


Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in UDCPR 2020


Provision of Lift as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 9 is all about the Requirements of Part of the Building as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 9.27 Provision of Lift 


9.27.1  Planning and Design

At least one lift shall be provided in every building that is more than 15 m in height. In the case of buildings more than 24 m. height, at least two lifts shall be provided. However, in the case of a proposal to add one additional floor to an existing building with a lift, it will not be necessary to raise the existing lift to the additional floor.

For buildings or floors of the building to be constructed for Retirement Homes or Senior Citizen Housing, a lift shall be provided irrespective of the height of the building.

The planning and design of lifts including their number, type, and capacity depending on the occupancy of the building, the population of each floor based on the occupant load and the building height shall be in accordance with Section-5 - Installation of Lift & Escalators of Part VIII - Building Services of National Building Code of India.


All the floors shall be accessible for 24 hours by the lifts. The lifts provided in the buildings shall not be considered as a means of escape in case of emergency. Grounding switch at ground floor level to enable the fire service to ground the lift cars in an emergency shall also be provided.


The lift machine rooms shall be separate and no other machinery shall be installed therein.


9.27.2  Fire Lift


Fire lift shall be provided as mentioned in Regulation No.9.29.8.


Rule No. 9.28 Exit Requirements


9.28.1  The following General requirements shall apply to exits


a) In every building or structure, exits shall comply with the minimum requirements of this part, except those not accessible for general public use.


b) Every exit, exit access or exit discharge shall be continuously maintained free of all obstructions or impediments to full use in the case of fire or other emergency.


c) Every building meant for human occupancy shall be provided with exits sufficient to permit safe escape of occupants, in case of fire or other emergency.


d) No building shall be so altered as to reduce the number, width, or protection of exits to less than that required.


e) Exits shall be clearly visible and the route to reach the exits shall be clearly marked and signs posted to guide the occupants of the floor concerned.


f) All exits shall provide continuous means of egress to the exterior of a building or to an exterior open space leading to a street and,


g) Exits shall be so arranged that they may be reached without passing through another occupied unit.


9.28.2  Type of Exits


An exit may be a doorway, a corridor, a passage, or a way to an internal staircase or external staircase, a ramp, or to a verandah and/or terraces that have eaves to the street or to the roof of a building. An exit may also include a horizontal exit leading to an adjoining building at the same level. Lifts and escalators shall not be considered as exits.


9.28.3  Number and Size of Exits


The requisite number and size of various exits shall be provided, based on the number of occupants in each room and floor based on the occupant load, capacity of exits; travel distance, and height of the building as per provisions of Regulation No.9.28.4 to Regulation No.9.28.8.


9.28.4  Arrangement of Exits


Exits shall be so located that the travel distance on the floor shall not exceed as given below :-

Table No.9-D

Type of BuildingTravel Distance
Residential, Educational, institutional, and Hazardous occupancies22.5 m.
Assembly, business, mercantile, Industrial, and Storage Occupancies30.0 m.


Whenever more than one exit is required for a floor of a building, exits shall be placed at remote from each other as possible. All the exits shall be accessible from the entire floor area at all floor levels.


Note – For the buildings where a sprinkler system has been provided in the entire building for fire fighting, the travel distance may be increased by 50% of the value specified in the above table.


9.28.5  Occupant Load


For determining the exits required, the number of persons within any floor area or the occupant load shall be based on the actual number of occupants, but in no case less than that specified in Table No.9-E below :-


Table No.9-E

Sr. NoGroup of OccupancyOccupant Load Floor Area in sq.m. per person
3Institutional15 (See Note i)
a) With fixed or loose seats and dance floors0.6 (See Note ii)
b) Without seating facilities including dining rooms.5 (See Note ii)
a) Street floor & Sales basement3
b) Upper sale floors6
6Business and Industrial10


Note :


i) Occupant load in dormitory portions of homes for the aged, orphanages, insane, asylums etc. where sleeping accommodation is provided, shall be calculated at not less than 7.5 Sq.m. gross floor area per person.


ii) The gross floor area shall include, in addition to the main assembly rooms or space, any occupied connecting room or space in the same storey or in the storeys above or below where the entrance is common to such rooms and spaces and they are available for use by the occupants of the assembly place. No deductions shall be made in the area for corridors, closets or other subdivisions, that area shall include all space serving the particular assembly occupancy.


9.28.6 Capacity of Exits


1) The unit of exit width used to measure the capacity of any exit should be 50 cm. A clear width of 25 cm. should be counted as an additional half unit. Clear width less than 25 cm. should not be computed for exit width.


2) Occupants per unit exit width shall be in accordance with Table No. 9-F


Table No. 9-F

Sr.No.Group of OccupancyNumber of Occupants


9.28.7 Provision for Staircase


All buildings having a height more than the ground floor shall have the provision of one staircase. The special buildings specified in Regulations No.1.3(93)(xiv) shall have two staircases out of which one shall be a fire escape staircase.


They shall be of enclosed type. At least one of them shall be on the external walls of buildings and shall open directly to the exterior, interior open space or to an open place of safety. Further, the provision or otherwise of alternative staircases shall be subject to the requirements of travel distance being complied with.


A staircase shall not be provided around the lift shaft unless provided with a fire stop door of 1-hour rating at every floor level and no other openings in the inside wall as illustrated below.



9.28.8 Width of staircase


The minimum width of staircases/corridors for various buildings shall be as below.


Table No.9-G - Minimum width of staircase

S. NoUse of BuildingMinimum width of staircase (in m.)
1Residential Buildings 
a) Individual Housing up to G + 2 storeys0.75
b) Multi-storied Residential Building upto 15 m. height1.00
c) Multi-storied Residential Building above 15 m. & upto 24 m. height1.20
d) Multi-storied Residential Building above 24 m.height1.50
2Residential Hotel Buildings1.50
3Assembly buildings like auditoriums, theatres, cinemas, multiplexes, Mangal Karyalaya, marriage halls, etc.2.00
4Institutional & Educational Buildings2.00
5All other buildings excluding Sr. No. (1) to (4) above like1.50


Note - Internal staircase for duplex tenements shall be of minimum width 0.75 m. and for mezzanine floor shall be of minimum width 0.90 m.


Rule No. 9.29 Other Requirements of Individual Exit at Each Floor


The detailed requirements in respect of exits shall be as provided in Regulations No.9.29.1

to 9.29.8 given below.


9.29.1  Doorways


i) Every exit doorway shall open into an enclosed stairway or a horizontal exit, or a corridor or passageway providing continuous and protected means of egress:


ii) No exit doorway shall be less than 90 cm. in width except in assembly buildings where door width shall be not less than 200 cm. The doorway shall be not less than 200 cm. in height. Doorways for the bathrooms, water closets or stores shall be not less than 75 cm. wide.


iii) Exit doorways shall open outwards, that is away from the room but shall not obstruct the travel along any exit. No door, when opened shall reduce the required width of stairways or landing to less than 90 cm. Overheads or sliding doors shall not be installed.


iv) Exit door shall not open immediately upon a flight of stairs. A landing equal to at least the width of the door shall be provided in the stairway at each doorway. The level of landing shall be the same as that of the floor which it serves.


v) Exit doorway shall be openable from the side which they serve without the use of a key.


vi) Mirrors shall not be placed in exitways or exit doors to avoid confusion regarding the direction of exit.


9.29.2  Revolving doors


Revolving doors shall not be used as required exits except in residential business and mercantile occupancies but they shall not constitute more than half the total required door width.


9.29.3 Stairways


i) The interior staircase shall be constructed of non-combustible materials throughout.


ii) The interior staircase shall be constructed as a self-contained unit with at least one side to the extent of the required opening adjacent to an external wall and shall be completely enclosed.


iii) Hollow combustible construction shall not be permitted.


iv) The minimum width of the tread without nosing shall be 25 cm. for an internal staircase for residential buildings. In the case of other buildings, the minimum tread shall be 30 cm. The treads shall be constructed and maintained in a manner to prevent slipping.


v) The maximum height of the riser shall be 19 cm. in the case of residential buildings and 15 cm. in the case of other buildings. They shall be limited to 15 per flight.


vi) Handrails shall be provided with a minimum height of 100 cm. from the centre of the tread to the top of the handrails. Balusters/railing shall be provided such that the width of the staircase does not reduce.


vii) Floor indicator - The number of each floor shall be conspicuously painted in figures at least 15 cm. large on the wall facing the flights of a stairway or at such suitable place as is distinctly visible from the flights.


viii) The minimum headroom in a passage under the landing of a staircase shall be 2.2 m.


ix) For special buildings, access to the main staircase shall be gained through at least half an hour fire fire-resisting automatic closing doors placed in the enclosing wall of the staircase. It shall be a swing-type door opening in the direction of the escape.


x) No living space, store or other space including fire risk shall open directly into the staircase.


xi) External exit door of the staircase enclosure at ground level shall open directly to the open spaces or should be reached without passing through any door other than a door provided to form a draught lobby.


xii) In the case of assembly, institutional or residential occupancies or hotels or industrial and hazardous occupancies, the exit sign with an arrow indicating the way to the escape route shall be provided at a height of 0.5 m. from the floor level on the wall and shall be illuminated by electric light connected to corridor circuits. All exit way marking signs should be flushed with the wall and so designed that no mechanical damage shall occur to them due to the moving of furniture or other heavy equipment. Further, all landings of the floor shall have floor-indicating boards prominently indicating the number of floors. The floor indication board shall be placed on the wall immediately facing the flight of stairs and nearest to the landing. It shall be of the size not less than 0.5 m. x 0.5 m.


xiii)  In case of a single staircase, it shall terminate at the ground floor level and the access to the basement shall be by a separate staircase. Whenever the building is served by more than one staircase one of the staircases may lead to the basement level provided the same is separated at ground level by either a ventilated lobby or a cut-off screen wall without opening, having a fire resistance of not less than 2 hours with discharge point at two different ends or through enclosures. It shall also be cut off from the basement areas at various basement levels by a protected and ventilated lobby or lobbies.


9.29.4  Fire escape or external stairs


A fire escape or external stair shall be provided as provided in Regulation No.9.28.7. External stairs, when provided, shall comply with the following :


i) External stairs shall always be kept in sound operable conditions.


ii) All external stairs shall be directly connected to the ground.


iii) Entrance to the external stairs shall be separate and remote from the internal staircase.


iv) Care shall be taken to ensure that no wall opening or window opens on to or close to external stairs.


v) The route to the external stairs shall be free of obstructions at all times.


vi) The external stairs shall be constructed of non-combustible materials, and any doorway leading to it shall have the required fire resistance.


vii) No external staircase, used as a fire escape, shall be inclined at an angle greater than 45 degrees from the horizontal.


viii) External stairs shall have straight flight not less than 1250 mm. wide with 250 mm. treads and risers not more than 190 mm. The number of risers shall be limited to 15 per flight.


ix) Handrails shall be of a height not less than 1000 mm. and not exceeding 1200 mm. There shall be provisions of balusters with a maximum gap of 150 mm.


x) The use of spiral staircases shall be limited to low occupant load and to a building not exceeding 9 m. in height. A spiral staircase shall be not less than 1500 mm. in diameter and shall be designed to give adequate headroom.


xi) An Unprotected steel frame staircase will not be accepted as a means of escape. However, a steel staircase in an enclosed fire-rated compartment of 2 h will be accepted as a means of escape.


xii) The fire escape staircase shall be connected to other staircases through the common passage on every floor.


9.29.5  Corridors and passageways


i) The minimum width of a corridor shall not be less than 75 cm. in the case of 2 storeys row housing residential buildings and 100 cm. in the case of other buildings and the actual width shall be calculated based on the provision of Regulations No.9.28.3 to 9.28.8 (both inclusive)


ii) Where there is more than one staircase serving a building, there shall be at least one smoke-stop door in the space between the staircases.


iii) Exit corridors & passageways shall be of a width not less than the aggregate required width of exit doorways leading from them in the direction of travel of the exterior/stairways.


iv) Where stairways discharge through corridors & passageways the height of the corridors & passageways shall not be less than 2.4 m.


v) All means of exit including staircases, lifts, lobbies & corridors shall be adequately ventilated.


9.29.6  Refuge Area


For buildings more than 24 m. in height, a refuge area of 15 sq.m. or an area equivalent to 0.3 sq.m. per person to accommodate the occupants of two consecutive floors, whichever is higher, shall be provided as under :


The refuge area shall be provided on the periphery of the floor or preferably on a cantilever projection and open to air at least on one side protected with suitable railings.


a) For floors above 24.0 m. and up to 39.0 m. height - One refuge area on the floor immediately above 24.0 m.


b) For floors above 39.0 m height - One refuge area on the floor immediately above 39.0 m. and so on after every 15.0 m.


9.29.7  Lifts and Escalators


i) Lifts :- Provision of lift shall be made as mentioned in Regulation No.9.27.


ii) Escalators :- Escalators may be permitted in addition to required lifts. Such escalators may also be permitted in the atrium area of the buildings.


9.29.8  Fire lift


Where applicable, fire lifts shall be provided with a minimum capacity for 8 passengers and fully automated with an emergency switch on ground level. In general, buildings 15.0 m. in height or above shall be provided with fire lifts. In case of fire, only the fireman shall operate the fire lift. In normal course, it may be used by other persons. Each fire lift shall be equipped with suitable inter-communication equipment for communicating with the control room on the ground floor of the building. The number and location of fire lifts in a building shall be decided after taking into consideration various factors like building population, floor area, compartmentation, etc.


9.29.9  Fire Escape Chutes/controlled Lowering Device for evacuation


i) a) High-rise buildings having a height of more than 70 m. shall necessarily be provided with fire escape chute shaft/s for every wing adjacent to the staircase.


b) Walls of the shaft shall have 4 hours of fire resistance.

c) One side of the shaft shall be at the external face of the building with proper ventilation.

d) The dimension of the shaft shall not be less than 2.5 m. x 1.5 m.

e) The access to the fire escape chute's shaft shall be made at every floor level from the lobby area or from the staircase mid-landing with a self-closing door having fire resistance of at least

one hour.

f) The fire chute shall be of staggered type with landing of each section at the vertical height

of not more than 21.0 m.



ii) High-rise buildings having a height of more than 70.0 m., shall be provided with a fire tower at the landing/mid-landing level with a smoke check lobby with a fireman lift being an integral part of the fire escape staircase or fire evacuation lift (Hydro pneumatic/electrically operated) on the external face of the building having opening within the fire escape staircase at landing/mid-landing level with smoke check lobby as approved by Chief Fire Officer shall be provided.


Note - Both the smoke check lobby and with evacuation lift shall have a positive level difference of a minimum of 75 mm. with respect to the staircase landing or mid-landing level to avoid ingress of water in the fireman lift shaft.


9.29.10 Refuge chute/Garbage Chute -


In residential buildings, Refuge chute/garbage chute may be provided with opening on each floor or on mid-landing. Design and specifications of Refuge chute shall be in accordance with provisions of IS 6924.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 9


Habitable Rooms as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Basements as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Ramp as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Balcony as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Provision of Lift as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Lighting and Ventilation of Room as Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Compound Wall and Other Requirements of Part of Building in UDCPR 2020


Incentive for Green Buildings in UDCPR 2020

Rule No. 7.10  Incentive for Green Buildings


The Authority shall strive to promote green building concepts within the municipal area, (2) CIDCO as Planning Authority by Virtue of NTDA. In order to do so it may impanel agencies of repute as listed/recognized by the State/Central Government. The following incentives shall be provided for green-rated buildings.


i) Green buildings shall be entitled for incentive FSI as below.


GRIHA Three star/IGBC Silver/LEED silver/The ASSOCHAM GEM or equivalent

rating - 3% incentive FSI on basic FSI.


GRIHA Four star/IGBC Gold/LEED Gold /The ASSOCHAM GEM or equivalent rating - 5% incentive FSI on basic FSI.


GRIHA Five star / IGBC Platinum/LEED Platinum/The ASSOCHAM GEM or equivalent rating - 7% incentive FSI on basic FSI.


Achieving minimum GRIHA Three star/IGBC Silver/LEED silver/The ASSOCHAM GEM or equivalent rating for construction projects shall be mandatory for all buildings belonging to Government, semi-government, local bodies, and public sector undertakings.


ii) Incentive FSI will be awarded after pre-certification from the impanelled agency. This FSI shall be exclusive of the limits specified in this UDCPR.


iii) In case the developer fails to achieve a committed rating as per pre-certification at the time of final occupancy, a penalty shall be imposed at the rate 2 times of the land cost as per ASR for the incentive FSI for the rating not achieved.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 7


Rule No. 7.0 in UDCPR 2020


Entitlement of FSI for Road Widening or Construction of New Roads or Surrender of Reserved Land in UDCPR 2020


Development and Redevelopment Of Staff Quarters Of the State Government or Its Statuary Bodies or Planning Authority in UDCPR 2020


Development and Redevelopment of Housing Schemes of Maharashtra Housing Area Development Authority in UDCPR 2020


Redevelopment of Existing Buildings in UDCPR 2020


Development of Housing for EWS and LIG in UDCPR 2020


Regulations for Development of Information Technology Establishment, Data Centers in UDCPR 2020


Regulation for Development of Biotechnology Parks in UDCPR 2020


Buildings of Smart Fin Tech Centre in UDCPR 2020


Commercial Buildings in CBD, Commercial, Residential Zone in Planning Authorities Areas in UDCPR 2020


Redevelopment of Existing Buildings in UDCPR 2020


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 7 is all about Higher FSI for Certain Uses as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra


Rule No. 7.5 Protection of FSI in Redevelopment of Existing Buildings


For redevelopment or reconstruction of existing buildings, the FSI to be allowed shall be FSI permissible under Regulation No.6.1 or 6.3, or the FSI consumed by the existing authorized building including TDR, premium FSI, etc., whichever is more. (Such TDR, Premium FSI, etc. utilized in an existing building shall be treated as authorized consumed FSI entitled for redevelopment.)


Rule No 7.6 Redevelopment of Old Dilapidated/Dangerous Buildings


Reconstruction/Redevelopment in whole or in part of any building which has ceased to exist in consequence of accidental fire/natural collapse or demolition for the reasons of the same having been declared dangerous or dilapidated or unsafe by or under a lawful order of the Authority or building having age of more than 30 years, shall be allowed subject to following conditions.


Rule No. 7.6.1  Redevelopment of Multi-Dwelling Building of Co-Operative Housing Societies/Apartments


i) FSI allowed for redevelopment shall be FSI of existing authorized building and incentive FSI to the extent of 30% of existing built-up area or 15 Sq.m. per tenement, whichever is more. Provided further that if the existing authorized built-up area and incentive thereon as stated above is less than the maximum building potential mentioned in Regulation No.6.1 or 6.3, as the case may be, then society may avail premium FSI/TDR up to the maximum building potential. Such incentive FSI shall not be applicable for the redevelopment of the existing bungalow.


ii) In cases where the carpet area occupied by residential tenement in the existing building is less than the carpet area of 27.87 sq.m. then such tenement shall be entitled for a minimum carpet area of 27.87 sq.m. and the difference of these areas shall be allowed as additional FSI without any premium.


In the case of a non-residential occupier the area to be given in the reconstructed building shall be equivalent to the area occupied in the old building.


iii) This regulation shall be applicable only when existing members of the societies are proposed to be re-accommodated.


iv) If tenanted building/s and building/s of co-operative housing society/non-tenanted building/s coexist on the plot under development, then proportionate land component as per existing authorized built-up area of the existing tenanted building on the plot shall be developed as per Regulation No.7.6.2 below and remainder notional plot shall be developed as per this regulation.


7.6.2 Redevelopment of tenanted buildings


i) The FSI allowed for redevelopment of the building having protected tenants under the relevant provisions of law, shall be FSI permissible under Regulation No.6.1 or 6.3, or the FSI consumed by the existing authorized building including TDR, premium FSI, etc., whichever is more. (Such TDR, Premium FSI, etc. utilized in the existing building shall be treated as a basic FSI for redevelopment.) In addition to this, 50% incentive FSI of the rehab. area required for the rehabilitation of tenants shall be allowed. Provided that rehab. area shall be the authorized utilized area or 27.87 sq.m. carpet area per tenement, whichever is more. In the case of a non-residential occupier, the area to be given in the reconstructed building shall be equivalent to the area occupied in the old building.


Provided that, where such building is partly self-occupied by the owners, then entitlement of such partly area shall be governed by the provisions mentioned in Regulation No.7.6.1 above.


Provided further that, if the existing authorized built-up area and incentive thereon as stated above is less than the maximum building potential mentioned in Regulation No.6.1 or 6.3, as the case may be, then society may avail premium FSI/TDR up to the maximum building potential.

ii) All the eligible tenants of the old building shall be re-accommodated in the redeveloped building.


iii) In case of fire-gutted buildings, conditions of more than 30 years of age of buildings shall not be applicable.


Note :- (applicable for Regulation No.7.6.1 & 7.6.2)


1) For the purpose of deciding the authenticity of the structure if the approved plans of the existing structure are not available, the Authority shall consider other evidence such as Assessment Record City Survey Record, or Sanad.


2) The new building may be permitted to be reconstructed in pursuance of an agreement to be executed on stamp paper by at least 51% of the landlord/occupants in the original building, within the meaning of the Bombay Rents, Hotel and Lodging House Rents Control Act, 1947 or Apartment Act and its related provision and in such agreement provision for accommodation for all occupants in the new building on agreed terms shall be made and a copy of such agreement shall be deposited with the Planning Authority before commencement or undertaking reconstruction of the new buildings.


3) An amount as may be decided by the Government shall be paid by the Owner/Developer/Society as additional Development Cess for the built-up area over and above the Base FSI. A corpus fund as decided by the Authority is to be created by the Developer which will take care of the maintenance of the building for a period of 10 years.



Related Regulations to Rule No. 7


Rule No. 7.0 in UDCPR 2020


Entitlement of FSI for Road Widening or Construction of New Roads or Surrender of Reserved Land in UDCPR 2020


Development and Redevelopment Of Staff Quarters Of the State Government or Its Statuary Bodies or Planning Authority in UDCPR 2020


Development and Redevelopment of Housing Schemes of Maharashtra Housing Area Development Authority in UDCPR 2020


Development of Housing for EWS and LIG in UDCPR 2020


Regulations for Development of Information Technology Establishment, Data Centers in UDCPR 2020


Regulation for Development of Biotechnology Parks in UDCPR 2020


Incentive for Green Buildings in UDCPR 2020


Buildings of Smart Fin Tech Centre in UDCPR 2020


Commercial Buildings in CBD, Commercial, Residential Zone in Planning Authorities Areas in UDCPR 2020


Setback, Marginal, Distance, Height, and Permissible FSI in Gaothan or Congested Area in Maharashtra in UDCPR 2020

For the construction of any building, there is a restriction of floor space to be used. It is called as FSI (Floor space Index). Also, we have to provide distance from the plot boundary which is called as marginal distance or setbacks.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 6 is all about Regulations for FSI & Marginal distance.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas
except for Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station, Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive / Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 6.0 General 


The following regulations shall be applicable for the lands included in the congested areas (or core areas) as shown on the Development Plan. These regulations shall also be applicable for the gaothan areas in Regional Plans (including the areas of Local Bodies and Special Planning Authorities where a Development Plan or Planning Proposal is not sanctioned).


However, in congested areas, if the original land holding is more than 0.40 Hectares, then regulations of non-congested areas, except FSI, shall apply. FSI in such cases shall be as per the Regulation No.6.1.1


Rule No. 6.1 Regulations For Congested Area In Development Plans/Gaothans Of Village Settlements In Metropolitan Region Development Authorities And Regional Plans


(Note - In Nashik Municipal Corporation, the term ‘Core Area’ is synonymous to ‘Congested Area.’)


6.1.1 Residential Buildings/Residential Buildings with mixed-use 


i) Floor Space Index :-

The maximum permissible basic floor space index, FSI on payment of premium, and permissible TDR loading shall be as per the following Table No.6-A.

Note for Table No.6-A :

1) In addition to what is mentioned in Table No.6-A, ancillary area FSI up to the extent of 60% of the proposed FSI in the development permission (including Basic FSI, Premium FSI, TDR but excluding the area covered in Regulation No.6.8) shall be allowed with the payment of premium at the rate as specified below on the land rate in Annual Statement of Rates of the said land without considering the guidelines therein. This shall be applicable to all buildings in all zones.


Sr.NoAuthority/AreaRate of Premium
1Pune and Thane Municipal Corporation15%
2Nagpur, Nashik Municipal Corporation and Municipal Corporations in M.M.R (except Thane) and Metropolitan Development Authority are and CIDCO as Planning Authority by virtue of NTDA10%
3All other Municipal Corporations10%
4Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and R.P. area10%


Provided that in case of non-residential use, the extent of ancillary area FSI shall be upto 80%. No separate calculation shall be required to be done for this ancillary area FSI. Entire FSI in the development permission shall be calculated and shall be measured with reference to permissible FSI, premium FSI, TDR, and additional FSI including ancillary area FSI added therein.


Provided further that, the above-mentioned rates shall not exceed the rate of premium mentioned in column 4 of Rule 7-A under Chapter - 7 where the development permission is sought for the uses mentioned in the said table.

Provided further that, this ancillary area FSI shall apply to all other schemes like TOD, PMAY, ITP, IT, MHADA, etc. except (1) the Rehabilitation component in SRA. In the result, free of FSI items in the said schemes, if any, other than those mentioned in UDCPR, shall stand deleted.

2) All notes mentioned below Table 6-G of Regulation No.6.3 shall be applicable, mutatis- mutandis. 

3) Utilization of ancillary area FSI is optional. It can be used fully/partly.

4) In the case of the composite building of mixed users premium and ancillary area, FSI shall be on a prorated basis.


Table No. 6-A

Sr.No.Road width in meterBasic FSIFor all Municipal Corporations and (2) CIDCO as Planning Authority by Virtue of NTDAFor remaining authorities/areas
   FSI on payment of premiumMaximum permissible TDR loadingMaximum building potential on plotFSI on payment of premiumMaximum permissible TDR loadingMaximum building potential on plot
1Below 9.0 m.1.50--1.50--1.50
29.0 m. and below 18.0 m2.000.300.302.600.300.102.40
318.0 m. and below 30.0 m.2.000.300.502.800.300.202.50
430.0 m. and above2.000.300.703.000.300.202.50


ii) Front Marginal Distances/Setback/Roadside Margin/s in Congested Area


The minimum front setback from the existing or proposed road/roads shall be as per the following Table No.6-B.


Table No.6-B

Sr. No.

Table No.6-B

Road width

For Residential buildingFor Residential Buildings with mixed-use
(i)For streets/lanes less than 4.5 m. width2.25 m. from the center of the street/lane2.25 m. + 1.50 m. from the center of the street/lane
(ii)For streets 4.5 m. to less than 6.0 m. in widthNIL1.50 m.
(iii)For streets 6.0 m. to less than 12.0 m. in width1.00 m.2.00 m.
(iv)For streets 12.0 m. in width and above2.00 m.2.50 m.


iii) Side and Rear Marginal Distances in Congested Areas


The minimum side and rear marginal distances shall be as per the following Table No.6-C.


Table No.6-C
Plot AreaSideRear
Up to 1000 sq.m0.000.00
Above 1000 & up to 4000 sq.m1.00 m1.00 m
Above 4000 sq.mAs per Regulation for non-congested area

Note :-

1) For light and ventilation, provisions about interior & exterior chowks shall apply.

2) Irrespective of the area of a plot, if the width thereof is 7.0 m. or less, then the side margin
shall be nil.

iv) For the lanes having a width less than 4.5 m. abutting to any side of the plot, a setback of 2.25 m. from the center of the lane shall be provided to make such lane 4.5 m. wide. No projections shall be permissible on such a widened lane.

v) Excepting the FSI and its maximum loading limit & marginal distances as prescribed above, all other regulations shall be applicable for development permission in congested areas.

vi) Height : Above setback and marginal distances shall be applicable for buildings less than 15.0 m. in height. Marginal distances shall be increased by 1.0 m. for buildings having a height of 15.0 m. and more but less than 24.0 m. For buildings having a height of 24.0 m. and more, marginal distances shall be as per regulations of the non-congested area.

6.1.2 Other buildings like Public/Semi-Public, Educational, Medical, Institutional, Commercial, Mercantile, etc.

(a) Floor Space Index - The FSI permissible for these buildings shall be as per Regulation No.6.1.1.

(b) Marginal Distances - For these buildings marginal distances shall be 3.0 m. on all sides including front up to 24.0 m. height.

Provided that for building more than 24.0 m. height, regulations of non-congested areas shall apply.

Provided further that, for buildings like cinema theatres, multiplex, assembly buildings, shopping malls, etc., regulations for outside congested areas, except FSI, shall apply.



Pathway for access to the internal building or interior part of the building shall not be less than 3.6 m. in width.



Front setback (marginal distance) as prescribed under the highway or any other rules shall be applicable if they are over and above as prescribed in these regulations.



Rule No. 6.6 Calculation Of Built-Up Area For The Purposes Of FSI


The outer periphery of the construction floor-wise (P-line), including everything but excluding ducts, voids, and items in Regulation No. 6.8, shall be calculated for the purpose of computation of FSI. The open balcony, double-height terraces, and cupboard shall also be included in the P-line of the respective floor, irrespective of its use/function. If part of the stilt, podium, or basement is proposed for habitation purposes or for the construction that is counted in FSI, then such construction shall also be measured in the P-line on that respective floor.



Related Regulations to Rule No.6 - 


You can visit our other blogs on regulations through the below-mentioned links:


What are the Regulations for Height of Building in UDCPR 2020?


What is the Calculation of FSI Pline and its exemption in UDCPR 2020?


What are the Projections allowed in Front and Side Margin as per UDCPR 2020?


Industrial Building Regulations of FSI, Marginal Distances and Plot Area in UDCPR 2020


Regulations for Permissible FSI in Non Congested Area In Maharashtra in UDCPR 2020


What are the Setback, Marginal, Distance, Height in Non Congested Area in Maharashtra in UDCPR 2020