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Incentive for Green Buildings in UDCPR 2020

Rule No. 7.10  Incentive for Green Buildings


The Authority shall strive to promote green building concepts within the municipal area, (2) CIDCO as Planning Authority by Virtue of NTDA. In order to do so it may impanel agencies of repute as listed/recognized by the State/Central Government. The following incentives shall be provided for green-rated buildings.


i) Green buildings shall be entitled for incentive FSI as below.


GRIHA Three star/IGBC Silver/LEED silver/The ASSOCHAM GEM or equivalent

rating - 3% incentive FSI on basic FSI.


GRIHA Four star/IGBC Gold/LEED Gold /The ASSOCHAM GEM or equivalent rating - 5% incentive FSI on basic FSI.


GRIHA Five star / IGBC Platinum/LEED Platinum/The ASSOCHAM GEM or equivalent rating - 7% incentive FSI on basic FSI.


Achieving minimum GRIHA Three star/IGBC Silver/LEED silver/The ASSOCHAM GEM or equivalent rating for construction projects shall be mandatory for all buildings belonging to Government, semi-government, local bodies, and public sector undertakings.


ii) Incentive FSI will be awarded after pre-certification from the impanelled agency. This FSI shall be exclusive of the limits specified in this UDCPR.


iii) In case the developer fails to achieve a committed rating as per pre-certification at the time of final occupancy, a penalty shall be imposed at the rate 2 times of the land cost as per ASR for the incentive FSI for the rating not achieved.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 7


Rule No. 7.0 in UDCPR 2020


Entitlement of FSI for Road Widening or Construction of New Roads or Surrender of Reserved Land in UDCPR 2020


Development and Redevelopment Of Staff Quarters Of the State Government or Its Statuary Bodies or Planning Authority in UDCPR 2020


Development and Redevelopment of Housing Schemes of Maharashtra Housing Area Development Authority in UDCPR 2020


Redevelopment of Existing Buildings in UDCPR 2020


Development of Housing for EWS and LIG in UDCPR 2020


Regulations for Development of Information Technology Establishment, Data Centers in UDCPR 2020


Regulation for Development of Biotechnology Parks in UDCPR 2020


Buildings of Smart Fin Tech Centre in UDCPR 2020


Commercial Buildings in CBD, Commercial, Residential Zone in Planning Authorities Areas in UDCPR 2020


Conservation of Heritage Buildings, Precints, Natural Features in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 14 is all about the Special Schemes as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 14.5 Conservation of Heritage Buildings, Precints, Natural Features


14.5.1 Applicability


This regulation will apply to heritage sites which means, artefacts, structures, areas and precincts of historic and/or architectural and/or cultural significance (hereinafter as ‘Listed Buildings/Heritage Buildings and Listed Precincts / Heritage Precincts’’) and those natural features of environmental significance including scared graves, hills, hillocks, water bodies (and the areas adjoining the same) etc. within the areas of Planning Authorities and Regional Plan.


14.5.2 Preparation of List of Heritage Buildings, Heritage Precincts and Natural Features


The Authority on the advice of the Heritage Committee shall prepare a heritage list and shall issue a public notice in the local newspapers declaring its intention to include the buildings or modify such list of buildings, structures artefacts, areas and precincts of historic and /or cultural significance and the list of natural features of environmental significance, including sacred groves, hills, hillocks, water bodies etc. and invite objections and suggestions from any person in respect of the proposed inclusion within a period of 30 days from the date of such notice.


While preparing the list, the authority shall strictly ensure that such structure/precinct has heritage value and is liable for inclusion in the list in view of its national, regional, or local importance as specified in Regulation No.14.5.8. The structure/precinct which does not comply the requirements specified in the said regulation shall not be included in the list. Generally, the following aspects shall be ascertained while preparing the list.


a) Its value for architectural, historical or cultural reasons.

b) The date and/or period and/or design and/or unique use of the building or artefact. 


c) Relevance to social or economic history.


d) Association with well-known persons or events.


e) A building or groups of buildings and/or areas of a distinct architectural design and/or style, historic period or way of life having sociological interest and/or community value.


f) The unique value of a building or architectural features or artefact and/or being part of a chain of architectural development that would be broken if it were lost.


g) Its value as a part of a group of buildings. 


h) Representing forms of technological development.


i) Vistas of natural/scenic beauty or interest, including waterfront areas, distinctive and/or planned lines of sight, street lines, skyline or topographical features.


j) Open spaces are sometimes integrally planned with their associated areas having a distinctive way of life and for which they have the potential to be areas of recreation.


k) Industrial sites of historical interest. 


l) Archaeological sites.


m) Natural heritage sites. 


n) Sites of scenic beauty.


All such heritage structures shall be documented in the Heritage List Card as given in Appendix-L and the Heritage List Card shall be duly authenticated by the authorised heritage conservationist upon his site visit, stating the significance of the heritage site for its appropriate grading.


The Authority shall issue notice to the owner of the buildings, artifacts, areas and precincts of historic and/or cultural significance etc. and invite objections and suggestions from such person in respect of proposed inclusion within 30 days from the date of such notice.


The Authority, in respect of any objections or suggestions, shall decide the same after giving a hearing to such persons and send the list as finalised by him to the State Government for approval. The State Government may sanction the said heritage list with modification, if required. This list will be called the Final Heritage List. For this, modification under section 37 or 20 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966, need not be necessary.


Thereafter, the Authority may amend the Final Heritage List from time to time as and when required, on the advice of the Heritage Committee. In such case, it shall not be necessary to follow the procedure under Section 37 or Section 20 of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act of 1966, but the procedure as laid down above in this regulation shall be followed.


The heritage lists which have been approved by the Government before coming into force these regulations, shall remain valid and shall be the part of these regulations.


14.5.3  Restriction on development, Redevelopment/repairs etc.


No development or redevelopment or engineering operations or addition, repairs, renovation including the painting of buildings, replacement of special features or plastering or demolition of any part thereof of the said listed buildings, or listed precincts or listed natural features shall be allowed except with the prior written permission of the Authority. Before granting any such permission, the Authority shall consult the Heritage Conservation Committee to be appointed by the State Government (hereinafter referred to as ‘the said Heritage Conservation Committee’) and shall act on the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee.


Provided that before granting any permission for demolition or major alterations/additions to listed buildings (or buildings within listed precincts) objections and suggestions from the public shall be invited and duly considered by the Heritage Conservation Committee.
Provided that, in exceptional cases for reasons to be recorded in writing the Authority may overrule the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee.


Provided further that the power to overrule the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee shall not be delegated by the Authority to any other officer.


If the application for development, alteration, modification of the Heritage precincts or listed building is rejected under this regulation or while granting such permission any conditions are imposed on the owner which deprives him to use the FSI, the said owner shall be compensated by grant of Development Right Certificate.


14.5.4 Incentive Uses for Heritage Buildings


After the commencement of this Regulation, the Heritage Precincts or the Listed Buildings shall not be permitted to be used for any commercial or office purpose except with the concurrence of the Heritage Conservation Committee. However, in cases of buildings included in the Heritage Conservation List, if the owner/owners agree to maintain the listed Heritage Building in an ideal state of preservation with due repairs/restorations and if the owner/owners give a written undertaking to that effect, may be allowed by the Authority in consultation with Heritage Conservation Committee to convert part or the whole of the building to commercial/office use/any other different use that is beneficial to the preservation of the same Provided that, if the heritage building is not maintained suitably or if the heritage value of the building is allowed to be spoiled in any manner, the Authority shall withdraw the permission forthwith.


14.5.5 Grant of Transferable Development Rights to Owners / Lessees of Heritage Buildings / Heritage Precincts


If the owner is deprived of using permissible FSI on the said plot or development permission is granted to him with conditions which deprive him of use of permissible FSI, then he shall be entitled for TDR as decided by the Authority in consultation with Heritage Conservation Committee. The utilization of this TDR shall be as per TDR Regulation.


14.5.6 Maintaining Skyline


The building included in the heritage precinct shall maintain the skyline, roof profile, built form edges, and respect the architectural style (without any high-rise development) as may be existing in the surrounding area, so as not to diminish or destroy the value and beauty of the said heritage building/heritage precinct. The development within the precinct shall be in accordance with the guidelines framed by the Authority on the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee.


14.5.7 Restrictive Covenants


Covenants, terms and conditions, imposed under Regulations existing as of the date of this Regulation, on the leasehold plots either by the State Government or by the Planning Authority, shall continue to be imposed, in addition to the UDCPR. However, in case of any conflict with the heritage preservation interest/environmental conservation and the said Development Control and Promotion Regulations, this heritage regulation shall prevail.


14.5.8  Grading of the Listed Buildings/Listed Precincts


Grade - IGrade - IIGrade - III
(A) Definitions
Heritage Grade - I comprises Buildings and precincts of National or Historic importance, excellence in architectural style, design technology and material usage and / or aesthetics; associated with a great historic event, personality, movement or institution. They have been and are the prime landmarks of the city and of National importance.Heritage Grade - II (A and B) comprises buildings and precincts of Regional importance, possessing special architectural or aesthetic merit, or cultural or historical significance though of a lower scale than Heritage Grade - I. They are local landmarks, which contribute to the image and identity of the region. They may be the work of master craftsmen or may be models of proportion and ornamentation or designed to suit a particular climate.Heritage Grade - III comprises buildings and precincts of local importance for townscape, they evoke architectural, aesthetic, or sociological interest though not as in Heritage Grade - II. These contribute to determining the character of the locality and can be representative of the lifestyle of a particular community or region and, may also be distinguished by setting on a street line or special character of the façade and uniformity of height width and scale.
(B) Objective
Heritage Grade - I richly deserve careful preservation.Heritage Grade - II deserves intelligent conservation.Heritage Grade - III deserves intelligent conservation (though on a lesser scale than Grade - II and special protection to unique features and attributes.)
(C) Scope for Change
No interventions be permitted either on exterior or interior unless it is necessary in the interest of strengthening and prolonging the life of the buildings or precincts or any part of features thereof. For this purpose absolutely essential and minimum changes would be allowed and they must be in accordance with the original. Repairs shall be with the use of like to like material.

Grade - II (A)

Internal changes and adaptive reuse and external changes may by and large be allowed but subject to strict scrutiny. Care would be taken to ensure the conservation of all special aspects for which it is included in Heritage Grade - II 


Grade - II (B)

In addition to the above, extension of an Additional building in the same plot or compound, in certain circumstances be allowed, provided that, the extension / additional building is in harmony with (and does not detract from) the existing heritage buildings or precincts, especially in terms of height, and facade.

External, and internal changes and adaptive reuse would by and large be allowed. Changes can include extensions, and additional buildings in the same plot or compound. However any changes should be such that they do not detract from the existing heritage building/precinct.
(D) Procedure
Development permission for the changes would be given by the Authority on the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee.Development permission for the changes/additional construction would be given by the Authority on the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee.Development permission for the changes/additional construction would be given by the Authority on the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee.
(E) Vistas/Surrounding Development
All developments in areas surrounding Heritage Grade - I shall be regulated and controlled by ensuring that it does not mark the grandeur of or view from Heritage Grade - I  


14.5.9 Signs and Outdoor Display Structures


No display or advertising signs and outdoor display structures on the listed buildings and/or the Heritage Precincts shall be permitted except in accordance with part X (sign and outdoor display structure) National Building Code of India.


Prohibition of advertising signs and outdoor display structures in certain cases :

Notwithstanding the provisions mentioned above no advertising sign or outdoor display structures shall be permitted on buildings of architectural, aesthetic, historic or heritage importance as may be decided by the Authority, Committee or also on Government buildings, save that in the case of Government buildings only such advertising signs or outdoor display structures may be permitted that relate to the activities of the said buildings and related programs.


Provided that, if the Heritage Conservation Committee so advises, the Authority shall refuse permission for any sign or outdoor display structure.


14.5.10 Composition of Heritage Conservation Committee


There shall be a Heritage Conservation Committee for the areas within the jurisdiction of the Planning Authority and Regional Plan area. This Committee shall be constituted by the Government in consultation with the Authority. The committee shall comprise of the following members:-


i)Chairman Appointed by the GovernmentChairman

Joint Director of Town Planning of the Concerned Division
(For the areas excluding Municipal Council and Regional Plan area)

(Assistant Director of Town Planning of the District for Municipal Councils)

iii)Divisional/District Officer of Archaeological Survey of IndiaMember
iv)Divisional/District Officer of Archaeological Survey of MaharashtraMember
v)Convenor, INTACH Local ChapterMember
vi)Heritage Conservation Architect having more than 10 years of experience and membership of the Council of ArchitectureMember
vii)Historians having experience of more than 10 years in the field of History.Member
viii)Structural Engineer having experience of more than 10 years and a member of the Institute of Engineers.Member
ix)City Engineer (Planning Authority)/Chief Planner (Metropolitan Authority or SPA or NTDA)/Chief Officer (Municipal Council)/Assistant Director of Town Planning of the District (Regional Plan area)Member Secretary


The tenure of the Chairman and Members of categories (vi) to (viii) above shall change after every three years provided however that, the same person shall be eligible for re-appointment as Member.


The Heritage Conservation Committee shall come into existence with effect from the date of its publication in the official Gazette. However, Heritage Committees constituted by the Government before coming into force of these regulation, shall remain in operation till further period as may be specified.


No act of the Committee done in good faith, shall be deemed to be invalid by reason only of some defect subsequently discovered in the organization of the Committee or in the Constitution of the Committee or in the appointment of the Member or on the ground that such member was disqualified for being appointed.


The Chairman and in his absence, the chosen Member of the Committee shall preside over the meeting of the Committee.


14.5.11 The Terms of reference of the Committee :-


i) To advise whether development permission should be granted under this Regulation and the conditions of such permission.


ii) To prepare a list or supplementary list of buildings, artefacts, structures, areas/ precincts of historic, aesthetic, architectural, and cultural significance and a supplementary list of natural features of environmental significance including sacred groves, hills, hillocks etc., water bodies (and the areas adjoining the same) to which this regulation would apply.


iii) To advise whether any relaxation, modification, alteration, or variance of any of the Development Control and Promotion Regulations is called for.


iv) To suggest amendments, changes or special regulations or modifications to regulations for listed buildings and the heritage precincts regulated under these regulations


v) To advise on the extent of Development Rights to be granted to the owners of listed Buildings or Heritage Precincts.


vi) To advise whether development Rights Certificates may be allowed to be consumed in a heritage precinct.


vii) To advise whether to allow commercial/office users of any listed building of Heritage Precincts and when to terminate the same.


viii) To advise on the erection of outside advertisements/billboards.


ix) To recommend guidelines to be adopted by those private parties or any other agency, that sponsors beautification schemes at public intersections and elsewhere.


x)  To advise on the cost of repairs to be given to the owners to bring the existing building back to its original condition. For this purpose, the Committee may suggest ways to raise funds through private sources.


xi) To advise on special designs and elements and guidelines for listed buildings and control of height and essential façade characteristics such as maintenance of the buildings and to suggest suitable design adopting new materials for replacements, keeping the old form intact to the extent possible.


xii) To advise on preparation of guideline relating to design elements and conservation principles to be adhered to and to advise on other guideline for the purpose of this regulation.


xiii) To consider any other issue as may be required from time to time during course of scrutiny of development permissions and in overall interest of heritage / environmental conservation.


In the absence of a Heritage Conservation Committee, the Authority shall consult the Government before giving such permission.


14.5.12 Heritage Conservation Fund


i) Heritage buildings included in the said list shall be maintained by the owners of the said buildings themselves, with a view to giving monetary help for such maintenance/repairs a separate fund may be created which would be kept at the disposal of the Authority, who will utilise these funds on the advice of the Heritage Conservation Committee. The Authority may, in such cases disburse an appropriate amount to the owner or may get maintenance/ repair work done through the Planning Authority/Collector.


ii)  2% of total development charges collected shall be transferred to the Heritage Conservation Fund.


iii) The fund may also be used to support the cost of listing of heritage sites and cost towards expert guidance and fees for architects, engineers and other experts.


iv) The Authority shall have the right to remove any unauthorized construction in the property enlisted as a heritage property and recover the expenses of such removal/ demolition work from the owner as per provisions of the Act.


v)  The Authority shall have the right to enter into any such heritage property to repair such property to avoid any damage or injury, and the amount shall be spent from the Heritage Conservation Fund and shall be recovered from the owner as arrears of taxes due to the Authority.


vi)  If a Heritage structure listed in Grade - I needs conservation, preservation and immediate repairs and if the structure is affected due to vandalism by the occupier/owner, then the Authority shall have the right to acquire such heritage property and conserve its heritage value.


Related Regulations


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 14 through the below-mentioned links:


Integrated Logistic Park (ILP) in UDCPR 2020


Industrial Township under Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing Policy in UDCPR 2020


Development of Tourism and Hospitality Services under Community Nature Conservancy around Wild Life Sanctuaries and National Park in UDCPR 2020


Slum Rehabilitation Scheme for Other Municipal Corporations in UDCPR 2020


Slum Rehabilitation for Pune, PCMC, PCNTDA, and Nagpur in UDCPR 2020


Urban Renewal Scheme in UDCPR 2020


Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana in UDCPR 2020


Integrated Information Technology Township (IITP) in UDCPR 2020


Affordable Housing Scheme in UDCPR 2020


Integrated Township Project (ITP) in UDCPR 2020


Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in UDCPR 2020


Procedure for Obtaining Development Permission, Building Permission, Commencement Certificate in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 2 is all about Development Permission and Commencement Certificate as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 2.2 Procedure for Obtaining Development Permission/Building Permission/Commencement Certificate


2.2.1 Notice/Application


Every person who intends to carry out development or redevelopment, erect or re-erect or make alterations in any place in a building or demolish any building, shall give notice/application in writing, through a registered Architect, Town Planner or Licensed Engineer/Supervisor, to the Authority of his said intention in the prescribed form (See Appendix AI or A2). It will be mandatory to submit complete information in the form accompanied with Appendix A-1 and A-2. Such notice shall be accompanied by the payment receipt of the required scrutiny fee and any other fee/charges prescribed by the Authority from time to time and the plans and statements in sufficient copies (See Regulation No.2.2.2), and as per the requirements under Regulation No. 2.2.2 to One set of plans shall be retained in the office of the Authority for a record after the issue of permission or refusal. The plans may be submitted in electronic form as may be specified by the Authority from time to time. The Authority may set a date after which all submissions, approvals and communication in regard to development permission shall be online.


2.2.2 Information Accompanying Notice/Application


The Notice/Application shall be accompanied by the ownership title, key (location) plan, site plan, sub-division layout plan/ building plan, plans for services, specifications, and certificate of supervision, etc., as prescribed in these regulations. Ordinarily, four copies of plans and statements shall be made available along with the notice; however, the number of such copies required shall be as decided by the Authority.


2.2.3 Ownership title and area


Every application for development permission and commencement certificate shall be accompanied by the following documents for verifying the ownership and area, etc. of the land -


i) Latest 7/12 extracts or property register card of a date not earlier than six months before the date of submission of a development proposal, power of attorney, wherever applicable, or attested copy of lease deed of the concerned lessor authority, enabling ownership of the document. In the case of Ulhasnagar, a conveyance deed and/or sanad issued by the Revenue Authority may also be considered.


ii) Original measurement plan/city survey sheet of the land or lands under development proposal issued by the Land Record Department.


Provided that, where the City Survey of the whole Gaothan area is not done by the City Survey Department, in that case, the measurement plan authenticated by the Architect having signatures of adjacent plots/landholders may be acceptable.


iii) Statement of the area of the holding by triangulation method/CADD (Computer-Aided Design and Drafting Software) from the qualified licensed technical personnel or architect with an affidavit from the owner regarding the area in the form prescribed by the Authority.


iv) Any other document prescribed by the Authority.


v) In case of revised permission, wherever third party interest is created by way of registered agreement to sale or lease, etc. of the apartment, consent of such interested party/persons as specified under the RERA Act shall be submitted.


vi) A self-attested copy of sub-division/amalgamation/layout of land approved by the concerned authority, if any.


vii) In the case of land leased by the Government or Local Authorities, No Objection Certificate of Government or such Authorities shall be obtained if there is deviation from lease conditions and shall be attached to the application for development permission in respect of such land. Such No Objection Certificate shall also be necessary, where, the development proposal proposes to utilize FSI more than mentioned in the lease deed.


2.2.4 Key Plan or Location Plan


The key plan drawn to a scale of not less than 1:4000 shall be submitted along with the application for a Building Permit and Commencement Certificate showing the boundary locations of the site with respect to neighborhood landmarks or features within the radius of 200 m. from the site whichever is more.




(a) Sub-division/Layout plan


In the case of the development of land, the notice shall be accompanied by the sub-division / layout plan which shall be drawn to a scale of not less than 1:500, however, for layout having areas 4.0 ha. and above, the plan shall be drawn at a scale of not less than 1:1000, containing the following :-


i) Scale including a graphical scale used and north point


ii) The location within the land of all proposed and existing roads with their existing/proposed widths and all the proposals of the Development Plan / Town Planning Scheme, if any


iii)  Dimension of plots


iv)  The location of drains, sewers, public facilities and services, electrical lines, Natural watercourses, water bodies and streams, etc.


v)  Table indicating size, area, and use of all plots in the sub-division/layout plan.


vi)  The statement indicating the total area of the site, area utilized under roads, recreational open spaces, playground, amenity space, and development plan reservation/roads, schools, shopping, and other public places along with their percentage with reference to the total area of the site proposed to be sub-divided/laid out.


vii)  In the case of plots that are sub-divided in built-up areas in addition to the above, the means of access to each sub-divided plot is from existing streets.


viii) Contour plan of the site, wherever necessary.


(b) Amalgamation Plan


Where two or more plots/holdings of the same or different owners are to be amalgamated, an amalgamation plan showing such amalgamation drawn to a scale of not less than 1:500 shall accompany the application. Instead of submitting a separate plan, such amalgamation may be allowed to be shown on the building/layout plan itself.


2.2.6  Site Plan


The site plan shall be submitted with an application for building permission drawn to a scale of 1:500 or more as may be decided by the Authority. This plan shall be based on the measurement plan duly authenticated by the appropriate officer of the Department of Land Records. This plan shall have the following details :-


i) Boundaries of the site and of any contiguous land belonging to the neighboring owners.


ii) Position of the site in relation to neighboring streets.


iii) Name of the street, if any, from which the building is proposed to derive access.


iv) All existing buildings contained in the site with their names (where the buildings are given names) and their property numbers.


v) Position of the building and of other buildings, if any, which the applicant intends to erect, upon his contiguous land referred to in (i) above.


vi) Boundaries of the site and, in a case where the site has been partitioned, boundaries of the portions owned by others.


vii) All adjacent streets, buildings (with a number of storey and heights), and premises within a distance of 12.0 m. of the work site and of the contiguous land (if any) referred to in (i). If there is no street within a distance of 12.0 m. of the site, the nearest existing street with its name.


viii) Means of access from the street to the building and to all other buildings (if any) which the applicant intends to erect upon.


ix) Space is to be left around the building to secure free circulation of air, admission of light, and access.


x) The width of the street (if any) in front and the street (if any) at the side or near of the building, including proposed roads.


xi) The direction of the north line relative to the plan of the building.


xii) Any existing physical features, such as wells, tanks, drains, pipelines, high tension lines, railway lines, trees, etc.


xiii) Overhead electric supply lines, if any, including space for electrical transformer/substation according to these Regulations or as per the requirements of the electric distribution company.


xiv) Any water course existing on-site or adjacent to the site.


xv)  Existing alignments of water supply and drainage lines.


xvi)  Such other particulars as may be prescribed by the Authority.


2.2.7  Building plan


The plans of the buildings and elevation and section to be sent with the application accompanying the notice shall be drawn to a scale of 1:100. The building plan shall :


i)  Include floor plans of all floors together with the built-up area clearly indicating the sizes of rooms and the position and width of the staircase, ramps and other exit ways, lift wells, lift machine room and lift pit details, meter room, and electric sub-station and also include a ground floor plan as well as basement plan and shall indicate the details of parking space and loading and unloading spaces provided around and within the building as also the access ways and the appurtenant open spaces with projections in dotted lines, distance from any building existing on the plot in figured dimensions along with the accessory building. These plans will also contain the details of FSI calculations.


ii) Show the statement of the carpet area of every apartment or any unit along with areas of balconies and double-height terraces, if any, attached to the said unit.


iii) Show the use or occupancy of all parts of the buildings.


iv) Show the exact location of essential services, such as water closet (W.C.), bath, sink and the like;


v) Include sectional drawings showing clearly the thickness of the basement wall, wall construction, size and spacing of framing members, floors, slabs, and roof slabs with the materials. The section shall indicate the height of the building, rooms and parapet, drainage, and slope of the roof. At least one section should be taken through the staircase.


vi) Show relative levels of street


vii) Give dimensions of the projected portion beyond the permissible building line.


viii) Include a terrace plan indicating the drainage and the slope of the roof.


ix) Give an indication of the north line relative to the plan


x) Details of parking spaces provided


xi) Give dimensions and details of doors, windows, and ventilators


xii) Give the area statement with a detailed calculation chart of each floor of the building or area as per the periphery line of construction (P-line) excluding ducts and voids.


xiii)  Show the pump rooms, rainwater harvesting system, and sewage treatment plant, if any.


xiv) Certificate of Structural Engineer about structural and earthquake safety in case of the building above G + 2 or stilt + 2 structure.


xv) Give such other particulars as may be required to explain the proposal clearly as prescribed by the Authority.


2.2.8 Building Plans for Special Buildings


The following additional information shall be furnished/indicated in the Building Plans in addition to the items (i) to (xv) of Regulation No.2.2.7;


a) Access to fire appliances/vehicles with details of vehicular turning circle and clear motorable access way around the building of a minimum of 6.0 m. width;


b) Size (width) of main and alternate staircases, wherever necessary, along with balcony approach, corridor, and ventilated lobby approach.


c) Location and details of lift enclosures.


d) Location and size of fire lift.


e) Smoke stop lobby/door, where provided.


f) Refuge chutes, refuse chamber, service duct, etc.


g) Vehicular parking spaces.


h) Refuge area, if any;


i) Details of Building Services :- Air-conditioning system with the position of fire dampers, mechanical ventilation system, electrical services, boilers, gas pipes, etc. 


j) Details of exits including the provision of ramps, etc. for hospitals and buildings requiring special fire protection measures.


k) Location of the generator, transformer, and switch gear room.


l) Smoke exhauster system, if any;


m) Details of the fire alarm system network


n) Location of centralized control, connecting all fire alarm systems, built-in fire protection arrangements and public address system, etc.


o) Location and dimensions of static water storage tank and pump room along with fire service inlets for mobile pump and water storage tank.


p) Location and details of fixed fire protection installations such as sprinklers, wet risers, hose reels, drenchers, C02 installation, etc.


q) Location and details of first aid, fire-fighting equipment/installations


r) Certificate of a structural engineer in structural and earthquake safety


s) Clearance certificate from the Chief Fire Officer of the Authority or Director of Fire services, as the case may be.


2.2.9 Service plan


Plans, elevations, and sections of water/grey-water supply, sewage disposal system, and details of building services, where required by the Authority, shall be made available on a scale not less than 1:100 and for layouts 1:1000.


2.2.10 Supervision


The notice shall be further accompanied by a certificate of supervision in the prescribed form as given in Appendix B, by the Architect/Licensed Engineer/Supervisor/Town Planner, as the case may be. In the event of the said licensed technical personnel ceasing to be employed for the development work, further development work shall stand suspended till a new licensed technical person is appointed.


2.2.11 Clearance from Other Departments


In case of development/construction of buildings requiring clearance from the Authorities of Civil Aviation Authority, Railways, Directorate of Industries, Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, District Magistrate, Inspectorate of Boilers and Smoke Nuisance, Defence Department, Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority, Archaeological Department etc., the relevant No Objection Certificates from these Authorities, whichever applicable, shall also accompany the application, where such information is not received by the authority as mentioned in Regulation No.3.1.13.


In the case of the building identified in Regulation No.1.3(93)(xiv), the building scheme shall also be cleared by the Fire Officer of the Authority or in the absence of such Officer, by the Director of Maharashtra Fire Services or an Officer authorized by him.


2.2.12 Building/Layout Permission Scrutiny Fee

The notice shall be accompanied by a self-attested copy of the receipt of payment of the building/layout permission Scrutiny Fee. These fees shall be as mentioned below and shall be subject to Government orders, if any. Provided that such fees are not applicable to the development proposals implemented by Government /Government departments or public authorities of state or central government.


Sr. No.Type of AuthorityScrutiny fee for plotted LayoutScrutiny fee for Building Constructions.
1For Pune, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Nagpur, Nashik, Municipal Corporations in MMR and Metropolitan Authorities area. (2) Special Planning Authorities, NTDA, and ADA within these areas.Rs. 2,000/- per 0.4 hectors or part thereofRs. 5/- Per Sq.m. of built-up area.
2Remaining all Municipal Corporations area, A Class Municipal Councils and Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Plan area. and municipal corporations in the MMR and metropolitan authorities area,Rs. 1,500/- per 0.4 hectors or part thereofRs. 4/- Per Sq.m. of built-up area.
3B and C Class Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats, Non Municipal Council D.P., and Regional Plan areas.Rs. 500/- per 0.4 hectares or part thereof.Rs. 2/- Per Sq.m. of built-up area.


Note -


i)  No scrutiny fee shall be levied if the proposal is received after compliance of the objections raised by the authority.


ii) In case of revised permission, the scrutiny fee shall be applicable.


iii) In case of revised permission, where additional development work is proposed without

disturbing the already approved development work, then the scrutiny fee shall be levied for

additional development work.


iv) The charges mentioned above may be revised by the Authority with prior approval of the



v) The charges mentioned above shall also be subject to Government orders from time to



2.2.13 Development Charges


Development charges as required under Section 124 A (1) to 124 L of the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 shall be deposited with the Authority before issue of development permission/commencement certificate. Such charges shall be calculated for the area of each land parcel included in the development permission, considering the rates in ASR and provisions mentioned in the said Act.


Provided that,


i) In case of revised permission, where no development is carried out in pursuance of the earlier permission and permission is lapsed, the amount of difference of development charges, if any, shall be levied and recovered.


ii) In case of revised permission, where development is commenced in pursuance of earlier permission, development charges shall be levied on the land and built-up area, over and above the area covered in the earlier permission.


iii) No such charges shall be levied for renewal of permission.


iv) In case where minor amendments to the plotted layout approved prior to 10/8/1992 are

proposed or where a development charge for land development has already been collected in the past, no development charge should be levied for such amendment of the plotted layout provided no construction was proposed in the said layout i.e. only the plotted layout was approved.


v) Construction of the compound wall is meant for the protection of property and as such no development charge shall be levied for the construction of a compound wall or for repairs of a compound wall.


vi) No development charge shall be recovered in respect of maintenance work, internal repairs of buildings, or for strengthening the existing building provided such works do not involve consumption of additional floor space.


vii) For any reconstruction work, a development charge shall be levied in full which involves the demolition of the existing building and reconstruction of the Non-Municipal,new building.


viii) In case a cooperative housing society is authorized by Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority or Bombay Housing and Area Development Board to undertake reconstruction of an old/dilapidated building (which work would otherwise, have been undertaken by MHADA), no development charge shall be recovered from that co-operative housing society, provided the FSI does not exceed the existing or permissible FSI whichever is lower. Provided further that, it accommodates existing tenants only. Further in reconstruction involving consumption of additional FSI and accommodation of additional members other than existing tenants, proportionate development charges shall be recovered.


ix) In case no development work is carried out in pursuance of permission and permission is lapsed or permission is canceled on the request of the owner, the development charges paid, shall be adjusted in permission that may be granted in the future.


x) Where development permission is granted and development charges are already collected by any Authority in their jurisdiction and thereafter such area is included in the jurisdiction of other Authority in such cases, the provisions mentioned in Sr.No.(i) to (ix) above shall be applicable mutatis and mutandis, as the case may be.


2.2.14 Premium Charges and Fire Infrastructure Charges


i) Premium Charges - Premium charges as may be required to be recovered under these regulations shall be paid to the Authority before the issue of development permission/commencement certificate. The 50% Premium share of the Government shall be deposited by the Authority in a specified head of account of the Government. The amount of premium collected by the Authority shall be kept in a separate account and it shall be utilized for the development of civic amenities and infrastructure.


In the case of a Regional Plan area, 100% premium charges shall be paid to the Government through the District offices of the Town Planning and Valuation Department.

The aforesaid premium charges except the premium leviable under Chapter 5 of these regulations shall be allowed to be paid in the instalments with interest @ 8.5% per annum in the following manner and subject to the following conditions.


A) Option- 1 


 a) Building below 70.0 m. height.


Initial Payment

At the end of the Month with interest

1st Instalment2nd Instalment3rd Instalment4th Instalment5th Instalment


b) Building having a height of 70.0 m. and above.


Initial Payment

At the end of the Month with interest

1st Instalment2nd Instalment3rd Instalment4th Instalment5th Instalment6th Instalment


B) Option - 2


The installment of 20% shall be paid at the time of granting development permission/commencement certificate and the remaining 80% amount at the time of occupation certificate. The remaining amount shall be liable for interest @ 8.5% per annum.


Notes :


i) The installment shall be granted with the interest at the rate of 8.5% p.a. on reducing the outstanding balance premium.


ii) The owner/developer shall deposit post-dated cheques for the installment amount with an interest due drawn on the scheduled bank, as per the scheduled date of payment.

iii) Occupation Certificates shall be granted in proportion to the payments made.

iv) The first instalment shall not be less than 50 lakhs in the case of A, B C, Class Municipal Corporations, and 25 lakhs in the case of other areas. In such case, the remaining amount shall be apportioned in the remaining installments.

v) The aforesaid option 1 & option 2 shall be applicable for the period of 2 years. (1) In addition to this, an extension of a further 2 years (i.e. up to 2.12.2024) shall be applicable, considering the lock-down measures and guidelines issued by the Government regarding the pandemic situation.


ii) Fire Infrastructure Charges - These charges shall be decided by the Government from time to time


2.2.15 Structural Stability Certificate


In the case of special buildings, the application shall be accompanied by a structural stability certificate signed by the licensed Structural Engineer to the effect that the building is safe against various loads, forces, and effects including due to natural disasters, such as, earthquakes, landslides, cyclones, floods, etc. as per Part 11 ‘Structural Design’ and other relevant Codes.


2.2.16 Signing the Plan


All the plans shall be duly signed by the owner, co-owner, if any, and the Architect or Town Planner or Licensed Engineer / Supervisor and shall indicate his name, address and Registration/license number (allotted by the Authority).


2.2.17 Size of Drawing sheets


The size of the drawing sheets shall be any of those specified in Table 2-A.


Table 2-A - Drawing Sheet Sizes

Sr. No.DesignationTrimmed Size, mm
1.A0841 X 1189
2.A1594 X 841
3.A2420 X 594
4.A3297 X 420
5. A4210 X 297


Note : If necessary, submission of plans on sheets bigger than A0 size is also permissible. All dimensions shall be indicated only in metric units.


2.2.18 Colouring Notations for Plans


The plan shall be colored as specified in Table No.2-B given below and prints of the plan shall be on one side of the paper only.


Table No.2-B - Colouring Notations for Plans

Sr. No.Item

Site Plan

Building Plan

White PlanBlue PrintAmmonia PrintWhite PlanBlue PrintAmmonia Print
1Plot linesThick BlackThick BlackThick BlackThick BlackThick BlackThick Black
2Existing streetGreenGreenGreen---
3Future street, if anyGreen dottedGreen dottedGreen dotted---
4Permissible building linesThick dotted blackThick dotted blackThick dotted black---
5Existing workBlack (Outline)WhiteBlueBlackWhiteBlue
6Work proposed to be demolishedYellow HatchedYellow HatchedYellow HatchedYellow HatchedYellow HatchedYellow Hatched
7Proposed workRed filled inRedRedRedRedRed
8Drainage & Sewerage workRed dottedRed dottedRed dottedRed dottedRed dottedRed dotted
9Water supply workBlack dotted thinBlack dotted thinBlack dotted thinBlack dotted thinBlack dotted thinBlack dotted thin
10DeviationsRed hatchedRed hatchedRed hatchedRed hatchedRed hatchedRed hatched


Note : For land development/Subdivision/layout/building plan, suitable coloring notations shall be used which shall be indexed.


2.2.19 Qualification and Competence of the Architect/Licensed Engineer/Structural Engineer/Town Planner/Supervisor


Architect/Engineer/Town Planner/Supervisor referred to in Regulation No.2.2.16 shall be registered/licensed by the Authority as competent to plan and carry out various works as given in Appendix “C”. The qualification and procedure for registration and licensing of the Engineer/Structural Engineer/Town Planner/Supervisor shall be as given in Appendix-“C”. An Architect registered with the Council of Architecture shall not be required to register with the Authority.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 2- 


You can visit our other blog on Regulation 2 through the below-mentioned links:


Commencement of Work in UDCPR 2020


Various Regulations in Chapter 2 in UDCPR 2020


Procedure During Construction in UDCPR 2020


Discretionary Powers and Relaxations In Specific Cases in UDCPR 2020


Discretionary Powers Interpretation in UDCPR 2020


Grant or Refusal of Permission in UDCPR 2020


Permission from the Planning Authority is Mandatory in UDCPR 2020


Other Various Regulations of Administration in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 1 is all about Administration as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 1.6 Applicability of Other Regulations


i) CRZ Regulations—Any development within CRZ areas shall be governed by the Coastal Regulation Zone Notification No.S.O.19(E), dated 6 January 2011, and No.G.S.R. 37(E), dated 18 January 2019, as amended or replaced from time to time, wherever applicable.


ii) Restriction in Western Ghat Eco-Sensitive Area - The restrictions in the Western Ghat Eco-Sensitive Area imposed by the notification issued from time to time by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India, shall be followed.


iii) Other Regulations - Any other Restrictions imposed under the relevant regulations/Rules/Acts shall also be applicable, wherever applicable.


Rule No. 1.7 Power to Prescribe the Proformas


Notwithstanding anything contained in any Appendices/Proformas, provisions in respective regulations shall prevail. The Authority, with the approval of the Government, shall have the powers to prescribe proformas/appendices and/or make amendments in the contents of such proformas/Appendices A to M attached with these regulations.


Rule No. 1.8 Power to Decide Charges


The charges mentioned in these regulations for additional FSI, premium FSI, rate of interest, or for any other matter shall be subject to amendment by the Government from time to time. Wherever the rate of premium is to be decided based on rates mentioned in ASR, the rate in the ASR shall be of the year of granting the permission.


Rule No. 1.9 Meanings as in Acts, Rules, and Interpretations


i) Terms and expressions not defined in these regulations shall have the same meaning or sense as, in the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 (Maharashtra Act No. XXXVII of 1966), the Maharashtra Municipal Corporations Act, 1949, or the National Building Code, 2005, as amended from time to time, and the rules or bye-laws framed thereunder, as the case may be, unless the context otherwise requires.


ii)  The Maharashtra General Clauses Act, as amended from time to time, shall be applicable in case of standard terms and phrases as defined and interpreted therein.


iii)  In these regulations, the use of the present tense includes the future tense, the masculine gender includes the feminine and neutral genders, the singular includes the plural and the plural includes the singular. The word "person" includes a corporation as well as an individual; "writing" includes printing, typing, and e-communication, and "signature" includes e-signature, digital signature, and thumb impression of a person unable to sign, provided that his name is written below such impression.


iv)  Whenever sizes and dimensions of rooms and spaces within buildings are specified, they shall mean clear dimensions unless otherwise specified in these regulations. However, sizes and dimensions may not be disputed with reference to finished/unfinished surfaces unless they affect the overall dimensions of the building.


v)  If any question or dispute arises with regard to the interpretation of any of these regulations the matter shall be referred to the State Government, who, after considering the matter and, if necessary, after giving a hearing to the parties, shall give a decision on the interpretation of the provisions of these regulations. The decision of the Government on the interpretation of these regulations shall be final and binding on the concerned party or parties.


vi) In the case of provisions of other Acts/Rules/Regulations that are incorporated into these regulations, the amendments made subsequently in parent Acts/Rules/Regulations will automatically be applicable, wherever applicable, to these regulations.


vii) If a Marathi version of these Regulations exists and if there is a conflict in the interpretation of any clause between the English and Marathi versions, then the interpretation of the English version shall prevail.


Rule No. 1.10 Removal of Difficulties


If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Unified Development Control and Promotion Regulations, the State Government may, by order published in the official Gazette, give such directions, as may appear to it to be necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing the difficulty.


Provided that, no such order shall be made after the expiry of a period of 1 year from the date of coming into force of this Unified Development Control and Promotion Regulations.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 1 -


You can visit our other blogs on regulations through the below-mentioned links:


Short Title, Extent & Commencement Administration in UDCPR 2020


Definitions in Administration in UDCPR 2020


Applicability of Regulations in Administration in UDCPR 2020


Savings in Administration in UDCPR 2020


Integrated Logistic Park (ILP) in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR 2020 Chapter 14 is all about the Special Schemes as per mentioned in the UDCPR 


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 14.11 Integrated Logistic Park (ILP)


Integrated Logistic Park shall be allowed in Commercial, Industrial, and Agricultural Zone in the Development Plan and Regional Plan areas and shall be governed by the provisions mentioned herein below.


14.11.1 Eligibility for Establishment of Logistic Park


The private land owners or developers appointed by him or any Company with a legal entity may apply for permission for Integrated Logistic Park.


14.11.2 Activities Constituting Logistic Park


A logistic Park can include the following activities. (The list is indicative)


i) Logistic Services.


a) Cargo aggregation/segregation.


b) Sorting, grading, packaging/ repackaging, tagging/labeling.


c) Distribution/Consumer Distribution.


d) Inter-model transfer of material and container.


e) Open and closed storage for the transit period.


f) Custom bonded warehouse.


g) Container freight station.


h) Container terminals.


i) Material handling equipment facilities for efficient movement and distribution of Semi-finished or finished products.


ii) Infrastructure


a) Internal roads


b) Power line


c) Communication facilities


d) Internal Public Transportation System


e) Water distribution and water augmentation facilities


f) Sewage and drainage lines


g) Effluent treatment and disposal facilities


h) Fire Tenders arrangements – Parking


iii) Business and commercial facilities


a) Dormitories


b) Guest Houses


c) Canteen


d) Medical Centre


e) Petrol Pump


f) Banking and finance


g) Office Space


h) Hotel


i) Restaurants


j) Hospital/Dispensary


k) Administration office


iv) Common Facilities


a) Weigh Bridge

b) Skill Development Center

c) Computer center

d) Subcontract exchange

e) Container freight station

f) Production Inspection Centre

g) Repair workshop for vehicles & production machinery in the park.


The list of permissible activities as revised by the Department of Industries, Government of Maharashtra, from time to time, shall be applicable.


14.11.3 Procedure for Development of Logistic Parks


Private land owners or developers appointed by him may apply to the Authority for the development of a Logistic Park under this Regulation. After sanction of permission by the Authority for setting up a Logistic Park, such area shall be deemed to be converted for industrial use in the respective Development Plan or Regional Plan and shall be available for development of Logistic Park. However, in the case of land in the Agricultural zone, the premium shall be charged at the rate of 15% of land value as per ASR, without considering the guidelines therein.


14.11.4 Integrated Logistics Park (ILP)


An “Integrated logistic park” will be defined as one that is spread over a minimum of 5 acres of land and has a minimum 15-meter-wide access road. A minimum of 70% of the total area of ‘Integrated Logistic Park’ shall be used for providing logistic services, and the remaining area shall be permitted for support services and common facilities. Floating of FSI shall not be permissible from the area of industrial zone to the area of support services or vice versa, but floating of FSI shall be permitted within the respective areas of industrial zone and support activity zone separately. The Integrated Logistics Park shall provide the following minimum infrastructure and common facilities.


i)  Infrastructure :


a) Internal roads


b) Power line


c) Communication facilities


d) Water distribution and water augmentation facilities


e) Sewage and drainage lines


f)  Effluent treatment & disposal facilities


g) Fire tender arrangements h. Parking


ii)  Common facilities:


a) Dormitories


b) Canteen


c) Medical Centre


d) Weigh Bridge


The parking and other essential services mentioned in Regulation No.14.11.2(ii) will be free of FSI. The letter of Intent for the development of an Integrated Logistics Park shall be issued by the Directorate of Industries. The development in the said Logistics Park shall be completed within 5 years from the date of issue of the Letter of Intent (LOI). The extension to time limit up to a minimum of one year at a time and not more than 3 times may be granted on merits. The Directorate of Industries will be the registering agency for all Integrated logistic parks. The procedure adopted for the issue of a letter of intent and registration would be in line with that adopted under the Integrated Industrial Area. The developer of Integrated Logistics Park will have to develop the infrastructure and create and maintain the facilities. Such facilities can be hired/leased/rented or put to own use by the Developer.


14.11.5 Logistics Park (LP)


Logistics park/building with a minimum of 20000 sq. feet Built up Area with basic FSI will be designated as Logistics Park (LP). The 80% of the total area of ‘Logistic Park’ should be used for providing logistic services and up to 20% of the total area will be permitted for support services and common facilities mentioned in Regulation No.14.11.2 (iii and iv). Logistics Parks will be allowed applicable FSI in these Regulations. The letter of Intent for the development of a Logistics Park shall be issued by the Directorate of Industries. The development in the said Logistics Park shall be completed within 3 years from the date of issue of the Letter of Intent (LOI). The extension to time limit up to a minimum of one year at a time and not more than 3 times may be granted on merits. The Directorate of Industries will be the registering agency for all logistic parks. The procedure adopted for registration would be in line with that adopted under the IT/ITES Policy 2015. The developer of Logistics Park will have to develop the infrastructure and create and maintain the facilities. Such facilities can be hired/leased/ rented or put to own use by the Developer.


14.11.6 Upto 200% Additional FSI for Integrated Logistics Park & Logistics Park


For Integrated Logistic Parks & Logistic Parks, the FSI permissible for Industrial Zone as per these regulations shall be applicable. Upto 200% of additional FSI shall be admissible over and above the basic FSI for the development of Integrated Logistic Park & Logistics Park with or without premium as follows :-


Sr. No.Location of Parks (As defined under PSI 2013)Premium
1No industries district and Naxalism-affected  areasNil
2Areas other than PMC, TMC, Kalyan Dombivali, Mira Bhayendar, Panvel, Ulhasnagar, Ambarnath, Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation, NID and Naxalism Affected Areas10%
3PMC, TMC, Kalyan-Dombivali, Mira Bhayendar, Panvel, Ulhasnagar, Ambarnath, Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation15%


Note : However premium charged will be limited up to the demand made by the developer for additional FSI.


14.11.7 Permissible Height


For Integrated Logistic Park & Logistics Park, the height of the building up to 24 m. or as per requirement shall be permitted.


Related Regulations


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 14 through the below-mentioned links:


Industrial Township under Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing Policy in UDCPR 2020


Development of Tourism and Hospitality Services under Community Nature Conservancy around Wild Life Sanctuaries and National Park in UDCPR 2020


Slum Rehabilitation Scheme for Other Municipal Corporations in UDCPR 2020


Slum Rehabilitation for Pune, PCMC, PCNTDA, and Nagpur in UDCPR 2020


Urban Renewal Scheme in UDCPR 2020


Conservation of Heritage Buildings, Precints, Natural Features in UDCPR 2020


Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana in UDCPR 2020


Integrated Information Technology Township (IITP) in UDCPR 2020


Affordable Housing Scheme in UDCPR 2020


Integrated Township Project (ITP) in UDCPR 2020


Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in UDCPR 2020