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How to find best renovation contractor near me?

The Contractor who make improvements on an existing building or home is the Renovation Contractor. He replaces the old structure with the new model. At the same time, he creates a new appearance to home by renovating it. Renovation is also called as remodeling.There are many Types in renovation, where its Exterior Home improvements, Full home renovation or Kitchen renovation, bathroom renovation, Interior renovation, etc. However, Foot2feet provides number of renovation contractors near your home to choose from. Also find civil contractor on https://foot2feet.com/construction-services/civil-contractor-in-pune/

Types of Renovation contractors                     

Renovation contractor falls in many types. As it depends on the type of project you need to renovate.  Few of them are listed below –

  1. Interior Renovation 
  2. Exterior Renovation 
  3. House Renovation                
  4. Bathroom Renovation               
  5. Kitchen Renovation 
  6. Architect for Renovation You can get electrical contractor on https://foot2feet.com/site/electrical-contractor-in-pune/

Cost of Home Renovation in Pune

Cost of renovation  varies as per various services offered by contractors. For instance, how old the structure is, its stability and aesthetic work, material quality, desired finishing and skilled labor for work. Also find more about home improvement at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_improvement

FAQ about Renovation Contractor

1. Do Renovation contractor work in home improvement services?

Renovation contractors work in various home improvements, like Bathroom renovation, Kitchen renovation, Painting of rooms, Tile replacement, etc

2. Can your contractor remodel my Kitchen in 75000 Rs?

Kitchen renovation can be done in your stipulated cost. It includes counter kitchen top replacement, install kitchen trolley and cabinet, dado replacement, etc

3. How much time is required for bathroom renovation ?

Renovation of bathroom takes  around 1 Month. A Good contractor adds an innovative and sustainable construction solutions at an outstanding value. Also gives timely delivery of new stylish and fascinating bathroom

4. How do I choose renovation contractor? 

Contractor selection process goes through following stages –

  1. Find your exact requirement.
  2. Plan your budget from online cost calculator.
  3. Invite contractors with their estimate.
  4. Check contractors previous work.
  5. Finalize contractor accordingly.   

Rules for Railway Line, River, Electric Line, Airport, Nallah in UDCPR 2020

There are general regulations about any construction permissible on land, and no piece of land shall be used as a site for the construction of a building if the site is not eligible for it.


If the Authority considers that the site is insanitary, incapable of being well-drained, or is dangerous to construct a building on it then it is not permissible to use this land as a site for construction.

For Example, if the site is in Defense land, Railway region Hilly region, or not drained properly, in this case there, one cannot construct anything on the land without considering the regulations. This information about reservations and their use is very important when someone starts actual planning, whether they are land owners, builders, or construction owners. It is a must-know information before purchasing land or starting construction on the land.


This information about reservations and their use is very important when someone starts actual planning, whether they are land owners, builders, or construction owners. It is a must-know information before purchasing land or starting construction on the land.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 3 is all about General Land Development Requirements.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 3.1 Requirements of Site


Rule No. 3.1.1 Site Not Eligible for Construction of Building


No piece of land shall be used as a site for the construction of the building,


i)  If the Authority considers that the site is insanitary, incapable of being well-drained, or is dangerous to construct a building on it;


ii)  If the entire site is within a distance of 6.0 m. from the edge of the watermark of a minor watercourse (like nallah, canal) and 15.0 m. from the edge of the watermark of a major watercourse (like the river) shown on Development Plan/Regional Plan or village/city survey map or otherwise;


Provided that where a minor watercourse passes through a low-lying land without any well-defined banks, the owner of the property may be permitted by the Authority to canalize the watercourse within the same land without changing the overall alignment and the position of the inlet and outlet of the watercourse according to cross-section as determined by the Authority. In such case, marginal open space shall be stipulated under these regulations and shall be measured from the edge of the trained nallah;


iii)  If the site is hilly and has a gradient of more than 1:5;


iv)  If the site is not drained properly or is incapable of being well drained;


v)  If the owner of the building has not proposed appropriate measures required to safeguard the construction from constantly getting damp to the satisfaction of the Authority;


vi)  In case the building is proposed on any area filled up with carcasses, excreta, filth, and offensive matter, then a certificate from the Authority to the effect that it is safe from the health and sanitary point of view, to be built upon, is required;


vii)  If the use of the site is for the purpose, which in the opinion of the Authority will be a source of annoyance to the health and comfort of the inhabitants of the neighborhood;


viii)  If the proposed occupancy of the building on the site does not conform to the land use proposals in the development plans/Regional Plan or Zoning Regulations;


ix)  If the level of the site is less than the prescribed datum level depending on topography and drainage aspects;


x)  If it doesn’t derive access from an authorized street/means of access of adequate width as described in these Regulations;


xi)  If it is within the river and blue flood line of the river (prohibitive zone), unless otherwise specified in these regulations;


xii)  If the site is within the boundary of the Coastal Regulation Zone where CRZ Regulation does not allow development;


xiii)  If the site is not developable by virtue of restrictions imposed under any law or guidelines of any Government Department;


xiv)  If the entire site is within a distance of 50.0 m. from the mean high flood level of a wetland. The mean shall be calculated as per the provisions of Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2017.


Rule No. 3.1.2  Distance of Site from Electric Lines


No structure, including verandah or balcony, shall be allowed to be erected or re-erected, or any additions or alterations made to a building on a site within the distance quoted in Table No.3 below in accordance with the prevailing Indian Electricity Rules and its amendments from time to time between the building and any overhead electric supply line.


Table No. 3 - Distance of site from Electric Lines

Electric LinesVertical (Meters)Horizontal (Meters)
Low and Medium-voltage Lines2.501.20
High voltage lines up to and including 33000 V.3.702.00
Extra High voltage lines beyond 33,000 V3.702.00
Note - The minimum clearance specified above shall be measured from maximum sag for vertical clearance and from maximum deflection due to wind pressure for horizontal clearance.


Rule No. 3.1.3  Construction within Blue and Red Flood Line


i) Where Blue and Red flood lines are marked on the Development Plan/Regional Plan or received from the Irrigation Department.


a) The Red Flood Line and Blue Flood Line shall be considered as per the plan prepared by the Irrigation Department. The area between the river bank and the blue flood line (Flood line near the river bank) shall be a prohibited zone for any construction except parking, open vegetable market, garden, lawns, open space, cremation and the burial ground, sewage treatment plant, water/gas /drainage pipelines, public toilet or like uses, provided the land is feasible for such utilization.


Provided that, redevelopment of the existing authorized properties, within the river bank and blue flood line, may be permitted at a plinth height of 0.45 m, above the red flood line level.


b) The area between the blue flood line and the red flood line shall be a restrictive zone for the purposes of construction. The construction within this area may be permitted at a height of 0.45 m, above the red flood line level.


c) If the area between the river bank and the blue flood line forms part of the entire plot in the Development Zone, then, FSI of such part of the land may be allowed to be utilized on the remaining land.

d) The red and blue flood line, if shown on the Development/Regional Plan/Planning Proposal, shall stand modified as and when it is modified by the Irrigation Department.


ii) Where the Blue and Red flood line is not marked on the Development Plan/Regional Plan or not received from the Irrigation Department.


Where the Blue and Red flood line is not marked on the Development Plan/Regional Plan or not received from the Irrigation Department, the tentative Blue line shall be earmarked taking into consideration the maximum observed flood level records available locally and also interacting with the residents in the area. The plan showing such a tentative Blue line shall be got approved by the Chief Engineer, Irrigation Department. The distance of 50.0 m. on the landward side from this tentative Blue line shall be treated as a No Construction Zone.


In such cases, provisions of Regulation No.3.1.3(i)(a,b,c,d) shall be applicable to that extent.

Till such a tentative Blue line is prepared and marked on the plan, the development permission shall be governed by the provisions of Regulation No.3.1.1(ii) (mentioned above).


Rule No. 3.1.4  Development within 30.0 m. Distance from Railway Boundary


For any construction within 30.0 m. from the railway boundary, a No Objection Certificate from the Railway Authority shall be necessary.


Rule No. 3.1.5  Environmental Clearance


An environmental clearance certificate shall be submitted for the project as may be prescribed by the Ministry of Environment from time to time.


Rule No. 3.1.6 Development along Highways/Classified Roads


The development along the highways shall be subject to the provisions of the State Highways Act, 1965 and National Highway Act, 1956, and orders issued by the Public Works Department, directives issued by the Urban Development Department vide Resolution No.TPS-1819/UOR-36/19/UD-13, dated 5.8.2019, in this regard, from time to time. (1) All the classified roads passing through the (1) ULBs, i.e., Municipal Corporations / Municipal Councils/Nagar Panchayats, shall be treated as city roads.


A service road specified in Regulation 3.3.8 shall be provided along State and National Highways on both sides. Where service road of 12.0 m. width is already provided in adjoining land, such service road of the same width may be continued in the development permission. Such service roads may not be insisted on if there is no continuity from junction to junction due to existing authorized development/construction.


Rule No. 3.1.7  Development within a certain distance from the Prison Premises


The development within 150 m., 100 m., 50 m. from the perimeter wall of Central Prison, District Prison, and any Sub Prison, respectively, shall be regulated and may be permitted with the prior consent of the committee constituted in this regard by the Home Department. This provision shall be subject to the orders issued by the Government from time to time.


Rule No. 3.1.8  Distances from Landfill Sites


For any residential development, segregating distance from the landfill site shall be observed as specified under Solid Waste Management Rules in force from time to time or as specified by competent authority.


Rule No. 3.1.9  Restrictions in the vicinity of Airport


For structures, installations, or buildings, including installations in the vicinity of airports,

i)  The height shall be restricted to permissible top elevation as mentioned on Colour Coded Zoning Maps (CCZM) prepared by the Airport Authority of India (AAI) and published on its website.


ii)  For any additional height beyond that mentioned in i) above, prior NOC from AAI shall be submitted.


iii) A prior NOC from AAI shall be submitted for the areas depicted in red on CCZM.


Note -


a)  The height permitted by CCZM is indicated Above the Mean Sea Level, i.e., AMSL.


b)  Building height permitted, i.e., Above Ground level (AGL), shall be calculated as CCZM height minus the site elevation of the plot.


Height of building (AGL) = CCZM height - site elevation.


c)  In the absence of aforesaid map, a no objection certificate of the Airport Authority of India shall be required.




i)  Irrespective of their distance from the airport, even beyond the 20 km. Limit from the aerodrome reference point, no building, radio masts, or similar installation exceeding 150 m. in height shall be erected without prior permission of the Civil Aviation Authorities.


ii)  The location of a slaughterhouse/abattoir/butcher house or other areas for activities like depositing of garbage, which may encourage the collection of high-flying birds, like eagles and hawks, shall not be permitted within 10 km. from the aerodrome reference point.


Rule No. 3.1.10  Restrictions in the Vicinity of Ancient Monuments


1)  The Restrictions for Development in the vicinity of the protected monuments of national importance as prescribed under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958, shall be observed.


2)  The Restrictions for Development in the vicinity of the protected monuments of state importance as prescribed under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1960, shall be observed.


Rule No. 3.1.11  Restriction under the Works of Defence Act, 1903


The restrictions imposed under the Work of Defense Act, 1903 shall be applicable, and no development in contravention with the notification shall be permissible.


Whether the area affected by the notification under the Works of Defense Act - 1903, is earmarked in the Development Plan/Regional Plan or not, it shall be permissible to treat the area under such restrictive zone as marginal distance at the time of construction of any building proposed on contiguous unaffected area.


Provided that, it shall be permissible to utilize the FSI and also the receiving potential of the land under this zone, as otherwise permissible, on the remaining contiguous unaffected land of the same land owner.


Rule No. 3.1.12  Distance from Natural Lake and Dam.


In the Regional Plan area, no construction shall be allowed within 100 m. of the high flood line of the natural lake.


In the Development Plan area, development around the natural lake shall be governed by the provisions made in such plan. In the absence of the provisions in such a plan, the distance specified by the Irrigation Department shall be followed.


The regulation regarding clear distances from the High flood line while carrying out any development of any land around the dam and foothill areas as notified and the norms regarding distance as prescribed in Government of Maharashtra, Water Resources Department Marathi Circular No. dt.08/03/2018 and amendments therein, from

time to time, will be applicable henceforth, subject to the following condition.


Condition : The concerned land owners/users are prohibited from discharging any garbage/water sewage/waste generated from its premises in the reservoir. It will be compulsory and binding on the land owner/user to make necessary arrangements within the premises for water and sewage disposal management and maintain the zero discharge condition at his own cost.


Rule No. 3.1.13 Authorities to Supply Complete Information about Restrictions to the Authority


The concerned authority putting restrictions as per their respective legislations/regulations/rules as mentioned above shall make available to the Authority full details of restrictions (including graded restrictions, if any) along with the relevant map detailing restrictions. In the interest of increasing ease of doing business, no individual applicant should be required to approach the concerned departments for NOC. However it is the duty of the applicant to ensure that restrictions informed by the above said authorities are followed scrupulously. The Authority shall make a reference to this effect to the concerned authorities and ensure compliance with the restriction informed by them while sanctioning the development permission.


Such information shall be published by the Authority on its notice board/ website and also update it as and when it is updated by the concerned department.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 3 - 


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 3 through the below-mentioned links:


Recreational Open Spaces in UDCPR 2020


Provision for Amenity Space in UDCPR 2020


Minimum Plot Area for Various Uses in UDCPR 2020


Provision for Inclusive Housing in UDCPR 2020


Relocation of D.P Reservations (Except Road) UDCPR 2020


Plotting, Land Subdivisions, and Access Road Rules in UDCPR 2020


Gunthewari Yojana


As you may already know, in Maharashtra state, gunthewari is a traditional method used to measure land. Eventually, the Gunthewari Regulation Act was enacted by the Maharashtra state government in August 2001. In the same vein, they were given the benefit of Gunthewari Yojana before 01 January 2001. Whereas,  on 7th January 2020, the Maharashtra cabinet gives approval for regularization lakhs of gunthewari constructions. To sum up, this decision of state government taken to regularize the gunthewari schemes in the state till 31st December 2021. 


Gunthewari for various types


You can do the gunthewari for various types. For instance, gunthewari can be done for the open land, building and flats.


Can I do Gunthewari now?


As of dated, 7th January 2021,  Gunthewari yet not started. Consequently,  Maharashtra cabinet gives approval for the same. And will start it sooner.


Charges for Gunthewari


The regularization of gunthewari development is subject to the prior  payment of compounding fee and development charges may be determined by the state government from time to time.. That is to say, the charges for gunthewari is yet not declared. 


List of Documents for  Required for Gunthewari


The following documents are required for Gunthewari  to submit along with the application as follows


  1. 7/12 Extract
  2. Mojani.
  3. Existing layout plan.
  4. Rectification plan
  5. An undertaking by the applicant to rectify compoundable infringements
  6. Building Plan as per site condition
  7. Other Land Ownership Documents
  8. Demand draft, drawn on any 


Process involved in Gunthewari


With help of license Engineer of liaisoning architect the concerned plot holder shall apply for regularization of gunthewari development . however, the file with all the necessary documents is to be submitted to the local planning authority. After that, the planning authority shall scrutinize the case for fulfillment of the stipulated requirements  and thereafter issue a certificate of regularization.


Benefits of Gunthewari development


Well, gunthewari developments are unlawful and there is an obvious need to curb such development, at the same time. Whereas, its not desirable to demolish on a mass scale of the old and long existing constructions  made on gunthewari plots. The followings are the benefits of regularizing the gunthewari yojana as follows-

  1. The prime and very important benefit of regularizing the gunthewari schemes is, whatever illegal you have bult I becomes legal
  2. It  increases the valuation of property.
  3. If you are regularizing the open plot then it also increases the FSI of the plot.


Sample Gunthewari certificate


Below is the Sample  format of Gunthewari  certificate-



Uses Permissible in Various Zones UDCPR 2020

Any city in India is divided into various land use zones: Residential, Commercial, Agricultural, Industrial, etc. So, there is a restriction on the use of land under any zone. For example, You cannot build a Commercial building in an Agricultural Zone, or You cannot build hazardous or high-end Industries in a Residential Zone.


So here are some of the additional uses permissible in the Development Plan Reservations as per UDCPR 2020 (UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CONTROL AND PROMOTION REGULATIONS FOR MAHARASHTRA STATE).


This is applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities / Special Planning Authorities / Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive / Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 4  is all about Land Use Classification and Permissible Uses.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra




In this zone, all uses permissible in the Residential Zone shall be permitted subject to FSI restrictions mentioned in these regulations. (Chapter 10)




In this zone, all uses permissible in the Residential Zone shall be permitted subject to fulfillment of the following requirements.


i)  For extending offsite infrastructure like roads, water supply, sewage line, and electricity, to the land, the expenses shall be borne by the owner and shall be deposited with the Authority as per the expenses communicated by it. However, the owner shall have the liberty to construct such infrastructure at his own cost, as per the drawing, design, and specification approved by the Authority.


ii)  If the land is located on a Development Plan road of width more than 18.0 m., then the construction of a road of width 18.0 m. to his land, shall be the liability of the owner, else 12.0 m. wide road with asphalting shall be necessary.


Rule No. 4.9 Loom Industry cum Residential Zone


The following uses shall be permissible :-


i)  Uses permissible in R - 1, R - 2 Zone according to road width.


ii)  Power loom.


iii)  Power looms cum residential to any extent.


User (i) above shall be as per conditions of R - 1 and R - 2 zone. However, (ii) and (iii) shall be permissible with the following conditions.


a)  Power loom use shall be restricted up to a maximum permissible floor area of 250 sq.m. with a maximum of 20 H.P. and 20 laborers.


b)  Total FSI permissible shall be as that of a residential zone.


c)  Adequate safety measures shall be taken to reduce noise and air pollution etc. by providing a vibration absorbing platform and dust settler.


d)  Working hours for looms shall be 8 am to 8 pm.



i) All uses / activities related to surface, water, and air traffic and transportation including Parking, and ancillary uses shall be permissible.


ii) Separable lands of Railways shall be allowed to be developed for uses permissible in the Commercial Zone.



The following uses shall be permissible :-


i)  All uses permissible in Green Belt Zone, Hill Top Hill Slope Zone and Afforestation Zone.


ii)  Uses at Regulation No.4.11 (iv, v, vi, viii, ix, x, xiii, xix, xx, xxii, xxv, xxviii, xxix, xxxvi, xxxix, xxxxii) permissible in Agriculture Zone.


iii)  Uses at Regulation No.4.11 (xv, xxxiii, xxxiv) permissible in Agriculture Zone with maximum FSI of 0.20 without premium and additional 0.30 i.e. up to 0.50 with payment of premium @ 20% of the land rate in ASR.


iv)  Gaothan expansion as specified in Regulation No.5.1.1 subject to 200 m. from the gaothan limit.



The following uses shall be permissible :-


i) All uses permissible in the Agricultural Zone (except uses at Sr.No.xviii and xxxi of Regulation No.4.11).


ii) Gaothan expansion as specified in Regulation No.5.1.1.


The following uses shall be permissible :-


i)  All uses are permissible in the Hill Top and Hill Slope Zone.


ii)  Forest houses, meant for forest tourists/servants/technicians/owners and for storing of fertilize, etc., may be permitted subject to the following :-


It shall have a built-up area not exceeding 150 sq.m., provided that, the forest plot area is not less than 0.4 hectares. Structures to be erected for these purposes should be of ground + 1 floor only and should not have a height more than 7.0 m. and should be of such material as would blend with the surroundings. The owner shall plant trees at the rate of 250 trees per hectare and shall maintain it properly.


Provided that, the layout of the forest houses may be permitted for areas more than 0.4 hectares.


iii) Uses mentioned in Regulation No.4.11 (iv, v, vi, xiii, xxviii, xxix) permissible in the Agriculture Zone.


iv) Uses mentioned in Regulation No.4.11 (2) (xv, xvi, xxxiii, xxxiv) permissible in Agriculture Zone with FSI of (1) 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.15 respectively.


v) Development permissible adjacent to Gaothan as specified in Regulation No.5.1.1 subject to a maximum 200 m. periphery from gaothan limit.


vi) The above uses shall not be permitted on a hill slope steeper than 1:5, and such area shall not be considered for FSI.



Kept in abeyance.


Rule No. 4.18 GREEN ZONE - 2

The following users shall be permissible in this zone.


i)  All uses are permissible in the Hill Top - Hill Slope Zone.


ii)  Gaothan expansion as specified in Regulation 5.1.1.


iii)  Primary and Nursery Schools, including student hostels.


iv)  Uses at Regulation No.4.11 (vi, ix, xiii, xx, xxii, xxv, xxviii) with maximum FSI of 0.20.


Rule No. 4.19 FOREST ZONE

The developments as may be required by the Ministry of Forest or its Authorities shall only be permissible on the lands owned and possessed by the Ministry / Department of Forest or its Authorities.


Rule No. 4.20 DEFENCE ZONE

i) The developments as may be required by the Ministry of Defence or its Authorities shall

only be permissible on the lands owned and possessed by the Ministry of Defence or its



ii) Restrictive Zone –


No development in contravention with the notification shall be permissible in the area affected by the notification under the Works of Defence Act - 1903, whether earmarked as such on the Development Plan/Regional Plan or not, or development shall be permissible with the No Objection Certificate from the concerned Defence Authority.


Provided that, it shall be permissible to treat the area under such restrictive zone as the marginal distance at the time of construction of any building proposed on the contiguous unaffected area.


Provided further that, it shall be permissible to utilize the FSI and also the receiving potential of the land under this zone, on the remaining contiguous unaffected land of the same land owner.



In this zone, quarry, mining, stone crushing, or similar operations shall be permissible subject to provisions of Regulation No.15.1. In addition to this, the following uses shall be permissible.


Stone quarrying, soil excavation, stone crushing or other similar activities, mining activity, bricks kilns, caretaker's quarters or residential quarters for essential staff up to maximum built-up area of 20 sq.m. ancillary buildings like site offices, cafeteria with full built-up area up to 250 sq.m.


The existing uses within these zones, such as brick kilns, fly ash bricks, cremation ground, etc., shall be continued for the respective purposes. The mining and quarry operation shall not be permitted within the restrictive area as per their prevailing regulations. The development after the closing of existing mining areas/quarries shall be as per the closing policies of the respective department. However, the private lands that are included in the Mines and Quarry Zone shall deem to be included in the adjacent zone, and the Authority shall grant development permission accordingly.



The following users shall be permissible in this zone.


The water treatment plant, water reservoirs, pumping station, water storage tank, sewage / influent treatment plant, wastewater recycling plant, electric substation, cemeteries, burial ground, and cremation grounds, slaughter house, solid waste landfill/management site, fire station, post, telegram and communication office, telephone exchange, cattle pond, dairy farm, public urinals including all public utilities.



Following uses shall be permissible in this zone.


i) Garden, Nurseries, Horticulture, and Arboriculture.



Following uses shall be permissible in this zone.


i) Residential, Educational, Institutional, Assembly, Business, Mercantile, Industrial, Storage, Information Technology, Recreational.


ii) Any other land use as may be made permissible by the Government of India within SEZ.



The following uses shall be permissible in this zone.

i) Airport and allied activities and services incidental thereto.


The lists of uses mentioned under various land use zones herein above may be amended by the Authority from time to time with the consent of the Director of Town Planning, Maharashtra State, Pune.



Related Regulations to Rule No. 4- 


You can visit our other blogs on regulations through the below-mentioned links:


Uses Permissible in Development Plan Reservations in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Green Belt Zone and River Protection Belt in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Agricultural Zone in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Public and Semi Public Zone in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Industrial Zone in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Commercial Zone in UDCPR 2020


What are the Types of Zones in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Residential Zones R2 in UDCPR 2020


Uses Permissible in Residential Zones R1 in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Hingoli, Buldhana, Washim, Yavatmal, Nanded Regional Plan in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR has a Unified rule, which means that instead of having numerous regulations for every city/region in the state, it is better to have a single rule for all cities in Maharashtra.

But due to some geological conditions or some other restrictions the regulations may vary a bit for some regions in Maharastra. 


For Example, the Coastal Region, Hilly Region, Densely Populated Region, and Gaothan can't have the same type of rules, and the rules differ according to it.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 5 is all about Additional Provisions for Regional Plan Areas.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No.5.6 For HIngoli, Buldhana, Washim Yavatmal, Nanded Regional Plan


The following additional regulations shall be applicable for the development of the areas affected by the LIGO project.


i)  Within the distance of 15 km. from the boundary of the site, no New Railway line shall be proposed.


ii)  Within the distance of 5 km. from the boundary of the site, no classified roads, MDR and above, etc. shall be newly proposed. Upgradation of existing roads shall not be treated as new roads.


iii) Within the distance of 5 km. to 30 km., from the boundary of the site, no reciprocating activity, requiring the use of sustained heavy equipment, including mining, blasting, or such other similar activities requiring more than 20 HP power, shall be allowed.


iv)  Within the distance of 15 km. from the boundary of the site, no Power Plant Machinery, Rock crushers, Heavy Machinery, or Wind Mill shall be allowed. Within the distance of 5 km. from the boundary of the site, no non-reciprocating (rotating) power plant machinery and industrial machinery shall be allowed.


v)  Within the distance of 60 km. from the boundary of the site, no New Airport shall be proposed.


Note -


a) If any more clarification or exemption or certain information is required, then permissions shall be referred to the LIGO-India authorities (at the local office) before the final Grant of permission.


b) The Development Control Regulations, as amended from time to time, by the Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India, shall be applicable as it is for this LIGO - India Project.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 5 - 


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 5 through the below-mentioned links:


Additional Rules for Regional Plan Area than Basic UDCPR Rules in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Thane, Raigad, Palghar Regional Plan in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulation for Ratnagiri in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Kolhapur in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Satara in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Raigad in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Solapur in UDCPR in 2020


Additional Regulations for Pune in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations in Aurangabad in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Raigad in UDCPR 2020

UDCPR has a Unified rule, which means that instead of having numerous regulations for every city/region in the state, it is better to have a single rule for all cities in Maharashtra.

But due to some geological conditions or some other restrictions the regulations may vary a bit for some regions in Maharastra. 


For Example, the Coastal Region, Hilly Region, Densely Populated Region, and Gaothan can't have the same type of rules, and the rules differ according to it.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 5 is all about Additional Provisions for Regional Plan Areas.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 5.7 For Raigad Regional Plan




The development in the Nagothane growth centre shall be governed by the following regulations.


The lands that fall within the periphery on the north/south direction of the IPCL project complex have been designated as low-density residential zones in which residential users may be permitted subject to the following conditions -


i) Maximum FSI shall be 0.25.

ii) Only ground floor structure shall be permissible.




The development of wadi lands in the coastal belt, which are marked as such in the Regional Plan, development shall be subject to the following conditions, only along the existing roads.

i) Plot with frontage on the existing road.

ii) Ground + one-floor building within 33 m. from the existing road with permissible setback

from the road.

iii) FSI shall be limited to 0.04 maximum with a maximum built-up area of 150sq.m. 


Note - Coastal belt is the area within 1 km. from the sea for the purpose of this Regulation.




The development in low-density Zones in Rajpuri and Usar growth centers shall be subject to 0.5 basic FSI.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 5 - 


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 5 through the below-mentioned links:


Additional Rules for Regional Plan Area than Basic UDCPR Rules in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Thane, Raigad, Palghar Regional Plan in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulation for Ratnagiri in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Kolhapur in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Satara in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Hingoli, Buldhana, Washim, Yavatmal, Nanded Regional Plan in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations for Solapur in UDCPR in 2020


Additional Regulations for Pune in UDCPR 2020


Additional Regulations in Aurangabad in UDCPR 2020