Plotting, Land Subdivisions, and Access Road Rules in UDCPR 2020

Mar 18, 2024

There are general regulations about any construction permissible on land, and no piece of land shall be used as a site for the construction of a building if the site is not eligible for it.


Suppose the Authority considers that the site is insanitary, incapable of being well-drained, or dangerous to construct a building on. In that case, it is not permissible to use this land as a site for construction.

For Example, if the site is in Defense land, Railway region Hilly region, or not appropriately drained in this case there, one cannot construct anything on the land without considering the regulations. This information about reservations and their use is essential when someone starts actual planning, whether they are land owners, builders, or construction owners. It is a must-know information before purchasing land or starting construction on the land.


This information about reservations and their use is very important when someone starts actual planning, whether they are land owners, builders, or construction owners. It is a must-know information before purchasing land or starting construction on the land.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 3 is all about General Land Development Requirements.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.


Rule No. 3.2 Means Of Access




Every plot/land shall have means of access, like a street/road, irrespective of its width.




In case of the plot not abutting on a public means of access like street/roads, etc., the plot shall have access from spaces directly connected from the street by a hard surface approach as given below :-


(a) The width of such access ways in non-congested areas shall be as follows :-


Min width of access wayMax. Length of such access ways
6.0 m.75.0 m.
9.0 m.150.0 m.


(b) In congested areas, the width of such accessways shall not be less than 4.5 m.




Every person who intends to erect a building shall not at any time erect or cause or permit to erect or re-erect any building which in any way encroaches upon or diminishes the area set apart as a means of access.


Rule No. 3.3 Regulations For Land Sub-Division And Layout


Rule No. 3.3.1 Obligation to Prepare Layout


Building Layout or Sub-division proposal shall be submitted for the following :-


i)  When more than one building, except for accessory buildings in the case of residential buildings, is proposed on any land, the owner of the land shall submit a proposal for the proper layout of the building or sub-division of his entire contiguous holding.


ii)  When development and/or redevelopment of any tract of land, which includes division and sub-division or amalgamation of plots for various land uses, is proposed.


iii)  When a group housing scheme or campus/cluster planning of any use is proposed.


iv)  A two-stage approval process, as specified in Regulation No.2.6.1, will be followed for such proposals, wherever necessary.


Rule No. 3.3.2 Roads/streets in Land Sub-division or Layout

A) For Residential Development - The minimum width of the internal road in any layout or

subdivision of land shall be as given in Table No.3A.


Table No.3A - Internal Roads for Residential Development

Sr. No.Length of Internal Road in Layout/Subdivision (m.)Width of Internal Road in Layout/Sub Division (m.)length
iUpto 1509.00
iiAbove 150 and up to 30012.00
iiiAbove 30015.00


Note - For layout or part of the layout where plots of 100 Sq.m. or less are proposed for Economical weaker Sections (EWS), 4.5 m. wide road of length up to 60.0 m. and 6.0 m. wide road of length up to 100 m. may be permitted so that EWS plots can be found on both sides of such roads.


B) For Other than Residential Development : The minimum width of the internal road in any layout or subdivision of land shall be as given in Table No.3B


Table No.3B - Internal Roads for non-residential Development
Sr. No.Length of Internal Road in Layout/Subdivision (m.)Width of Internal Road in Layout/Sub Division (m.)Subdivision
iUpto 15012.0
iiAbove 150 and up to 30015.0
iiiAbove 30018.0 or more


C) Group Housing Scheme : In the case of group housing schemes, the minimum width of internal roads shall be as given in Table No.3C


Table No.3C - Internal Roads for Group Housing Scheme

Sr. No.Length of Internal Road (m.)Width of Internal Road (m.)
iUpto 1507.50
iiAbove 150 and up to 3009.00
iiiAbove 300 and up to 60012.00
ivAbove 60015.00


Note: It shall be necessary to provide through roads in the group housing scheme of an area of more than 2.0 Hectares so as to coordinate the adjoining major road links (15.0 m. and above) or give way to new road links for adjoining areas. The width required for such road link shall be as per Table No.3A. This shall not bar coordination of smaller width roads approaching from adjoining areas, if owners so desire. Further, the Authority may insist on the coordination of smaller-width roads from adjoining areas, if required, from the planning point of view.


D) Pathways


In the case of the Group Housing Scheme/Campus Planning/Layout of Buildings, a pedestrian approach to the buildings from road/street/internal means of access, wherever necessary, shall be through a paved pathway of a width not less than 2.0 m., 3.0 m. & 4.5 m. provided its length measured from the exit way of the building is not more than 40 m., 60 m., and 100 m. respectively from the main/internal means of access. If the length is more than 100 m., then the width of the road, as provided in Table No.3C, shall be necessary. The marginal distances shall not be required from such pathways. However, the distance between two buildings shall be maintained, which will include the width of such a pathway.


Rule No. 3.3.3  Length of Internal Roads, How to be Measured


The length of the Internal road shall be measured from the farthest plot (or building) to the public street. The length of the subsidiary accessway shall be measured from the point of its origin to the next wider road on which it meets.
Provided that in the interest of the general development of an area, the Authority may insist the means of access to be of larger width than that required under Regulation No.3.3.2.


Rule No. 3.4  Co-ordination of Roads in adjoining lands


While granting the development permission for land sub-division or group housing/campus planning, it shall be necessary to coordinate the roads in the adjoining lands subject to provisions mentioned in Regulation No.3.3.2.C - Note. Also, a proper hierarchy of roads shall be maintained while deciding the width of the road.


Rule No. 3.3.5  Narrow Roads in Congested Areas (Core area in case of Nashik Municipal Corporation) 


In congested areas, plots facing street/means of access less than 4.5 m. in width, the plot boundary shall be shifted to be away by 2.25 m. from the central line of the street/means of access way to give rise to a new street/means of access way of width of 4.5 m. clear from the structural projections. However, this will not be applicable for lanes of any length serving a single plot/property. In these cases, no separate setback from the revised plot boundary shall be required.


Rule No. 3.3.6  Development of Street


Means of access/internal road shall be leveled, metalled, flagged, paved, sewered, drained, channeled, lighted, laid with the water supply line, and provided with trees for shade (wherever necessary), free of encroachment and shall be maintained in proper condition.


Rule No. 3.3.7  Development of Private Street, if neglected


If any private street or any other means of access to a building is not constructed & maintained as specified above, the authority may, by written notice, require the owner or owners of the several premises fronting or adjoining the said street or other means of access or abutting thereon or to which access is obtained through such street or other means of access or which shall benefit by works executed to carry out any or more of the aforesaid requirements in such manner and within such time as the authority shall direct. If the owner or owners fail to comply with this direction, the authority may arrange for its execution and recover the expenses incurred by the owner/owners.


Rule No. 3.3.8  Access from the Highways/Classified Roads


(a) Generally, plots/buildings along Highways and classified roads shall derive access from service roads. However, highway amenities like a petrol pump, fuel station, hotel, etc., may have a direct access from Highways, which shall be subject to the provisions of the National Highway Act, 1956, and State Highways Act, 1955.


(b) The width of roads to be considered while granting development permissions, unless indicated otherwise in the Development Plan/Regional Plan/Planning Proposal/T.P. Scheme, shall be as mentioned in the table below :-


Sr. No.Category of RoadWidth of Right of Way of Road (m.)Remarks
1National Highway60.0Width inclusive of 12.0 m. service roads on both sides
2State Highway45.0Width inclusive of 9.0 m. service roads on both sides
3Major Dist. Road24.0No Service road is required.
4Other Dist. Road18.0No Service road is is required.
5Village Road15.0No Service road is required.



1) If the width of any existing road is more than what is specified in the above table, then the greater width shall prevail.


2) If the service roads are provided beyond the right of way with permission granted earlier, then such service roads may be continued further in adjoining land.


3) The above widths of roads may vary according to guidelines or circulars issued by the respective department.


This provision shall be applicable to Area Development Authorities/Metropolitan Region Development Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/New Town Development Authorities and Regional Plan Areas.


Rule No. 3.3.9 Access Provisions for Special Buildings in Regulation No.1.3(93)(xiv)

For notable buildings, as mentioned in 93(xiv) under Regulation No.1.3, the following additional provisions of means of access shall be ensured;


(a)  The width of the main street on which the plot abuts shall not be less than 12.0 m. in a congested area and shall not be less than 9.0 m. in a congested area, and one end of this street shall join another street of width not less than at least 9.0 m. (1) in congested areas and 12.0 m. in non-congested areas.


(b)  The marginal distances on all its sides shall be a minimum of 6.0 m., and the layout for the same shall be approved taking into consideration the requirements of fire services, and the margins shall be of a hard surface capable of taking the weight of fire engine, weighing up to 45 tonnes. The said marginal distances shall be kept free of obstructions and shall be motorable.


(c)  Main entrances to the plot shall be of adequate width to allow easy access to the fire engine, and in no case shall it measure less than 6.0 m. The entrance gate shall fold back against the compound wall of the premises, thus leaving the exterior accessway within the plot free for movement of fire engine/fire service vehicles. If the main entrance at the boundary wall is built over, the minimum clearance (headroom) shall be 4.5 m.


Rule No. 3.3. 10 Cul-de-sacs


In addition to the provisions of Regulation No.3.3.2, Cul-de-sacs give access to plots and extend up to 150 m. normally and 275 m. maximum with an additional turning space at 150 m. may be allowed only in residential areas, provided that Cul-de-sacs would be permissible only on straight roads and provided further that cul-de-sac ends shall be higher in level than the level of starting point. The turning space, in any case, shall not be less than 81 sq.m. in an area with no dimension of less than 9.0 m.


Rule No. 3.3.11  Handing Over of Layout Roads


Whenever called upon by the Authority to do so, areas under internal layout roads shall be handed over to the Planning Authority by way of deed after development of the same, within such period as may be specified in commencement letter/development permission, for which no compensation shall be paid by the Planning Authority.


Rule No. 3.3.12  Intersection of Roads


At junctions of roads meeting at right angles, the rounding off at the intersection shall be done with the tangent length from the point of intersection to the curve being half the road width across the direction of tangent, as shown in Fig.3A. The building shall also set back at required marginal distance from this rounding off.



Fig.3A - Rounding off at junctions of right-angled intersections



Fig.3B - Rounding off at junctions at acute/obtuse intersections.



Rule No. 3.3.13  Acute Angled Junctions


For junctions of roads meeting at less than 60 degrees, the rounding off or cut-off or similar treatment shall have a tangent length of U and V from the intersection point, as shown in Fig.3B. The tangent length at obtuse angle junction shall be equal to half the width of the road from which the vehicle enters as shown in Fig.3B. Provided, however, that the radius for the junction rounding shall not be less than 6 m. for both types.


Rule No. 3.3.14  Land-locked Plot


In case of a plot surrounded on all sides by other plots or reservations, if any, i.e., a land-locked plot that has no access to any street or road, the Authority may require access through an adjoining plot or plots and shall, as far as possible be nearest to the street or road, to the landlocked plot, at the cost of the owner of the land-locked plot & such other conditions as the Authority may specify. If the Plot is landlocked by any reservation, then access may be made available by adjusting the reservation within owners’ land without reduction in area. Such land-locked plots, up to 100 m. shall be considered as fronting on the main road from which the access of a minimum of 9.0 m. width is made available.


Rule No. 3.3.15 Approach by underpass or Over Bridge for adjoining properties.


In case adjoining properties of an owner or different owner are separated by road, river, nallah etc., then the Authority may allow the owner to construct an underpass or over bridge or foot over a bridge of the required size at his cost so as to ease the movement of people/vehicle across the properties.


Rule No. 3.6 Provision for Electric Sub-Station


In case of development/re-development of any land, building, or premises mentioned below, provision for an electric sub-station shall be made as under, if the requirement for the same is considered necessary by the concerned power supply authority.


Sr. No.Plot AreaMaximum requirements
1Plot above 2000 Sq.m.Of 5.0 m. x 5.0 m. and height of not more than 5.0 m.
2Layout or sub-division of a plot measuring 2.0 ha. or more.A suitable site for an electric sub-station as required by the Power Supply Company


Provided that the sub-station is constructed in such a manner that it is away from the main building at a distance of at least 3.0 m. and in general does not affect the required side marginal distances or prescribed width of internal access or recreational open space.


Rule No. 3.9 Net Plot Area and Computation Of FSI

For the purpose of computing FSI/Built-up area, the net area of the plot shall be as follows:-


i)  In case of a plotted layout/sub-division/group housing scheme/any development, the net area shall be the balance plot area after deducting the area covered by amenity space under Regulation No.3.5 and Development/Regional Plan proposals, including new roads and road widening, if any, from the total area of the plot.


ii)  For the purpose of computation of FSI / built-up area, the net area of the plot shall only be considered.


iii)  In case of plotted layout, the basic FSI of such net area shall be distributed on all plots on a pro-rata basis or on specific plots as the land owner desires, subject to maximum receiving potential prescribed in these regulations. However, such entitlement of FSI on certain plots shall be clearly mentioned on the layout plan.


iv)  In the case of plots from already approved layouts, the plot area shall be treated as a net plot area.


v)  The above regulations in respect of net plot area and computation of FSI shall apply to proposals in all land use zones.


Rule No. 3.12 Amalgamation Of Plots


i)  Amalgamation of plots/lands shall be permissible if they form a sizable plot from a planning point of view and are contiguous. The amenities and layout plot shall also be entitled to amalgamation, provided the amenities are developed in a proportionate area.


ii)  The amalgamation of plots from the approved layout, which is not desirable from a planning point of view (e.g., as shown in below), shall not be permitted.



iii)  Land separated by a minor watercourse or nallah or road may be entitled to amalgamation provided connecting over a bridge or underpass of sufficient width, and strength is constructed by the owner with the approval of the Authority.


Rule No. 3.13 Development of Cycle Track Along River and Nallah




A regulation with respect of the development of cycle track along the river and nallah for the Nashik Municipal Corporation area is given in Regulation No.10.5.2.




For other Municipal Corporations, the following regulations shall be applicable.

A cycle track shall be developed along the rivers in green belt areas earmarked in the Development Plan. Also, cycle tracks are developed along the major nallah.


A distance of 6.0 m. from the edge of the minor water course (nallah) is to be left as the marginal distance for the construction of any building. A 3.0 m. a strip of land from the edge of such water course out of this 6.0 m. distance to be left shall be available for use as a cycle track for the general public. The compound wall shall be constructed excluding this distance of 3 m. strip for a cycle track. The owner shall be entitled to FSI of this strip of land for the cycle track, in situ. This 3.0 m. wide strip shall be handed over to the Municipal Corporation, for which, the owner shall be entitled to TDR or in-situ FSI equivalent to 35% of the area of 3.0 m. wide strip. This regulation shall be applicable for the development of land along Nallahs and Green Belt areas as and when it is notified by the Municipal Commissioner after identifying such Green Belt and Nallahs. Where development has already taken place and it is impossible to make provision for such 3.0 m. wide cycle track, then the Municipal Commissioner shall not identify such green belts/Nallahs.


Related Regulations to Rule No. 3 - 


You can visit our other blogs related to Regulations 3 through the below-mentioned links:


Recreational Open Spaces in UDCPR 2020


Provision for Amenity Space in UDCPR 2020


Minimum Plot Area for Various Uses in UDCPR 2020


Provision for Inclusive Housing in UDCPR 2020


Relocation of D.P Reservations (Except Road) UDCPR 2020


Rules for Railway Line, River, Electric Line, Airport, Nallah in UDCPR 2020