Calculation of FSI Pline and its exemption in UDCPR 2020

Mar 08, 2024

For the construction of any building, there is a restriction of floor space to be used. It is called as FSI (Floor space Index). Also, we have to provide distance from the plot boundary which is called as marginal distance or setbacks.


UDCPR 2020 Chapter 6 is all about Regulations for FSI & Marginal distance.


This is Applicable to all Planning Authorities and Regional Plan Areas except Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Other Planning Authorities/Special Planning Authorities/ Development Authorities within the limit of Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, MIDC, NAINA, Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust, Hill Station Municipal Councils, Eco-sensitive/Eco-fragile region notified by MoEF & CC and Lonavala Municipal Council, in Maharashtra.




Outer periphery of the construction floor-wise (P-line), including everything but excluding ducts, voids, and items in Regulation No. 6.8, shall be calculated for the purpose of computation of FSI. The open balcony, double-height terraces, and cupboard shall also be included in the P-line of the respective floor, irrespective of its use/function. If part of the stilt, podium or basement is proposed for habitation purposes or for the construction which is counted in FSI, then such construction shall also be measured in P-line in that respective floor.




i)  Exclusion of Structures/Projections for FSI Calculation Structures/Projections/features/ ornamental projection of glass façade permitted in marginal open spaces as mentioned in Regulation No.6.7


(a) Projections into Marginal Open Spaces :- Every open space provided, either interior or exterior, shall be kept free from any erection thereon and shall be open to the sky, and no cornice, chajja, roof, or weather shade more than 0.75 m. wide shall overhang or project over the said marginal open spaces so as to reduce the width to less than the minimum required. However, sloping / horizontal chajja provided over the balcony/gallery, etc., may be permitted up to balcony projections at a horizontal level.


(c) Ledge for Air conditioning unit as specified in Regulation No.9.5 - LEDGE OR TAND / LOFT


9.5.1 Location and Extent


Ledge or Tand may be provided at suitable places as per requirement. Lofts may be provided over kitchens, habitable rooms, bathrooms, water closets, and corridors within a tenement in residential buildings, over shops, and in an industrial buildings, as mentioned in below Table No.9-B subject to the following restrictions –


i)  The clear head room under the Loft shall not be less than 2.1 m.


ii)  Loft in commercial areas and industrial buildings shall be located 2.0 m. away from the entrance.


iii)  Loft shall not interfere with the ventilation of the room under any circumstances.


iv)  The maximum height of the loft shall be 1.5m.


Table No.9-B - Provision of Loft
Sr. No.Rooms over which PermittedMaximum Coverage (Percentage to area or room below)
1Kitchen/Habitable Room25
2Bathroom, Water Closet, Corridor100
3Shops with widths up to 3.0 m.33
4Shops with a width exceeding 3.0 m.50


9.5.2 Location and extent of Ledge for Air Conditioning unit


Ledge for the Air Conditioning unit may be provided on the exterior of wall of the rooms of size not exceeding 0.5 m. x 1.0 m. at the suitable location.


(d) A canopy or porch not exceeding 5 m. in length and 2.5 m. in width in the form of a cantilever and unenclosed over the main and subsidiary entrances, providing a minimum clear height of 2.4 m. below the beam bottom of the canopy. The canopy shall not have access from the upper floors (above floors), for use as a sitting out place. There shall be a minimum clearance of 1.5 m. between the plot boundaries and canopy.


Provided that more than one canopy may be permitted in the case of special buildings as per requirement.


(e) A projection of a maximum of 30 cm. on the rooftop terrace level may be allowed throughout the periphery of the building. In the case of pitched roof projection, a maximum of 45 cm at rooftop level throughout the periphery of the building shall be allowed.


(f)(iii) Underground Suction tanks, soak pits, wet and dry garbage separately with collection chambers, space required for fire hydrants, electrical and water-fittings, underground water tanks, dustbins etc.


(g)  Ramp for basement in side and rear marginal distances subject to provisions under Regulation No.9.12.


(j) Architectural projections - Architectural projections as specified in Regulations No.9.30.


(k) Construction of ottas, railings, barricades, or supporting columns for canopy or porch shall not be permitted within the minimum required front marginal distances. However, steps or steps along with otta may be permitted to project upto 1.2 m. from the building line.


ii)  Stilt/Multi-storeyed floors/podium/basement, if used (2) exclusively for parking including passages (2) and staircase, Lift Duct/Lobby therein and basement used for users mentioned in Regulation No.9.11.1(i) to (iii).


iii)  Areas covered by Porches, Canopies, lofts, ledge or tand, shelves, Air Conditioning Plant Rooms, Lift Well, Lift-Machine Room, and Service Floor of height not exceeding 1.8 m. height or as permissible as per Regulation No.9.33 below the beam, for hospitals, shopping malls, plazas, and Star category hotels (rating with three stars and above) and like buildings, other buildings above 15.0 m. in height.


iv)  Area of structures for water, grey water, wet-waste or an effluent treatment plant, rainwater harvesting Pump rooms, electric cabin of sub-stations/of generator set area, electric meter rooms as per requirements, Refuge chutes/garbage chutes/garbage shafts for wet and dry garbage separately with collection chambers.


v)  Rockery, Well and well structures, Plant Nursery, Water Pool, platform around a tree, Fountain, bench, Chabutara with open top and unenclosed sides, Ramps, Compound wall, Gate, slide/swing, Steps outside the buildings, Domestic working place (open to sky), Overhead water tank on top of the building, Refuge area for high rise buildings as specified in Regulation No.9.29.6


vi)  Telecommunication tower, antenna, and allied activities.


vii)  Atrium may be allowed in any type of building. Such an atrium may be allowed to be enclosed on top by a transparent or opaque sheet.


viii)  Open to sky terraces, top of the podium, open to the sky swimming pool on the top terrace and top of the podium with plant room.


ix)  Structures permissible in recreational open space as per Regulation No.3.4.7 - Structures permitted in Open Space


If required, structure and uses that can be permitted without counting in FSI in the recreational open spaces shall be as under :-


i) There may be a maximum two-storeyed structure with a maximum 15% built-up area of recreational open space, out of which, the built-up area on the ground floor shall not exceed 10%. In case of stilt, additional floors may be allowed.


ii)  The structures used for the purpose of the pavilion, gymnasia, fitness center, clubhouse, vipashyana, and yoga center, crèche, kindergarten, library, or other structures for the purpose of sports and recreational activity (indoor or outdoor stadiums, etc., as per availability of area) may be permitted. Utilities such as water tanks (underground or elevated), electric substations, generator sets, pump houses, garbage treatment, and public health outposts/centers may be permitted only with the consent of the society of residents. Religious structure may be allowed with the permission of competent Authority as decided by the Government from time to time.


iii)  No detached toilet block shall be permitted.


iv)  A swimming pool may also be permitted in such a recreational open space. The ownership of such structures and other appurtenant users shall vest in all the owners on account of whose cumulative holdings the recreational open space is required to be kept in the land.


v)  The proposal for the construction of such structure should come as a proposal from the owner/s, owners’ society/societies, or federation of owners’ societies and shall be meant for the beneficial use of the owners/ members of such society/societies/federation of societies.


vi)  The remaining area of the recreational open space shall be kept open to the sky and properly accessible to all members as a place of recreation, garden, or a playground.


vii)  The owners’ society/societies, the federation of the owners’ societies shall submit to the Authority, a registered undertaking agreeing to the conditions in (v) & (vi) above while obtaining permission for the above said construction.


Related Regulations to Rule No.6 - 


You can visit our other blogs on regulations through the below-mentioned links:


What are the Regulations for Height of Building in UDCPR 2020


What are the Projections allowed in Front and Side Margin as per UDCPR 2020?


Industrial Building Regulations of FSI, Marginal Distances and Plot Area in UDCPR 2020


Regulations for Permissible FSI in Non Congested Area In Maharashtra in UDCPR 2020


What are the Setback, Marginal, Distance, Height in Non Congested Area in Maharashtra in UDCPR 2020


What are the Setback, Marginal, Distance, Height, and Permissible FSI in Gaothan or Congested Area in Maharashtra in UDCPR 2020