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Gunthewari Yojana


As you may already know, in Maharashtra state, gunthewari is a traditional method used to measure land. Eventually, the Gunthewari Regulation Act was enacted by the Maharashtra state government in August 2001. In the same vein, they were given the benefit of Gunthewari Yojana before 01 January 2001. Whereas,  on 7th January 2020, the Maharashtra cabinet gives approval for regularization lakhs of gunthewari constructions. To sum up, this decision of state government taken to regularize the gunthewari schemes in the state till 31st December 2021. 


Gunthewari for various types


You can do the gunthewari for various types. For instance, gunthewari can be done for the open land, building and flats.


Can I do Gunthewari now?


As of dated, 7th January 2021,  Gunthewari yet not started. Consequently,  Maharashtra cabinet gives approval for the same. And will start it sooner.


Charges for Gunthewari


The regularization of gunthewari development is subject to the prior  payment of compounding fee and development charges may be determined by the state government from time to time.. That is to say, the charges for gunthewari is yet not declared. 


List of Documents for  Required for Gunthewari


The following documents are required for Gunthewari  to submit along with the application as follows


  1. 7/12 Extract
  2. Mojani.
  3. Existing layout plan.
  4. Rectification plan
  5. An undertaking by the applicant to rectify compoundable infringements
  6. Building Plan as per site condition
  7. Other Land Ownership Documents
  8. Demand draft, drawn on any 


Process involved in Gunthewari


With help of license Engineer of liaisoning architect the concerned plot holder shall apply for regularization of gunthewari development . however, the file with all the necessary documents is to be submitted to the local planning authority. After that, the planning authority shall scrutinize the case for fulfillment of the stipulated requirements  and thereafter issue a certificate of regularization.


Benefits of Gunthewari development


Well, gunthewari developments are unlawful and there is an obvious need to curb such development, at the same time. Whereas, its not desirable to demolish on a mass scale of the old and long existing constructions  made on gunthewari plots. The followings are the benefits of regularizing the gunthewari yojana as follows-

  1. The prime and very important benefit of regularizing the gunthewari schemes is, whatever illegal you have bult I becomes legal
  2. It  increases the valuation of property.
  3. If you are regularizing the open plot then it also increases the FSI of the plot.


Sample Gunthewari certificate


Below is the Sample  format of Gunthewari  certificate-



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Blog 1
Construction budget


Construction in India involves a multitude of different factors. These factors involve the purchase of land, design procedures, permissions, construction, and post-construction operations and maintenance. For any construction project to be successful, the most important aspect is it’s finance. Project/ Construction budgeting is an essential element of a construction project and it’s management. 


What is the construction budget?

A construction budget is an estimate of overall costs incurred during the construction of a building. A construction budget involves every cost essential for the completion of a project. The construction budget is the allocation of resources majorly money with other resources such as Man, materials, machinery, and time required for the completion of a project in a specified time. 


Why is construction budgeting important?

A budget provides a glimpse of a project’s viability, sustenance and it’s success. Analyzing finances before the start of a project gives an upper hand in terms of overall financial planning, and decision-making regarding the quality and quantity of the project. Here are a few reasons why construction budgeting is important: 


  • Financial budgeting: Budget creation allows an individual to plan expenses across the timeline of a project and allocate funds accordingly. It helps in setting realistic goals and keeping track of expenses. 
  • Control over cost: As the budget is decided minutely, one can have control over expenses. One can prevent unnecessary expenses, make informed decisions, and hold onto cost-saving opportunities. 
  • Prioritising needs and wants: Budgeting will help allocate funds according to priority to the most essential. It helps in understanding the need for certain expenses and getting rid of unnecessary wants according to the budget. 
  • Avoiding pitfalls: A project spans for longer than a year and there can be certain surprises and expenditures during the construction. A well-planned budget helps to avoid such unexpected costs. It helps to plan the cost of contingencies that may arise during construction.




Steps to create a construction budget

  • Project Research: The first step is to analyse the project goals and requirements. Evaluate the project feasibility by checking site conditions, zoning, permit requirements, location, and availability of construction materials. 


  • Project Scope: Meet with engineers and architects to determine the scope and design options for the project. Create a detailed list of materials that will be needed. Reach out to contractors and suppliers to check with material costs and supply timeline. 


  • Pre-construction and documentation: Before initiation of construction, 
  • Meet all the stakeholders to discuss the project, material list, and cost overheads.
  • Document these and create an intensive list of items, their costs, supply timelines construction timelines to avoid overruns, and reduce risks during construction. 
  • Make use of technology by having templates made by project management professionals for the creation of a construction budget. 


  • Construction and close-out: Keep track of the budget during the construction phase. Monitor actual costs against projected costs. Identify any issues and change any deviation according to budget or schedule. Keep track of deliverables from contractors and suppliers to make timely payments and have a closure to the project. IMG_9668.HEIC

How to do construction budgeting?

There are different approaches to the process of budget making. 


  • Bottom-up/ Unit cost estimation:  In this method of estimation, the work is divided into small work heads. A unit price is established for each piece. The unit price is then multiplied by the required quantity to find the cost of that head. This method provides the most accurate results of projected construction costs. 
    For example, the cost to build a brick wall can be accurately determined by finding the number of bricks required and estimating all costs related to delivering, storing, staging, cutting, installing, and cleaning the brick along with related units of accessories such as reinforcing ties, weep-holes, flashings. 


  • Top-down/ Assembly estimation: In this method of estimation, the cost is calculated based on the previous project cost which is similar in nature of construction. 
    For example, if there is a residential project with piles footing to be done, the cost is estimated by referring to the construction cost of earlier completed similar projects for that head. Usually, this is not much reliable due to different factors like a timeline of both projects, fluctuating material costs, labour cost. 


  • Parametric estimation: This method of estimation uses historical data to calculate the resources needed. This method uses more project data of similar building types to estimate the construction cost along with specifications of materials with their costs. This estimating method requires the assumption of an approximate gross area for the proposed work and a sufficient historical record of similar building types.


  • Square foot estimation: In this method of estimation, the cost of the overall project is calculated based on the square feet area of the project built-up. The estimation requires data from previous similar construction types with proper and sufficient knowledge as well as experience of the construction field. 



Factors to consider for construction budgeting

  • Property: One of the most important factors is the property. The rate of property varies based on it’s location, project scope, and vicinity. The land value is not just the value of property but also includes the cost of acquisition if there’s any. The property cost is a capital cost that is one-time investment. To calculate the overall budget of the project, the projection of this capital cost plays a very important role.


  • Fees and services: A construction project requires a wide range of professional consultations and services. Depending on the scope, size, and requirement, one may be required to hire professionals including architects, engineer, landscape architect, Mechanical Electrical Plumbing consultant, surveyor, project manager, interior designer and many other consultants. Hiring professionals will incur service costs that are to be taken into account while working on the budget.
    With service costs, there are also fees that includes registration fees, building permission fees, occupancy certificate fees, No objection certificates, and other government service fees. 
    It is important to get highly detailed construction drawings for accurate estimation. Depending on the scale of project, the service fees to service provider may increase, and also other government costs may increase as well.IMG_7157.heic


  • Design: The cost of project depend on it’s design, soil conditions and use. Based on the design of project, the cost can vary. Like larger span between columns may give you bigger spaces but the steel design becomes heavy. So, finding balance between design and technicality is important. 
    For example, with extended cantilevers, the steel and concrete design will increase leading to increase in construction cost. 
    Also, based on soil conditions, type of foundation will be decided which will further affect the cost of construction. 


  • Material: Material accounts for one of the most significant parts of the construction budget. The material required for the construction varies as per the stage of construction. The list of materials is extensive some heads common for most construction projects and with some heads that are project-specific based on design requirements. 
    The cost of a few materials is fixed while some materials have fluctuating costs based on market value, it is important to study the trends of that specific material and calculate the average cost for such materials. 
    Sourcing materials from reputable suppliers ensures quality construction and longevity of the project. Also, the procurement cost of materials depends on the accessibility of location. 
    Make a intensive list of all the materials from site preparation to beautification of the project including foundation, structural costs, interior finishes and fixtures, external works, and landscaping. 




  • Labour: Any construction project to be completed, labour is a fundamental aspect. Hire contractors, sub-contractors, labour according to the requirement on site. One of the most challenging aspect of cost estimation is calculating construction labour costs. When calculating labour budget, keep in mind the true cost of human resources, including:
  • Hourly wages both for employees and subcontractors
  • Workers’ compensation costs and payroll expenses for employees
  • Non-productive time and re-work, though these costs can also fall under a contingency budget


RCC contractors charge 10% of the project cost, electrical contractors charge based on square feet area of project, plumbing contractors charge based on number of toilets, Landscape contractors charge based on cost of plants/trees, structural consultant charge between INR 3 to INR 10 per square feet of slab area.


  • Equipment and Tools: There are two ways this cost can be calculated. One if the contractor provides equipment and tools, the cost will be considered accordingly whereas if you plan to purchase equipment then the cost of equipment and tools have to be calculated separately. For large-scale projects, heavy equipment can be rented, and rental costs based on location and time should be calculated. 
    There could be operating costs, and fuel costs for certain equipment which should be taken into account. 


  • Management & Technology: Construction projects require people who can manage the project technically. These members require their own equipment and supplies to perform their jobs. Salaries, office rent, and utilities have to be included in the construction budget. Security staff, safety supplies, and all other support roles and materials are also part of project management costs.
    There are new technologies for project management and construction. Many companies today use project management, accounting and scheduling software. These soft costs aren’t directly related to physical construction, but they are critical expenses you incur to get the job done.


  • Utilities & Taxes: As per the scale of the project, utilities have been installed on the project site like water, electricity, sewage, and gas. These utilities have their permit and service fees that must be factored into the overall construction budget.
    The construction project will be subjected to local and state level taxes. Tax rates depend on the scope and type of construction, with larger construction investments subject to more tax. Be sure to work with a certified professional accountant who is experienced in construction finance to ensure you’re properly accounting for all taxes.


  • Contingency: Even after accurate and technical planning of the budget, there will be surprises and unexpected scenarios during construction. It’s crucial to include a contingency budget in the overall construction budget. A contingency budget is funding set aside to pay for unexpected expenses that arise once the project gets started. A contingency fund isn’t allocated to any particular category of costs. 
    A contingency budget is usually between 5% and 10% of the project’s total budget.


  • Insurance and bonds: Construction projects legally required to carry insurance. There might also be a deposit or bond required as a show of faith that your company is going to follow through and ensure all subcontractors, tradespeople, and suppliers are paid. This is especially true if working on a governmental project.


Things to avoid when planning the construction budget

  • Inaccurate estimates: While planning the construction budget, estimates are to be planned according to current market prices. It is important to study the market cost and have accurate costings. 
  • Poor quality: While estimating, usually one tends to look for the cheapest option.  But one needs to be careful of the quality of the material. 
  • Miscommunication: During the process of making the budget and after, communication plays an important role. The contractors, labour, managers, and suppliers must be in the communication loop for the timely and successful completion of the project. 
  • Delays: Even after making an accurate construction budget, the cost of a project can go haywire if there are project delays. Natural delays are beyond our control but one must avoid delays due to decision-making, procurement delays. 


The construction cost per square foot in India in 2024 is influenced by a multitude of expenses ranging from land acquisition and design fees to material costs, labor expenses, structural elements, interior finishes, and external works. It is important to understand the detailed list of expenses that are involved in construction. Careful planning, budgeting, and managing expenses can ensure the successful completion of their project with their decided budget constraints.


It’s not just about creating a budget; it’s about following it, reviewing it regularly, and amending it when necessary. After all, a comprehensive construction budget is dynamic and must serve as an active financial management tool throughout the span of your project!

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Blog 1
Title and Search Report


Know More About Title and Search Report


 A title and search report of property is a certificate or search report of the property that states whether the land have any debt or any financial liability or any sort of burden. A title search report (Also known as a Land search report) is very important in many cases such as to check the legal ownership and incase of disputed land.


What is Title and Search Report?


The title and search report of the property is a certificate stating the ownership of the land. This can be obtained from the advocate of the owner of the property and one can have his advocate inspect the report to find and make sure the title of the property.


Who conducts a Title Search and Issues a Report?         


It is obtained from the advocate. First, the essential documents such as Ferfar (Transfer of deed), and 7/12 certificate are collected. Then he checks the history from the document like the Loan history of the land, dispute of the land, etc. If the title and search report are required for 30 years then the 30-year-old records of Ferfarare generated. Generally, Search Reports and Title certificates for 13 years and 30 years are considered. Then the advocate gives the Title deed based on the available data.


When Title search report of the property is required?


In the process of buying and selling property; one who is buying the property asks for the title search report of the property and only after that decides to buy the property. The Title clear land is very important. It is also important in changing the ownership of the property for ex. handing the ownership from husband to wife, Father to son, etc.  These records are kept in ‘ferfar’ means transfer of deed. A title clear report is important in the land registry, Building permission sanctions, when you need the bank loan, and also during RERA registration of projects.


What are the document requirements for this service?


Mainly there are two documents required to obtain the Search and Title report – the 7/12 certificate (7/12 Extract) and Ferfar (Transfer of deed certificate)

  • Ferfar (Mutation entries) is for checking the ownership transfer history.
  • 7/12 Certificate shows the information about lands such as survey number, area, and many more.

With this minimum list of certificates, you can obtain a search and title report from a registered advocate.


Step by step Process for procuring search report –

  1. Obtain the Ferfar certificate from the government revenue department.
  2. Obtain the 7/12 for the number of years you want (the certificate for 7/12 can be generated online and also obtained from the Talathi office after application).
  3. Then advocate studies the documents and drafts a detailed document about the land. For example change of ownership of the land, adjoining land on east, west north, and south (road, plot, etc). It is also records loan history of the bank, if it is clear of all debts or not. If the loan is not clear then it is also recorded.
  4. After that, the advocate takes the sign and stamp of the concerned authority and registers the Title and Search Report. Then advocates issue the final land search report.

Title search reports various requirement              

In the case of buying and selling of the property, the buyer may ask for the deed title and then the seller has to provide the certificate title search to the buyer. It is equally important in other aspects such as bank loans, Rera registration, etc. When someone applies for a bank loan the bank asks for a title search report for 30 years. It is also important to obtain the building permission. For the building permission, the property title report is required for 30 and 50 years. It changes from corporation to corporation. The clean title search helps the buyer to make the further decision.  The search report of the property is equally important in the transfer of ownership land registry.


Time Required for the Process of Getting Title Search Report 


The time required for getting 7/12 and the transfer of deed means the certificate is 2 to 4 days. And to create a report it takes 2 to 5 days for the advocate. So in total to obtain a Deed of Title is the process of one week.


Consultant fees to get title search report


It varies from the area of the plot to and location of the plot. It starts from Rs 4000 and can go up to 40,000. As the work is private so cost varies according to the quality of the work. Also, the title search report cost in Pune varies for different service providers.


What all services do advocates can offer in land and construction?


Advocate deed, gift deed, deed of transfer of ownership, etc Advocates in Pune can help you with services like building stay orders, complaints against stay orders, compliance of any legal document related to land ownership, and having a big role in land deals & construction-related services. Sale deed, transfer deed, conveyance.


Title and Search Report Consultant 


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If you live in Pune and around Pune then Foot2Feet is best for the Title search report. At Foot2Feet you can get all the information about Title Search Online.


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Blog 1
Pune Corporation Parking Rules For Car, Scooter, Cycle, etc


Parking standards, parking dimensions, parking size –


Parking spaces


 Wherever a property is to be developed or redeveloped, parking spaces at the scale laid down in these shall be provided. When additions are made to an existing building, the new parking requirements shall be reckoned with reference to the additional space only and not to the whole of building, but this concession shall not apply where the use is changed. The provisions for parking of vehicles shall be as given in Table No. 1



General parking space requirements


(a) Types of parking: The parking spaces mentioned below include parking spaces in basements or on a floor supported by stilts, podium or on upper floors, covered or uncovered spaces in the plot and / or lock up garages. The height of the stilt shall generally be allowed up to 3 m. and shall not be less than 2.5 m. from bottom of beam. More height may be allowed in case of shopping mall, hotels etc. as per requirements.


(b) Size of parking space – The minimum sizes of parking spaces to be provided shall be as shown below in Table. No 2.



Bus Parking Dimensions, Bike Parking Dimensions, Standard Car Parking Dimensions



Parking Size – Table No 2


Type of VehicleArea of parking space
Motor vehicle2.5 m X 5 m
Scooter, Motor Cycle.1.0 m. x 2.0 m.
Bicycle0.50 m x 1.4 m.
Transport vehicle3.75 m. X 7.5 m.

Note – In the case of parking spaces for motor vehicle, up to 50 % of the prescribed space may be of the size of 2.3 m. X 4.5 m.

(c) Marking of parking spaces: Parking space shall be paved and clearly marked for different types of vehicles.


(d)  Maneuvering and  other ancillary spaces: Off street parking space must have adequate vehicular access to a street and the area shall be exclusive, aisles and such other provisions required for adequate maneuvering of vehicle.


(e) Ramps for Basement parking: Ramps for parking in basement should conform to the requirement of Regulation no. 18

Occupancy CarScooterCycle
1. Residential150 sq.m.& above322
i) Multi-family residential80 – 150 sq.m.222
  two units242
  40 – 80 sq.m.   
 two units144
  0 sq.m – 40 sq.m.   
ii) Lodging tourist homes, hotels with lodging accommodation.5 guest rooms344
iii) Restaurants grade 1,2,3For 50 sqm284
 carpet area   
iv) 4 star / 5 star hotels5 guest rooms364
2. Institutional (Hospital, Medical Institutions)For 10 beds.31210
b) MultiplexFor 40 seats6164
d) Community hall and club house in layout open spaceFor 100 sq.m. area142
3. Educational100 sq.m admin area244
a) Schools and the administrative as well as public service areas thereinFor 3 class rooms2 bus1060
b) College and administrative as well as public service area therein.100 sq.m admin area22010
  For 3 class rooms29030
c) Coaching Classes / Tution Classes/ Hobby ClassesFor 20 students1510
4. Government or semi public or private business buildings.For 100sq. m.3154
a) Mercantile (markets, department al stores, shops and other Commercials users)
including wholesale markets
For 100sq. m393
b) Whole sale shopFor 100sq. m242
c) Hazardous buildingFor 100sq.m.144
d) Office and I.T. BuildingFor 200sq. m.5124
5. IndustrialFor 300sq. m.4124
6. Storage (any type)For 300sq. m.148


 Two-wheeler Parking Rules in Society


Notes below table:-


1) For plots up to 100 sq. m. as in the case of shops, row houses parking space need not be insisted.


2) Fraction of parking unit need not be provided. However, in case where proportional number of vehicles is less than 1 (i.e. fraction) it will be rounded to the next full number.


3) In case of independent single family residential bungalows having plot area upto 300 sq. m., parking space need not be insisted separately.


4) In case parking as per above norms is not feasible due to site conditions, Mechanical /Hydraulic Parking shall be permissible at different level subject to satisfaction of all technical norms as per site conditions.


5) Independent building proposed only for parking may be permitted within the same premises but only after leaving the required marginal distance.


Parking Standards –


i) Off street parking space shall be provided with adequate vehicular access to a street, and the area of drives, aisles and such other provisions required for adequate manoeuvring of vehicle shall be exclusive of the parking space stipulated in these regulations.


ii)  To meet  the  parking requirements  as  per  these  regulations,  common  parking area  for  group  of buildings,  open  or multi-storeyed,  may be allowed in the same premises.


iii) In addition to the parking spaces provided for building of Mercantile (Commercial) like office, market, departmental store, shopping mall and building of industrial and storage, loading and unloading spaces shall be provided at the rate of one space for each 1000 sq.m. of floor area or fraction thereof exceeding the first 200 sq. m. of floor area, shall be provided. The space shall not be less than 3.75 m. x 7.5 m.


iv) The space to be left out for parking as given in this Regulation shall be in addition to the marginal distances left out for lighting and ventilation purposes. However, those spaces may be used for parking provided minimum distance of 3 m. (6.0 m. in case of special building) around the buildings is kept free of any parking or loading and unloading spaces. Such parking area may be allowed to cover on top by sheet roofing so as not to infringe the marginal distances to be kept open.


v) In case of parking spaces provided in basements, at least two separate ramps of adequate width and slope for entry and exit at opposite ends or one ramp with 6.0m. meter width shall be provided (as per Regulation No. 18.11) where parking of motor vehicles is envisaged.


vi) Mechanical/Hydraulic parking may be allowed over and above required parking

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